Israel defends itself?

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And Israel pretends/lies when it says it goes to great length to avoid civilian casualties. Just look at how many civilians they kill. Then they cry that the arabs are using civilians as human shields. :eusa_liar:

Agreed. Israel is not doing enough to avoid civilian casualties.

Are the Arabs?

What should the Israelis be doing instead to avoid civilian casualties?

avoiding civilian casualties.
They have the military/intelligence capabilities to target their strikes much better.
They should.
Humanitarian law huh?

Gee not much said about all the Isreali's killed by Hamas and their rockets and suicide bombers. Guess that doesn't come under "humanitarian law."

Claiming moral outrage when violence is directed at you while attempting to absolve yourself of moral responsibility when your own side engages in atrocities is a losing argument because it's easily recognized as hypocritical. You simply can't have it both ways no matter how you try to convince yourself that you can. If the violence directed at you is immoral when it kills civilians, the violence you direct at the other side is also immoral when it kills civilians on the other side. Likewise, any claim you make to protecting yourself and fighting for a just cause can be made by the other side as well.

It's this fact that makes conservatives' argument to being "principled" such a joke as far as I'm concerned simply because they're ALWAYS trying to play both sides of the moral outrage fence; on the one hand, they're outraged at the violence directed at Israel, and on the other hand, they're outraged when anyone dares to suggest that Israel might actually be in the wrong when they engage in military operations which end up killing large numbers of civilians, including innocent women and children. That kind of simplistic sophistry doesn't impress me in the least, and I don't buy it any more than a lot of other people who see it for exactly what it is: total BS.

And Israel pretends/lies when it says it goes to great length to avoid civilian casualties. Just look at how many civilians they kill. Then they cry that the arabs are using civilians as human shields. :eusa_liar:

How do you know that's a lie? DId you see it on Stormfront?
Claiming moral outrage when violence is directed at you while attempting to absolve yourself of moral responsibility when your own side engages in atrocities is a losing argument because it's easily recognized as hypocritical. You simply can't have it both ways no matter how you try to convince yourself that you can. If the violence directed at you is immoral when it kills civilians, the violence you direct at the other side is also immoral when it kills civilians on the other side. Likewise, any claim you make to protecting yourself and fighting for a just cause can be made by the other side as well.

It's this fact that makes conservatives' argument to being "principled" such a joke as far as I'm concerned simply because they're ALWAYS trying to play both sides of the moral outrage fence; on the one hand, they're outraged at the violence directed at Israel, and on the other hand, they're outraged when anyone dares to suggest that Israel might actually be in the wrong when they engage in military operations which end up killing large numbers of civilians, including innocent women and children. That kind of simplistic sophistry doesn't impress me in the least, and I don't buy it any more than a lot of other people who see it for exactly what it is: total BS.

And Israel pretends/lies when it says it goes to great length to avoid civilian casualties. Just look at how many civilians they kill. Then they cry that the arabs are using civilians as human shields. :eusa_liar:

Agreed. Israel is not doing enough to avoid civilian casualties.

Are the Arabs?

No. The side with the pea shooters are trying to kill as many jews as they can. How are they doing? How many jews have died in this recent conflict and how many arabs have died? Seems you guys are way more effective.

Oh, and then put the people with pea shooters in a 12 x 12 cage and surround them and tell them to fight fair.
Claiming moral outrage when violence is directed at you while attempting to absolve yourself of moral responsibility when your own side engages in atrocities is a losing argument because it's easily recognized as hypocritical. You simply can't have it both ways no matter how you try to convince yourself that you can. If the violence directed at you is immoral when it kills civilians, the violence you direct at the other side is also immoral when it kills civilians on the other side. Likewise, any claim you make to protecting yourself and fighting for a just cause can be made by the other side as well.

It's this fact that makes conservatives' argument to being "principled" such a joke as far as I'm concerned simply because they're ALWAYS trying to play both sides of the moral outrage fence; on the one hand, they're outraged at the violence directed at Israel, and on the other hand, they're outraged when anyone dares to suggest that Israel might actually be in the wrong when they engage in military operations which end up killing large numbers of civilians, including innocent women and children. That kind of simplistic sophistry doesn't impress me in the least, and I don't buy it any more than a lot of other people who see it for exactly what it is: total BS.

