Israel defends itself?

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After everything is said and done, I think this thread has adequately established that, as far as conservatives are concerned, the killing of women and children is okay with them as long as it's Israelis who are pulling the triggers because they'll simply blame the Palestinians for the deaths of innocents. See how that works? Because, let's be honest here. It certainly would be a completely different story if it was Jewish women and children who were caught in a crossfire. Then conservatives would be expressing moral outrage.

So much for conservative principles.

This thread adequately establishes that you are a low information bigoted moron with an agenda and not much else.

No, actually it proves that I can kick your ass in an argument without too much effort.

To be perfectly honest, as much as I hate the conflict in the ME because it seems to be a neverending struggle perpetuated by people who don't appear to have any real intention of negotiating in good faith and who keep America on the hook diplomatically and financially to their extremist views, my purpose in this thread was considerably more modest than shedding new light on an old conflict. I just basically wanted to expose conservative hypocrisy. It's not difficult, really, since it's on display every day on this forum. But I thought that the issue of life and death when it came to innocent women & children would make that hypocrisy stand out in all its ugly and gory glory.

I was right.

So, in the immortal words of Frank Burns (who you kind of remind me of to be perfectly honest), "Go peddle your fish!"
Israelis are the ones who target women and children. The decision to attack was the Israelis'. The targets they chose was the Israelis'. The manner of attack was the Israelis. AND the moral responsiblity for killing women and children belongs to the Israelis, period! Any attempt to shift the blame for those deaths to someone else other than the Israelis is little more than sophistry.

Say there George, wanna talk about three innocent Israelis teenagers minding their own business when along comes some HAMAS militants to kidnap and kill them. Lets talk about the torture and pain inflicted not only on those children but there families as well.
What kind of a piece of shit are you to conveniently omit those facts, doesn't fit well into the poor victim scenario does it bud??
How dare you broach the subject of morals in this thread, act as if the Israelis are aggressors......

So Israel is Judeo Christian with a strong Jewish ethnicity and HAMAS is militant Muslim with a strong Arabic ethnicity ......

Why yes just given those two generalizations a reasonable and prudent person would understand who the aggressor is .......

I don't know why it is, but it seems next to impossible to get conservatives to focus on an issue without them trying to conflate it with another issue or create some kind of moral equivalency in the process when they suddenly proclaim...what about THIS?!

In this particular case, I don't think it's morally equivalent to equate the tragic deaths of 3 teens in an isolated incident with the launching of a major land and air war that results in hundreds of deaths and thousands of casualties. Certainly, one does not justify the other.

George you need to include the IMHO with your rants, and for you to summarily dismiss the deaths of three teens for the chain of events that it started does not surprise in the
least. You have to this point in our brief exchange shown both lack of compassion for human life and a skewed sense of reasonable and prudent.
You advocate the actions of terrorist who are now suffering the consequences of their own actions, I don't see you defending them as innocent, just that the penalty exacted on HAMAS was too great for the crime. So tell the forum, what is one teenage child's life worth?? Think about this before you answer, are you one who is supporting the "Humanitarian Crisis" on the border in favor of the poor children??

Where does such callousness and apathy come from??

What makes HAMAS cause the right and just cause??

Please shower us with some more of this shit storm of hypocrisy!!
Israelis are the ones who target women and children. The decision to attack was the Israelis'. The targets they chose was the Israelis'. The manner of attack was the Israelis. AND the moral responsiblity for killing women and children belongs to the Israelis, period! Any attempt to shift the blame for those deaths to someone else other than the Israelis is little more than sophistry.

Say there George, wanna talk about three innocent Israelis teenagers minding their own business when along comes some HAMAS militants to kidnap and kill them. Lets talk about the torture and pain inflicted not only on those children but there families as well.
What kind of a piece of shit are you to conveniently omit those facts, doesn't fit well into the poor victim scenario does it bud??
How dare you broach the subject of morals in this thread, act as if the Israelis are aggressors......

So Israel is Judeo Christian with a strong Jewish ethnicity and HAMAS is militant Muslim with a strong Arabic ethnicity ......

