Israel fire's on UN Shelter killing 15

Some dummies can't add, especially if demented...32 Israelis to six hundred civilians maybe 30 fighters equals a ratio of 18.2 to 1...
Israel has killed only 30 Hamas animals? Surely you jest, Peeballs, where do you get these numbers from, did you pull them out of Uranus?
pbel, et al,

Combat effectiveness and collateral damage (inadvertent casualties) are not a reason for complaint; especially by the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) aggressor.

Some dummies can't add, especially if demented...32 Israelis to six hundred civilians maybe 30 fighters equals a ratio of 18.2 to 1...

The strategy used by the HoAP to incite and instigate military action is one thing. But then for the HoAP complaint that they are losing the engagement as if the defensive response on the part of the Israelis was somehow unfair, is ridiculous. Don't start a fight unless you have a reasonable expectation of success. And don't run home and cry like a bunch of little girls when you get trounced.

And for heavens sake, stop acting like a bunch of sissies and hiding behind the civilian population. You make the rest of the Muslim World look like cowards. I'm quite certain that Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn (AKA: Salidin), who took Jerusalem From The Christians during the European Crusaders in the Levant, would be rolling over in his grave at how the HoAP demonstrate al-furusiyyah al-arabiya (Arabian chivalry).

Most Respectfully,
Although it will surprise a great many folks around here who ordinarily see me throwing my own very modest support to Israel...

I, too, find myself concerned over this latest particular artillery shelling...

I don't like the way this one looks and feels and smells, so far, based upon the very sketchy information that we already have on-hand...

And, frankly, I trust local Arab accounts about as far as I can throw your average camel...

But something doesn't smell right, this time, and I'd like to learn more...

Like many armies, the Israeli Defense Forces is comprised as a mix of Regular and Reserve units...

Generally speaking, Reserve units make more mistakes, and do more stupid things, than Regular units do (although Regular units are not immune from such things, either)...

I find myself expressing alarm and concern over this particular incident...

While maintaining a full and unqualified support for Israel in general, in connection with this campaign against Hamas...

I would like to see us get to the bottom of this one...

I would like to hear more from both sides about this one...

And I will withhold final personal judgment until that happens...

If it turns out that the Israelis did this intentionally, and they can't serve-up sufficient cause to justify their actions, then, somebody(ies) should face charges over this one...

But that does nothing to impede support for Israel and this campaign against Hamas in the main...
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pbel, et al,

Combat effectiveness and collateral damage (inadvertent casualties) are not a reason for complaint; especially by the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) aggressor.

Some dummies can't add, especially if demented...32 Israelis to six hundred civilians maybe 30 fighters equals a ratio of 18.2 to 1...

The strategy used by the HoAP to incite and instigate military action is one thing. But then for the HoAP complaint that they are losing the engagement as if the defensive response on the part of the Israelis was somehow unfair, is ridiculous. Don't start a fight unless you have a reasonable expectation of success. And don't run home and cry like a bunch of little girls when you get trounced.

And for heavens sake, stop acting like a bunch of sissies and hiding behind the civilian population. You make the rest of the Muslim World look like cowards. I'm quite certain that Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn (AKA: Salidin), who took Jerusalem From The Christians during the European Crusaders in the Levant, would be rolling over in his grave at how the HoAP demonstrate al-furusiyyah al-arabiya (Arabian chivalry).

Most Respectfully,
Meh--it's a war zone. Propaganda flying everywhere from both sides as is normal.
Kondor-----I served in the US navy -----in a "caring capacity"-----and did develope a kind
of maternal feeling for the kids. ------military kids face an horrific situation----even in peace
time they are under tremendous stress-------young, not all ----all that brilliant or capable
of snap perfect judgement----I am amazed that they function as well as they do. ------
when evaluating what a group of young kids do on the battlefield------consider who
they are and the situation they face. Decisions on the battlefield are not made
by a panel of professors and clergymen after weeks of sober debate. They are made
by young frightened kids
Kondor-----I served in the US navy -----in a "caring capacity"-----and did develope a kind of maternal feeling for the kids. ------military kids face an horrific situation----even in peace time they are under tremendous stress-------young, not all ----all that brilliant or capable of snap perfect judgement----I am amazed that they function as well as they do. ------ when evaluating what a group of young kids do on the battlefield------consider who they are and the situation they face. Decisions on the battlefield are not made by a panel of professors and clergymen after weeks of sober debate. They are made
by young frightened kids
Nolo contendere... no contest... we're on the same page, in that respect.

If I were in the Israeli government, I would be looking to get out in front of this one right about now... whatever is necessary to bring the truth to light, and to avoid losing any substantive momentum in this new and more serious and important war against Hamas scum.
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"The Israeli Government - nor the IDF - have any agenda to purposefully target civilians or non-combatant related civilian infrastructure."

The Israelis have every intention to murder as many civilians as possible and destroy infrastructure to the extent that their western backers can handle. The Israeli unstated goal is to make life as miserable as possible for the Palestinians in Gaza so that they will leave.
"The Israeli Government - nor the IDF - have any agenda to purposefully target civilians or non-combatant related civilian infrastructure."

The Israelis have every intention to murder as many civilians as possible and destroy infrastructure to the extent that their western backers can handle. The Israeli unstated goal is to make life as miserable as possible for the Palestinians in Gaza so that they will leave.

