Israel defends itself?

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Your source for that information? I ask for two reasons. One is because nobody would keep giving aid if it was continuously misspent. And two is because Hamas has made a point of seeing to the needs of the people as a way of keeping their support.

But apparently you have access to different information. What is it?

Actually I may have heard this on NPR too. Hamas is not paying people with the money but instead buying weapons. No one is saying either side is completely innocent.

Actually, that's exactly what the jooos are saying.

And what are the Palestinians saying?

Don't worry about them. Don't change the subject. Just admit you aren't 100% right. We all know they aren't 100% right. We just want to make sure you know you aren't 100% right either. Your side use to seem like the only rational/logical side but the more we learn the more we realize you guys are major assholes too.

And don't change the subject, deflect, spin, give us "what about them". We're focusing on your bad behavior now. We'll work on them after we straighten you guys out first.
That is basically what Israel has been doing the last how many decades? So the only thing they can do really is either change their ineffective tactics/behavior or speed up the killing.

Seems belief in god does not make people good humans.

That's not what there doing. They should go after everyone in Hamas. Only then can things possible slowly get better, especially for the Arabs.

That's what we should do in Iraq/Afganistan. Go after every Al Queda. Why didn't we think of that before? :cuckoo:

Hamas is in the way of peace. There can and will be no peace unless they are effectively neutralized. The only way to do that is either kill them or put them in prison.
Actually I may have heard this on NPR too. Hamas is not paying people with the money but instead buying weapons. No one is saying either side is completely innocent.

Actually, that's exactly what the jooos are saying.

And what are the Palestinians saying?

Don't worry about them. Don't change the subject. Just admit you aren't 100% right. We all know they aren't 100% right. We just want to make sure you know you aren't 100% right either. Your side use to seem like the only rational/logical side but the more we learn the more we realize you guys are major assholes too.

And don't change the subject, deflect, spin, give us "what about them". We're focusing on your bad behavior now. We'll work on them after we straighten you guys out first.

You're the one who commented that Jews were saying their side is completely innocent, I was merely pointing it out to you that's what the Arabs are saying about their side, too. Isn't that correct?
That's not what there doing. They should go after everyone in Hamas. Only then can things possible slowly get better, especially for the Arabs.

That's what we should do in Iraq/Afganistan. Go after every Al Queda. Why didn't we think of that before? :cuckoo:

Hamas is in the way of peace. There can and will be no peace unless they are effectively neutralized. The only way to do that is either kill them or put them in prison.

The USA creates terrorists with our international policies. Israel creates terrorists with the way they treat the Palestinians.

So you are forgetting a 3rd option. Stop fucking with them and be fair.

The more moderate Palestinians and Israeli citizens are being marginalized by the extreme jooos and extreme arabs.

P.S. Don't be shocked when they say they want to destroy Israel. You just said the only solution is to murder or imprison the other side. Not much difference between their talk and yours.
And what are the Palestinians saying?

Don't worry about them. Don't change the subject. Just admit you aren't 100% right. We all know they aren't 100% right. We just want to make sure you know you aren't 100% right either. Your side use to seem like the only rational/logical side but the more we learn the more we realize you guys are major assholes too.

And don't change the subject, deflect, spin, give us "what about them". We're focusing on your bad behavior now. We'll work on them after we straighten you guys out first.

You're the one who commented that Jews were saying their side is completely innocent, I was merely pointing it out to you that's what the Arabs are saying about their side, too. Isn't that correct?

Don't worry about them. Don't change the subject. Just admit you aren't 100% right. We all know they aren't 100% right. We just want to make sure you know you aren't 100% right either. Your side use to seem like the only rational/logical side but the more we learn the more we realize you guys are major assholes too.

And don't change the subject, deflect, spin, give us "what about them". We're focusing on your bad behavior now. We'll work on them after we straighten you guys out first.
Don't worry about them. Don't change the subject. Just admit you aren't 100% right. We all know they aren't 100% right. We just want to make sure you know you aren't 100% right either. Your side use to seem like the only rational/logical side but the more we learn the more we realize you guys are major assholes too.

And don't change the subject, deflect, spin, give us "what about them". We're focusing on your bad behavior now. We'll work on them after we straighten you guys out first.

