Israel defends itself?

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The Muslims in Palestine aren't fighting Jews over religion, Moron.
The Arabs are fighting because Jews have been stealing their land for the last 66 years.


If thats the case then why are they going to kill every Jew then can? They've said many times they want to wipe them off the planet.

Just who's land was it before it became Palestine??

Oh and what land did the Isreali's remove their settlements from and give back??
Israel transferred its settlements from Gaza to the West Bank while maintaining control of Gaza's borders, airspace, and coastal waters; Jews ring Gaza with concrete walls and electrified fences and sniper towers, then lie about "leaving Gaza." When Israel values the lives of its young people more than its desire to control all the land between the River and the sea, it will take its first step toward Peace.

Yes. I know. And the problem with that is?

Answer: the murderous, moon-worshiping ragheads are still there. This is the essence of the phony peace imposed by the world, the mission of utter annihilation incomplete, the only terms these barbarians deserve, as the only terms the Islamofacist barbarians of the Middle East are offering Israel is its utter annihilation, you depraved, Jew-hating pig.

No. Punk. As long as these animals embrace an ideology of totalitarian theocracy there will be no peace. There can be no peace between civilized human beings and evil, you dense, morally bankrupt lunatic.

Conservatives, stop wasting your time on debate. There is no debating with evil. There is no reasoning with evil about the facts or the details or the supposed morality of restraint. There is but one option only: annihilation.
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After everything is said and done, I think this thread has adequately established that, as far as conservatives are concerned, the killing of women and children is okay with them as long as it's Israelis who are pulling the triggers because they'll simply blame the Palestinians for the deaths of innocents. See how that works? Because, let's be honest here. It certainly would be a completely different story if it was Jewish women and children who were caught in a crossfire. Then conservatives would be expressing moral outrage.

So much for conservative principles.
After everything is said and done, I think this thread has adequately established that, as far as conservatives are concerned, the killing of women and children is okay with them as long as it's Israelis who are pulling the triggers because they'll simply blame the Palestinians for the deaths of innocents. See how that works? Because, let's be honest here. It certainly would be a completely different story if it was Jewish women and children who were caught in a crossfire. Then conservatives would be expressing moral outrage.

So much for conservative principles.

Sure, if any part of your thread was correct, perhaps.

What you have established here is that you have no regard for the fact that Hamas is intentionally stationing themselves in places full of these women and children. You ignore the fact that Hamas has very little regard for human life, as they use innocent people as shields.

Your tu quoque argument is laughable at best. The only thing you established, Mustang, is your lack of education on the subject. Oh, and one other thing:

When you change your views on abortion, then you can lecture us on morality. Understand?
It is Israel's responsibility as Occupying Power to provide for those under its control. The blockade in its current form was put in place as collective punishment for Gazans voting the wrong way in their 2006 election which brought Hamas to power. Have you noticed how some Jews seem to prefer their religion/ethnicity to democracy?

Israel withdrew from Gaza, which is Hamas' responsibility. Which part of that did you miss?
Israel controls the air space above Gaza, they control the coastal waters of Gaza, they control surface land borders; the fight in Gaza is unique in at least one significant respect: there's a fence around the area the fight is taking place in. Nobody can leave. Israel is the Occupying Power of Gaza according to international law. That means Jews have the responsibility for the welfare of those living under their occupation.

Israel controls Israel's borders. Egypt controls Egypt's borders. Those two countries can allow Gazans in or bar them from entry their choice. Neither should be forced to allow Gazans in. If that means Gazans can't leave to do trade or get handouts and starve to death, that's their tough luck for picking a spot between two other countries. They should surrender and cede the territory to Egypt and Israel.
After everything is said and done, I think this thread has adequately established that, as far as conservatives are concerned, the killing of women and children is okay with them as long as it's Israelis who are pulling the triggers because they'll simply blame the Palestinians for the deaths of innocents. See how that works? Because, let's be honest here. It certainly would be a completely different story if it was Jewish women and children who were caught in a crossfire. Then conservatives would be expressing moral outrage.

So much for conservative principles.

Israelites aren't hiding their military forces behind or within civilian establishments, Hamas is.
The Muslims in Palestine aren't fighting Jews over religion, Moron.
The Arabs are fighting because Jews have been stealing their land for the last 66 years.


