Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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wrong mamzer-----it was the SNOW that defeated the German army----the russian weather did it That which KILLED ADOLF ABU ALI HITLER was-----the russian army------they were coming and were capable of raping ANYTHING
No, Sherri hates seeing civilians murdered, as Israel is doing right now in Gaza.

Both the Israelis and the Palestinians are racists who don't want to coexist with each other. Somebody should just unify the two groups into one country. The racist Zionists are now forced to live with the Palestinians, and the racist Palestinians now have to live in the same country as the Israelis.

Hamas is a bunch of sickos for targeting Israeli civilians/citizens...................

Israel doesn't even allow Bedouins to live on their land, suck racist Zionist freaks!!!!!

Honestly, both sides/groups are evil. Why can't we just accept that?????

Racism is so ******* stupid........

Both Arabs and Jews live peacefully in Israel, but Jews are unwelcome in Gaza or in the areas of the West Bank controlled by the Palestinian Authority. In fact, under PA law, it is a capital offense to sell land to a Jew. Bedouins do live on their land in Israel, and many of them join the IDF to fight against Israel's enemies.
too much dishonesty there, haver

bedouins are being ethnically cleansed by israel in both west bank and negev and you know it

gazans dont welcome jews because you f***** well stole 25% of gaza
then had to be kicked out by hamas...........
would you welcome guests like that??
Of course not....nobody would

hasbara has its limits, haver
wrong mamzer-----it was the SNOW that defeated the German army----the russian weather did it That which KILLED ADOLF ABU ALI HITLER was-----the russian army------they were coming and were capable of raping ANYTHING
well i wish it would fucking snow in gaza and west bank then!
Whoever sick f*** burned alive this 11-month old baby is a sicko and deserves to burn in hell for of all eternity, in the situation that they were intentionally trying to harm civilians. If not, they still are a very messed up person. I think that both sides are doing wrong, evil things, in this Israel-Palestine Conflict. There is no good or evil side, just a gray areas..............

Both sides commit evil deeds in war. Also, Jesus would not approve of the bastard soldier that harmed an innocent baby...............

No one intentionally burned this baby. The Gaza terrorists hide personnel and weapons in densely populated residential areas using the civilians as human shields and this makes some civilian casualties inevitable as the IDF goes after legitimate military targets.

It is also inevitable that enemy soldiers die during a wars. However, killing women, children, and citizens/civilians is a TOTALLY different story. No offense, I'm am not questioning your intelligence or your knowledge or anything like that, but how do you know that the Israelis were not intentionally trying to kill/harm innocent civilians???????
well israel has targeted and killed arab journalists 3 times so far in gaza

other than that israel really has NOT targeted civilians at all

it has tried hard thie time not to kill anyone but hamas targets

israel has learned this lesson from cast lead which was a mega disaster for israel and gaza

and the world is watching closely...that's the main reasons

israel has carried out over 1000 drone strikes

about 120 palestinian deaths so far

if as the stoopid pallywood posters claim israel is targeting babies or civilians

then israel has the worst army and air farce in the world

which, sadly, aint true

so bollocks to the lies being sherried out here
thay are an insult to anyone's intelligence

90% of gazans and their families used to live in the areas they are firing their pathetic f'ing psycho murdering rockets into

there were absolutely NO jews south of ashdod on the south coast, not ever in all history.

There was just ONE small jewish colony north east of gaza in 1948. Inland. That's all

Look at the map for yourself; it's crystal clear and easy to find on the net..

so the area was given to the arabs not the jews by the UN in 1948
under the partition plan and israel's legal sovereignty is doubtful in that area'

israel itself doesn't recognise the 1948 or 1967 or any borders
or international law on its borders or refugees, does it??

So why should the gazans??

ashkelon in 1948 was an arab city called Majdal
siderot a village called najaf

they were all expelled by force for 8 years after the war of 1948 ended,
then viciously oppressed by egypt then israel for 45 years
and long before they started to respond with violence

those that tried to return were shot on sight as "infiltrators"

all arab villages mosques and towns in the whole area
were systematically destroyed and replaced,
often by recent russian immigrants,
half of whom are not even jewish

the gazans wont recognise israel's right to keep their land.

they have this wierd idea that what was stolen from them by force
should be returned to them.

