Israel defends itself?

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Jeremy Scahill: 'We've Hit All-Time Lows' In Media Coverage Of Gaza

"We could say this every time I come on your show and talk to you: we've hit all-time lows with media coverage in this country," Scahill told Minkovski. "When you look at what's happening right now in Gaza, this is a massive massacre and one epic series of war crime after war crime, child after child being killed."

Scahill went on to say that "Israeli propagandists are largely given carte blanche to say what they want on American television with very little pushback."

More: Jeremy Scahill On U.S. Media Coverage Of Israel-Gaza Conflict: 'We've Hit All-Time Lows'

I agree. There is no doubt that media coverage is biased in favor of Israel.

I don't know why anyone would be surprised by fact. If anything, it would be surprising if the Palestinian perspective were fairly presented in the American media.

While as a general rule I hate it when people engage in reverse hypothetical situations, this one warrants it.

Imagine that the Palestinians had a powerful military, and Israel was confined to a small enclave with no standing army or air force. If the Palestinians were strafing buildings and killing women and children, an Israeli Gaza would be compared to a World War II Warsaw ghetto under siege by the Nazis.
This whole thread is a load of BOLLOCKS! The very title "Israel DEFENDS itself" against hand held rockets and some mortars with less than a 1/2 mile range and YET the poor, oppressed, gawds chosen have US air craft, jets, cluster bombs, satellites, superior firearms and ad friggin NAUSEUM!
Let's hope the dune coons get a nuke and blow that whole region into oblivion!
Israeli restraint has been remarkable...

What's remarkable is that anyone thinks they've really used restraint.

Jeremy Scahill: 'We've Hit All-Time Lows' In Media Coverage Of Gaza

"We could say this every time I come on your show and talk to you: we've hit all-time lows with media coverage in this country," Scahill told Minkovski. "When you look at what's happening right now in Gaza, this is a massive massacre and one epic series of war crime after war crime, child after child being killed."

Scahill went on to say that "Israeli propagandists are largely given carte blanche to say what they want on American television with very little pushback."

More: Jeremy Scahill On U.S. Media Coverage Of Israel-Gaza Conflict: 'We've Hit All-Time Lows'

I agree. There is no doubt that media coverage is biased in favor of Israel.

I don't know why anyone would be surprised by fact. If anything, it would be surprising if the Palestinian perspective were fairly presented in the American media.

While as a general rule I hate it when people engage in reverse hypothetical situations, this one warrants it.

Imagine that the Palestinians had a powerful military, and Israel was confined to a small enclave with no standing army or air force. If the Palestinians were strafing buildings and killing women and children, an Israeli Gaza would be compared to a World War II Warsaw ghetto under siege by the Nazis.

In said hypothetical if the Israeli's were incessantly firing rockets into the Palestinian territory nobody would blame the Palestinians for trying to put an end to it.
What's remarkable is that anyone thinks they've really used restraint.


Oh, it's not indiscriminate at all. It's QUITE discriminate.

Take your shoeshine and shove it, you communist pig. I see right through you. You're a proponent of totalitarianism. You're of history's most murderous tribe responsible for the deaths of tens of millions. What kind of soul embraces that which is patently evil? You don't have any moral authority. You're a mindless barbarian. A cockroach. Check? Yours is not an ideology that gives a damn about the sanctity of human life or liberty. Your phony ass moralizing is nothing more than the projection of your own depravity. Shut the hell up.

No other country on Earth would tolerate this perpetual state of war ultimately driven by the IslamoFascist regimes of Iran and Syria, just for starters.

Israel has to be the only nation in all of history that the rest of world expects to respond to existential acts of barbarism with mere retaliatory strikes . . . if that.

There has never been any other correct response for Israel, but to declare all out war on these moon-worshiping ragheads. The terms: unconditional surrender or utter annihilation. Choose.

I'm sick and damn tired of America's posture, which has never been much more sensible than that of the Jew-hating world. Republican administrations make baby talk about a peace that will never be. Democratic administrations make Jew-bashing talk about how Israel must exercise restraint or dare not isolate itself . . . as if it hadn't exercised restraint for decades, as if it weren't already isolated by the world's double standard.

Israeli Exceptionalism in a nutshell.

And since that Jew-hating Carter, has there ever been a more unabashedly Anti-Semitic American president than the Chicago gangster?

There is no callous disregard for the sanctity of human life on the part of those who defend Israel, and for those who defend Israel, there should be nothing but utter contempt for the Anti-Semitic lunatics on the left, as the ineluctable end of the latter's reasoning is that Israel must be systematically annihilated, for any retaliatory action Israel might take would necessarily involve collateral damage.

I know for a fact that at least three of the Anti-Semitics on this thread have stated at one time or another that the entire enterprise of the nation of Israel is a hostile occupation of Arab land, so what more is there to talk about with them? All of their violin music is verbal diarrhea. Their agenda is that every Israeli—man, woman and child—pack up and leave or be slaughtered in their sleep.
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Oh, it's not indiscriminate at all. It's QUITE discriminate.

Take your shoeshine and shove it, you communist pig. I see right through you. You're a proponent of totalitarianism. You're of history's most murderous tribe responsible for the deaths of tens of millions. What kind of soul embraces that which is patently evil? You don't have any moral authority. You're a mindless barbarian. A cockroach. Check? Yours is not an ideology that gives a damn about the sanctity of human life or liberty. Your phony ass moralizing is nothing more than the projection of your own depravity. Shut the hell up.

No other country on Earth would tolerate this perpetual state of war ultimately driven by IslamoFascist regimes of Iran and Syria, just for starters.

