Israel defends itself?

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Yeah,. that's a fail. Hamas is pledged to Israel's destruction.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
That's a big FAIL.

Why are you deflecting from your own point? You are a liar. You know Hamas is pledged to Israel's destruction. Yet you lied about it.

I'd want your destroyed too if you treated me like they treat the Palestinian people.

By the way, remember you guys were freakin out because Makmood Amadinijad said he wanted to wipe Israel off the face of the planet? You do realize most Iranian people don't feel that way and the Moola's have that decision making power, not him? George Bush said some crazy shit too. Are all Americans ignorant like him?
Israel has never wanted peace; it wants all the land between the River and the sea for Jews ONLY. How much more proof of that do you require?

The Israelis kicked all of their people out of Gaza several years ago and turned it over to the PLO. That destroys your BS statement.
How much proof do you require to realize that all they want is for Hamas to stop firing rockets at Israel as they have done on a regular basis since 2001.

Let me put you and your family in a home, surround it and then control what calls go out and in, what people go in and out, what food gets in. You have to ask me for permission to leave. I have checkpoints everywhere and I harrass you guys.

Instead of giving them their own state.

Oh yea, and besides harrassing you when my family gets bigger I'm going to send one of my kids to come build a house on your property and he will treat you like a 3rd class citizen.

As long as I am launching rockets at you in an attempt to terrorize and/or kill you, I would be damned lucky if you didn't invade my house and kill me.

I suggest there are no Israeli checkpoints in Gaza, no Israeli is building any houses in Gaza and you can bet everything going into Gaza will be checked to prevent arms and rockets from going to Hamas.
I doubt that. Hell. How much land has Isreal given back that they won during wars??

If the Muslims all surrendered there would be peace because Isreal doesn't want what they have and unlike those Muslims don't fight wars over religion.
The Muslims in Palestine aren't fighting Jews over religion, Moron.
The Arabs are fighting because Jews have been stealing their land for the last 66 years.

And THAT explains why Muslims are murdering each other all over the Middle East!
Muslims are murdering each other in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria because the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World gets richer from the killing.

Arms sales.
Oil sales.
Heroin profits.
Yeah,. that's a fail. Hamas is pledged to Israel's destruction.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
That's a big FAIL.

Why are you deflecting from your own point? You are a liar. You know Hamas is pledged to Israel's destruction. Yet you lied about it.
Hamas is pledged to destroy those who are stealing Arab land and water and using Arab children playing on piers for target practice?

What part of that surprises you?

The solution calls for Jews to share the land between the River and the sea not for those resisting Israel's oppression to stop fighting.
Israel has never wanted peace; it wants all the land between the River and the sea for Jews ONLY. How much more proof of that do you require?

Stop firing rockets into Israel and then we'll deal with Israel, if needed.
When Israel stops its collective punishment of Gaza by lifting its blockade, the rockets will stop. Since Israel is the Occupying Power in this situation, it is their responsibility to stop violating international law before Hamas is required to stop resisting.
Except the blockade came as a response to rocket attacks not the other way around.
After the tunnels have all been collapsed and the weapon stores have all been destroyed Israel should completely close the border and not allow anything in. It is not Israels responsibility to provide for those outside of it's borders.
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Stop firing rockets into Israel and then we'll deal with Israel, if needed.
When Israel stops its collective punishment of Gaza by lifting its blockade, the rockets will stop. Since Israel is the Occupying Power in this situation, it is their responsibility to stop violating international law before Hamas is required to stop resisting.
Except the blockade came as a response to rocket attacks not the other way around.
After the tunnels have all been collapsed and the weapon stores have all been destroyed Israel should completely close the border and not allow anything in. It is not Israels responsibility to provide for those outside of it's borders.
It is Israel's responsibility as Occupying Power to provide for those under its control. The blockade in its current form was put in place as collective punishment for Gazans voting the wrong way in their 2006 election which brought Hamas to power. Have you noticed how some Jews seem to prefer their religion/ethnicity to democracy?
The Muslims in Palestine aren't fighting Jews over religion, Moron.
The Arabs are fighting because Jews have been stealing their land for the last 66 years.

And THAT explains why Muslims are murdering each other all over the Middle East!
Muslims are murdering each other in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria because the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World gets richer from the killing.

Arms sales.
Oil sales.
Heroin profits.

Any group of people that stupid get what they deserve.
But at least you admit they're that stupid.
When Israel stops its collective punishment of Gaza by lifting its blockade, the rockets will stop. Since Israel is the Occupying Power in this situation, it is their responsibility to stop violating international law before Hamas is required to stop resisting.
Except the blockade came as a response to rocket attacks not the other way around.
After the tunnels have all been collapsed and the weapon stores have all been destroyed Israel should completely close the border and not allow anything in. It is not Israels responsibility to provide for those outside of it's borders.

