Israel has the Capability to be More Selective

There are a lot of insane people in the world. I don't think they expected this carnage when Israel went into Gaza to "clean house". Maybe they don't understand that Israel does not consider any Palestinian to be innocent because they all voted for Hamas.

This is not about cleaning house. This is about not having tunnels into Israel.

Someday the insanity will end. I know that.

When, I'm not so sure.

I guess killing everyone in Gaza will prevent anymore tunnels.

So am I to presume that if someone were launching Katusha rocket (understand that they are unguided and can land anywhere) into YOUR town, by the thousands, you would defend the perpetrators?

I guess I don't understand the "logic" (or rather lack of) that is being displayed on this board....

The only reason thousands of Israelis have not been killed is because of their defensive posture towards Hamas (Avowed terrorists). Please. Explain how in God's name liberals can defend these animals. Don't get me wrong here. I'm black and despise "Hollywood Jews". However, you would sacrifice the Jews of the Bible in order to do what, exactly?

Is the hatred of Israel based on a hatred of Judeo-Christian values? what is it that drives this hatred from the left?
This is not about cleaning house. This is about not having tunnels into Israel.

Someday the insanity will end. I know that.

When, I'm not so sure.

I guess killing everyone in Gaza will prevent anymore tunnels.

So am I to presume that if someone were launching Katusha rocket (understand that they are unguided and can land anywhere) into YOUR town, by the thousands, you would defend the perpetrators?

I guess I don't understand the "logic" (or rather lack of) that is being displayed on this board....

The only reason thousands of Israelis have not been killed is because of their defensive posture towards Hamas (Avowed terrorists). Please. Explain how in God's name liberals can defend these animals. Don't get me wrong here. I'm black and despise "Hollywood Jews". However, you would sacrifice the Jews of the Bible in order to do what, exactly?

Is the hatred of Israel based on a hatred of Judeo-Christian values? what is it that drives this hatred from the left?

Where did the 48,000 Palestinians that you referred to go ?
This is not about cleaning house. This is about not having tunnels into Israel.

Someday the insanity will end. I know that.

When, I'm not so sure.

I guess killing everyone in Gaza will prevent anymore tunnels.

So am I to presume that if someone were launching Katusha rocket (understand that they are unguided and can land anywhere) into YOUR town, by the thousands, you would defend the perpetrators?

I guess I don't understand the "logic" (or rather lack of) that is being displayed on this board....

The only reason thousands of Israelis have not been killed is because of their defensive posture towards Hamas (Avowed terrorists). Please. Explain how in God's name liberals can defend these animals. Don't get me wrong here. I'm black and despise "Hollywood Jews". However, you would sacrifice the Jews of the Bible in order to do what, exactly?

Is the hatred of Israel based on a hatred of Judeo-Christian values? what is it that drives this hatred from the left?

What's a "Hollywood jew"?
This is not about cleaning house. This is about not having tunnels into Israel.

Someday the insanity will end. I know that.

When, I'm not so sure.

I guess killing everyone in Gaza will prevent anymore tunnels.

So am I to presume that if someone were launching Katusha rocket (understand that they are unguided and can land anywhere) into YOUR town, by the thousands, you would defend the perpetrators?

I guess I don't understand the "logic" (or rather lack of) that is being displayed on this board....

The only reason thousands of Israelis have not been killed is because of their defensive posture towards Hamas (Avowed terrorists). Please. Explain how in God's name liberals can defend these animals. Don't get me wrong here. I'm black and despise "Hollywood Jews". However, you would sacrifice the Jews of the Bible in order to do what, exactly?

Is the hatred of Israel based on a hatred of Judeo-Christian values? what is it that drives this hatred from the left?

There are very few common Judeo versus Christian values, if any. Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ and his teachings, diametrically opposed to Jewish teachings, is the basis of Christianity.
There are a lot of insane people in the world. I don't think they expected this carnage when Israel went into Gaza to "clean house". Maybe they don't understand that Israel does not consider any Palestinian to be innocent because they all voted for Hamas.

This is not about cleaning house. This is about not having tunnels into Israel.

Someday the insanity will end. I know that.

When, I'm not so sure.

I guess killing everyone in Gaza will prevent anymore tunnels.

You keep guessing and then you can continue counting.

Do you also guess that the Palestinians will try and build them again?
I guess killing everyone in Gaza will prevent anymore tunnels.

So am I to presume that if someone were launching Katusha rocket (understand that they are unguided and can land anywhere) into YOUR town, by the thousands, you would defend the perpetrators?

I guess I don't understand the "logic" (or rather lack of) that is being displayed on this board....

