Israel defends itself?

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This is a member of the current government. This informs their thinking. . . .

I see many members here that hold his views. It is disgusting.


"He said in an interview that the souls of all Jews are higher than those of Christians or Muslims or anybody else, yet his job is secure."

Imagine for a moment that the religious affairs minister in some democratic country – England or Switzerland for example – were to make a public statement that “the souls of all Christians are superior to the souls of Jews.” Would Israel not make a fuss? Would not the ADL and the Weisenthal Center cry out in protest? Would not Jews in that country demand the immediate resignation of such an official? But in Israel, the man who fills such a slot – Deputy Religious Services Minister Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan – recently said just that about Christians. He is quoted as saying in an interview which he knew would be published that the souls of all Jews are higher than those of Christians or Muslims or anybody else, yet his job is secure.

This is why the genocide continues. Dehumanize your enemy, anything is possible. Make your population believe they have a divine right and manifest destiny, they will commit all sort of atrocities in the name of the STATE.

This is the exact same attitude that led to the holocaust in the first place. All Dahan seemed to learn from that moment in history is how to embrace evil.

Just in case anyone missed the modern-day Star Wars message, that's how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader.
Could someone please give me a link to the quote in which he supposedly said "Palestinians are not human beings."

I have serious doubts about that because I've never heard an Israeli use the term Palestinian. They do not recognize "Palestine" and typically refer to these folks as Arabs.

I agree that Israel has been guilty of disproportionate response but I have a hard time hearing a terrorist lament the targeting of innocent civilians.
Could someone please give me a link to the quote in which he supposedly said "Palestinians are not human beings."

I have serious doubts about that because I've never heard an Israeli use the term Palestinian. They do not recognize "Palestine" and typically refer to these folks as Arabs.

I agree that Israel has been guilty of disproportionate response but I have a hard time hearing a terrorist lament the targeting of innocent civilians.

Please outline what response would be proportionate to 1000 missiles falling on your country.
Somebody please explain why Hamas spent all of it's money on tunnels meant to be used for terrorism.
Could someone please give me a link to the quote in which he supposedly said "Palestinians are not human beings."

I have serious doubts about that because I've never heard an Israeli use the term Palestinian. They do not recognize "Palestine" and typically refer to these folks as Arabs.

I agree that Israel has been guilty of disproportionate response but I have a hard time hearing a terrorist lament the targeting of innocent civilians.

Please outline what response would be proportionate to 1000 missiles falling on your country.

If you can document how many missiles over what period of time - I'd be happy to outline an appropriate response for you.

(I'm assuming you can't produce the link to the quote I asked for, huh?)
........ When a militarily far more powerful foe launches a military assault on a weaker opponent in the name of self-defense, it better be careful regarding its targets and the scale of its assault, or it's going to look like plain old brutality.

Fuck Israel.


No. Fuck you you idiot.

How many of their own people has Hamas sacrificed on the alter of their jihadist bullshit??

People die during war. Pull on those big boy pants of yours and grow the fuck up. Civilians will always die in war.
Where did you get the idea this is war?
This is belligerent occupation by a rogue state intent on occupying all the land between the River and the sea.

As the Occupying Power Israel has no rights under international law; however, it does have a responsibility to avoid the collective punishment of civilians it occupies.

"Israel's current blockade of Gaza has been criticized by the International Committee of the Red Cross, in a United Nations report, and by various other organisations as collective punishment aimed at the Palestinians.[43][44][45]

"The Israeli practice of demolishing the houses of Palestinians who are detained, suspected or convicted for crimes against them has also been alleged to be a form of collective punishment, as their family will be punished for their acts, if any, by losing their homes, in violation of international law."

Collective punishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fuck Israel.


No. Fuck you you idiot.

How many of their own people has Hamas sacrificed on the alter of their jihadist bullshit??

People die during war. Pull on those big boy pants of yours and grow the fuck up. Civilians will always die in war.
Where did you get the idea this is war?
This is belligerent occupation by a rogue state intent on occupying all the land between the River and the sea.

As the Occupying Power Israel has no rights under international law; however, it does have a responsibility to avoid the collective punishment of civilians it occupies.

"Israel's current blockade of Gaza has been criticized by the International Committee of the Red Cross, in a United Nations report, and by various other organisations as collective punishment aimed at the Palestinians.[43][44][45]

"The Israeli practice of demolishing the houses of Palestinians who are detained, suspected or convicted for crimes against them has also been alleged to be a form of collective punishment, as their family will be punished for their acts, if any, by losing their homes, in violation of international law."