Why yes just given those two generalizations a reasonable and prudent person would understand who the aggressor is .......

I don't know why it is, but it seems next to impossible to get conservatives to focus on an issue without them trying to conflate it with another issue or create some kind of moral equivalency in the process when they suddenly proclaim...what about THIS?!

In this particular case, I don't think it's morally equivalent to equate the tragic deaths of 3 teens in an isolated incident with the launching of a major land and air war that results in hundreds of deaths and thousands of casualties. Certainly, one does not justify the other.
It's also worth mentioning the 17 Palestinian teens arrested by Israel a few weeks prior to the abduction of the three Israelis, and the two Palestinian teens who were murdered by the IDF as revealed on CNN just two weeks before the Jews were snatched.

Hamas had been strangled by the regime change in Egypt.
Their only way out was a Unity Government with Fatah.
When that happened, it was only a matter of time before Israel found a pretext for war.
The three kidnapped Israeli teens supplied that need.

We can go back and exchange tit for tat over the last 66 years, but eventually we reach an event in 1948 where 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation-state on twice as many Arabs by force of arms.
Say there George, wanna talk about three innocent Israelis teenagers minding their own business when along comes some HAMAS militants to kidnap and kill them. Lets talk about the torture and pain inflicted not only on those children but there families as well.
What kind of a piece of shit are you to conveniently omit those facts, doesn't fit well into the poor victim scenario does it bud??
How dare you broach the subject of morals in this thread, act as if the Israelis are aggressors......

So Israel is Judeo Christian with a strong Jewish ethnicity and HAMAS is militant Muslim with a strong Arabic ethnicity ......

Why yes just given those two generalizations a reasonable and prudent person would understand who the aggressor is .......

I don't know why it is, but it seems next to impossible to get conservatives to focus on an issue without them trying to conflate it with another issue or create some kind of moral equivalency in the process when they suddenly proclaim...what about THIS?!

In this particular case, I don't think it's morally equivalent to equate the tragic deaths of 3 teens in an isolated incident with the launching of a major land and air war that results in hundreds of deaths and thousands of casualties. Certainly, one does not justify the other.
It's also worth mentioning the 17 Palestinian teens arrested by Israel a few weeks prior to the abduction of the three Israelis, and the two Palestinian teens who were murdered by the IDF as revealed on CNN just two weeks before the Jews were snatched.

Hamas had been strangled by the regime change in Egypt.
Their only way out was a Unity Government with Fatah.
When that happened, it was only a matter of time before Israel found a pretext for war.
The three kidnapped Israeli teens supplied that need.

We can go back and exchange tit for tat over the last 66 years, but eventually we reach an event in 1948 where 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation-state on twice as many Arabs by force of arms.

You are right about one thing, this is the hear and now. Neither of us were around when those events occurred, but we are here today. CNN huh, well it did fair slightly better than MSNBC's 5% of viewers of news but if that is who you insist on sourcing on then so be it .....

By the way, I did a Google search for that CNN piece, perhaps you can find a link to that figment of your imagination.
... it was only a matter of time before Israel found a pretext for war.

Oh yeah .... and they got soooooo lucky because the terrorists obliged them by shooting rockets into civilian neighborhoods.
They ensured the rockets would fly when they re-arrested hundred of Hamas members and bulldozed dozens of Arab homes on the West Bank while telling the world they were looking for the three kidnapped teens.

Now we know that Israel knew within hours of the kidnapping the three teens were dead, yet for 18 days Jews tore the WB apart looking for their "boys."

Do you get it, yet.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
They don't care how many dead teens are required to get it.
I don't know why it is, but it seems next to impossible to get conservatives to focus on an issue without them trying to conflate it with another issue or create some kind of moral equivalency in the process when they suddenly proclaim...what about THIS?!

In this particular case, I don't think it's morally equivalent to equate the tragic deaths of 3 teens in an isolated incident with the launching of a major land and air war that results in hundreds of deaths and thousands of casualties. Certainly, one does not justify the other.
It's also worth mentioning the 17 Palestinian teens arrested by Israel a few weeks prior to the abduction of the three Israelis, and the two Palestinian teens who were murdered by the IDF as revealed on CNN just two weeks before the Jews were snatched.