The only reason thousands of Israelis have not been killed is because of their defensive posture towards Hamas (Avowed terrorists). Please. Explain how in God's name liberals can defend these animals. Don't get me wrong here. I'm black and despise "Hollywood Jews". However, you would sacrifice the Jews of the Bible in order to do what, exactly?

Is the hatred of Israel based on a hatred of Judeo-Christian values? what is it that drives this hatred from the left?

There are very few common Judeo versus Christian values, if any. Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ and his teachings, diametrically opposed to Jewish teachings, is the basis of Christianity.

There's NOT ONE VALUE expressed in TNT that isn't already expressed in TJS.
On the other hand, TNT doesn't promise eternal orgasms for murdering the "enemy".
Really, what kind of sick religion IS Islam...eternal orgasms!?
There are a lot of insane people in the world. I don't think they expected this carnage when Israel went into Gaza to "clean house". Maybe they don't understand that Israel does not consider any Palestinian to be innocent because they all voted for Hamas.

This is not about cleaning house. This is about not having tunnels into Israel.

Someday the insanity will end. I know that.

When, I'm not so sure.

I guess killing everyone in Gaza will prevent anymore tunnels.

Just the Eastern most couple of miles.
You do realize, of course, Israel cannot EVER give back the region most likely to have tunnels.
Good going, Ham-Ass!
Then please tell me where the estimated 48,000 Palestinians who had left before this started went......

I'll be waiting.

Oh, and again, you nazis are incorrect. The comparison between Germany and Palestinians is, indeed, spot on. They stand by and laugh when jews are killed. The shoe is on the other foot now and suddenly they are ignorant. Screw 'em and screw any "so called" American who sides with them. Shoe fit?

"you Nazi's".

So much for your credibility.

Come back when you can find where the Palestinians have set up concentration camps, gas chambers for the Jews and I'd like to know about the medical experiments they did on Jewish children plus how they rounded up Jews and exterminated them.

Poof. You are a silly boy.

Randall is exactly right. Sure Palestinians dont eat wurst and drink beer either. But the fundamental comparison on this point is true: Palestinians voted for Hamas, knowing what they stood for. Germans voted for Hitler knowing what he stood for. Both groups were fine inflicting suffering misery, death and carnage on others. When Hamas was sending rockets into Israel how many Palestinians asked whether it was right to target civilian areas like that? Yeah none. They all cheered it. And both groups suffer for their poor decisions. Boo hoo.

I mean exactly that: NAZIS. The American left are Nazis and those in the Gaza strip (specifically Hamas) are NAZIS.

The damned Nazi left is PRAYING for the destruction of Israel. Very Nazi like, don't you think??
I guess killing everyone in Gaza will prevent anymore tunnels.

So am I to presume that if someone were launching Katusha rocket (understand that they are unguided and can land anywhere) into YOUR town, by the thousands, you would defend the perpetrators?

I guess I don't understand the "logic" (or rather lack of) that is being displayed on this board....

The only reason thousands of Israelis have not been killed is because of their defensive posture towards Hamas (Avowed terrorists). Please. Explain how in God's name liberals can defend these animals. Don't get me wrong here. I'm black and despise "Hollywood Jews". However, you would sacrifice the Jews of the Bible in order to do what, exactly?

Is the hatred of Israel based on a hatred of Judeo-Christian values? what is it that drives this hatred from the left?

There are very few common Judeo versus Christian values, if any. Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ and his teachings, diametrically opposed to Jewish teachings, is the basis of Christianity.

Whoa...I don't know where your Biblical upbringing is from, but I suggest you ask for your tithe's back. I recommend you go back and see the part that describes the Jews as "God's chosen" and "I will NOT forsake thee" And "Whosoever forsakes my people, forsakes me" - you know - those "foundations" of the Bible....... :cuckoo:
I guess killing everyone in Gaza will prevent anymore tunnels.

So am I to presume that if someone were launching Katusha rocket (understand that they are unguided and can land anywhere) into YOUR town, by the thousands, you would defend the perpetrators?

I guess I don't understand the "logic" (or rather lack of) that is being displayed on this board....

The only reason thousands of Israelis have not been killed is because of their defensive posture towards Hamas (Avowed terrorists). Please. Explain how in God's name liberals can defend these animals. Don't get me wrong here. I'm black and despise "Hollywood Jews". However, you would sacrifice the Jews of the Bible in order to do what, exactly?

Is the hatred of Israel based on a hatred of Judeo-Christian values? what is it that drives this hatred from the left?

Where did the 48,000 Palestinians that you referred to go ?

