Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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I would provide lists of those murdered by your fellow ISA RESPECTORS sherri------but ------I simply cannot type out hundreds of millions of names you got the list of those murdered by your fellow isa respectors JUST FOR TODAY?

Must you really keep on with spewing all that disrespect for Jesus and Christianity?

I am not spewing hate against Moses or any of the Old Testament Prophets.

I am not attacking Judaism or anyone's religion, either.

i have never heard those zionist rationalisations about gaza before

it takes my breath away, it really does

it's not that you are lying

it's just the lengths you and zios will go to to deny that you have done anything wrong, ever

this is what israel's leading expert on the 1948 exodus, Benny Morris writes about the ethnic cleansing of Majdal, now Ashkelon:

The Transfer of Al Majdal's Remaining Arabs to Gaza, 1950

Morris examined previously unpublished reports and memorandums pertaining to the transfer of Majdals Arabs to Gaza in 1950. The reports/memorandums were mostly in the Israel State Archive, Foreign Ministry (=ISA, FM) and the Labour Archives (Histadrut), Lavon Institute, Tel Aviv (=LA).

(p. 337–338): "At the beginning of September, Major V. H. Loriaux, a UN truce-observer and sometime acting chairman of the Israel–Egypt MAC (=Mixed Armistice Commission), interviewed some of the evacuees shortly after they reached the Gaza strip. He was told the Majdal Arabs, soon after being warned that they would shortly have to leave the town, were charged '1,650 Israeli pound for drinking water (it was free of charge previously)'. Loriaux was also told of 'delays'—before September—in the distribution of rations. The Arabs [...] had been penned in their ghetto, behind barbed wire and military checkpoints, and were rarely allowed out." (ISA-FM 2436/5bet.) Loriaux [...] complained that there had been cases were Arabs who had refused to move to Gaza being jailed. Israel denied this. (ISA FM 2436/5bet.)

Morris concludes: "Majdal officially became Ashkelon in 1956, after passing through some nominal stations—Migdal-Gad and Migdal-Ashkelon. The three-sided (Israel, Egypt and UN) debate over whether the Arab departure had been "voluntary" or "coerced" by then was something of an irrelevance. The UN calls for a return 1950 was never heeded and the Majdal transferees were fated to linger on, for decades, indefinitely, in Gaza's grim, grimy refugee camps. What is clear is that after a year and a half of bureaucratic foot-dragging, the IDF in 1950 wanted this last concentration of Arabs in the southern coastal plain to leave, and engineered their departure.. The Majdal Arabs' own uneasiness at life as a ghettoized minority, under military rule, hemmed in by barbed wire and a pass system, dependent on Israeli handouts, largely unemployed and destitute, cut of from their relatives in Gaza and from the Arab world in general, served as a preparatory background. [...] When these [methods] proved insufficient with the remaining hard-core Histadrut-protected inhabitants, the army availed itself, in September and early October, of cruder methods—shooting in the night, threatening behaviour by the soldiery, unpleasant early-hour-of-the-morning visitations, frequent summons, and occasional arrests. The use of these methods was hidden from the Israeli public and, probably, lacked Cabinet authorization. To sweeten the pill, the military government offered some fulsome carrots in the form of financial incentives [...] Until Israel's Defence Ministry and Cabinet records are opened, the exact decision-making processes behind the Majdal transfer will remain unclear."

1948 and After - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

now Benny thinks that ALL the arabs should have been cleansed from ALL of PALESTINE


So you acknowledge your story about the Arabs from Najaf and Majdal being being evacuated eight years after the war was false. Why do you feel the need to exaggerate and distort the facts? Don't you find what really happened to the Palestinian Arabs moving enough? Why do you feel the need to pretend innocent Arabs were shot on sight while trying to return to their homes when you have no idea if they were infiltrators out to do damage to the new Jewish state or not? The reason is that your purpose was to try to justify the rocket attacks coming out of Gaza while at the same time pretending to be disdainful of them and without exaggerations and distortions, the unadorned facts, while disturbing and moving just would not have been enough to accomplish your purpose.