And Israel pretends/lies when it says it goes to great length to avoid civilian casualties. Just look at how many civilians they kill. Then they cry that the arabs are using civilians as human shields. :eusa_liar:

How do you know that's a lie? DId you see it on Stormfront?

No. For years we always believed the Israeli narrative but lately we are finding out the jews are not innocent victims and they are pretty good at lies and propoganda too.
And Israel pretends/lies when it says it goes to great length to avoid civilian casualties. Just look at how many civilians they kill. Then they cry that the arabs are using civilians as human shields. :eusa_liar:

Agreed. Israel is not doing enough to avoid civilian casualties.

Are the Arabs?

No. The side with the pea shooters are trying to kill as many jews as they can. How are they doing? How many jews have died in this recent conflict and how many arabs have died? Seems you guys are way more effective.

Oh, and then put the people with pea shooters in a 12 x 12 cage and surround them and tell them to fight fair.

"you guys" ???????

Actually, I don't think the Jews are telling anyone to "fight fair." I think they are trying to tell them to stop fighting.
And Israel pretends/lies when it says it goes to great length to avoid civilian casualties. Just look at how many civilians they kill. Then they cry that the arabs are using civilians as human shields. :eusa_liar:

Agreed. Israel is not doing enough to avoid civilian casualties.

Are the Arabs?

No. The side with the pea shooters are trying to kill as many jews as they can. How are they doing? How many jews have died in this recent conflict and how many arabs have died? Seems you guys are way more effective.

Oh, and then put the people with pea shooters in a 12 x 12 cage and surround them and tell them to fight fair.

No such thing as fair in a war there sparky.

Hamas is using women and kids as shields so of course they will die. Hamas doesn't give shit one about the civilian deaths and will continue to use those shields.
avoiding civilian casualties.
They have the military capabilities to target their strikes much better.
They should.

How do you know what Israel'a military capabilities are? How would they target them much better?

Well apparently they killed Sam Nunn - that can't be good.

ok so you have no idea and are merely talking out of your ass. Typical. Listen, go learn something true before you post crap and make people show you how stupid and igjnorant you are.
The Jew haters are a joke already. Israel should just kill or imprission everyone in Hamas and do the Palestinians and the world a favor.

That is basically what Israel has been doing the last how many decades? So the only thing they can do really is either change their ineffective tactics/behavior or speed up the killing.

Seems belief in god does not make people good humans.

What tactics do you suggest, calmly allow Hamas to kill them?
Claiming moral outrage when violence is directed at you while attempting to absolve yourself of moral responsibility when your own side engages in atrocities is a losing argument because it's easily recognized as hypocritical. You simply can't have it both ways no matter how you try to convince yourself that you can. If the violence directed at you is immoral when it kills civilians, the violence you direct at the other side is also immoral when it kills civilians on the other side. Likewise, any claim you make to protecting yourself and fighting for a just cause can be made by the other side as well.

It's this fact that makes conservatives' argument to being "principled" such a joke as far as I'm concerned simply because they're ALWAYS trying to play both sides of the moral outrage fence; on the one hand, they're outraged at the violence directed at Israel, and on the other hand, they're outraged when anyone dares to suggest that Israel might actually be in the wrong when they engage in military operations which end up killing large numbers of civilians, including innocent women and children. That kind of simplistic sophistry doesn't impress me in the least, and I don't buy it any more than a lot of other people who see it for exactly what it is: total BS.

And Israel pretends/lies when it says it goes to great length to avoid civilian casualties. Just look at how many civilians they kill. Then they cry that the arabs are using civilians as human shields. :eusa_liar:

Agreed. Israel is not doing enough to avoid civilian casualties.

Are the Arabs?