Just wondering where you got your degree in mind-reading.....
"The Israeli Government - nor the IDF - have any agenda to purposefully target civilians or non-combatant related civilian infrastructure."

The Israelis have every intention to murder as many civilians as possible and destroy infrastructure to the extent that their western backers can handle. The Israeli unstated goal is to make life as miserable as possible for the Palestinians in Gaza so that they will leave.

Just wondering where you got your degree in mind-reading.....
Its a top technology that penetrates any incoming threat of outside sanity/logic/common sense known as 'Iron Dumb'
Kondor, I agree with your POV: IFF it's found that there was no reliable intel about munitions or tunnels or such, and IFF the hit was deliberate by an Israeli unit, then that unit needs to be held responsible to the fullest extent for an atrocity.

BUT I'm not at all willing to trust Pal reports of 'atrocities', certainly not since the Jenin NON-'massacre', the 'death' of Mohammed al-Dura, and the 'PA ambulance hit dead center by an Israeli shell' (where the driver and passenger both survived) - oh, and the 'Mossad eagle' and the 'Mossad shark'.....and then there was the 'poisoning of Arafart' and the 'hormones in chewing gum' given by IDF troops to girls in Sinai. Just to list a few of the more feeble hoaxes put up by the Pals......

I'm contacting my Congresscritters to inform them of my desire that we defund UNWRA immediately, and send their chairthings to the Hague to stand trial for the war crimes and attempted genocide in which they are complicit. After all, they gave the illegal rockets back to HAMAS!
Rockets and other fireworks are not illegal in Gaza, UNWRA is not involved in ordnance clearance, so they called on the owners to remove their stuff
"The Israeli Government - nor the IDF - have any agenda to purposefully target civilians or non-combatant related civilian infrastructure."

The Israelis have every intention to murder as many civilians as possible and destroy infrastructure to the extent that their western backers can handle. The Israeli unstated goal is to make life as miserable as possible for the Palestinians in Gaza so that they will leave.
Yada yada yada, blah blah blah.

And the Palestinians / Hamas animals who make heroes out of suicide bombers and mass murderers?
Rockets and other fireworks are not illegal in Gaza, UNWRA is not involved in ordnance clearance, so they called on the owners to remove their stuff
It's not illegal to store bombs and rockets in schools, hospitals, and places of worship, and using civilians as decoy and human shields?

Ha ha ha. You're friggin insane. With friends like you, they don't need any enemies do they?
If I put some pipe bombs. next to yours, in your garage, are you responsible for them?
Although it will surprise a great many folks around here who ordinarily see me throwing my own very modest support to Israel...

I, too, find myself concerned over this latest particular artillery shelling...

I don't like the way this one looks and feels and smells, so far, based upon the very sketchy information that we already have on-hand...

And, frankly, I trust local Arab accounts about as far as I can throw your average camel...

But something doesn't smell right, this time, and I'd like to learn more...

Like many armies, the Israeli Defense Forces is comprised as a mix of Regular and Reserve units...

Generally speaking, Reserve units make more mistakes, and do more stupid things, than Regular units do (although Regular units are not immune from such things, either)...

I find myself expressing alarm and concern over this particular incident...

While maintaining a full and unqualified support for Israel in general, in connection with this campaign against Hamas...

I would like to see us get to the bottom of this one...

I would like to hear more from both sides about this one...

And I will withhold final personal judgment until that happens...

If it turns out that the Israelis did this intentionally, and they can't serve-up sufficient cause to justify their actions, then, somebody(ies) should face charges over this one...

But that does nothing to impede support for Israel and this campaign against Hamas in the main...

I wholeheartedly concur, and the results of any enquiry should be made public at the earliest date possible
"The Israeli Government - nor the IDF - have any agenda to purposefully target civilians or non-combatant related civilian infrastructure."

The Israelis have every intention to murder as many civilians as possible and destroy infrastructure to the extent that their western backers can handle. The Israeli unstated goal is to make life as miserable as possible for the Palestinians in Gaza so that they will leave.

ISLAMONAZI BULL CRAP how about a link to support your claims from other than a pro Islamic source. The Israelis do not want gaza as they demonstrated in August 2005 when they removed all Israeli people from gaza and left them to their own devices. No blockade for nearly 2 years and the Palestinian scum fired rockets at Israeli children day and night.
Rockets and other fireworks are not illegal in Gaza, UNWRA is not involved in ordnance clearance, so they called on the owners to remove their stuff

They are illegal under INTERNATIONAL LAW and the Geneva conventions. Just as dirty bombs are also illegal and anyone found to have used any of these faces charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

So we should start arresting the hamas leaders in Qatar straight away and dragging them in chains to the Hague
i They are illegal under INTERNATIONAL LAW and the Geneva conventions.

Hey nutcase, if rockets are illegal, (they are not) why are the Israelis using them to level buildings and murder civilians?
If I put some pipe bombs. next to yours, in your garage, are you responsible for them?
Yes, you are responsible for what happens to the people in that home if you put bombs in their home, you fucking idiot.

If Hamas animals cared for it's own people, and had any respect for international law and the sanctity of places like schools and hospitals, they would be storing WEAPONS in them.

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