Israel fire's on UN Shelter killing 15

i They are illegal under INTERNATIONAL LAW and the Geneva conventions.

Hey nutcase, if rockets are illegal, (they are not) why are the Israelis using them to level buildings and murder civilians?
The Israelis are murdering civilians?


That presupposes intentional targeting, without just cause, as that term is understood in connection with war-assets and combatants and operations.

There is no indication of 'murder' in what the Israelis have been doing so far.

They have, indeed, been slaughtering Hamas fighters, during the course of legitimate combat operations.

They have, indeed, and most unfortunately, killed a fair number of civilians along with those Hamas fighters, due to the proximity of those civilians to active fire- and targeting zones.

But there is no indication of 'murder' that I am aware of.
Rockets and other fireworks are not illegal in Gaza, UNWRA is not involved in ordnance clearance, so they called on the owners to remove their stuff

When a poster lies so egregiously as the above - they undermine any support for Gaza.

Those weren't 'fireworks' - those were munitions. And UNWRA violated their mandate to allow the contraband back into HAMAS hands.
I'm watching CNN now and there is a chance that the building was hit by an errant Hamas rocket.

Does anyone else wonder if the many avowed supporters of the 'innocent' HAMAS will acknowledge that if it's proven to be the case?

Do we all remember the poor journalist's little boy who was killed by a HAMAS rocket gone astray? How the "persons of conscience" screamed and howled about 'Israel targeting civilians and children' - and not a peep out of any of 'em when the truth came out...... ???

To this day, I expect a certain lying satanspawn whore of HAMAS will *STILL* claim "Israeldidit".......
Absolutely no indications of an armed people at this UN controlled shelter. It is noted, the UN tried to get the people out, but Israel refused, preferring to murder them instead. As for the silly claim it was Hamas rockets.
Fawzi, not the red wire!!!![/quote [MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION] ,is this the vid that the IDF spokesman admitted was from 2007? also the UN schools that had rockets in them, were they in use as schools?UN: IDF officers admitted there was no gunfire from Gaza school which was shelled Israel News | Haaretz
... Gunness said. "In 2007, we abandoned the site and only then did the militants take it over."
Interesting, isn't it?
So, the IDF "has reliable (or not) information" that a civilian site has weapons on it.

Should they:
A) Relay that to the relevant authorities on the site, knowing that the UNRWA would not permit them to stay, or then hold off until evacuated or munitions removed
B) Avoid that building
C) Shoot at resistance fighters who are armed, as arms without resistance fighters and resistance fighters without arms are not an immediate threat
D) Fire on the building, knowing that they will kill many of the civilians sleeping there, in the hope that they get a lucky hit on munitions which might be there

Seems the IDF chooses 'D'.

It can only be that they want to kill innocents as collective punishment.
Over 800 Israel has killed in the present pogrom in Gaza, over 80% are unlawfully targeted civilians. Unlawful killing is murder.

Israel has murdered hundreds in Gaza, your denial of truth will not stop it being proclaimed.

You go to social media and see images everywhere of the children and innocents Israel has murdered.

i They are illegal under INTERNATIONAL LAW and the Geneva conventions.

Hey nutcase, if rockets are illegal, (they are not) why are the Israelis using them to level buildings and murder civilians?
The Israelis are murdering civilians?


That presupposes intentional targeting, without just cause, as that term is understood in connection with war-assets and combatants and operations.

There is no indication of 'murder' in what the Israelis have been doing so far.

They have, indeed, been slaughtering Hamas fighters, during the course of legitimate combat operations.

They have, indeed, and most unfortunately, killed a fair number of civilians along with those Hamas fighters, due to the proximity of those civilians to active fire- and targeting zones.

But there is no indication of 'murder' that I am aware of.
That is not what Gunness said.He simply said UN sites where weapons were found were empty sites they were not operating on.[/quote [MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION] ,is this the vid that the IDF spokesman admitted was from 2007? also the UN schools that had rockets in them, were they in use as schools?UN: IDF officers admitted there was no gunfire from Gaza school which was shelled Israel News | Haaretz
... Gunness said. "In 2007, we abandoned the site and only then did the militants take it over."
Interesting, isn't it?
I don't think this has anything to do with Israel having reliable information weapons are there. I think it's a matter of unlawful targeting. If it's the case that there were nearby rocket launchers , there is an obligation to use weapons that won't harm surrounding civilian sites. In many incidents, it has nothing to do with targeting rockets even, it's indiscriminate firing on civilians and houses or firing on fleeing civilians. I have watched chilling videos from the massacres of villages where this occurred.

