Israel defends itself?

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No, actually it proves that I can kick your ass in an argument without too much effort.

To be perfectly honest, as much as I hate the conflict in the ME because it seems to be a neverending struggle perpetuated by people who don't appear to have any real intention of negotiating in good faith and who keep America on the hook diplomatically and financially to their extremist views, my purpose in this thread was considerably more modest than shedding new light on an old conflict. I just basically wanted to expose conservative hypocrisy. It's not difficult, really, since it's on display every day on this forum. But I thought that the issue of life and death when it came to innocent women & children would make that hypocrisy stand out in all its ugly and gory glory.

I was right.

So, in the immortal words of Frank Burns (who you kind of remind me of to be perfectly honest), "Go peddle your fish!"

IIf you think you're kicking anyone's ass with your inaccuracies and outright lies I have a bridge to sell you. No one excaptt the hardcore jew haters believe a word you write.

As usual, American conservatives are alone in their views.

As usual you deflect to irrelevance.
IIf you think you're kicking anyone's ass with your inaccuracies and outright lies I have a bridge to sell you. No one excaptt the hardcore jew haters believe a word you write.

As usual, American conservatives are alone in their views.

I hold a lot of views that are considered conservative. About five minutes ago I was called "typical liberal."

My views are all over the place.

So Mustang, I'm giving you my honest take. IMHO: Israel has been guilty of over reaction and overkill. They haven't made nearly enough of an effort to use their full capabilities to target the guilty with a heck of a lot more precision.

They are responsible for that.

The terrorists and the terrorist states who have slaughtered innocent civilians while pursuing their stated goals of wiping Israel off the map are responsible for THEIR actions too. To suddenly become concerned about civilian deaths at this point appears to be a propaganda ploy to me. If they were so concerned about civilian deaths, they would not use the tactics they have.

You keep repeating this and then deflect when I ask you: What over reaction is Israel guilty of? What overkill are they guilty of? What could they do to target more precisely, and how do you know what Israeli military capabilities are?
IIf you think you're kicking anyone's ass with your inaccuracies and outright lies I have a bridge to sell you. No one excaptt the hardcore jew haters believe a word you write.

As usual, American conservatives are alone in their views.

As usual you deflect to irrelevance.

It's not irrelevant any more than your avatar reference to missing Bush 43 is irrelevant considering that he's been so damn discredited over the years that the only people who could possibly miss him either suffer from cognitive dissonance or are owed money by him. I suppose you could throw in his dog Barney if he was still alive.
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You are right about one thing, this is the hear and now. Neither of us were around when those events occurred, but we are here today. CNN huh, well it did fair slightly better than MSNBC's 5% of viewers of news but if that is who you insist on sourcing on then so be it .....

By the way, I did a Google search for that CNN piece, perhaps you can find a link to that figment of your imagination.
Father blames Israeli military in Palestinian teens' deaths -

George, you fuck stick, you have serious comprehension issues .....
The story you linked was about about 2 boys shot to death.
That is no where near 17, talk about an exaggeration.

You do realize now that we have caught you in a lie we have impeached all of your BS ... In other words we all know you are a liar so therefore anything you say is a lie and should be treated as such.

Now I deal in reality not Bull shit, go spew you toxic shit elsewhere you fucking troll!!
It must be difficult to deal in reality without being literate.
I mentioned two separate incidents prior to the kidnapping of three Israelis.
17 Palestinian teens arrested and two Palestinians murdered by the IDF.
Maybe you should look for a Hebrew message board?
Do you get it, yet.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
They don't care how many dead teens are required to get it.

As I have already pointed out to you: IF Israel wanted all the land - they could have just kept it. When they were attacked in 1967 they drove their attackers all the way out of that land. But later they turned it back over to the Arabs.