You're the one who commented that Jews were saying their side is completely innocent, I was merely pointing it out to you that's what the Arabs are saying about their side, too. Isn't that correct?

Don't worry about them. Don't change the subject. Just admit you aren't 100% right. We all know they aren't 100% right. We just want to make sure you know you aren't 100% right either. Your side use to seem like the only rational/logical side but the more we learn the more we realize you guys are major assholes too.

And don't change the subject, deflect, spin, give us "what about them". We're focusing on your bad behavior now. We'll work on them after we straighten you guys out first.

So you've gone from "The Israelis are causing all this and lying" to "they're both at fault." That's some kind of progress.
Now can you get to "Hamas began this whole business lobbing thousands of rockets into Israel and Israel is reacting as any other country would"?
That's what we should do in Iraq/Afganistan. Go after every Al Queda. Why didn't we think of that before? :cuckoo:

Hamas is in the way of peace. There can and will be no peace unless they are effectively neutralized. The only way to do that is either kill them or put them in prison.

The USA creates terrorists with our international policies. Israel creates terrorists with the way they treat the Palestinians.

So you are forgetting a 3rd option. Stop fucking with them and be fair.

The more moderate Palestinians and Israeli citizens are being marginalized by the extreme jooos and extreme arabs.

P.S. Don't be shocked when they say they want to destroy Israel. You just said the only solution is to murder or imprison the other side. Not much difference between their talk and yours.

That's typical liberal hate America shit. Makes me sick to my stomach. Guess what? If wasn't for America these radical Muslim cockroaches would be even more of a plague to the rest of the world. America and Israel are not the cause of the problem, if anything we should be the answer.

I said Israel should Murder or imprison a terrorist organization that won't agree to peace under any circumstance. Hamas will never be part of any peace process with Israel. That's just the reality of the situation.
Will one jooo admit to even one wrongdoing?

Yeah I believe Israel is not doing enough to protect it's people. Stop worrying about what the UN is thinking about and end this war once and for all.
Hamas is in the way of peace. There can and will be no peace unless they are effectively neutralized. The only way to do that is either kill them or put them in prison.

The USA creates terrorists with our international policies. Israel creates terrorists with the way they treat the Palestinians.

So you are forgetting a 3rd option. Stop fucking with them and be fair.

The more moderate Palestinians and Israeli citizens are being marginalized by the extreme jooos and extreme arabs.

P.S. Don't be shocked when they say they want to destroy Israel. You just said the only solution is to murder or imprison the other side. Not much difference between their talk and yours.

That's typical liberal hate America shit. Makes me sick to my stomach. Guess what? If wasn't for America these radical Muslim cockroaches would be even more of a plague to the rest of the world. America and Israel are not the cause of the problem, if anything we should be the answer.

I said Israel should Murder or imprison a terrorist organization that won't agree to peace under any circumstance. Hamas will never be part of any peace process with Israel. That's just the reality of the situation.

One of the problems with American conservatives is that they can't seem to fathom that some of the policies our country pursues in our own economic interests might actually hurt other people in other countries especially if we're exploiting their natural resources. As a result, conservatives can't seem to grasp that other people are not particularly enamored with the idea of getting screwed over by us just so we can be even wealthier than we already are. Acknowledging that fact isn't antiAmerican if and when we can prevent growing resentment toward us as a country and maybe even prevent terrorism in the process.

As for peace in the ME, Israel has had its fair share of leaders who have blocked peace while also aggravating the historical enmities in the process. Ariel Sharon comes to mind.
Israel is where all that warm, fuzzy-wuzzy talk about open borders, multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism just evaporates into thin air. Once the subect of Israel comes up, then all these economists(read jews) who are otherwise tearful, Kantian, handwringing towers of Jell-O at the thought of MS-13 gang members being turned away at the Rio Grande suddenly find their blood-and-soil cojones.
Israel is where all that warm, fuzzy-wuzzy talk about open borders, multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism just evaporates into thin air. Once the subect of Israel comes up, then all these economists(read jews) who are otherwise tearful, Kantian, handwringing towers of Jell-O at the thought of MS-13 gang members being turned away at the Rio Grande suddenly find their blood-and-soil cojones.