I think it's called property rights. ever heard of that. ???

israel in the form of that great humanitarian General Ariel Sharon himself
financed Hamas for years between 1967 and the first intifada
to divide the gazans between secular PLO and religious Hamas..

total israelis killed by ALL gazan rockets ever 17
gazans killed in cast lead alone 1300

total gazans killed by israel all together many ,many thousands...tens of thousands
Both the Israelis and the Palestinians are racists who don't want to coexist with each other. Somebody should just unify the two groups into one country. The racist Zionists are now forced to live with the Palestinians, and the racist Palestinians now have to live in the same country as the Israelis.

Hamas is a bunch of sickos for targeting Israeli civilians/citizens...................

Israel doesn't even allow Bedouins to live on their land, suck racist Zionist freaks!!!!!

Honestly, both sides/groups are evil. Why can't we just accept that?????

Racism is so ******* stupid........

Both Arabs and Jews live peacefully in Israel, but Jews are unwelcome in Gaza or in the areas of the West Bank controlled by the Palestinian Authority. In fact, under PA law, it is a capital offense to sell land to a Jew. Bedouins do live on their land in Israel, and many of them join the IDF to fight against Israel's enemies.
too much dishonesty there, haver

bedouins are being ethnically cleansed by israel in both west bank and negev and you know it

gazans dont welcome jews because you f***** well stole 25% of gaza
then had to be kicked out by hamas...........
would you welcome guests like that??
Of course not....nobody would

hasbara has its limits, haver

Too much ignorance and bigotry in your post. The Bedouins are not being ethnically cleansed, no matter how much you relish waving that term around, there are simply some disputes abut illegal building. Nearly all building in Israel takes place on state lands and everyone, Jew, Arab, Christian, etc. has to attain the proper approvals before building can start and all complain about how long it takes. The Bedouins who were kicked out of their village, which was pretty much of a shanty town, because they had not waited for permits b before building, were provided with another village a short distance away. Saying they were ethnically cleansed is a baseless lie.

Your claim of land theft is another baseless lie. It doesn't become "their land" just because you think it should. Gaza was always a hotbed on terrorist activity, and after 1967, Israel had to create a security zone to prevent attacks into Israel. The amount of land that was used to establish Israeli communities was tiny, not 25%, and there is no basis on which to designate it as Arab land.

You might try thinking your way through some of these issues instead of just drooling out propaganda lines whenever the mood strikes you. Again, things are not necessarily true just because saying them makes you feel good.
toomuch----kvetch is in MAMZER mode-----do not bother to contradict him-----nothing will help right now
Both Arabs and Jews live peacefully in Israel, but Jews are unwelcome in Gaza or in the areas of the West Bank controlled by the Palestinian Authority. In fact, under PA law, it is a capital offense to sell land to a Jew. Bedouins do live on their land in Israel, and many of them join the IDF to fight against Israel's enemies.
too much dishonesty there, haver

bedouins are being ethnically cleansed by israel in both west bank and negev and you know it

gazans dont welcome jews because you f***** well stole 25% of gaza
then had to be kicked out by hamas...........
would you welcome guests like that??
Of course not....nobody would

hasbara has its limits, haver

Too much ignorance and bigotry in your post. The Bedouins are not being ethnically cleansed, no matter how much you relish waving that term around, there are simply some disputes abut illegal building. Nearly all building in Israel takes place on state lands and everyone, Jew, Arab, Christian, etc. has to attain the proper approvals before building can start and all complain about how long it takes. The Bedouins who were kicked out of their village, which was pretty much of a shanty town, because they had not waited for permits b before building, were provided with another village a short distance away. Saying they were ethnically cleansed is a baseless lie.

Your claim of land theft is another baseless lie. It doesn't become "their land" just because you think it should. Gaza was always a hotbed on terrorist activity, and after 1967, Israel had to create a security zone to prevent attacks into Israel. The amount of land that was used to establish Israeli communities was tiny, not 25%, and there is no basis on which to designate it as Arab land.