Have you noticed how some Jews seem to prefer their religion/ethnicity to democracy?

We discussed Democracy last week and your side lost.
Want to lose again?
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
That's a big FAIL.

Why are you deflecting from your own point? You are a liar. You know Hamas is pledged to Israel's destruction. Yet you lied about it.
Hamas is pledged to destroy those who are stealing Arab land and water and using Arab children playing on piers for target practice?

What part of that surprises you?

The solution calls for Jews to share the land between the River and the sea not for those resisting Israel's oppression to stop fighting.

Dumbshit. Israel withdrew from Gaza. IT wouldn't matter what Israel did, Hamas would want to destroy it. Israel offered the Palis their own statemany times and they turned it down every time.
Hamas only wants to kill Jews. You cheer them on it that.
When Israel stops its collective punishment of Gaza by lifting its blockade, the rockets will stop. Since Israel is the Occupying Power in this situation, it is their responsibility to stop violating international law before Hamas is required to stop resisting.
Except the blockade came as a response to rocket attacks not the other way around.
After the tunnels have all been collapsed and the weapon stores have all been destroyed Israel should completely close the border and not allow anything in. It is not Israels responsibility to provide for those outside of it's borders.
It is Israel's responsibility as Occupying Power to provide for those under its control. The blockade in its current form was put in place as collective punishment for Gazans voting the wrong way in their 2006 election which brought Hamas to power. Have you noticed how some Jews seem to prefer their religion/ethnicity to democracy?

Israel withdrew from Gaza, which is Hamas' responsibility. Which part of that did you miss?
Arab states have repeatedly agreed on Israel's right to exist in its pre-67 borders.
Jews struck first in '67 as even their leaders have admitted.
Which is more than their leaders have done for the 34 Americans murdered by the Jews in international waters on June 8, 1967:

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."

The US government buried the evidence of this deliberate assault, and that should make you wonder what else are they lying about when it involves Israel.

USS Liberty Memorial

Can you please provide documentation of:
1) All Arabs agreeing to Israel's right to exist
2) Jews struck first in 1967
"The Arab Peace Initiative (Arabic: مبادرة السلام العربية*) is a comprehensive peace initiative first proposed in 2002 at the Beirut Summit of the Arab League by then-Crown Prince, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and re-endorsed at the Riyadh Summit in 2007..."

"The Arab League summit held in the aftermath of the massive Israeli victory in the Six-Day War established the Khartoum Resolution on September 1, 1967 with the 'three No's' that was to be the center of all Israeli-Arab relations after that point: No peace deals, no diplomatic recognitions, and no negotiations. UN Security Council Resolution 242, which called for normalization of Israel with the Arab states and for Israel to give up territories taken during the war, was enacted on November 22, 1967 and faced initial rejection by most of the Arab world.

"The peace initiative, according to Oxford Research Group, represents a total break from this past."

Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Israel's first and most critical move was a surprise attack on the Egyptian Air Force. Initially, both Egypt and Israel announced that they had been attacked by the other country."

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyone who believes Israel is going to let the U.N. decide the resolution of the so-called "Palestinian refugee" problem is obviously delusional. The U.N. is a club for third world tyrannies who are mostly hostile to democracies like Israel. Israel is also never going to give up the Golan Heights. Both are a prescription for national suicide.

Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(a) Complete withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories, including the Syrian Golan Heights, to the 4 June 1967 line and the territories still occupied in southern Lebanon; (b) Attain a just solution to the problem of Palestinian refugees to be agreed upon in accordance with the UN General Assembly Resolution No 194. (c) Accept the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state on the Palestinian territories occupied since 4 June 1967 in the West Bank and Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital.
Did you hear Obama doesn't get on both knees and lick Netanyahu's asshole? Every US President kisses Israeli ass and Obama has the nerve to break that tradition? He is a piece of a shit holocausting nazi anti semite.

I love it that he doesn't, however I feel this conflict was created/stirred up by the GOP in an election year. I'm sure they are behind it just as they are behind all those illegal kids coming to the border. Mitch McConnell probably went down there and told them to come to the USA. The GOP probably got the Russians to shoot down that plane too.

I wouldn't put any of it past them after the Iran/Contra Affair and after they asked the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the Carter/Reagan election.

If not for the hostages Carter was beating the b list actor.

You need to change your name to Sillybobo.
If Muslims surrendered tomorrow, they would reap the same reward they did in 1948:

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle was the expulsion of 50,000–70,000 Palestinian Arabs when Israeli troops captured the towns in July that year. The military action occurred within the context of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

"The two Arab towns, lying outside the area designated for a Jewish state in the UN Partition Plan of 1947, and inside the area set aside for an Arab state in Palestine,[1][2] subsequently were transformed into predominantly Jewish areas in the new State of Israel, known as Lod and Ramla."