So, the IDF "has reliable (or not) information" that a civilian site has weapons on it.

Should they:
A) Relay that to the relevant authorities on the site, knowing that the UNRWA would not permit them to stay, or then hold off until evacuated or munitions removed
B) Avoid that building
C) Shoot at resistance fighters who are armed, as arms without resistance fighters and resistance fighters without arms are not an immediate threat
D) Fire on the building, knowing that they will kill many of the civilians sleeping there, in the hope that they get a lucky hit on munitions which might be there

Seems the IDF chooses 'D'.

It can only be that they want to kill innocents as collective punishment.
pbel, et al,

Combat effectiveness and collateral damage (inadvertent casualties) are not a reason for complaint; especially by the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) aggressor.

Some dummies can't add, especially if demented...32 Israelis to six hundred civilians maybe 30 fighters equals a ratio of 18.2 to 1...

The strategy used by the HoAP to incite and instigate military action is one thing. But then for the HoAP complaint that they are losing the engagement as if the defensive response on the part of the Israelis was somehow unfair, is ridiculous. Don't start a fight unless you have a reasonable expectation of success. And don't run home and cry like a bunch of little girls when you get trounced.

And for heavens sake, stop acting like a bunch of sissies and hiding behind the civilian population. You make the rest of the Muslim World look like cowards. I'm quite certain that Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn (AKA: Salidin), who took Jerusalem From The Christians during the European Crusaders in the Levant, would be rolling over in his grave at how the HoAP demonstrate al-furusiyyah al-arabiya (Arabian chivalry).

Most Respectfully,

The thought process that defined the view that Palestinian casualties could lead to an erosion of international support for Israel's right to defend itself from the Hamas rocket attacks is crazy.
Israel is a barbaric and bloodthirsty country, with no regard for human life, as one can see in this thread, from their kiss-ass minions.
The Palestinians are the most hated Arabs in the Middle East. By this time even Egypt will not let them cross the border on their way to their country.
Frankly, Israel should just plainly announce that its counter battery artillery is accurate only within a few hundred yards and let go.
[MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION] still posting videos
Uploaded on Jan 1, 2009[/quote [MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION] ,is this the vid that the IDF spokesman admitted was from 2007? also the UN schools that had rockets in them, were they in use as schools?
UN: IDF officers admitted there was no gunfire from Gaza school which was shelled Israel News | Haaretz

You guys right, I didn't said it is the same event but I said it's a proof Hamas committed war crimes in the past - and we are so surprised to know that of course - so because you are so skeptic here is a video from 12 July, 2014.

IDF Spokesmen said its Hamas rockets that hit the UN Shelter.
I Know you are not blessed with great imagination when it comes to real facts so for that I posted another video of what 4 airstrike shells can cause to a facility.
Hamas claimed Israeli Tanks(artillery?) bombarded the facility.
So let me ask you this, What benefit could come to Israel to spend millions on missiles just to shoot them on UN Shelter specially when the entire world is watching, dozens of journalists raiding Gaza, and the UN accepted the Palestinian nomination to investigate IDF for war crimes?
-Enlighten us-

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ter·ror·ist   [ter-er-ist] Show IPA

1.a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.

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So, the IDF "has reliable (or not) information" that a civilian site has weapons on it.
... Gunness said. "In 2007, we abandoned the site and only then did the militants take it over." Mr. Gunnes pretty much says so, of course!
IDF Spokesmen said its Hamas rockets that hit the UN Shelter.
I Know you are not blessed with great imagination when it comes to real facts so for that I posted another video of what 4 airstrike shells can cause to a facility.
Hamas claimed Israeli Tanks(artillery?) bombarded the facility.
So let me ask you this, What benefit could come to Israel to spend millions on missiles just to shoot them on UN Shelter specially when the entire world is watching, dozens of journalists raiding Gaza, and the UN accepted the Palestinian nomination to investigate IDF for war crimes?
-Enlighten us-

You jump through hoops and lie your ass off just to avoid any responsibility for the shit things you do. You're a coward!

You bombed a UN school full of children. You're worse than a terrorist. At least terrorists claim responsibility for their atrocities, you're too pussy to even do that.

lekh tiz'da'yen

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