If thats the case then why are they going to kill every Jew then can? They've said many times they want to wipe them off the planet.

Just who's land was it before it became Palestine??

Oh and what land did the Isreali's remove their settlements from and give back??
Israel transferred its settlements from Gaza to the West Bank while maintaining control of Gaza's borders, airspace, and coastal waters; Jews ring Gaza with concrete walls and electrified fences and sniper towers, then lie about "leaving Gaza." When Israel values the lives of its young people more than its desire to control all the land between the River and the sea, it will take its first step toward Peace.

Of course they do because if they don't Hamas will send people through to kill Islreali's.

Its a smart move and the only one they can make to protect themselves.

Hamas wants to wipe them off the face of the earth. Hell. I'd do exactly what the Isreali's are doing.
After everything is said and done, I think this thread has adequately established that, as far as conservatives are concerned, the killing of women and children is okay with them as long as it's Israelis who are pulling the triggers because they'll simply blame the Palestinians for the deaths of innocents. See how that works? Because, let's be honest here. It certainly would be a completely different story if it was Jewish women and children who were caught in a crossfire. Then conservatives would be expressing moral outrage.

So much for conservative principles.

Israelites aren't hiding their military forces behind or within civilian establishments, Hamas is.

Your statement reminds me of something I once heard a person say about gay people many years ago. He said he didn't hate or even dislike homosexuals. He just hated the way they were always sneaking around. The statement makes a certain amount of sense until you stop to realize that the reason they were sneaking around was because they were not accepted and had to worry about discrimination, up to and including losing their jobs.

Now to your comment:

You say it as if Isael made some kind of moral decision and Hamas made an immoral one. That's ridiculous. When you've got the strongest military in the region (thanks to American aid, I should add), you can station it anyplace you damn well please because the chances are almost a certainty that your firepower alone will preclude any attack on your facility. But when you've got an inferior force, you'd be an idiot to place it somewhere it could be easily targeted and destroyed by one of the most modern air force assault machines in existence.
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After everything is said and done, I think this thread has adequately established that, as far as conservatives are concerned, the killing of women and children is okay with them as long as it's Israelis who are pulling the triggers because they'll simply blame the Palestinians for the deaths of innocents. See how that works? Because, let's be honest here. It certainly would be a completely different story if it was Jewish women and children who were caught in a crossfire. Then conservatives would be expressing moral outrage.

So much for conservative principles.

If the Israelis didn't have the defensive Iron Dome it would be Jewish women and children being killed, and Hamas would be having parties to celebrate their deaths. You did see the pictures of them celebrating in the streets after the kidnapping and killing of three Jewish teens a couple of weeks ago. Perhaps not!

When the Israeli's and/or conservatives do something as despicable as that, you might have a point. But they never will!
After everything is said and done, I think this thread has adequately established that, as far as conservatives are concerned, the killing of women and children is okay with them as long as it's Israelis who are pulling the triggers because they'll simply blame the Palestinians for the deaths of innocents. See how that works? Because, let's be honest here. It certainly would be a completely different story if it was Jewish women and children who were caught in a crossfire. Then conservatives would be expressing moral outrage.

So much for conservative principles.

Israelites aren't hiding their military forces behind or within civilian establishments, Hamas is.

Your statement reminds me of something I once heard a person say about gay people many years ago. He said he didn't hate or even dislike homosexuals. He just hated the way they were always sneaking around. The statement makes a certain amount of sense until you stop to realized that the reason they were sneaking around was because they were not accepted and had to worry about discrimination, up to and including losing their jobs.

Now to your comment:

You say it as if Isael made some kind of moral decision and Hamas made an immoral one. That's ridiculous. When you've got the strongest military in the region (thanks to American aid, I should add), you can station it anyplace you damn well please because the chances are almost a certainty that your firepower alone will preclude any attack on your facility. But when you've got an inferior force, you'd be an idiot to place it somewhere it could be easily targeted and destroyed by one of the most modern air force assault machines in existence.

I agree for once. The North Vietnamese put a lot of their SAM's and other weapons in schools and hospitals because they knew the Americans wouldn't bomb them.

Now Hamas does the same thing and the Israeli's give them adequate warning before they bomb them destroying the military hardware. Either those that do not leave are stupid or they are forced to stay in harms way.