You might try thinking your way through some of these issues instead of just drooling out propaganda lines whenever the mood strikes you. Again, things are not necessarily true just because saying them makes you feel good.
"you might try thinking your way through some of these issues instead of just drooling out propaganda lines whenever the mood strikes you. Again, things are not necessarily true just because saying them makes you feel good."

i think that applies to both of us, haver

so lets try and do what you say

i suggest we switch sides

i will put the best case for israel re bedouins that i can
and you do the same for the arabs

that way we would BOTH have to rethink, woulddn't we??

do you accept the challenge, sir?

if so, game on..........
toomuch----kvetch is in MAMZER mode-----do not bother to contradict him-----nothing will help right now
did you see the photos i sent you sweetie

mamzer indeed!!

trouble with e-mail-----haven't looked at it for weeks and now it seems to have mostly disappeared -----the only thing there is the large teddy and the small teddy and the grapes----ALL OTHER MAIL IS GONE
There are LOTS OF JEWISH PACIFISTS in the world Sherri some even went to jail rather than fight in world war II-----along side QUAKERS
see? I have known a few. both jewish pacifist and quaker pacifists
right here in the USA Your Israeli pacifist does not impress me any
more than the quaker and jewish pacifists who spent time in Leavenworth.

I do have a high regard for quakers in other contexts-----they opposed slavery
in the USA adamantly and actively -----as opposed to people of your ilk.
Isa respectors do not oppose killing nor to they oppose slavery as even a
mininal review of history reveals
As to the historic Jesus aka Yeshua aka Yehoshua ben Mara-----there is clear indication that he was not a pacifist in the sense that Quakers often are---he was a pacifist in the sense that HILLEL and AARON was as is clearly indicated in the words attributed to him and his actions against rome

You are a fkn true evil bitch, Irose.:clap2:
There are LOTS OF JEWISH PACIFISTS in the world Sherri some even went to jail rather than fight in world war II-----along side QUAKERS
see? I have known a few. both jewish pacifist and quaker pacifists
right here in the USA Your Israeli pacifist does not impress me any
more than the quaker and jewish pacifists who spent time in Leavenworth.

I do have a high regard for quakers in other contexts-----they opposed slavery
in the USA adamantly and actively -----as opposed to people of your ilk.
Isa respectors do not oppose killing nor to they oppose slavery as even a
mininal review of history reveals
As to the historic Jesus aka Yeshua aka Yehoshua ben Mara-----there is clear indication that he was not a pacifist in the sense that Quakers often are---he was a pacifist in the sense that HILLEL and AARON was as is clearly indicated in the words attributed to him and his actions against rome

You are a fkn true evil bitch, Irose.:clap2:

ok tannie----you have again demonstrated that you learned public speaking in the gutter-----and nothing else I am not at all surprised at your fart-----you never did bother to provide a BASIS for the logic of inflicting your stench in public places -----it does grieve me that you resent the fact that draft objectors were sent to Leavenworth -----but I assure you ----I had nothing to do with it Or is it the fact that Quakers in the US adamantly objected to slavery? Why does that fact bother you?. I find it ADMIRABLE They were the people who often provided for the escapees Is that bad?

90% of gazans and their families used to live in the areas they are firing their pathetic f'ing psycho murdering rockets into

there were absolutely NO jews south of ashdod on the south coast, not ever in all history.

There was just ONE small jewish colony north east of gaza in 1948. Inland. That's all

Look at the map for yourself; it's crystal clear and easy to find on the net..

so the area was given to the arabs not the jews by the UN in 1948
under the partition plan and israel's legal sovereignty is doubtful in that area'

israel itself doesn't recognise the 1948 or 1967 or any borders
or international law on its borders or refugees, does it??

So why should the gazans??

ashkelon in 1948 was an arab city called Majdal
siderot a village called najaf

they were all expelled by force for 8 years after the war of 1948 ended,
then viciously oppressed by egypt then israel for 45 years
and long before they started to respond with violence

those that tried to return were shot on sight as "infiltrators"

all arab villages mosques and towns in the whole area
were systematically destroyed and replaced,
often by recent russian immigrants,
half of whom are not even jewish

the gazans wont recognise israel's right to keep their land.

they have this wierd idea that what was stolen from them by force
should be returned to them.