1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I doubt that. Hell. How much land has Isreal given back that they won during wars??

If the Muslims all surrendered there would be peace because Isreal doesn't want what they have and unlike those Muslims don't fight wars over religion.
The Muslims in Palestine aren't fighting Jews over religion, Moron.
The Arabs are fighting because Jews have been stealing their land for the last 66 years.


If thats the case then why are they going to kill every Jew then can? They've said many times they want to wipe them off the planet.

Just who's land was it before it became Palestine??

Oh and what land did the Isreali's remove their settlements from and give back??
Your source for that information? I ask for two reasons. One is because nobody would keep giving aid if it was continuously misspent. And two is because Hamas has made a point of seeing to the needs of the people as a way of keeping their support.

But apparently you have access to different information. What is it?

Actually I may have heard this on NPR too. Hamas is not paying people with the money but instead buying weapons. No one is saying either side is completely innocent.

Actually, that's exactly what the jooos are saying.

Palestinian organizations finance schools and health clinics and offer plenty of other ways to support the population based on need. This is one of the ways that they maintain support among the population.

No. Any miniscule amount they spend on the people is to keep the people voting for Hamas.

Those idiots voted Hamas into power and they are now paying the price for letting those dirtbags run things.
Except the blockade came as a response to rocket attacks not the other way around.
After the tunnels have all been collapsed and the weapon stores have all been destroyed Israel should completely close the border and not allow anything in. It is not Israels responsibility to provide for those outside of it's borders.
It is Israel's responsibility as Occupying Power to provide for those under its control. The blockade in its current form was put in place as collective punishment for Gazans voting the wrong way in their 2006 election which brought Hamas to power. Have you noticed how some Jews seem to prefer their religion/ethnicity to democracy?

Israel withdrew from Gaza, which is Hamas' responsibility. Which part of that did you miss?

Yes, Israel seeks peace, when the peace is broken, Israel fights back. When Israel wins, that does not turn Israel into the "aggressor".
Why are you deflecting from your own point? You are a liar. You know Hamas is pledged to Israel's destruction. Yet you lied about it.
Hamas is pledged to destroy those who are stealing Arab land and water and using Arab children playing on piers for target practice?

What part of that surprises you?

The solution calls for Jews to share the land between the River and the sea not for those resisting Israel's oppression to stop fighting.

Dumbshit. Israel withdrew from Gaza. IT wouldn't matter what Israel did, Hamas would want to destroy it. Israel offered the Palis their own statemany times and they turned it down every time.
Hamas only wants to kill Jews. You cheer them on it that.
Jew-first...Israel controls the air, sea, and land borders with Gaza; that mean Jews occupy Gaza. You can squeal all you want about "self-defense" but there is no self defense justification available to those pursuing ethnic cleansing.
Actually I may have heard this on NPR too. Hamas is not paying people with the money but instead buying weapons. No one is saying either side is completely innocent.

Actually, that's exactly what the jooos are saying.

Palestinian organizations finance schools and health clinics and offer plenty of other ways to support the population based on need. This is one of the ways that they maintain support among the population.

No. Any miniscule amount they spend on the people is to keep the people voting for Hamas.

Those idiots voted Hamas into power and they are now paying the price for letting those dirtbags run things.

In America, elected politicians routinely tout how they "bring home the bacon" in order to maintain the support of the voters and various influential voting blocks. This is nothing new anywhere on the planet where elections decide the outcome of who serves in a legislative body.
It looks like Israel defended itself from an 18 month old infant in the last day or so.

Six members of the same family and an 18-month-old infant boy were killed when an Israeli airstrike hit the Jebaliya refugee camp in the early morning hours, according to Gaza police and health officials. Twenty others were injured in the strike, they said, and rescuers were digging through the rubble of flattened homes, looking for survivors. Article - Israeli fire hits UN facility in Gaza, killing 7
Palestinian organizations finance schools and health clinics and offer plenty of other ways to support the population based on need. This is one of the ways that they maintain support among the population.

No. Any miniscule amount they spend on the people is to keep the people voting for Hamas.

Those idiots voted Hamas into power and they are now paying the price for letting those dirtbags run things.

In America, elected politicians routinely tout how they "bring home the bacon" in order to maintain the support of the voters and various influential voting blocks. This is nothing new anywhere on the planet where elections decide the outcome of who serves in a legislative body.

You realy think Hamas, a terrorist organization, is the equivalent of the Democrats here? You mugh be right though
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