It proves your statement wrong because if they wanted that land at all costs .... why did they GIVE IT BACK?
Israel gave back the Sinai to Egypt after nearly losing everything in '73, but they still occupy Gaza and the West Bank. Prior to the UN Charter and Nuremberg Tribunals Israel could have claimed the Right of Conquest; they no longer have that option. Jews can either share the land between the River and the sea, or go the way of White South Africa.
As usual, American conservatives are alone in their views.

As usual you deflect to irrelevance.

It's not irrelevant any more than your avatar reference to missing Bush 43 is irrelevant considering that he's been so damn discredited over the years that the only people who could possibly miss him either suffer from cognitive dissonance or are owed money by him. I suppose you could throw in his dog Barney if he was still alive.

Your further deflection is noted. Quit now while you have a shred of credibility.
Oh wait, you lost that when you claimed Israel targets children. Yeah, you're nothing but an ignorant fucktard.
Do you get it, yet.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
They don't care how many dead teens are required to get it.

As I have already pointed out to you: IF Israel wanted all the land - they could have just kept it. When they were attacked in 1967 they drove their attackers all the way out of that land. But later they turned it back over to the Arabs.

It proves your statement wrong because if they wanted that land at all costs .... why did they GIVE IT BACK?
Israel gave back the Sinai to Egypt after nearly losing everything in '73, but they still occupy Gaza and the West Bank. Prior to the UN Charter and Nuremberg Tribunals Israel could have claimed the Right of Conquest; they no longer have that option. Jews can either share the land between the River and the sea, or go the way of White South Africa.

Yeah you're stupid, ill informed and probably smell bad. In other words, a typical joo-hater.
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do you get it, yet.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
They don't care how many dead teens are required to get it.

As I have already pointed out to you: IF Israel wanted all the land - they could have just kept it. When they were attacked in 1967 they drove their attackers all the way out of that land. But later they turned it back over to the Arabs.

It proves your statement wrong because if they wanted that land at all costs .... why did they GIVE IT BACK?

Israel wanted Gaza so much they voluntarily gave it back to the Palestinians in exchange for nothing. Isnt that what people do when they want something---give up more of what they already have?
Where did the Jews who left Gaza go to?
Who currently controls Gazan air space, coastal waters, land borders?
Which side is currently killing hundreds of children for land?
Israel can end this conflict by lifting its blockade of Gaza.
As I have already pointed out to you: IF Israel wanted all the land - they could have just kept it. When they were attacked in 1967 they drove their attackers all the way out of that land. But later they turned it back over to the Arabs.

It proves your statement wrong because if they wanted that land at all costs .... why did they GIVE IT BACK?

Israel wanted Gaza so much they voluntarily gave it back to the Palestinians in exchange for nothing. Isnt that what people do when they want something---give up more of what they already have?
Where did the Jews who left Gaza go to?
Who currently controls Gazan air space, coastal waters, land borders?
Which side is currently killing hundreds of children for land?
Israel can end this conflict by lifting its blockade of Gaza.

You're an ignorant piece of smelly monkey shit. We all get that. And you're trying to deflect away from your lies. It wont work, s0n.
Currently? Israel, because Hamas insisted on sending over 1000 rockets into Israel, targeting civilian areas. Or did you happen to miss that in one of your crack episodes? But prior to that Hamas ran the place. Into the ground.
Ariel Sharon was no hero for Israeli settlers evicted from Gaza - The Washington Post
As I have already pointed out to you: IF Israel wanted all the land - they could have just kept it. When they were attacked in 1967 they drove their attackers all the way out of that land. But later they turned it back over to the Arabs.

It proves your statement wrong because if they wanted that land at all costs .... why did they GIVE IT BACK?
Israel gave back the Sinai to Egypt after nearly losing everything in '73, but they still occupy Gaza and the West Bank. Prior to the UN Charter and Nuremberg Tribunals Israel could have claimed the Right of Conquest; they no longer have that option. Jews can either share the land between the River and the sea, or go the way of White South Africa.