So you were not just dishonest in some of the details, you were dishonest in your intent, you were dishonest in your purpose, you were dishonest in your heart.

the very military force the Israeli soldiers who occupied Majdal at the end of the war had just fought.

The village was occupied by Israeli forces on 5 November 1948, by which time most of the Arab population of 11,000 were forced to leave.

Ashkelon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So at the end of a bloody and bitter war, it is regrettable but not surprising that the Israeli soldiers stationed in Majdal distrusted and mistreated the few Arabs who remained. Had you been disposed to be honest about Morris, you would have mentioned that he harshly criticized Ben Gurion for not embracing a policy of ethnic cleansing during or after the war, and that Morris notes that where ethnic cleansing did place, it was at the initiative of local commanders and never endorsed by the leadership. In other words, terrible things happen in all wars, but ethnic cleansing was never the policy of the Israeli government either with respect to the Bedouins or the Arabs in 1948.

Zionists are a bunch of religious freaks and zealots who misenterperted the Bible. Jesus doesn't agree with them, and Jesus certainly doesn't like how they killed an innocent protestor.......................


Zionism is just Jewish nationalism, where Jewish sometimes means religion, sometimes means a cultural identification and sometimes means an historical identification with a community. It's no crazier than any other kind of nationalism. Some of the most ardent Zionists like Avigdor Lieberman, Israel's foreign minister, or Ariel Sharon, a former Prime Minister, are not religious at all, but see the Old Testament as a quasi historical document that traces some of the ancient history of the Jewish people and some of the cultural development of ancient Jews.

Do you really know enough about the circumstances in which this man was killed to have such strong opinions about the incident? In some of these protests large groups of people were throwing rocks and bottles at the soldiers and in a few cases, even molotov cocktails. What is it you believe this man was innocent of?
i would provide lists of those murdered by your fellow isa respectors sherri------but ------i simply cannot type out hundreds of millions of names you got the list of those murdered by your fellow isa respectors just for today?

must you really keep on with spewing all that disrespect for jesus and christianity?

I am not spewing hate against moses or any of the old testament prophets.

I am not attacking judaism or anyone's religion, either.
no but you are pissing us off with your endless lists and dead babies and repeatin the same stuff

over and over
and over and over
and over and over

just shut the fuck up
we got the point

and i am pro gaza so dont need preachin at
fuck knows what the rest think

you are enough to put anyone off gaza for life
the way you carry on here

and you never never never listen



[ame=]Hurricane Sandy Relief in NJ by ICNA / ICNA Relief / Young Muslims / WhyIslam - YouTube[/ame]
SonofS SonofSkywalker said:
who is arguing with you sherri ? I am simply watching you
dancing on the dead bodies of the hundreds of millions of children killed by your fellow isa respecters
I asked a simple question,
you got lists of those they murdered today? Did they do your
favorite OBSCENE MUTILATION THING that makes you dance
and ULULATE with joy? Ever meet a real gazan, sherri?
I have----lots
so I know the real story-----and I have also met
lots of victims of your fellow isa respecters ----did I ever tell
you that I have held smashed brain in the palm of my hand?

I even have family stories to tell you-----that involve your fellow
isa respectors ----and rape and murder-----the mother left dead--the two babies -----dead of exposure within hours.
What do you enjoy
most-----incidents? gore? numbers? places? slit throats?
rape and murder? heads lying in the dust? how about SIEGE and starvation----
did you know that siege and starvation is a method
employed by your fellow isa respecters that knocked off millions
at a time in dozens of different places ? A very interesting factoid is the siege and starvation method is being used
currently in one of the most classic societies of isa respecters
-----but now it is upon FELLOW isa respecters-----
there being no non isa respectors left in
that land Siege and starvation has been THE METHOD OF CHOICE over there for more than 1000 years.
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And the world just sits back and watches the carnage go on and on, in Gaza, and the Occupation of Palestine goes on and on, as well!

And we watch the claim of the right to Israeli self defense, a claim of a licence to kill with impunity!

