Israel defends itself?

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And so...?
Jews are NOT that special.
Only God's chosen people. More special than the satan worshipping moooslims.
And so...?
Jews are NOT that special.
Only God's chosen people. More special than the satan worshipping moooslims.

Quotes from Inglourious Bastards:

Col. Hans Landa: What a tremendously hostile world that a rat must endure. Yet not only does he survive, he thrives. Because our little foe has an instinct for survival and preservation second to none... And that Monsieur is what a Jew shares with a rat.

Col. Hans Landa: Now if one were to determine what attribute the German people share with a beast, it would be the cunning and the predatory instinct of a hawk. But if one were to determine what attributes the Jews share with a beast, it would be that of the rat. If a rat were to walk in here right now as I'm talking, would you treat it to a saucer of your delicious milk?

Perrier LaPadite: Probably not.

Col. Hans Landa: I didn't think so. You don't like them. You don't really know why you don't like them. All you know is you find them repulsive. Where does the hawk look? He looks in the barn, he looks in the attic, he looks in the cellar, he looks everywhere *he* would hide, but there's so many places it would never occur to a hawk to hide. However, the reason the Führer's brought me off my Alps in Austria and placed me in French cow country today is because it does occur to me. Because I'm aware what tremendous feats human beings are capable of once they abandon dignity.
Forgive me ...I did not know that defense is not an integral part of warfare. So Israel should limit its use of offensive weapons and depend on defense? Talk about nonsensical.

When a country responds out of all proportion to what they consider a provocation (the murder of 3 teens) and end up killing hundreds of civilians in the subsequent assault, the assault is not about defense. It's not even about retribution because that's usually somewhat proportional. It's something else entirely. But it's NOT about defense.
Dude...the kids dying was weeks ago...this is about Hamas rocket attacks.

Really? Then how did 600 Palestinians die since then?
I thought we had an agreement...
"illegal, belligerent occupation"
C'mon; simple cut and paste.
And we know how good you are at THAT!

You appear to be rattled and wobbly. Need to take a break and come back later?

I'm not the one with the antiquated "keyboard".
I like consistency; even when someone tells me a lie.

Duly noted that you've run out of gas, especially the methane kind.
You appear to be rattled and wobbly. Need to take a break and come back later?

I'm not the one with the antiquated "keyboard".
I like consistency; even when someone tells me a lie.

Duly noted that you've run out of gas, especially the methane kind.

You have ignored my inquiry regarding the tunnels.
I haven't even begun to open your eyes as to how to analyze and dissect a statement into reality.
Back to the tunnels...
For second time, rockets found at UN school in Gaza

Read more: For second time, rockets found at UN school in Gaza | The Times of Israel For second time, rockets found at UN school in Gaza | The Times of Israel
Follow us: [MENTION=32814]Tim[/MENTION]esofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

Schools, hospitals.......Hamas wants casualties it appears.

Once again, we see what a bang-up superb job the UN does in maintaining civility amongst Muslims.
I don't blame the UN personnel; they're probably terrified every moment.
The last reported death toll I saw of the Israeli assault on Gaza was about 650 Palestinians versus 20 something Israeli soldiers.

So, who's terrorizing whom?

Hopefully, at this point, it's the IDF terrorizing the people who built the tunnels specifically meant to transport weapons and military personnel into Israel to murder Israeli citizens.
Are you that fucking stupid?

Want to confirm that? Maybe it's a way to get food and other types of things you don't think about twice living here in Obama's kingdom.

".....over the last 14 years the draconian system of movement controls used by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory has become increasingly institutionalized and restrictive. The permit system put in place in the early 1990s which requires that all Palestinians obtain military issued permits to move between the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem or to travel abroad is now complemented by a permanent system of roadblocks, gates, checkpoints, the Wall and other obstacles to movement in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza blockade.

Taken together all of these factors contribute to forced displacement, severely limit Palestinian access to basic resources including land and water and basic services including health care and education, and perpetuate a system of segregation and legal and structural inequality between Palestinians and Israelis."""

I'd be digging tunnels too, if someone was trying to starve me out.

Restricted Movement in the Occupied Palestinian Territory | American Friends Service Committee
Starvation is only one of many tools that Zionist employ to drive all non-Jews out of Greater Israel. Their leaders have never liked to publicize the Zionist dependence upon transfer, but it's always there to see for anyone who isn't afraid to look.

"Jewish immigration, colonization and labor were the primary means through which the Zionist movement sought to establish a state in Palestine. Since mass immigration alone would not be sufficient to establish a Jewish majority, and because most Palestinian Arab landowners were unwilling to part with their land, many leaders of the Zionist movement resorted to the idea of transferring the indigenous population out of the country."

Population Transfer and Political Zionism
Hopefully, at this point, it's the IDF terrorizing the people who built the tunnels specifically meant to transport weapons and military personnel into Israel to murder Israeli citizens.

Are you that fucking stupid?

You are.

Hamas built those tunnels to resist an illegal belligerent occupation by the fucking Jews.

Are you Jewish?

Wrong, they were built to invade Israel and kill civilians
Israel has been violating international law for decades by imposing a belligerent occupation upon the people of Gaza. Hamas came into existence to remedy that crime; they have the right to resist Israel's occupation while Israel has no right to impose it. If Jews want their civilians safe from legitimate self defense operations on the part of Arabs, they are going to have to agree to share the land between the River and the sea; so far, Jews are making it clear they have no such intention.
For second time, rockets found at UN school in Gaza

Read more: For second time, rockets found at UN school in Gaza | The Times of Israel For second time, rockets found at UN school in Gaza | The Times of Israel
Follow us: @Tim esofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

Schools, hospitals.......Hamas wants casualties it appears.