Collective punishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And so...?
Could someone please give me a link to the quote in which he supposedly said "Palestinians are not human beings."

I have serious doubts about that because I've never heard an Israeli use the term Palestinian. They do not recognize "Palestine" and typically refer to these folks as Arabs.

I agree that Israel has been guilty of disproportionate response but I have a hard time hearing a terrorist lament the targeting of innocent civilians.

Please outline what response would be proportionate to 1000 missiles falling on your country.
End your illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.

"Since June 1989, Israel has formally restricted the movement of Palestinians, imposing a magnetic-card system whereby only those with such a card were allowed to leave the Strip: Israeli authorities did not issue magnetic cards to released prisoners, former administrative detainees, or people who had been detained and released without charges being filed against them.[33]

"January 1991 marked the beginning of the permanent closure policy, whereby each resident of Gaza who desired to travel within Israel or the West Bank was required to have a personal exit permit.[33]

"In March 1993, Israel imposed an overall closure on Gaza with newly built checkpoints; and, from October 2000, Israel imposed a comprehensive closure on the Gaza Strip.[33]"

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No. Fuck you you idiot.

How many of their own people has Hamas sacrificed on the alter of their jihadist bullshit??

People die during war. Pull on those big boy pants of yours and grow the fuck up. Civilians will always die in war.
Where did you get the idea this is war?
This is belligerent occupation by a rogue state intent on occupying all the land between the River and the sea.

As the Occupying Power Israel has no rights under international law; however, it does have a responsibility to avoid the collective punishment of civilians it occupies.

"Israel's current blockade of Gaza has been criticized by the International Committee of the Red Cross, in a United Nations report, and by various other organisations as collective punishment aimed at the Palestinians.[43][44][45]

"The Israeli practice of demolishing the houses of Palestinians who are detained, suspected or convicted for crimes against them has also been alleged to be a form of collective punishment, as their family will be punished for their acts, if any, by losing their homes, in violation of international law."

Collective punishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And so...?
Jews are NOT that special.
Where did you get the idea this is war?
This is belligerent occupation by a rogue state intent on occupying all the land between the River and the sea.

As the Occupying Power Israel has no rights under international law; however, it does have a responsibility to avoid the collective punishment of civilians it occupies.

"Israel's current blockade of Gaza has been criticized by the International Committee of the Red Cross, in a United Nations report, and by various other organisations as collective punishment aimed at the Palestinians.[43][44][45]

"The Israeli practice of demolishing the houses of Palestinians who are detained, suspected or convicted for crimes against them has also been alleged to be a form of collective punishment, as their family will be punished for their acts, if any, by losing their homes, in violation of international law."

Collective punishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And so...?
Jews are NOT that special.

For such a tiny percentage of the world's population to annoy you to such an extent...
We are!
Could someone please give me a link to the quote in which he supposedly said "Palestinians are not human beings."

I have serious doubts about that because I've never heard an Israeli use the term Palestinian. They do not recognize "Palestine" and typically refer to these folks as Arabs.

I agree that Israel has been guilty of disproportionate response but I have a hard time hearing a terrorist lament the targeting of innocent civilians.

Please outline what response would be proportionate to 1000 missiles falling on your country.

If you can document how many missiles over what period of time - I'd be happy to outline an appropriate response for you.

(I'm assuming you can't produce the link to the quote I asked for, huh?)

Here is one for you.

Since 2001, more than 15,200 rockets and mortars, an average of over 3 rocket attacks every single day, have targeted Israel.

Hamas, the ruling entity of the Gaza Strip, is responsible for most of the rocket fire on Israeli population centers. The organization – which is recognized by the US, UK, EU and Israel as a terrorist group – has been increasing the size and capabilities of its rocket arsenal. In addition, Hamas has turned a blind eye as other terrorist organizations have launched rocket attacks.
Please outline what response would be proportionate to 1000 missiles falling on your country.

If you can document how many missiles over what period of time - I'd be happy to outline an appropriate response for you.

(I'm assuming you can't produce the link to the quote I asked for, huh?)

Here is one for you.

Since 2001, more than 15,200 rockets and mortars, an average of over 3 rocket attacks every single day, have targeted Israel.

