Israel fears explosion of violence as USA prepares to open embassy in Jerusalem


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Police in Israel have started patrols and security sweeps of a southern Jerusalem neighborhood, anxiously preparing for a US embassy inauguration that Israelis and Palestinians fear may launch a week of violence. The move on 14 May will mark the start of a potentially volatile week when Israel will celebrate its 70th anniversary and Palestinians mark the “catastrophe”, or Nakba, of their displacement

Israel fears ‘explosion of violence’ as USA prepares to open embassy in Jerusalem…

So preparing for a US embassy all the hate that the deep state has created for Trump won't stop the truth of who Trump really is and how he is trying to fight against the nwo. Deep state doesn't like it that's why all this time we see MSM stirring up bs stories so only the fools believe it and create situations like this.
The US Embassy is absolutely useless anywhere else in Israel... Jerusalem should be the first and only choice that is for sure.
"Deep state". Your corny conspiracy lingo makes me laugh. :laugh:
Police in Israel have started patrols and security sweeps of a southern Jerusalem neighborhood, anxiously preparing for a US embassy inauguration that Israelis and Palestinians fear may launch a week of violence. The move on 14 May will mark the start of a potentially volatile week when Israel will celebrate its 70th anniversary and Palestinians mark the “catastrophe”, or Nakba, of their displacement

Israel fears ‘explosion of violence’ as USA prepares to open embassy in Jerusalem…

So preparing for a US embassy all the hate that the deep state has created for Trump won't stop the truth of who Trump really is and how he is trying to fight against the nwo. Deep state doesn't like it that's why all this time we see MSM stirring up bs stories so only the fools believe it and create situations like this.
"On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none..."

On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none

"Palestinians in Gaza held their sixth Friday rally as part of the Great March of Return. The protests commemorate the 'Nakba,' or Catastrophe, the displacement of Palestinians from lands that would become Israel in 1948. On Friday demonstrators highlighted the plight of Palestinian workers and the unemployed in a demonstration labeled “Friday of Workers.”

"Beginning in the morning, protesters brought tires to within 500 yards of the border, preparing to set fire to them and roll them toward the fence, and use them as a smokescreen to counter Israeli snipers behind the sandy hills."

A century ago when European Jews (Zionists) began publicizing their planned colonization of Palestine, there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there.

By 1948 when Israel was born, the ratio had shrunk to 2:1 largely because of the forced dispossession of 700,000 Palestinians by Jews (al Nakba)

Today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea; will Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem give Jews an opportunity to evict all the remaining non-Jews?

What would stop him?
Can't figure out why USA keeps sucking up to israel. They kidnapped and imprisoned an ex US congresswoman in international waters while she was on a charity mission bringing supplies, not weapons, to the palestinians. Not a word from the so called liberal obama. Israel provides european style socialist health care and higher education to their citizens and our politicians, who will never provide that for us, keep sending Israel billions no matter which party is in power in this country. Maybe we could use some of those billions for our own citizens in need?
Police in Israel have started patrols and security sweeps of a southern Jerusalem neighborhood, anxiously preparing for a US embassy inauguration that Israelis and Palestinians fear may launch a week of violence. The move on 14 May will mark the start of a potentially volatile week when Israel will celebrate its 70th anniversary and Palestinians mark the “catastrophe”, or Nakba, of their displacement

Israel fears ‘explosion of violence’ as USA prepares to open embassy in Jerusalem…

So preparing for a US embassy all the hate that the deep state has created for Trump won't stop the truth of who Trump really is and how he is trying to fight against the nwo. Deep state doesn't like it that's why all this time we see MSM stirring up bs stories so only the fools believe it and create situations like this.
"On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none..."

On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none

"Palestinians in Gaza held their sixth Friday rally as part of the Great March of Return. The protests commemorate the 'Nakba,' or Catastrophe, the displacement of Palestinians from lands that would become Israel in 1948. On Friday demonstrators highlighted the plight of Palestinian workers and the unemployed in a demonstration labeled “Friday of Workers.”

"Beginning in the morning, protesters brought tires to within 500 yards of the border, preparing to set fire to them and roll them toward the fence, and use them as a smokescreen to counter Israeli snipers behind the sandy hills."

A century ago when European Jews (Zionists) began publicizing their planned colonization of Palestine, there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there.