Since the Israelis invaded Gaza (again) how many Israeli civilians have been killed? How many Palestinian civilians?
And Israel pretends/lies when it says it goes to great length to avoid civilian casualties. Just look at how many civilians they kill. Then they cry that the arabs are using civilians as human shields. :eusa_liar:

Agreed. Israel is not doing enough to avoid civilian casualties.

Are the Arabs?

No. The side with the pea shooters are trying to kill as many jews as they can. How are they doing? How many jews have died in this recent conflict and how many arabs have died? Seems you guys are way more effective.

Oh, and then put the people with pea shooters in a 12 x 12 cage and surround them and tell them to fight fair.

It's pretty stupid for guys with pea shooters to attack guys with machine guns. Perhaps you should save your advice for the guys with the pea shooters.

No one is telling Hamas to fight fair. Israel is telling them to stop fighting or they will be killed. Only libturds think wars are supposed to be fair.
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Agreed. Israel is not doing enough to avoid civilian casualties.

Are the Arabs?

No. The side with the pea shooters are trying to kill as many jews as they can. How are they doing? How many jews have died in this recent conflict and how many arabs have died? Seems you guys are way more effective.

Oh, and then put the people with pea shooters in a 12 x 12 cage and surround them and tell them to fight fair.

No such thing as fair in a war there sparky.

Hamas is using women and kids as shields so of course they will die. Hamas doesn't give shit one about the civilian deaths and will continue to use those shields.

Well as it turns out the "using civilians as human shields" might be a lie Israel says to cover their ass after they bomb the arabs.

2. Turns out Israel doesn't care about civilian death either.

3. And if no such thing as fair, don't cry when your little eichmann's get blown up.
Agreed. Israel is not doing enough to avoid civilian casualties.

Are the Arabs?

No. The side with the pea shooters are trying to kill as many jews as they can. How are they doing? How many jews have died in this recent conflict and how many arabs have died? Seems you guys are way more effective.

Oh, and then put the people with pea shooters in a 12 x 12 cage and surround them and tell them to fight fair.

It's pretty stupid for guys with pea shooters to attack guys with machine guns. Perhaps you should save your advice for the guys with the pea shooters.

No one is telling Hamas to fight fair. Israel is telling the to stop fighting or they will be killed. Only libturds think wars are supposed to be fair.

Maybe they are desperate? Ask yourselves why the Palestinians lob bombs into your cities. I promise it isn't just because they are jooos.
If Muslims surrendered tomorrow, they would reap the same reward they did in 1948:

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle was the expulsion of 50,000–70,000 Palestinian Arabs when Israeli troops captured the towns in July that year. The military action occurred within the context of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

"The two Arab towns, lying outside the area designated for a Jewish state in the UN Partition Plan of 1947, and inside the area set aside for an Arab state in Palestine,[1][2] subsequently were transformed into predominantly Jewish areas in the new State of Israel, known as Lod and Ramla."

1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I doubt that. Hell. How much land has Isreal given back that they won during wars??

If the Muslims all surrendered there would be peace because Isreal doesn't want what they have and unlike those Muslims don't fight wars over religion.
Israel has never wanted peace; it wants all the land between the River and the sea for Jews ONLY. How much more proof of that do you require?

The Israelis kicked all of their people out of Gaza several years ago and turned it over to the PLO. That destroys your BS statement.
How much proof do you require to realize that all they want is for Hamas to stop firing rockets at Israel as they have done on a regular basis since 2001.
And Israel pretends/lies when it says it goes to great length to avoid civilian casualties. Just look at how many civilians they kill. Then they cry that the arabs are using civilians as human shields. :eusa_liar:

Agreed. Israel is not doing enough to avoid civilian casualties.

Are the Arabs?

Since the Israelis invaded Gaza (again) how many Israeli civilians have been killed? How many Palestinian civilians?

And is that invasion/occupation going to fix anything? Seems like the jooz don't want to try what works or change their bad behavior towards the Palestinian people.

They are making the arabs into martyrs.

Israel will win the war but lose the politics of this. They will come out looking bad. THey already do look very bad. I'm not an anti semite but I can't side with Israel on this.