Hamas, the ruling entity of the Gaza Strip, is responsible for most of the rocket fire on Israeli population centers. The organization – which is recognized by the US, UK, EU and Israel as a terrorist group – has been increasing the size and capabilities of its rocket arsenal. In addition, Hamas has turned a blind eye as other terrorist organizations have launched rocket attacks.

Another fucking blog. And an Israeli one at that. Try Reuters, AP, McClatchey.
Jews are NOT that special.

For such a tiny percentage of the world's population to annoy you to such an extent...
We are!

If the people of Darfur in the Sudan or the Republic of Congo had a lobby in D.C. like the Zionist lobby, they'd be special too.

Follow the money, always follow the money. It's always about money.

I do follow the money.
Who has it?
All the Muslim oil shieks who don't give a shit about their fellow Muslims.
Are you that fucking stupid?
Somebody please explain why Hamas spent all of it's money on tunnels meant to be used for terrorism.

The last reported death toll I saw of the Israeli assault on Gaza was about 650 Palestinians versus 20 something Israeli soldiers.

So, who's terrorizing whom?

Hopefully, at this point, it's the IDF terrorizing the people who built the tunnels specifically meant to transport weapons and military personnel into Israel to murder Israeli citizens.
Are you that fucking stupid?
Somebody please explain why Hamas spent all of it's money on tunnels meant to be used for terrorism.

The last reported death toll I saw of the Israeli assault on Gaza was about 650 Palestinians versus 20 something Israeli soldiers.

So, who's terrorizing whom?

That's what I have been saying on here, too. The Israelis are going about their day under the iron dome (that we built for them) while the Palestinians can't get food, water or medical care.

If we just take out all blame and erased EVERYTHING that has happened up until June of this year, maybe some clarity could be seen that this is a wildly imbalanced conflict. It just looks like Israel wants to kill everything inside the Gaza Strip.
Somebody please explain why Hamas spent all of it's money on tunnels meant to be used for terrorism.

The last reported death toll I saw of the Israeli assault on Gaza was about 650 Palestinians versus 20 something Israeli soldiers.

So, who's terrorizing whom?

Hopefully, at this point, it's the IDF terrorizing the people who built the tunnels specifically meant to transport weapons and military personnel into Israel to murder Israeli citizens.
Are you that fucking stupid?

And ONE rabid Israeli proves nothing more than ONE failed Tea Party candidate ranting. Hamas started this war, Israel must finish it(.)
Somebody please explain why Hamas spent all of it's money on tunnels meant to be used for terrorism.

The last reported death toll I saw of the Israeli assault on Gaza was about 650 Palestinians versus 20 something Israeli soldiers.

So, who's terrorizing whom?

Hopefully, at this point, it's the IDF terrorizing the people who built the tunnels specifically meant to transport weapons and military personnel into Israel to murder Israeli citizens.
Are you that fucking stupid?

Want to confirm that? Maybe it's a way to get food and other types of things you don't think about twice living here in Obama's kingdom.

".....over the last 14 years the draconian system of movement controls used by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory has become increasingly institutionalized and restrictive. The permit system put in place in the early 1990s which requires that all Palestinians obtain military issued permits to move between the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem or to travel abroad is now complemented by a permanent system of roadblocks, gates, checkpoints, the Wall and other obstacles to movement in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza blockade.

Taken together all of these factors contribute to forced displacement, severely limit Palestinian access to basic resources including land and water and basic services including health care and education, and perpetuate a system of segregation and legal and structural inequality between Palestinians and Israelis."""

I'd be digging tunnels too, if someone was trying to starve me out.

Restricted Movement in the Occupied Palestinian Territory | American Friends Service Committee
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Somebody please explain why Hamas spent all of it's money on tunnels meant to be used for terrorism.

The last reported death toll I saw of the Israeli assault on Gaza was about 650 Palestinians versus 20 something Israeli soldiers.

So, who's terrorizing whom?

Hopefully, at this point, it's the IDF terrorizing the people who built the tunnels specifically meant to transport weapons and military personnel into Israel to murder Israeli citizens.
Are you that fucking stupid?

This is one of the reasons why Israel continues to look bad when it comes to world public opinion. What would you expect when a country like Israel uses a far superior military force with sophisticated weapons (paid for and supplied by the USA, in most cases) to kill and wound mostly Palestinian civilians while decimating countless buildings and infrastructure at the same time. Israel can point to the 6 day war and other defensive actions as necessary. But there's nothing noble about this assault.
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