By 1948 when Israel was born, the ratio had shrunk to 2:1 largely because of the forced dispossession of 700,000 Palestinians by Jews (al Nakba)

Today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea; will Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem give Jews an opportunity to evict all the remaining non-Jews?

What would stop him?
So a group of people that never existed before ‘47 want their land back?
Police in Israel have started patrols and security sweeps of a southern Jerusalem neighborhood, anxiously preparing for a US embassy inauguration that Israelis and Palestinians fear may launch a week of violence. The move on 14 May will mark the start of a potentially volatile week when Israel will celebrate its 70th anniversary and Palestinians mark the “catastrophe”, or Nakba, of their displacement

Israel fears ‘explosion of violence’ as USA prepares to open embassy in Jerusalem…

So preparing for a US embassy all the hate that the deep state has created for Trump won't stop the truth of who Trump really is and how he is trying to fight against the nwo. Deep state doesn't like it that's why all this time we see MSM stirring up bs stories so only the fools believe it and create situations like this.
"On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none..."

On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none

"Palestinians in Gaza held their sixth Friday rally as part of the Great March of Return. The protests commemorate the 'Nakba,' or Catastrophe, the displacement of Palestinians from lands that would become Israel in 1948. On Friday demonstrators highlighted the plight of Palestinian workers and the unemployed in a demonstration labeled “Friday of Workers.”

"Beginning in the morning, protesters brought tires to within 500 yards of the border, preparing to set fire to them and roll them toward the fence, and use them as a smokescreen to counter Israeli snipers behind the sandy hills."

A century ago when European Jews (Zionists) began publicizing their planned colonization of Palestine, there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there.

By 1948 when Israel was born, the ratio had shrunk to 2:1 largely because of the forced dispossession of 700,000 Palestinians by Jews (al Nakba)

Today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea; will Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem give Jews an opportunity to evict all the remaining non-Jews?

What would stop him?
So a group of people that never existed before ‘47 want their land back?
A land without a people for a people without a land?

"As of 1947, Jews in Palestine owned UNDER 7% of the Palestine's lands, and after the 1948 war 80% of the Palestinian people were DISPOSSESSED of their homes, farms, and businesses. Scroll below for the source and tabular break down of land ownership.

"It should be noted that as of 1948, Jews made 1/3 of the total population and most importantly only 1/3 of those Jews in Palestine (1/9 of the total population) were citizens of the country and the rest were either illegal immigrants or simply immigrants who were granted entry to Palestine to escape German and European atrocities in Europe, click here for details."

Palestinian And Zionist Land Ownership Per District as of 1945 - Palestine Remembered
Police in Israel have started patrols and security sweeps of a southern Jerusalem neighborhood, anxiously preparing for a US embassy inauguration that Israelis and Palestinians fear may launch a week of violence. The move on 14 May will mark the start of a potentially volatile week when Israel will celebrate its 70th anniversary and Palestinians mark the “catastrophe”, or Nakba, of their displacement

Israel fears ‘explosion of violence’ as USA prepares to open embassy in Jerusalem…

So preparing for a US embassy all the hate that the deep state has created for Trump won't stop the truth of who Trump really is and how he is trying to fight against the nwo. Deep state doesn't like it that's why all this time we see MSM stirring up bs stories so only the fools believe it and create situations like this.
"On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none..."

On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none

"Palestinians in Gaza held their sixth Friday rally as part of the Great March of Return. The protests commemorate the 'Nakba,' or Catastrophe, the displacement of Palestinians from lands that would become Israel in 1948. On Friday demonstrators highlighted the plight of Palestinian workers and the unemployed in a demonstration labeled “Friday of Workers.”

"Beginning in the morning, protesters brought tires to within 500 yards of the border, preparing to set fire to them and roll them toward the fence, and use them as a smokescreen to counter Israeli snipers behind the sandy hills."

A century ago when European Jews (Zionists) began publicizing their planned colonization of Palestine, there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there.

By 1948 when Israel was born, the ratio had shrunk to 2:1 largely because of the forced dispossession of 700,000 Palestinians by Jews (al Nakba)

Today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea; will Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem give Jews an opportunity to evict all the remaining non-Jews?

What would stop him?
So a group of people that never existed before ‘47 want their land back?
A land without a people for a people without a land?