Israel has to be the only nation in all of history that the rest of world expects to respond to existential acts of barbarism with mere retaliatory strikes . . . if that.

There has never been any other correct response for Israel, but to declare all out war on these moon-worshiping ragheads. The terms: unconditional surrender or utter annihilation. Choose.

I'm sick and damn tired of America's posture, which has never been much more sensible than that of the Jew-hating world. Republican administrations make baby talk about a peace that will never be. Democratic administrations make Jew-bashing talk about how Israel must exercise restraint or dare not isolate itself . . . as if it hadn't exercised restraint for decades, as if it weren't already isolated by the world's double standard.

Israeli Exceptionalism in a nutshell.

And since that Jew-hating Carter, has there ever been a more unabashedly Anti-Semitic American president than the Chicago gangster?

There is no callous disregard for the sanctity of human life on the part of those who defend Israel, and for those who defend Israel, there should be nothing but utter contempt for the Anti-Semitic lunatics on the left, as the ineluctable end of the latter's reasoning is that Israel must be systematically annihilated, for any retaliatory action Israel might take would necessarily involve collateral damage.

I know for a fact that at least three of the Anti-Semitics on this thread have stated at one time or another that the entire enterprise of the nation of Israel is a hostile occupation of Arab land, so what more is there to talk about with them? All of their violin music is verbal diarrhea. Their agenda is that every Israeli—man, woman and child—pack up and leave or be slaughtered in their sleep.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Jeremy Scahill: 'We've Hit All-Time Lows' In Media Coverage Of Gaza

"We could say this every time I come on your show and talk to you: we've hit all-time lows with media coverage in this country," Scahill told Minkovski. "When you look at what's happening right now in Gaza, this is a massive massacre and one epic series of war crime after war crime, child after child being killed."

Scahill went on to say that "Israeli propagandists are largely given carte blanche to say what they want on American television with very little pushback."

More: Jeremy Scahill On U.S. Media Coverage Of Israel-Gaza Conflict: 'We've Hit All-Time Lows'

I agree. There is no doubt that media coverage is biased in favor of Israel.

I don't know why anyone would be surprised by fact. If anything, it would be surprising if the Palestinian perspective were fairly presented in the American media.

While as a general rule I hate it when people engage in reverse hypothetical situations, this one warrants it.

Imagine that the Palestinians had a powerful military, and Israel was confined to a small enclave with no standing army or air force. If the Palestinians were strafing buildings and killing women and children, an Israeli Gaza would be compared to a World War II Warsaw ghetto under siege by the Nazis.

Hamas is not strafing buildings and killing women and children only because they do not have the capability to do so. What they are doing is waging a constant war of terrorism by a daily barrage of rockets into civilian areas of Israel. Fortunately the Israelis have the 'Iron Dome' that destroys 90% of these rockets before they kill men, women and children.
Can you imagine living in a country where the warning sirens go off several times a day and you have to quit what you are doing and immediately go to a bomb shelter? This is what the Israeli citizen has had to tolerate for years, and it is past time to put a final stop to it by whatever means are available to them.
Except the blockade came as a response to rocket attacks not the other way around.
After the tunnels have all been collapsed and the weapon stores have all been destroyed Israel should completely close the border and not allow anything in. It is not Israels responsibility to provide for those outside of it's borders.
It is Israel's responsibility as Occupying Power to provide for those under its control. The blockade in its current form was put in place as collective punishment for Gazans voting the wrong way in their 2006 election which brought Hamas to power. Have you noticed how some Jews seem to prefer their religion/ethnicity to democracy?

Israel withdrew from Gaza, which is Hamas' responsibility. Which part of that did you miss?
Israel controls the air space above Gaza, they control the coastal waters of Gaza, they control surface land borders; the fight in Gaza is unique in at least one significant respect: there's a fence around the area the fight is taking place in. Nobody can leave. Israel is the Occupying Power of Gaza according to international law. That means Jews have the responsibility for the welfare of those living under their occupation.
I doubt that. Hell. How much land has Isreal given back that they won during wars??

If the Muslims all surrendered there would be peace because Isreal doesn't want what they have and unlike those Muslims don't fight wars over religion.
The Muslims in Palestine aren't fighting Jews over religion, Moron.
The Arabs are fighting because Jews have been stealing their land for the last 66 years.


If thats the case then why are they going to kill every Jew then can? They've said many times they want to wipe them off the planet.

Just who's land was it before it became Palestine??

Oh and what land did the Isreali's remove their settlements from and give back??
Israel transferred its settlements from Gaza to the West Bank while maintaining control of Gaza's borders, airspace, and coastal waters; Jews ring Gaza with concrete walls and electrified fences and sniper towers, then lie about "leaving Gaza." When Israel values the lives of its young people more than its desire to control all the land between the River and the sea, it will take its first step toward Peace.
It is Israel's responsibility as Occupying Power to provide for those under its control. The blockade in its current form was put in place as collective punishment for Gazans voting the wrong way in their 2006 election which brought Hamas to power. Have you noticed how some Jews seem to prefer their religion/ethnicity to democracy?

Israel withdrew from Gaza, which is Hamas' responsibility. Which part of that did you miss?

Yes, Israel seeks peace, when the peace is broken, Israel fights back. When Israel wins, that does not turn Israel into the "aggressor".
Israel is seeking all the land between the River and the sea for Jews.
Israel imposes collective punishment on Arabs to force them from their land.
You should not lie about what Israel has been doing in Palestine for decades.
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