Hamas had been strangled by the regime change in Egypt.
Their only way out was a Unity Government with Fatah.
When that happened, it was only a matter of time before Israel found a pretext for war.
The three kidnapped Israeli teens supplied that need.

We can go back and exchange tit for tat over the last 66 years, but eventually we reach an event in 1948 where 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation-state on twice as many Arabs by force of arms.

You are right about one thing, this is the hear and now. Neither of us were around when those events occurred, but we are here today. CNN huh, well it did fair slightly better than MSNBC's 5% of viewers of news but if that is who you insist on sourcing on then so be it .....

By the way, I did a Google search for that CNN piece, perhaps you can find a link to that figment of your imagination.
Hamas needs a "day of rage"....just like the other 364 days a year.

Blow ups some cars, cut off some heads or something...

Say there George, wanna talk about three innocent Israelis teenagers minding their own business when along comes some HAMAS militants to kidnap and kill them. Lets talk about the torture and pain inflicted not only on those children but there families as well.
What kind of a piece of shit are you to conveniently omit those facts, doesn't fit well into the poor victim scenario does it bud??
How dare you broach the subject of morals in this thread, act as if the Israelis are aggressors......

So Israel is Judeo Christian with a strong Jewish ethnicity and HAMAS is militant Muslim with a strong Arabic ethnicity ......

Why yes just given those two generalizations a reasonable and prudent person would understand who the aggressor is .......

I don't know why it is, but it seems next to impossible to get conservatives to focus on an issue without them trying to conflate it with another issue or create some kind of moral equivalency in the process when they suddenly proclaim...what about THIS?!

In this particular case, I don't think it's morally equivalent to equate the tragic deaths of 3 teens in an isolated incident with the launching of a major land and air war that results in hundreds of deaths and thousands of casualties. Certainly, one does not justify the other.
It's also worth mentioning the 17 Palestinian teens arrested by Israel a few weeks prior to the abduction of the three Israelis, and the two Palestinian teens who were murdered by the IDF as revealed on CNN just two weeks before the Jews were snatched.

Hamas had been strangled by the regime change in Egypt.
Their only way out was a Unity Government with Fatah.
When that happened, it was only a matter of time before Israel found a pretext for war.
The three kidnapped Israeli teens supplied that need.

We can go back and exchange tit for tat over the last 66 years, but eventually we reach an event in 1948 where 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation-state on twice as many Arabs by force of arms.

It's also worth mentioning the 17 Palestinian teens arrested by Israel a few weeks prior to the abduction of the three Israelis, and the two Palestinian teens who were murdered by the IDF as revealed on CNN just two weeks before the Jews were snatched.

Hamas had been strangled by the regime change in Egypt.
Their only way out was a Unity Government with Fatah.
When that happened, it was only a matter of time before Israel found a pretext for war.
The three kidnapped Israeli teens supplied that need.

We can go back and exchange tit for tat over the last 66 years, but eventually we reach an event in 1948 where 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation-state on twice as many Arabs by force of arms.

You are right about one thing, this is the hear and now. Neither of us were around when those events occurred, but we are here today. CNN huh, well it did fair slightly better than MSNBC's 5% of viewers of news but if that is who you insist on sourcing on then so be it .....

By the way, I did a Google search for that CNN piece, perhaps you can find a link to that figment of your imagination.
Father blames Israeli military in Palestinian teens' deaths -

George, you fuck stick, you have serious comprehension issues .....
The story you linked was about about 2 boys shot to death.
That is no where near 17, talk about an exaggeration.

You do realize now that we have caught you in a lie we have impeached all of your BS ... In other words we all know you are a liar so therefore anything you say is a lie and should be treated as such.

Now I deal in reality not Bull shit, go spew you toxic shit elsewhere you fucking troll!!
Do you get it, yet.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
They don't care how many dead teens are required to get it.

As I have already pointed out to you: IF Israel wanted all the land - they could have just kept it. When they were attacked in 1967 they drove their attackers all the way out of that land. But later they turned it back over to the Arabs.