"As of 1947, Jews in Palestine owned UNDER 7% of the Palestine's lands, and after the 1948 war 80% of the Palestinian people were DISPOSSESSED of their homes, farms, and businesses. Scroll below for the source and tabular break down of land ownership.

"It should be noted that as of 1948, Jews made 1/3 of the total population and most importantly only 1/3 of those Jews in Palestine (1/9 of the total population) were citizens of the country and the rest were either illegal immigrants or simply immigrants who were granted entry to Palestine to escape German and European atrocities in Europe, click here for details."

Palestinian And Zionist Land Ownership Per District as of 1945 - Palestine Remembered
There was no such thing as a palastinian before Arafat. Revisionist history isn’t history.
Police in Israel have started patrols and security sweeps of a southern Jerusalem neighborhood, anxiously preparing for a US embassy inauguration that Israelis and Palestinians fear may launch a week of violence. The move on 14 May will mark the start of a potentially volatile week when Israel will celebrate its 70th anniversary and Palestinians mark the “catastrophe”, or Nakba, of their displacement

Israel fears ‘explosion of violence’ as USA prepares to open embassy in Jerusalem…

So preparing for a US embassy all the hate that the deep state has created for Trump won't stop the truth of who Trump really is and how he is trying to fight against the nwo. Deep state doesn't like it that's why all this time we see MSM stirring up bs stories so only the fools believe it and create situations like this.
I hope it gets Nuked along with all of Israhell.
Police in Israel have started patrols and security sweeps of a southern Jerusalem neighborhood, anxiously preparing for a US embassy inauguration that Israelis and Palestinians fear may launch a week of violence. The move on 14 May will mark the start of a potentially volatile week when Israel will celebrate its 70th anniversary and Palestinians mark the “catastrophe”, or Nakba, of their displacement

Israel fears ‘explosion of violence’ as USA prepares to open embassy in Jerusalem…

So preparing for a US embassy all the hate that the deep state has created for Trump won't stop the truth of who Trump really is and how he is trying to fight against the nwo. Deep state doesn't like it that's why all this time we see MSM stirring up bs stories so only the fools believe it and create situations like this.
"On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none..."

On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none

"Palestinians in Gaza held their sixth Friday rally as part of the Great March of Return. The protests commemorate the 'Nakba,' or Catastrophe, the displacement of Palestinians from lands that would become Israel in 1948. On Friday demonstrators highlighted the plight of Palestinian workers and the unemployed in a demonstration labeled “Friday of Workers.”

"Beginning in the morning, protesters brought tires to within 500 yards of the border, preparing to set fire to them and roll them toward the fence, and use them as a smokescreen to counter Israeli snipers behind the sandy hills."

A century ago when European Jews (Zionists) began publicizing their planned colonization of Palestine, there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there.

By 1948 when Israel was born, the ratio had shrunk to 2:1 largely because of the forced dispossession of 700,000 Palestinians by Jews (al Nakba)

Today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea; will Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem give Jews an opportunity to evict all the remaining non-Jews?

What would stop him?
So a group of people that never existed before ‘47 want their land back?
Oh the irony
Police in Israel have started patrols and security sweeps of a southern Jerusalem neighborhood, anxiously preparing for a US embassy inauguration that Israelis and Palestinians fear may launch a week of violence. The move on 14 May will mark the start of a potentially volatile week when Israel will celebrate its 70th anniversary and Palestinians mark the “catastrophe”, or Nakba, of their displacement

Israel fears ‘explosion of violence’ as USA prepares to open embassy in Jerusalem…

So preparing for a US embassy all the hate that the deep state has created for Trump won't stop the truth of who Trump really is and how he is trying to fight against the nwo. Deep state doesn't like it that's why all this time we see MSM stirring up bs stories so only the fools believe it and create situations like this.
"On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none..."

On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none

"Palestinians in Gaza held their sixth Friday rally as part of the Great March of Return. The protests commemorate the 'Nakba,' or Catastrophe, the displacement of Palestinians from lands that would become Israel in 1948. On Friday demonstrators highlighted the plight of Palestinian workers and the unemployed in a demonstration labeled “Friday of Workers.”