I think it's called property rights. ever heard of that. ???

israel in the form of that great humanitarian General Ariel Sharon himself
financed Hamas for years between 1967 and the first intifada
to divide the gazans between secular PLO and religious Hamas..

total israelis killed by ALL gazan rockets ever 17
gazans killed in cast lead alone 1300

total gazans killed by israel all together many ,many thousands...tens of thousands

Still more lies. Even the Palestinian Census Bureau estimates that only about 67%, not 90%, of the population of Gaza are refugees and of these refugees, and of these refugees, who not be considered refugees after three generation anywhere else in the world, few ever lived in what is now Israel.

The Arabs were not evacuated from Najaf or Majdal eight years after the war. Najaf was evacuated before the war as a part of Project Dan because it lay in the path the Egyptian army would take when trying to invade Israel and the Israelis wanted to deny the Egyptians a base. Majdal was an Egyptian forward base and the Arabs living it were evacuated in Nov. 1948 when Israel captured the town, not eight years later.

After the war, Israel passed laws establishing a commission to process and adjudicate claims for the return/compensation for property and the right to return to their homes from people internally and externally displaced by the war. The law specified that claimants had the right to appeal to the courts if they were not satisfied with the commission's decision. Since Israel nationalized nearly all the land not already owned by private owners still in place or by the Jewish agency, it was likely authenticated claims would be settled with compensation instead of the return of property. There were many claims from Arabs who had been internally displaced but not from those who had been externally displaced. The commission stayed open until the mid 1970's because no more claims were being filed.

Gaza was awash with UN workers and other NGO's after the war, and these people would have been able to advise the refugees of their rights, so there is no reason to believe that innocent Arabs were shot as infiltrators when merely trying to return to their old homes. The fact is Israel suffered nearly nightly raids from both Gaza and the West Bank, there is every reason to believe those Arabs who crossed the border without permission and failed to stop when ordered to were infiltrators.

Arabs who filed claims for the return of property or to return to their former homes after the war and who were turned down, might have grounds for believing their land had been stolen from them, but those who never filed claims can fairly be said to have abandoned their claims.

This pile of bullshit you are posting to try to justify Arab hate crimes against Israeli civilians mark you as no different from Sherri. Even if your rants are a little less loony than her's are, they are just as dishonest.
The Eastern Theater during WW2 was all to retaliate against Pearl Harbor. So I wouldn't doubt that Israel did the same........


Do you understand the underlying conflict is all about Israel's Occupation of Palestine? East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza are all lands the Palestinian people have a right of self determination in, a right under intl law to form a state in that land? Israel has Occupied these lands since 1967 and has been moving illegal settlers into these lands in violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention, ever since 1947, there are now over 500,000 illegal settlers living on lands stolen from Palestinians. Israel has been ethnically cleansing the land and subjecting the indigenous Palestinian people to land thefts and human rights abuses for close to 70 years. So many people don't really know what this conflict is all about, which is a people's struggle to be free, free from Occupation and have basic human rights respected, that intl laws gurantees to all peoples.

The conflict is a people seeking human dignity and human rights and to live on the land of their ancestors, much like what the people of South Africa faced, battling Apartheid, what black Americans struggled for in seeking equal rights in the US, freedom from Colonialism India struggled for under Gandhi, freedoms the people of Ireland struggled for.

Bassem Tamimi says it so well, in his statement to an Apartheid Israeli Court, and his story is essentially the story of all of the Palestinians in Palestine, who today number 5 or 6million in number, this includes Palestinians in Isreal (1 million), and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (EastJerusalem and the West Bank, between 2.5 and 3 million, Gaza 1.7 million) , they make up 40% or more of the population of all of Israel and Palestine. And refugees ethnically cleansed from Palestine and living elsewhere are in the millions. Under intl law, they have a right to return to the lands they were ethnically cleansed from.

"I was born at the same time as the Occupation and have been living under its inherent inhumanity, inequality, racism and lack of freedom ever since. Yet, despite all this, my belief in human values and the need for peace in this land have never been shaken. Suffering and oppression did not fill my heart with hatred for anyone, nor did they kindle feelings of revenge. To the contrary, they reinforced my belief in peace and national standing as an adequate response to the inhumanity of Occupation.