See, I can see the arabs side of this and I can clearly see the jooz are being one sided. Impossible to negotiate or reason with them.

I have jewish american friends who are the same way. They want to tell you their opinion but not hear yours if it is anti semetic, which it will be if you don't agree with them 100%
No. The side with the pea shooters are trying to kill as many jews as they can. How are they doing? How many jews have died in this recent conflict and how many arabs have died? Seems you guys are way more effective.

Oh, and then put the people with pea shooters in a 12 x 12 cage and surround them and tell them to fight fair.

No such thing as fair in a war there sparky.

Hamas is using women and kids as shields so of course they will die. Hamas doesn't give shit one about the civilian deaths and will continue to use those shields.

Well as it turns out the "using civilians as human shields" might be a lie Israel says to cover their ass after they bomb the arabs.

2. Turns out Israel doesn't care about civilian death either.

3. And if no such thing as fair, don't cry when your little eichmann's get blown up.

I would suggest that the only ones who don't care about civilian death woulds be those that make and strap bombs on their young people and have them blow up Jews as well as themselves.
No. The side with the pea shooters are trying to kill as many jews as they can. How are they doing? How many jews have died in this recent conflict and how many arabs have died? Seems you guys are way more effective.

Oh, and then put the people with pea shooters in a 12 x 12 cage and surround them and tell them to fight fair.

No such thing as fair in a war there sparky.

Hamas is using women and kids as shields so of course they will die. Hamas doesn't give shit one about the civilian deaths and will continue to use those shields.

Well as it turns out the "using civilians as human shields" might be a lie Israel says to cover their ass after they bomb the arabs.

2. Turns out Israel doesn't care about civilian death either.

3. And if no such thing as fair, don't cry when your little eichmann's get blown up.

LMAO there sparky.

I could give shit one how many civilians are killed. They voted Hamas into power and now they are paying for it. If they don't have enough brains to get the hell out then its on them.

There's nothing fair about war. The winner is the one who has the manpower, weapons and will to win who will win. If you don't have what it takes to fight a war then don't put yourself in a position to have to fight one.

Hamas doesn't give shit one about those civilians, never have and never will. They are fodder for the dirtbags war on Isreal. Unfortunately for them they are outgunned seven ways from Sunday. To bad and boo hoo.
Agreed. Israel is not doing enough to avoid civilian casualties.

Are the Arabs?

Since the Israelis invaded Gaza (again) how many Israeli civilians have been killed? How many Palestinian civilians?

And is that invasion/occupation going to fix anything? Seems like the jooz don't want to try what works or change their bad behavior towards the Palestinian people.

They are making the arabs into martyrs.

Israel will win the war but lose the politics of this. They will come out looking bad. THey already do look very bad. I'm not an anti semite but I can't side with Israel on this.

See, I can see the arabs side of this and I can clearly see the jooz are being one sided. Impossible to negotiate or reason with them.

I have jewish american friends who are the same way. They want to tell you their opinion but not hear yours if it is anti semetic, which it will be if you don't agree with them 100%

Hamas is the one that has refused not one, but two cease fire agreements offered by the Egyptians. Israel agreed to them, but it takes two to negotiate.
I doubt that. Hell. How much land has Isreal given back that they won during wars??

If the Muslims all surrendered there would be peace because Isreal doesn't want what they have and unlike those Muslims don't fight wars over religion.
Israel has never wanted peace; it wants all the land between the River and the sea for Jews ONLY. How much more proof of that do you require?

The Israelis kicked all of their people out of Gaza several years ago and turned it over to the PLO. That destroys your BS statement.
How much proof do you require to realize that all they want is for Hamas to stop firing rockets at Israel as they have done on a regular basis since 2001.

Let me put you and your family in a home, surround it and then control what calls go out and in, what people go in and out, what food gets in. You have to ask me for permission to leave. I have checkpoints everywhere and I harrass you guys.

Instead of giving them their own state.

Oh yea, and besides harrassing you when my family gets bigger I'm going to send one of my kids to come build a house on your property and he will treat you like a 3rd class citizen.
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