The phrase you liberals like to use is 'the fog of war.' I prefer 'shit happens.'
It certainly would be a completely different story if it was Jewish women and children who were caught in a crossfire.

That's not a "different" story. It's just the part of THIS story that you choose to ignore.

Sean Hannity Goes On Wild Screaming Fit At Palestinian Guest

This is really sad. Hannity is a heartless moron.
Israelites aren't hiding their military forces behind or within civilian establishments, Hamas is.

Your statement reminds me of something I once heard a person say about gay people many years ago. He said he didn't hate or even dislike homosexuals. He just hated the way they were always sneaking around. The statement makes a certain amount of sense until you stop to realized that the reason they were sneaking around was because they were not accepted and had to worry about discrimination, up to and including losing their jobs.

Now to your comment:

You say it as if Isael made some kind of moral decision and Hamas made an immoral one. That's ridiculous. When you've got the strongest military in the region (thanks to American aid, I should add), you can station it anyplace you damn well please because the chances are almost a certainty that your firepower alone will preclude any attack on your facility. But when you've got an inferior force, you'd be an idiot to place it somewhere it could be easily targeted and destroyed by one of the most modern air force assault machines in existence.

I agree for once. The North Vietnamese put a lot of their SAM's and other weapons in schools and hospitals because they knew the Americans wouldn't bomb them.

Now Hamas does the same thing and the Israeli's give them adequate warning before they bomb them destroying the military hardware. Either those that do not leave are stupid or they are forced to stay in harms way.

The phrase you liberals like to use is 'the fog of war.' I prefer 'shit happens.'

Israelis are the ones who target women and children. The decision to attack was the Israelis'. The targets they chose was the Israelis'. The manner of attack was the Israelis. AND the moral responsiblity for killing women and children belongs to the Israelis, period! Any attempt to shift the blame for those deaths to someone else other than the Israelis is little more than sophistry.
Your statement reminds me of something I once heard a person say about gay people many years ago. He said he didn't hate or even dislike homosexuals. He just hated the way they were always sneaking around. The statement makes a certain amount of sense until you stop to realized that the reason they were sneaking around was because they were not accepted and had to worry about discrimination, up to and including losing their jobs.

Now to your comment:

You say it as if Isael made some kind of moral decision and Hamas made an immoral one. That's ridiculous. When you've got the strongest military in the region (thanks to American aid, I should add), you can station it anyplace you damn well please because the chances are almost a certainty that your firepower alone will preclude any attack on your facility. But when you've got an inferior force, you'd be an idiot to place it somewhere it could be easily targeted and destroyed by one of the most modern air force assault machines in existence.

I agree for once. The North Vietnamese put a lot of their SAM's and other weapons in schools and hospitals because they knew the Americans wouldn't bomb them.

Now Hamas does the same thing and the Israeli's give them adequate warning before they bomb them destroying the military hardware. Either those that do not leave are stupid or they are forced to stay in harms way.

The phrase you liberals like to use is 'the fog of war.' I prefer 'shit happens.'

Israelis are the ones who target women and children. The decision to attack was the Israelis'. The targets they chose was the Israelis'. The manner of attack was the Israelis. AND the moral responsiblity for killing women and children belongs to the Israelis, period! Any attempt to shift the blame for those deaths to someone else other than the Israelis is little more than sophistry.

Say there George, wanna talk about three innocent Israelis teenagers minding their own business when along comes some HAMAS militants to kidnap and kill them. Lets talk about the torture and pain inflicted not only on those children but there families as well.
What kind of a piece of shit are you to conveniently omit those facts, doesn't fit well into the poor victim scenario does it bud??
How dare you broach the subject of morals in this thread, act as if the Israelis are aggressors......

So Israel is Judeo Christian with a strong Jewish ethnicity and HAMAS is militant Muslim with a strong Arabic ethnicity ......

Why yes just given those two generalizations a reasonable and prudent person would understand who the aggressor is .......
After everything is said and done, I think this thread has adequately established that, as far as conservatives are concerned, the killing of women and children is okay with them as long as it's Israelis who are pulling the triggers because they'll simply blame the Palestinians for the deaths of innocents. See how that works? Because, let's be honest here. It certainly would be a completely different story if it was Jewish women and children who were caught in a crossfire. Then conservatives would be expressing moral outrage.

So much for conservative principles.