And I read this, an interview with the mother and father of Mustafa Tamimi, he was a protester killed last December (an occupation soldier fired a tear gas canister at his face from a short distance), snd I see this faith in God that is so amazing! They speak of one loss after another, and they praise God as they recount each one.

"Mustafa’s mother, Ikhlas, had lost so much weight when I last saw her in the summer. She was already a slender woman to begin with, and the shawl that she wrapped herself in despite the summer heat did little to hide her tiny figure. A woman made old before her time, just like so many other Palestinian women who kept their suffering to themselves.
The illegal settlement of Halamish started directly opposite us, with its ugly red tiled rooftops looming up draining the sun of its own color. How are they still sane, this heartbroken couple who buried their firstborn, having to wake up to this eyesore, a symbol of the culture of impunity their son’s murderer enjoys and is glorified for?
“Thank God for everything.”

They talked to me about the last morning their son lived. “The day felt so peculiar, so strange,” AbdelRazzaq said. “As if somehow, in some way, he knew that this was his last day. He didn’t look like himself that morning. He asked his mother to iron his white shirt. He wore t-shirts to protests, not a formal shirt. He looked like a groom.” Ikhlas didn’t say anything. She told me she couldn’t say anything without breaking down in tears, and she didn’t want to put her husband through that again and again.
“Thank God for everything.”

Every occasion was a reason not to celebrate. The piles of cement bricks that had once littered the front lawn have long since been disposed of. Mustafa was planning on building an apartment on top of his family’s house, for his fiancée. Multiple raids on the house, the sons being traded when it came to the arrest. One brother released, his twin arrested a few weeks later. That one released months later, only for the second oldest brother to be arrested. Like a cycle, a psychological blow to the family as a reminder for who they are, what they do, where they live, under which rule, power, authority.
“Thank God for everything.”

Mustafa Tamimi

the world just sits back and watches and listens as the carnage and the lies go on and on----the maudlin stupidity, the carnage and the lies of sherri and her fellow "isa" respecters. Most nefarious are the LIBELS----they are experts at LIBELS----the isa respecters ------hundreds of millions they have murdered-----which they justify with LIBELS

The title of this thread is an example of the filth of their libels. The sow who authored it------is an expert in libels----Of course the sow has no idea how the baby died but to create a libel she employed the filth that she so loves. She decided on something that would excite the easily misled----THE BABY WAS BURNED TO DEATH ------something similar to the way her fellow isa respecters murdered Biafran babies ----by throwing them into bonfires. Dying in a bonfire is being BURNED TO DEATH Something like those of her ilk did during the Inquisition----BONFIRES ----infants thrown in the flames as their bound relatives died along with them----or even as those of her ilk murdered my own austrian cousins----in a fiery pit. ----but the baby whose mode of death she INVENTED? She has no idea how the baby died. His house was hit in return fire-----without a detailed autopsy there is no way to know if the baby died because of the impact and then his body got burnt------or if he REALLY died in the very unlikely way she invented in order to EXCITE the easily misled. It is bad enough that the baby died without sows around to create LIBELS in order to jusify their BLOOD LUST It is people like sherri and those of her ilk that incite LYNCHINGS, POGROMS and GENOCIDES----and piles of dead babies on which she dances
the world just sits back and watches and listens as the carnage and the lies go on and on----the maudlin stupidity, the carnage and the lies of sherri and her fellow "isa" respecters. Most nefarious are the LIBELS----they are experts at LIBELS----the isa respecters ------hundreds of millions they have murdered-----which they justify with LIBELS