"Beginning in the morning, protesters brought tires to within 500 yards of the border, preparing to set fire to them and roll them toward the fence, and use them as a smokescreen to counter Israeli snipers behind the sandy hills."

A century ago when European Jews (Zionists) began publicizing their planned colonization of Palestine, there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there.

By 1948 when Israel was born, the ratio had shrunk to 2:1 largely because of the forced dispossession of 700,000 Palestinians by Jews (al Nakba)

Today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea; will Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem give Jews an opportunity to evict all the remaining non-Jews?

What would stop him?
So a group of people that never existed before ‘47 want their land back?
A land without a people for a people without a land?

"As of 1947, Jews in Palestine owned UNDER 7% of the Palestine's lands, and after the 1948 war 80% of the Palestinian people were DISPOSSESSED of their homes, farms, and businesses. Scroll below for the source and tabular break down of land ownership.

"It should be noted that as of 1948, Jews made 1/3 of the total population and most importantly only 1/3 of those Jews in Palestine (1/9 of the total population) were citizens of the country and the rest were either illegal immigrants or simply immigrants who were granted entry to Palestine to escape German and European atrocities in Europe, click here for details."

Palestinian And Zionist Land Ownership Per District as of 1945 - Palestine Remembered
There was no such thing as a palastinian before Arafat. Revisionist history isn’t history.
Palestinians existed long before Israelites made their appearance.

History of Palestine - Wikipedia

"The region (Palestine) was among the earliest in the world to see human habitation, agricultural communities and civilization. During the Early and Middle Bronze Age, independent Canaanite city-states were established, and were influenced by the surrounding civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Minoan Crete, and Syria. During Late Bronze Age 1550–1400 BCE, the Canaanite cities became vassals to the Egyptian New Kingdom who held power until the 1178 BCE Battle of Djahy (Canaan) during the wider Bronze Age collapse.

"Modern archaeologists dispute parts of the Biblical tradition, the latest thinking being that the Israelites emerged from a dramatic social transformation that took place in the people of the central hill country of Canaan around 1200 BCE, with no signs of violent invasion or even of peaceful infiltration of a clearly defined ethnic group from elsewhere."
The Tribes of Israel, according to the OT, were from Southern Saudi Arabia. That is their homeland. Oh wait, Yahweh, a never existent baal says otherwise! And don't forget WWII when jews made ammo to kill Allies at prison camps. That was mean. Never forget!
Police in Israel have started patrols and security sweeps of a southern Jerusalem neighborhood, anxiously preparing for a US embassy inauguration that Israelis and Palestinians fear may launch a week of violence. The move on 14 May will mark the start of a potentially volatile week when Israel will celebrate its 70th anniversary and Palestinians mark the “catastrophe”, or Nakba, of their displacement

Israel fears ‘explosion of violence’ as USA prepares to open embassy in Jerusalem…

So preparing for a US embassy all the hate that the deep state has created for Trump won't stop the truth of who Trump really is and how he is trying to fight against the nwo. Deep state doesn't like it that's why all this time we see MSM stirring up bs stories so only the fools believe it and create situations like this.
"On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none..."

On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none

"Palestinians in Gaza held their sixth Friday rally as part of the Great March of Return. The protests commemorate the 'Nakba,' or Catastrophe, the displacement of Palestinians from lands that would become Israel in 1948. On Friday demonstrators highlighted the plight of Palestinian workers and the unemployed in a demonstration labeled “Friday of Workers.”

"Beginning in the morning, protesters brought tires to within 500 yards of the border, preparing to set fire to them and roll them toward the fence, and use them as a smokescreen to counter Israeli snipers behind the sandy hills."

A century ago when European Jews (Zionists) began publicizing their planned colonization of Palestine, there were ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there.

By 1948 when Israel was born, the ratio had shrunk to 2:1 largely because of the forced dispossession of 700,000 Palestinians by Jews (al Nakba)

Today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea; will Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem give Jews an opportunity to evict all the remaining non-Jews?

What would stop him?
So a group of people that never existed before ‘47 want their land back?
Oh the irony
More irony:

Israelites - Wikipedia

"Plundered is Canaan with every evil,
Carried off is Ashkelon,
Seized upon is Gezer,
Yenocam is made as that which does not exist
Israel lies fallow, it has no seed;
Ḫurru has become a widow because of Egypt."

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