It proves your statement wrong because if they wanted that land at all costs .... why did they GIVE IT BACK?
After everything is said and done, I think this thread has adequately established that, as far as conservatives are concerned, the killing of women and children is okay with them as long as it's Israelis who are pulling the triggers because they'll simply blame the Palestinians for the deaths of innocents. See how that works? Because, let's be honest here. It certainly would be a completely different story if it was Jewish women and children who were caught in a crossfire. Then conservatives would be expressing moral outrage.

So much for conservative principles.

This thread adequately establishes that you are a low information bigoted moron with an agenda and not much else.

No, actually it proves that I can kick your ass in an argument without too much effort.

To be perfectly honest, as much as I hate the conflict in the ME because it seems to be a neverending struggle perpetuated by people who don't appear to have any real intention of negotiating in good faith and who keep America on the hook diplomatically and financially to their extremist views, my purpose in this thread was considerably more modest than shedding new light on an old conflict. I just basically wanted to expose conservative hypocrisy. It's not difficult, really, since it's on display every day on this forum. But I thought that the issue of life and death when it came to innocent women & children would make that hypocrisy stand out in all its ugly and gory glory.

I was right.

So, in the immortal words of Frank Burns (who you kind of remind me of to be perfectly honest), "Go peddle your fish!"

IIf you think you're kicking anyone's ass with your inaccuracies and outright lies I have a bridge to sell you. No one excaptt the hardcore jew haters believe a word you write.
Do you get it, yet.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
They don't care how many dead teens are required to get it.

As I have already pointed out to you: IF Israel wanted all the land - they could have just kept it. When they were attacked in 1967 they drove their attackers all the way out of that land. But later they turned it back over to the Arabs.

It proves your statement wrong because if they wanted that land at all costs .... why did they GIVE IT BACK?

Israel wanted Gaza so much they voluntarily gave it back to the Palestinians in exchange for nothing. Isnt that what people do when they want something---give up more of what they already have?
This thread adequately establishes that you are a low information bigoted moron with an agenda and not much else.

No, actually it proves that I can kick your ass in an argument without too much effort.

To be perfectly honest, as much as I hate the conflict in the ME because it seems to be a neverending struggle perpetuated by people who don't appear to have any real intention of negotiating in good faith and who keep America on the hook diplomatically and financially to their extremist views, my purpose in this thread was considerably more modest than shedding new light on an old conflict. I just basically wanted to expose conservative hypocrisy. It's not difficult, really, since it's on display every day on this forum. But I thought that the issue of life and death when it came to innocent women & children would make that hypocrisy stand out in all its ugly and gory glory.

I was right.

So, in the immortal words of Frank Burns (who you kind of remind me of to be perfectly honest), "Go peddle your fish!"

IIf you think you're kicking anyone's ass with your inaccuracies and outright lies I have a bridge to sell you. No one excaptt the hardcore jew haters believe a word you write.

As usual, American conservatives are alone in their views.
No, actually it proves that I can kick your ass in an argument without too much effort.

To be perfectly honest, as much as I hate the conflict in the ME because it seems to be a neverending struggle perpetuated by people who don't appear to have any real intention of negotiating in good faith and who keep America on the hook diplomatically and financially to their extremist views, my purpose in this thread was considerably more modest than shedding new light on an old conflict. I just basically wanted to expose conservative hypocrisy. It's not difficult, really, since it's on display every day on this forum. But I thought that the issue of life and death when it came to innocent women & children would make that hypocrisy stand out in all its ugly and gory glory.

I was right.

So, in the immortal words of Frank Burns (who you kind of remind me of to be perfectly honest), "Go peddle your fish!"

IIf you think you're kicking anyone's ass with your inaccuracies and outright lies I have a bridge to sell you. No one excaptt the hardcore jew haters believe a word you write.

As usual, American conservatives are alone in their views.

I hold a lot of views that are considered conservative. About five minutes ago I was called "typical liberal."

My views are all over the place.

So Mustang, I'm giving you my honest take. IMHO: Israel has been guilty of over reaction and overkill. They haven't made nearly enough of an effort to use their full capabilities to target the guilty with a heck of a lot more precision.