International law guarantees the right of occupied people to resist Occupation. In practicing my right, I have called for and organized peaceful popular demonstrations against the Occupation, settler attacks and the theft of more than half of the land of my village, Nabi Saleh, where the graves of my ancestors have lain since time immemorial."

Bassem Tamimi’s full statement to the Israeli Military Court on 5 June, 2011: | nabi saleh solidarity

Israel has power, they occupy the land, and they want to keep it that way, as ethnic cleansing continues, it never stops, nor do the human rights abuses, like land thefts, unlawful imprisonments, unlawful killings, torture, imprisonment of young children, sexual abuse of children, torture of children, unequal rights, house demolitions, attacking children walking to school, destruction of olive trees, in Bethlehem, attacks on churches, a killing of a priest in a church in 2002, in Jenin, demolishing houses with the residents still inside, using civilains as human shields, in Gaza attacks on houses, attacks on mosques, attacks on churches, attacks on schools, attacks on UN shelters, attacks on hospitals. attacks on ambulances, attacking fleeing civilians, attacking civilians with white flags, denying the hurt medical care, attacking infrastructure, using white phosphorous on civilians, using experimental weapons like D.I.M.E. on civilians (typically causes amputations of legs. used against civilians and children and everyone), the list goes on and on and on. And all of thsi has been going on for close to 70 years now.

too much dishonesty there, haver

bedouins are being ethnically cleansed by israel in both west bank and negev and you know it

gazans dont welcome jews because you f***** well stole 25% of gaza
then had to be kicked out by hamas...........
would you welcome guests like that??
Of course not....nobody would

hasbara has its limits, haver

Too much ignorance and bigotry in your post. The Bedouins are not being ethnically cleansed, no matter how much you relish waving that term around, there are simply some disputes abut illegal building. Nearly all building in Israel takes place on state lands and everyone, Jew, Arab, Christian, etc. has to attain the proper approvals before building can start and all complain about how long it takes. The Bedouins who were kicked out of their village, which was pretty much of a shanty town, because they had not waited for permits b before building, were provided with another village a short distance away. Saying they were ethnically cleansed is a baseless lie.

Your claim of land theft is another baseless lie. It doesn't become "their land" just because you think it should. Gaza was always a hotbed on terrorist activity, and after 1967, Israel had to create a security zone to prevent attacks into Israel. The amount of land that was used to establish Israeli communities was tiny, not 25%, and there is no basis on which to designate it as Arab land.

You might try thinking your way through some of these issues instead of just drooling out propaganda lines whenever the mood strikes you. Again, things are not necessarily true just because saying them makes you feel good.
"you might try thinking your way through some of these issues instead of just drooling out propaganda lines whenever the mood strikes you. Again, things are not necessarily true just because saying them makes you feel good."

i think that applies to both of us, haver

so lets try and do what you say

i suggest we switch sides

i will put the best case for israel re bedouins that i can
and you do the same for the arabs

that way we would BOTH have to rethink, woulddn't we??

do you accept the challenge, sir?

if so, game on..........

I have thought my way through these issues, but in post after post you demonstrate you have never taken the trouble to but rely on your emotions to determine what you will claim as true.
Both Arabs and Jews live peacefully in Israel, but Jews are unwelcome in Gaza or in the areas of the West Bank controlled by the Palestinian Authority. In fact, under PA law, it is a capital offense to sell land to a Jew. Bedouins do live on their land in Israel, and many of them join the IDF to fight against Israel's enemies.
too much dishonesty there, haver

bedouins are being ethnically cleansed by israel in both west bank and negev and you know it

gazans dont welcome jews because you f***** well stole 25% of gaza
then had to be kicked out by hamas...........
would you welcome guests like that??
Of course not....nobody would

hasbara has its limits, haver

Too much ignorance and bigotry in your post. The Bedouins are not being ethnically cleansed, no matter how much you relish waving that term around, there are simply some disputes abut illegal building. Nearly all building in Israel takes place on state lands and everyone, Jew, Arab, Christian, etc. has to attain the proper approvals before building can start and all complain about how long it takes. The Bedouins who were kicked out of their village, which was pretty much of a shanty town, because they had not waited for permits b before building, were provided with another village a short distance away. Saying they were ethnically cleansed is a baseless lie.