This thread adequately establishes that you are a low information bigoted moron with an agenda and not much else.
After everything is said and done, I think this thread has adequately established that, as far as conservatives are concerned, the killing of women and children is okay with them as long as it's Israelis who are pulling the triggers because they'll simply blame the Palestinians for the deaths of innocents. See how that works? Because, let's be honest here. It certainly would be a completely different story if it was Jewish women and children who were caught in a crossfire. Then conservatives would be expressing moral outrage.

So much for conservative principles.

Israelites aren't hiding their military forces behind or within civilian establishments, Hamas is.

Your statement reminds me of something I once heard a person say about gay people many years ago. He said he didn't hate or even dislike homosexuals. He just hated the way they were always sneaking around. The statement makes a certain amount of sense until you stop to realize that the reason they were sneaking around was because they were not accepted and had to worry about discrimination, up to and including losing their jobs.

Now to your comment:

You say it as if Isael made some kind of moral decision and Hamas made an immoral one. That's ridiculous. When you've got the strongest military in the region (thanks to American aid, I should add), you can station it anyplace you damn well please because the chances are almost a certainty that your firepower alone will preclude any attack on your facility. But when you've got an inferior force, you'd be an idiot to place it somewhere it could be easily targeted and destroyed by one of the most modern air force assault machines in existence.
Your inhumane if you place that military force behind civilians. Come out and lose with grace or surrender. Do not waste civilian lives on a hopeless proposition.

If thats the case then why are they going to kill every Jew then can? They've said many times they want to wipe them off the planet.

Just who's land was it before it became Palestine??

Oh and what land did the Isreali's remove their settlements from and give back??
Israel transferred its settlements from Gaza to the West Bank while maintaining control of Gaza's borders, airspace, and coastal waters; Jews ring Gaza with concrete walls and electrified fences and sniper towers, then lie about "leaving Gaza." When Israel values the lives of its young people more than its desire to control all the land between the River and the sea, it will take its first step toward Peace.

Of course they do because if they don't Hamas will send people through to kill Islreali's.

Its a smart move and the only one they can make to protect themselves.

Hamas wants to wipe them off the face of the earth. Hell. I'd do exactly what the Isreali's are doing.
Hamas didn't exist in 1948 when 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation-state upon 1.3 million Arabs. Israel is currently the Occupying Power of Gaza, and based on the last 66 years of "creeping annexation" most Arabs have good reason to believe Jews want all the land of Palestine. In fact, the IDF has just claimed another 3 kilometer "buffer zone" along the entire eastern border of Gaza. Jews can end the violence by ending their occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, or not, but they are the only party in this dispute with the power to end it.
I agree for once. The North Vietnamese put a lot of their SAM's and other weapons in schools and hospitals because they knew the Americans wouldn't bomb them.

Now Hamas does the same thing and the Israeli's give them adequate warning before they bomb them destroying the military hardware. Either those that do not leave are stupid or they are forced to stay in harms way.

The phrase you liberals like to use is 'the fog of war.' I prefer 'shit happens.'

Israelis are the ones who target women and children. The decision to attack was the Israelis'. The targets they chose was the Israelis'. The manner of attack was the Israelis. AND the moral responsiblity for killing women and children belongs to the Israelis, period! Any attempt to shift the blame for those deaths to someone else other than the Israelis is little more than sophistry.

Say there George, wanna talk about three innocent Israelis teenagers minding their own business when along comes some HAMAS militants to kidnap and kill them. Lets talk about the torture and pain inflicted not only on those children but there families as well.
What kind of a piece of shit are you to conveniently omit those facts, doesn't fit well into the poor victim scenario does it bud??
How dare you broach the subject of morals in this thread, act as if the Israelis are aggressors......

So Israel is Judeo Christian with a strong Jewish ethnicity and HAMAS is militant Muslim with a strong Arabic ethnicity ......

Why yes just given those two generalizations a reasonable and prudent person would understand who the aggressor is .......

I don't know why it is, but it seems next to impossible to get conservatives to focus on an issue without them trying to conflate it with another issue or create some kind of moral equivalency in the process when they suddenly proclaim...what about THIS?!

In this particular case, I don't think it's morally equivalent to equate the tragic deaths of 3 teens in an isolated incident with the launching of a major land and air war that results in hundreds of deaths and thousands of casualties. Certainly, one does not justify the other.
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