The title of this thread is an example of the filth of their libels. The sow who authored it------is an expert in libels----Of course the sow has no idea how the baby died but to create a libel she employed the filth that she so loves. She decided on something that would excite the easily misled----THE BABY WAS BURNED TO DEATH ------something similar to the way her fellow isa respecters murdered Biafran babies ----by throwing them into bonfires. Dying in a bonfire is being BURNED TO DEATH Something like those of her ilk did during the Inquisition----BONFIRES ----infants thrown in the flames as their bound relatives died along with them----or even as those of her ilk murdered my own austrian cousins----in a fiery pit. ----but the baby whose mode of death she INVENTED? She has no idea how the baby died. His house was hit in return fire-----without a detailed autopsy there is no way to know if the baby died because of the impact and then his body got burnt------or if he REALLY died in the very unlikely way she invented in order to EXCITE the easily misled. It is bad enough that the baby died without sows around to create LIBELS in order to justify their BLOOD LUST It is people like sherri and those of her ilk that incite LYNCHINGS, POGROMS and GENOCIDES----and piles of dead babies on which she dances

You anti American never serve scum need to get off the pity pot the Jews need more space on it. Murder is murder any way innocent people are killed. Only these coward never serve can mouth off on the internet and feel brave. What's it like living in moms dark basement waiting for the boggy man to come for you? The party of purity "all life is sacred" does not seem to be so pure suddenly. Crack head republicans cutting funding for our embassy's and then whining about the outcome. Murder a few more children to keep the war profiteers funding your campaigns. Losers all. The tax man cometh and I will not have to pay your welfare much longer.
I would provide lists of those murdered by your fellow ISA RESPECTORS sherri------but ------I simply cannot type out hundreds of millions of names you got the list of those murdered by your fellow isa respectors JUST FOR TODAY?

Must you really keep on with spewing all that disrespect for Jesus and Christianity?

I am not spewing hate against Moses or any of the Old Testament Prophets.

I am not attacking Judaism or anyone's religion, either.

Why are you lying again about Rosie? She is not 'spewing disrespect' for Jesus OR Christanity. Just because she may think a decomposing maggot-riddled turd in a gutter puddled with vomit and urine has greater redeeming social value than you have - doesn't reflect AT ALL on Jesus or Christianity.

It MAY suggest, however, that Rosie - and some others - have a rather negative impression of how well you represent what you claim as your God and religion.

You DO spew hatred against Judaism when you lie about what Torah teaches, as you attack Judaism when you label Zionism as inherently evil. And all those INSANE RAVINGS about 'Jewish lust for spilling Gentile blood' - just how do you think that should be described?
Must you really keep on with spewing all that disrespect for Jesus and Christianity?

I am not spewing hate against Moses or any of the Old Testament Prophets.

I am not attacking Judaism or anyone's religion, either.

Why are you lying again about Rosie? She is not 'spewing disrespect' for Jesus OR Christanity. Just because she may think a decomposing maggot-riddled turd in a gutter puddled with vomit and urine has greater redeeming social value than you have - doesn't reflect AT ALL on Jesus or Christianity.

It MAY suggest, however, that Rosie - and some others - have a rather negative impression of how well you represent what you claim as your God and religion.

You DO spew hatred against Judaism when you lie about what Torah teaches, as you attack Judaism when you label Zionism as inherently evil. And all those INSANE RAVINGS about 'Jewish lust for spilling Gentile blood' - just how do you think that should be described?

Oh My God, here we go again. If I criticize Christianity, nobody/no-one, makes a big deal about it, and it's is just my opinion. If I criticize Judaism or Islam or a non-Christian religion, people yell "intolerant, hater, hate-speech, bigot"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such double standards, hate now means non-political correctness...............................
Would you by any chance be any kin to ThePathWalker? Just curious.
sky walker-----people generally do tolerate ---criticism of "one's own" but not of others------especially when the person doing the critisizing has both obvious evil intent AND ignorance I am opened to anything you wish to say about Judaism------and I will let you know if I consider your "KNOWLEGE" correct. I am always interested in the sunday school
version of Judaism -------I experienced it as a child from christian playmates and even sunday school it is childish and idiotic
Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike ?
Moral of the story: Don't arbitrarily fire rockets at people who will fire back, or condone those who do.
Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike ?
Moral of the story: Don't arbitrarily fire rockets at people who will fire back, or condone those who do.