Yeah you're stupid, ill informed and probably smell bad. In other words, a typical joo-hater.
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your link

"In the same time that Sharon was preparing the withdrawal, pointed out critics, he was favoring settlements in the West Bank, among them Ma'ale Adumim, the largest Israeli settlement near Jerusalem.

"According to Peace Now, the number of settlers increased by 6,100 compared with 2004, to reach 250,000 in the West Bank.

"In an October 6, 2004, interview with Haaretz, Dov Weissglass, Sharon's chief of staff, declared: 'The significance of the disengagement plan is the freezing of the peace process.... When you freeze that process, you prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state and you prevent a discussion on the refugees, the borders and Jerusalem. Disengagement supplies the amount of formaldehyde that is necessary so there will not be a political process with the Palestinians.'"

Israel is still considered the occupying power in Gaza by the UN, EU, and various human rights organizations.

If you want peace, end the blockade.

If you want more land, don't
Israel gave back the Sinai to Egypt after nearly losing everything in '73, but they still occupy Gaza and the West Bank. Prior to the UN Charter and Nuremberg Tribunals Israel could have claimed the Right of Conquest; they no longer have that option. Jews can either share the land between the River and the sea, or go the way of White South Africa.

Yeah you're stupid, ill informed and probably smell bad. In other words, a typical joo-hater.
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your link

"In the same time that Sharon was preparing the withdrawal, pointed out critics, he was favoring settlements in the West Bank, among them Ma'ale Adumim, the largest Israeli settlement near Jerusalem.

"According to Peace Now, the number of settlers increased by 6,100 compared with 2004, to reach 250,000 in the West Bank.

"In an October 6, 2004, interview with Haaretz, Dov Weissglass, Sharon's chief of staff, declared: 'The significance of the disengagement plan is the freezing of the peace process.... When you freeze that process, you prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state and you prevent a discussion on the refugees, the borders and Jerusalem. Disengagement supplies the amount of formaldehyde that is necessary so there will not be a political process with the Palestinians.'"

Israel is still considered the occupying power in Gaza by the UN, EU, and various human rights organizations.

If you want peace, end the blockade.

If you want more land, don't

Right, Israel ceded Gaza. That pretty much proves that you're lying when you write Israel is occupying the Gaza. It's what you do: Lie. Tell a big enough lie and maybe people will believe you. Maybe.
Yeah you're stupid, ill informed and probably smell bad. In other words, a typical joo-hater.
Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your link

"In the same time that Sharon was preparing the withdrawal, pointed out critics, he was favoring settlements in the West Bank, among them Ma'ale Adumim, the largest Israeli settlement near Jerusalem.

"According to Peace Now, the number of settlers increased by 6,100 compared with 2004, to reach 250,000 in the West Bank.

"In an October 6, 2004, interview with Haaretz, Dov Weissglass, Sharon's chief of staff, declared: 'The significance of the disengagement plan is the freezing of the peace process.... When you freeze that process, you prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state and you prevent a discussion on the refugees, the borders and Jerusalem. Disengagement supplies the amount of formaldehyde that is necessary so there will not be a political process with the Palestinians.'"

Israel is still considered the occupying power in Gaza by the UN, EU, and various human rights organizations.

If you want peace, end the blockade.

If you want more land, don't

Right, Israel ceded Gaza. That pretty much proves that you're lying when you write Israel is occupying the Gaza. It's what you do: Lie. Tell a big enough lie and maybe people will believe you. Maybe.
Israel is the occupying power of Gaza since it controls all of its land borders, air space, and coastal waters. What part of that simple statement do you find confusing?
Your link

"In the same time that Sharon was preparing the withdrawal, pointed out critics, he was favoring settlements in the West Bank, among them Ma'ale Adumim, the largest Israeli settlement near Jerusalem.

"According to Peace Now, the number of settlers increased by 6,100 compared with 2004, to reach 250,000 in the West Bank.