That's a contention. However, since it's the Israelis who are firing the weapons, it's a certainty that the Israelis want causalities.
Hopefully, at this point, it's the IDF terrorizing the people who built the tunnels specifically meant to transport weapons and military personnel into Israel to murder Israeli citizens.
Are you that fucking stupid?

Want to confirm that? Maybe it's a way to get food and other types of things you don't think about twice living here in Obama's kingdom.

".....over the last 14 years the draconian system of movement controls used by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory has become increasingly institutionalized and restrictive. The permit system put in place in the early 1990s which requires that all Palestinians obtain military issued permits to move between the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem or to travel abroad is now complemented by a permanent system of roadblocks, gates, checkpoints, the Wall and other obstacles to movement in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza blockade.

Taken together all of these factors contribute to forced displacement, severely limit Palestinian access to basic resources including land and water and basic services including health care and education, and perpetuate a system of segregation and legal and structural inequality between Palestinians and Israelis."""

I'd be digging tunnels too, if someone was trying to starve me out.

Restricted Movement in the Occupied Palestinian Territory | American Friends Service Committee
Starvation is only one of many tools that Zionist employ to drive all non-Jews out of Greater Israel.

Damn! You figured it out!
For second time, rockets found at UN school in Gaza

Read more: For second time, rockets found at UN school in Gaza | The Times of Israel For second time, rockets found at UN school in Gaza | The Times of Israel
Follow us: @Tim esofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

Schools, hospitals.......Hamas wants casualties it appears.

That's a contention. However, since it's the Israelis who are firing the weapons, it's a certainty that the Israelis want causalities.

It isnt a contention that Hamas is hiding weapons in those places and using them to stage attacks. So either Hamas is incredibly stupid or you are.
Which is it?
By all means let's be fair. The Israelis should shut down their iron dome system so their dead can equal the raghead dead.

Your post is nonsensical.

To begin with the Iron Dome system is TRULY a defensive weapons, unlike the weapon systems used to attack Gaza. Secondly, Iron Dome can NOT be used AS an offensive weapon. So, it's not even relevant to this thread.

Which leads me to the following question: Why do conservatives post so much irrelevant BS?

My final point is this: Your post is not only silly, it's racist, as well.

Zoom! Right over your head. You really have no idea how stupid and utterly corrupt you are.
Fuck Israel.


No. Fuck you you idiot.

How many of their own people has Hamas sacrificed on the alter of their jihadist bullshit??

People die during war. Pull on those big boy pants of yours and grow the fuck up. Civilians will always die in war.

I don't care if Hamas comes over and kills your grandmother, Mustang's point stands.

Israelis enjoy killing. Very plain to see.

"...civilians always die in war". Your arrogance and ignorance is beyond the pale.

Typical rightie...Defend children like hell when they are in the womb, and then they are just collateral damage after they are born. You are disgusting.

you are dumber than a rotten vermin infested stump in a swamp where no one treads, :up: i am going to ask you to prove that stupid fucking statement.

if anyone enjoys killing it is those lice infested muslimes.

here is my proof those lice infested muslime scum have lice,

dictator Bashar Al-Asad, declared a new fatwa about how to deal with the lice that inhabit the deep forest of the Momin’s (muslimes) beards.

now.., you back up your lie or go to hell with lice (crabs) in your crotch. :lmao:
My, doesn't take much to get under your incredibly thin, slimy, pasty skin.

You are an idiot for comparing Hamas to the Israeli military. It is no match. That is Mustang's point you stupid twit.

Are you completely stupid? Yes, we know you are. You post drekk here day after day. You fall for anything the left tells you. I think one of your two functioning brain cells isnt.

Sorry if the photo I posted is the reality you can't handle.

Just sit back and relax, and enjoy the myopia you live in that your dreaded Obama has not in any fucking way impaired or altered.

The American press makes it easy for assholes like you to rationalize reality.

it looks to me the reality of that photo is the guy is about to finish the kid off. (kill him)
Isreali's enjoy killing? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

How bout Hamas using women and kids as shield while they fire away at the Isreali's.

The scary thing is how many people think like this loser. Think about how absurd they are and all of their claims.

I see a lot of this on here, as if this is the S.O.P. for Hamas, but no one cares to actually corroborate the claim and post proof.

Israel-Gaza conflict: The myth of Hamas’s human shields
Israel blames Gaza death toll on Palestinians for deliberately putting people in line of fire. But can strikes ever be targeted to minimise civilian casualties in such a densely populated area?
Israel-Gaza conflict: The myth of Hamas?s human shields - Middle East - World - The Independent

here is the fucking proof you asked for:

thank you :lmao:
You are.

Hamas built those tunnels to resist an illegal belligerent occupation by the fucking Jews.

Are you Jewish?

Wrong, they were built to invade Israel and kill civilians

Israel has been violating international law for decades by imposing a belligerent occupation upon the people of Gaza. Hamas came into existence to remedy that crime; they have the right to resist Israel's occupation while Israel has no right to impose it. If Jews want their civilians safe from legitimate self defense operations on the part of Arabs, they are going to have to agree to share the land between the River and the sea; so far, Jews are making it clear they have no such intention.

No, Gaza belonged to Egypt during the six day war. They lost and so lost the territory to Israel. The Egypt leaders were scum because they did not help the refugees who lost their home because of Egypt's war:
And Israel still occupies the territory, because the Muslim extremists can become a real danger when not being controlled.
The Jew haters are a joke already. Israel should just kill or imprission everyone in Hamas and do the Palestinians and the world a favor.
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