TJVH there is another moral on this thread----it is the nature of PROPGANDA WHORES
like Sherri Notice the thread title Israel Burns an ALIVE INFANT To DEATH I was
so fascinated with that title sherri authored that I googled around for information on
the event including the article she cited. "BURNT ALIVE" is a highly provocative
statement----it implies purposeful TORTURED DEATH of an innocent infant---something
like the obscene mutilation torture murders employed by the jihadists she supports and
something like the Bonfires of the Inquisition. As it turns out----sherri has no idea
what actually was the cause of death in this infant-------she lied because she is a
propaganda whore. IF the child actually "burned to death" that issue could
be resolved by a careful autopsy------no report thereof------it is far more
likely that the child died of BLAST ---the impact of BLAST actually does
kill ---especially children . Genocidal ideologues create libels----decent people
report what they know to be true. The child was alive and now is tragically dead,
just like the children in Israel who died in the bombing that sherri endorses
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I would provide lists of those murdered by your fellow ISA RESPECTORS sherri------but ------I simply cannot type out hundreds of millions of names you got the list of those murdered by your fellow isa respectors JUST FOR TODAY?

Must you really keep on with spewing all that disrespect for Jesus and Christianity?

I am not spewing hate against Moses or any of the Old Testament Prophets.

I am not attacking Judaism or anyone's religion, either.

Why are you lying again about Rosie? She is not 'spewing disrespect' for Jesus OR Christanity. Just because she may think a decomposing maggot-riddled turd in a gutter puddled with vomit and urine has greater redeeming social value than you have - doesn't reflect AT ALL on Jesus or Christianity.

It MAY suggest, however, that Rosie - and some others - have a rather negative impression of how well you represent what you claim as your God and religion.

You DO spew hatred against Judaism when you lie about what Torah teaches, as you attack Judaism when you label Zionism as inherently evil. And all those INSANE RAVINGS about 'Jewish lust for spilling Gentile blood' - just how do you think that should be described?

To the Poster above,

Rosie has been resorting, on this discussion thread, to spewing this constant barrage of words directed at attacking Jesus followers, followers of Jesus who have lived for the past 2000 years. I see that as an attack on Christianity, and I find it offensive, as I expect other Christians do, as well.

As for your personal comments about me, all I have to say is that I think what they speak most of all about is you, they tell all of us who you are and what is in your heart.

Zionism is not Judaism, and Zionism has been responsible for many reprehensible acts in Palestine, like the killing of the baby addressed in the Opening Post, which I and anyone may freely criticize without saying one single word about Judaism.

I cannot even recall discussing the Torah here, so I don't know how to respond to the comment about that. But I point out, your Torah is also part of the Christian Bible, so it should not be surprising if Christians do that sometimes, talk about what is in your Torah, or surprising that verses are read or interpreted differently.

As for my speaking about Jews killing Gentiles, well, they are, that is what is happening as Israeli Jews kill Gazan Gentiles. Gentiles are nonJews, Jesus even spoke about the Gentiles, I found three reference to Gentiles in The Sermon On The Mount alone.

Lust for the blood of Gentiles, lust for blood is a phrase to describe frenzied killing, overkill, killing that a people seem to celebrate and incite and urge on, that is my thoughts.

We have many comments of Israelis over the past few days that I think help us understand the meaning of that phrase better, and help all to see why some might see in the present killing in Gaza a lust for blood, by a people, for the blood of another people.


"Among the latest horrifying examples of incitement to mass murder by Israeli public figures, Gilad Sharon, the son of former prime minister and notorious war criminal Ariel Sharon, has called for the Israeli army to “flatten” Gaza as the US flattened the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945 with an atomic bomb. “The residents of Gaza are not innocent, they elected Hamas. The Gazans aren’t hostages; they chose this freely, and must live with the consequences,” wrote Sharon in the extremist publication The Jerusalem Post. Sharon elaborated: We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza. The Americans didn’t stop with Hiroshima – the Japanese weren’t surrendering fast enough, so they hit Nagasaki, too. There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. Then they’d really call for a ceasefire. Were this to happen, the images from Gaza might be unpleasant – but victory would be swift, and the lives of our soldiers and civilians spared."


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