Your claim of land theft is another baseless lie. It doesn't become "their land" just because you think it should. Gaza was always a hotbed on terrorist activity, and after 1967, Israel had to create a security zone to prevent attacks into Israel. The amount of land that was used to establish Israeli communities was tiny, not 25%, and there is no basis on which to designate it as Arab land.

You might try thinking your way through some of these issues instead of just drooling out propaganda lines whenever the mood strikes you. Again, things are not necessarily true just because saying them makes you feel good.

Human rights groups have certainly had much to say about Israel's human rights abuses against the Bedouin.

Off the Map - Human Rights Watch

"Tens of thousands of Palestinian Arab Bedouin, the indigenous inhabitants of the
Negev region, live in informal shanty towns, or “unrecognized villages,” in the south
of Israel. Discriminatory land and planning policies have made it virtually impossible
for Bedouin to build legally where they live, and also exclude them from the state’s
development plans for the region. The state implements forced evictions, home
demolitions, and other punitive measures disproportionately against Bedouin as
compared with actions taken regarding structures owned by Jewish Israelis that do
not conform to planning law......"

TOOMUCH----kvetch is attempting to develope talmudic skills----in a kind of------MAMZER STYLE----which---is actually not all that unusual or even objectionable----just a bit annoying
I was very much surprised at the idea that arabs left some place in the western part of Israel EIGHT YEARS AFTER 1956-------for Gaza. Some of the islamo nazi pig propaganda I read as a child ------focused on GAZA as "THE CONCENTRATION CAMP THE JEWS MADE" and the stuff was written BEFORE 1956 What is 1956? as to Russian immigrants-----that did not happen way back then------it is far more recent

90% of gazans and their families used to live in the areas they are firing their pathetic f'ing psycho murdering rockets into

there were absolutely NO jews south of ashdod on the south coast, not ever in all history.

There was just ONE small jewish colony north east of gaza in 1948. Inland. That's all

Look at the map for yourself; it's crystal clear and easy to find on the net..

so the area was given to the arabs not the jews by the UN in 1948
under the partition plan and israel's legal sovereignty is doubtful in that area'

israel itself doesn't recognise the 1948 or 1967 or any borders
or international law on its borders or refugees, does it??

So why should the gazans??

ashkelon in 1948 was an arab city called Majdal
siderot a village called najaf

they were all expelled by force for 8 years after the war of 1948 ended,
then viciously oppressed by egypt then israel for 45 years
and long before they started to respond with violence

those that tried to return were shot on sight as "infiltrators"

all arab villages mosques and towns in the whole area
were systematically destroyed and replaced,
often by recent russian immigrants,
half of whom are not even jewish

the gazans wont recognise israel's right to keep their land.

they have this wierd idea that what was stolen from them by force
should be returned to them.

I think it's called property rights. ever heard of that. ???

israel in the form of that great humanitarian General Ariel Sharon himself
financed Hamas for years between 1967 and the first intifada
to divide the gazans between secular PLO and religious Hamas..

total israelis killed by ALL gazan rockets ever 17
gazans killed in cast lead alone 1300

total gazans killed by israel all together many ,many thousands...tens of thousands

Still more lies. Even the Palestinian Census Bureau estimates that only about 67%, not 90%, of the population of Gaza are refugees and of these refugees, and of these refugees, who not be considered refugees after three generation anywhere else in the world, few ever lived in what is now Israel.

The Arabs were not evacuated from Najaf or Majdal eight years after the war. Najaf was evacuated before the war as a part of Project Dan because it lay in the path the Egyptian army would take when trying to invade Israel and the Israelis wanted to deny the Egyptians a base. Majdal was an Egyptian forward base and the Arabs living it were evacuated in Nov. 1948 when Israel captured the town, not eight years later.