They are responsible for that.

The terrorists and the terrorist states who have slaughtered innocent civilians while pursuing their stated goals of wiping Israel off the map are responsible for THEIR actions too. To suddenly become concerned about civilian deaths at this point appears to be a propaganda ploy to me. If they were so concerned about civilian deaths, they would not use the tactics they have.
IIf you think you're kicking anyone's ass with your inaccuracies and outright lies I have a bridge to sell you. No one excaptt the hardcore jew haters believe a word you write.

As usual, American conservatives are alone in their views.

I hold a lot of views that are considered conservative. About five minutes ago I was called "typical liberal."

My views are all over the place.

So Mustang, I'm giving you my honest take. IMHO: Israel has been guilty of over reaction and overkill. They haven't made nearly enough of an effort to use their full capabilities to target the guilty with a heck of a lot more precision.

They are responsible for that.

The terrorists and the terrorist states who have slaughtered innocent civilians while pursuing their stated goals of wiping Israel off the map are responsible for THEIR actions too. To suddenly become concerned about civilian deaths at this point appears to be a propaganda ploy to me. If they were so concerned about civilian deaths, they would not use the tactics they have.

It isn't overkill if a single member of Hamas is left alive.
No, actually it proves that I can kick your ass in an argument without too much effort.

To be perfectly honest, as much as I hate the conflict in the ME because it seems to be a neverending struggle perpetuated by people who don't appear to have any real intention of negotiating in good faith and who keep America on the hook diplomatically and financially to their extremist views, my purpose in this thread was considerably more modest than shedding new light on an old conflict. I just basically wanted to expose conservative hypocrisy. It's not difficult, really, since it's on display every day on this forum. But I thought that the issue of life and death when it came to innocent women & children would make that hypocrisy stand out in all its ugly and gory glory.

I was right.

So, in the immortal words of Frank Burns (who you kind of remind me of to be perfectly honest), "Go peddle your fish!"

IIf you think you're kicking anyone's ass with your inaccuracies and outright lies I have a bridge to sell you. No one excaptt the hardcore jew haters believe a word you write.

As usual, American conservatives are alone in their views.

Why can these not be personal beliefs sans political affiliation??

Have you read / participated in:

Describes your behavior, you have no intelligent response, just childish generalization attacks!!
As usual, American conservatives are alone in their views.

I hold a lot of views that are considered conservative. About five minutes ago I was called "typical liberal."

My views are all over the place.

So Mustang, I'm giving you my honest take. IMHO: Israel has been guilty of over reaction and overkill. They haven't made nearly enough of an effort to use their full capabilities to target the guilty with a heck of a lot more precision.

They are responsible for that.

The terrorists and the terrorist states who have slaughtered innocent civilians while pursuing their stated goals of wiping Israel off the map are responsible for THEIR actions too. To suddenly become concerned about civilian deaths at this point appears to be a propaganda ploy to me. If they were so concerned about civilian deaths, they would not use the tactics they have.

It isn't overkill if a single member of Hamas is left alive.

WHEN they have killed all of HAMAS, then you may present your case ....
or at least proof genocide is on before you hurl the accusation...
I hold a lot of views that are considered conservative. About five minutes ago I was called "typical liberal."

My views are all over the place.

So Mustang, I'm giving you my honest take. IMHO: Israel has been guilty of over reaction and overkill. They haven't made nearly enough of an effort to use their full capabilities to target the guilty with a heck of a lot more precision.

They are responsible for that.

The terrorists and the terrorist states who have slaughtered innocent civilians while pursuing their stated goals of wiping Israel off the map are responsible for THEIR actions too. To suddenly become concerned about civilian deaths at this point appears to be a propaganda ploy to me. If they were so concerned about civilian deaths, they would not use the tactics they have.

It isn't overkill if a single member of Hamas is left alive.

WHEN they have killed all of HAMAS, then you may present your case ....
or at least proof genocide is on before you hurl the accusation...

huh? Hamas is not a race so it can't be genocide to kill them all.
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