"In an October 6, 2004, interview with Haaretz, Dov Weissglass, Sharon's chief of staff, declared: 'The significance of the disengagement plan is the freezing of the peace process.... When you freeze that process, you prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state and you prevent a discussion on the refugees, the borders and Jerusalem. Disengagement supplies the amount of formaldehyde that is necessary so there will not be a political process with the Palestinians.'"

Israel is still considered the occupying power in Gaza by the UN, EU, and various human rights organizations.

If you want peace, end the blockade.

If you want more land, don't

Right, Israel ceded Gaza. That pretty much proves that you're lying when you write Israel is occupying the Gaza. It's what you do: Lie. Tell a big enough lie and maybe people will believe you. Maybe.
Israel is the occupying power of Gaza since it controls all of its land borders, air space, and coastal waters. What part of that simple statement do you find confusing?

The part that ignores the western border with Egypt, dumbshit.
Right, Israel ceded Gaza. That pretty much proves that you're lying when you write Israel is occupying the Gaza. It's what you do: Lie. Tell a big enough lie and maybe people will believe you. Maybe.
Israel is the occupying power of Gaza since it controls all of its land borders, air space, and coastal waters. What part of that simple statement do you find confusing?

The part that ignores the western border with Egypt, dumbshit.
Jews closed that border too.
They're EVERYWHERE:eek:
Your statement reminds me of something I once heard a person say about gay people many years ago. He said he didn't hate or even dislike homosexuals. He just hated the way they were always sneaking around. The statement makes a certain amount of sense until you stop to realized that the reason they were sneaking around was because they were not accepted and had to worry about discrimination, up to and including losing their jobs.

Now to your comment:

You say it as if Isael made some kind of moral decision and Hamas made an immoral one. That's ridiculous. When you've got the strongest military in the region (thanks to American aid, I should add), you can station it anyplace you damn well please because the chances are almost a certainty that your firepower alone will preclude any attack on your facility. But when you've got an inferior force, you'd be an idiot to place it somewhere it could be easily targeted and destroyed by one of the most modern air force assault machines in existence.

I agree for once. The North Vietnamese put a lot of their SAM's and other weapons in schools and hospitals because they knew the Americans wouldn't bomb them.

Now Hamas does the same thing and the Israeli's give them adequate warning before they bomb them destroying the military hardware. Either those that do not leave are stupid or they are forced to stay in harms way.

The phrase you liberals like to use is 'the fog of war.' I prefer 'shit happens.'

Israelis are the ones who target women and children. The decision to attack was the Israelis'. The targets they chose was the Israelis'. The manner of attack was the Israelis. AND the moral responsiblity for killing women and children belongs to the Israelis, period! Any attempt to shift the blame for those deaths to someone else other than the Israelis is little more than sophistry.

OK, now you are just lying.
Do you get it, yet.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
They don't care how many dead teens are required to get it.

As I have already pointed out to you: IF Israel wanted all the land - they could have just kept it. When they were attacked in 1967 they drove their attackers all the way out of that land. But later they turned it back over to the Arabs.

It proves your statement wrong because if they wanted that land at all costs .... why did they GIVE IT BACK?

Because they were FUCKING STUPID! :mad:
Do you get it, yet.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
They don't care how many dead teens are required to get it.

As I have already pointed out to you: IF Israel wanted all the land - they could have just kept it. When they were attacked in 1967 they drove their attackers all the way out of that land. But later they turned it back over to the Arabs.

It proves your statement wrong because if they wanted that land at all costs .... why did they GIVE IT BACK?
Israel gave back the Sinai to Egypt after nearly losing everything in '73, but they still occupy Gaza and the West Bank. Prior to the UN Charter and Nuremberg Tribunals Israel could have claimed the Right of Conquest; they no longer have that option. Jews can either share the land between the River and the sea, or go the way of White South Africa.

They should have kept all the land they captured. Giving one square inch back was stupid.
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