After the war, Israel passed laws establishing a commission to process and adjudicate claims for the return/compensation for property and the right to return to their homes from people internally and externally displaced by the war. The law specified that claimants had the right to appeal to the courts if they were not satisfied with the commission's decision. Since Israel nationalized nearly all the land not already owned by private owners still in place or by the Jewish agency, it was likely authenticated claims would be settled with compensation instead of the return of property. There were many claims from Arabs who had been internally displaced but not from those who had been externally displaced. The commission stayed open until the mid 1970's because no more claims were being filed.

Gaza was awash with UN workers and other NGO's after the war, and these people would have been able to advise the refugees of their rights, so there is no reason to believe that innocent Arabs were shot as infiltrators when merely trying to return to their old homes. The fact is Israel suffered nearly nightly raids from both Gaza and the West Bank, there is every reason to believe those Arabs who crossed the border without permission and failed to stop when ordered to were infiltrators.

Arabs who filed claims for the return of property or to return to their former homes after the war and who were turned down, might have grounds for believing their land had been stolen from them, but those who never filed claims can fairly be said to have abandoned their claims.

This pile of bullshit you are posting to try to justify Arab hate crimes against Israeli civilians mark you as no different from Sherri. Even if your rants are a little less loony than her's are, they are just as dishonest.

i have never heard those zionist rationalisations about gaza before

it takes my breath away, it really does

it's not that you are lying

it's just the lengths you and zios will go to to deny that you have done anything wrong, ever

this is what israel's leading expert on the 1948 exodus, Benny Morris writes about the ethnic cleansing of Majdal, now Ashkelon:

The Transfer of Al Majdal's Remaining Arabs to Gaza, 1950

Morris examined previously unpublished reports and memorandums pertaining to the transfer of Majdals Arabs to Gaza in 1950. The reports/memorandums were mostly in the Israel State Archive, Foreign Ministry (=ISA, FM) and the Labour Archives (Histadrut), Lavon Institute, Tel Aviv (=LA).

(p. 337–338): "At the beginning of September, Major V. H. Loriaux, a UN truce-observer and sometime acting chairman of the Israel–Egypt MAC (=Mixed Armistice Commission), interviewed some of the evacuees shortly after they reached the Gaza strip. He was told the Majdal Arabs, soon after being warned that they would shortly have to leave the town, were charged '1,650 Israeli pound for drinking water (it was free of charge previously)'. Loriaux was also told of 'delays'—before September—in the distribution of rations. The Arabs [...] had been penned in their ghetto, behind barbed wire and military checkpoints, and were rarely allowed out." (ISA-FM 2436/5bet.) Loriaux [...] complained that there had been cases were Arabs who had refused to move to Gaza being jailed. Israel denied this. (ISA FM 2436/5bet.)

Morris concludes: "Majdal officially became Ashkelon in 1956, after passing through some nominal stations—Migdal-Gad and Migdal-Ashkelon. The three-sided (Israel, Egypt and UN) debate over whether the Arab departure had been "voluntary" or "coerced" by then was something of an irrelevance. The UN calls for a return 1950 was never heeded and the Majdal transferees were fated to linger on, for decades, indefinitely, in Gaza's grim, grimy refugee camps. What is clear is that after a year and a half of bureaucratic foot-dragging, the IDF in 1950 wanted this last concentration of Arabs in the southern coastal plain to leave, and engineered their departure.. The Majdal Arabs' own uneasiness at life as a ghettoized minority, under military rule, hemmed in by barbed wire and a pass system, dependent on Israeli handouts, largely unemployed and destitute, cut of from their relatives in Gaza and from the Arab world in general, served as a preparatory background. [...] When these [methods] proved insufficient with the remaining hard-core Histadrut-protected inhabitants, the army availed itself, in September and early October, of cruder methods—shooting in the night, threatening behaviour by the soldiery, unpleasant early-hour-of-the-morning visitations, frequent summons, and occasional arrests. The use of these methods was hidden from the Israeli public and, probably, lacked Cabinet authorization. To sweeten the pill, the military government offered some fulsome carrots in the form of financial incentives [...] Until Israel's Defence Ministry and Cabinet records are opened, the exact decision-making processes behind the Majdal transfer will remain unclear."

1948 and After - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

now Benny thinks that ALL the arabs should have been cleansed from ALL of PALESTINE

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