Tell us the truth: You're on crack, arent you?
Israel is where all that warm, fuzzy-wuzzy talk about open borders, multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism just evaporates into thin air. Once the subect of Israel comes up, then all these economists(read jews) who are otherwise tearful, Kantian, handwringing towers of Jell-O at the thought of MS-13 gang members being turned away at the Rio Grande suddenly find their blood-and-soil cojones.

Tell us the truth: You're on crack, arent you?

Ethnocentrism, is good for Israel, but bad for you goy.
Israel has been violating international law for decades by imposing a belligerent occupation upon the people of Gaza. Hamas came into existence to remedy that crime; they have the right to resist Israel's occupation while Israel has no right to impose it. If Jews want their civilians safe from legitimate self defense operations on the part of Arabs, they are going to have to agree to share the land between the River and the sea; so far, Jews are making it clear they have no such intention.

Hamas has declared war on Israel. Therefore, Israel is entitled to send them all to see Allah. The occupation of the Sinai occurred only because Egypt attacked Israel. It continues in Gaza only because Egypt didn't want to take responsibility for the cockroaches inhabiting it.
Except Israel attacked Egypt before occupying the Sinai in '67.
Some Jews do such things to their neighbors.

Stupid is as stupid does.
Muslims are so stupid they announce their intentions and they're so stupid they're taken by SURPRISE!?
Are Muslims so damned stupid that they're SURPRISED that the ex-Galus Jews didn't just sit back and get slaughtered?
Are YOU that stupid?
Israel is where all that warm, fuzzy-wuzzy talk about open borders, multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism just evaporates into thin air. Once the subect of Israel comes up, then all these economists(read jews) who are otherwise tearful, Kantian, handwringing towers of Jell-O at the thought of MS-13 gang members being turned away at the Rio Grande suddenly find their blood-and-soil cojones.

Tell us the truth: You're on crack, arent you?

Ethnocentrism, is good for Israel, but bad for you goy.

Haldol, son. Go ask your doctor about it.
You're the one who commented that Jews were saying their side is completely innocent, I was merely pointing it out to you that's what the Arabs are saying about their side, too. Isn't that correct?

Don't worry about them. Don't change the subject. Just admit you aren't 100% right. We all know they aren't 100% right. We just want to make sure you know you aren't 100% right either. Your side use to seem like the only rational/logical side but the more we learn the more we realize you guys are major assholes too.

And don't change the subject, deflect, spin, give us "what about them". We're focusing on your bad behavior now. We'll work on them after we straighten you guys out first.

So you've gone from "The Israelis are causing all this and lying" to "they're both at fault." That's some kind of progress.
Now can you get to "Hamas began this whole business lobbing thousands of rockets into Israel and Israel is reacting as any other country would"?

Why are they doing it?
Don't worry about them. Don't change the subject. Just admit you aren't 100% right. We all know they aren't 100% right. We just want to make sure you know you aren't 100% right either. Your side use to seem like the only rational/logical side but the more we learn the more we realize you guys are major assholes too.

And don't change the subject, deflect, spin, give us "what about them". We're focusing on your bad behavior now. We'll work on them after we straighten you guys out first.

So you've gone from "The Israelis are causing all this and lying" to "they're both at fault." That's some kind of progress.
Now can you get to "Hamas began this whole business lobbing thousands of rockets into Israel and Israel is reacting as any other country would"?

Why are they doing it?

Muslims are murdering each other all over the Middle East because they wear different color clothes.'s that simple.
Don't worry about them. Don't change the subject. Just admit you aren't 100% right. We all know they aren't 100% right. We just want to make sure you know you aren't 100% right either. Your side use to seem like the only rational/logical side but the more we learn the more we realize you guys are major assholes too.

And don't change the subject, deflect, spin, give us "what about them". We're focusing on your bad behavior now. We'll work on them after we straighten you guys out first.

So you've gone from "The Israelis are causing all this and lying" to "they're both at fault." That's some kind of progress.
Now can you get to "Hamas began this whole business lobbing thousands of rockets into Israel and Israel is reacting as any other country would"?

Why are they doing it?

Why dont you ask them?
I don't like that US president Obama , he only sends Israel 30 billion over the next decade. He needs to send at least 30 billion a year, the whole situation in Israel is one big shabbos goy.
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