While Thousands of Palestinians Flee Northern Gaza, a Defiant Hamas ? Accused of Using Them as Human Shields ? Urges Civilians to Stay | Video |

Gaza civilians urged to evacuate often have nowhere to go | Dallas Morning News

Greek Orthodox church in Gaza shelters Muslims fleeing war | Reuters

PM - Reports of thousands of Palestinians fleeing south 14/07/2014

Palestinian-Americans, dual citizens flee Gaza Strip in droves | JPost | Israel News

Want any more? Look it up yourself. It's really not hard.
I guess killing everyone in Gaza will prevent anymore tunnels.

So am I to presume that if someone were launching Katusha rocket (understand that they are unguided and can land anywhere) into YOUR town, by the thousands, you would defend the perpetrators?

I guess I don't understand the "logic" (or rather lack of) that is being displayed on this board....

The only reason thousands of Israelis have not been killed is because of their defensive posture towards Hamas (Avowed terrorists). Please. Explain how in God's name liberals can defend these animals. Don't get me wrong here. I'm black and despise "Hollywood Jews". However, you would sacrifice the Jews of the Bible in order to do what, exactly?

Is the hatred of Israel based on a hatred of Judeo-Christian values? what is it that drives this hatred from the left?

What's a "Hollywood jew"?

A "Hollywood Jew" is an American Jew who has never been to Israel. Brought up in liberal schools and couldn't care less for Israel. Same as an "Easter Catholic" or a "Christmas Eve Baptist"

Religious in name ONLY.
[ame=]L'ONU reconnait que le Hamas a recours aux boucliers humains - YouTube[/ame]
Media cover-up of Hamas crimes starting to unravel

Italian journalist leaves Gaza, tells truth once free from Hamas retaliation

Yesterday one of the stories thrust into the mainstream media was nearly simultaneous explosions in a Palestinian neighborhood and at al-Shifa hospital.

The media immediately took the Hamas line that it was Israeli missiles. Later, the IDF stated that it had not fired on those locations, and that the explosions were misfired Hamas or Islamic Jihad missiles.

The media played it as he said, he said.

But an Italian journalist has just left Gaza and is telling the truth about what happened now that he needs not fear Hamas retaliation — Israel was right (h/t Israelly Cool):

Out of #Gaza far from #Hamas retaliation: misfired rocket killed children yday in Shati. Witness: militants rushed and cleared debris

— gabrielebarbati (@gabrielebarbati) July 29, 2014

@IDFSpokesperson said truth in communique released yesterday about Shati camp massacre. It was not #Israel behind it

— gabrielebarbati (@gabrielebarbati) July 29, 2014

How many more of the civilian casualties have been cause by Hamas and Islamic rockets that fell short or misfired? Like Israel says happened at a U.N. school and shelter.

We likely never will know because Hamas is so fast to cover up the scene and intimidates reporters:


Media cover-up of Hamas crimes starting to unravel
Israel attempts to coordinate locations to do the least amount of harm as possible...

Can you document that?

I documented how they OFTEN do that. But my complaint is that often they do not. So if you can document your claim and that it is true for EVERY engagement .... then I will be forced to reverse my position.

You can't prove that they don't. In fact, I won't expect full documentation until it's over. I do know that there is information that is deliberately and willfully ignored.

Chris Gunness has proved to be an asshat during his interviews.
U.N. shelter in Gaza hit, 16 dead -

Same guy who strongly condemned the group or groups (wonder who that could be?) for the rockets under the schools.
There are some mistakes, for example, when a hospital is hit, but Hamas places it's rockets in densely populated areas. Hamas wants the people living close to the missile sites to die.
they are doing their children a big favor ------sending them DIRECTLY TO JANNAH
So am I to presume that if someone were launching Katusha rocket (understand that they are unguided and can land anywhere) into YOUR town, by the thousands, you would defend the perpetrators?

I guess I don't understand the "logic" (or rather lack of) that is being displayed on this board....

The only reason thousands of Israelis have not been killed is because of their defensive posture towards Hamas (Avowed terrorists). Please. Explain how in God's name liberals can defend these animals. Don't get me wrong here. I'm black and despise "Hollywood Jews". However, you would sacrifice the Jews of the Bible in order to do what, exactly?

Is the hatred of Israel based on a hatred of Judeo-Christian values? what is it that drives this hatred from the left?

Where did the 48,000 Palestinians that you referred to go ?

While Thousands of Palestinians Flee Northern Gaza, a Defiant Hamas ? Accused of Using Them as Human Shields ? Urges Civilians to Stay | Video |

Gaza civilians urged to evacuate often have nowhere to go | Dallas Morning News

Greek Orthodox church in Gaza shelters Muslims fleeing war | Reuters

PM - Reports of thousands of Palestinians fleeing south 14/07/2014

Palestinian-Americans, dual citizens flee Gaza Strip in droves | JPost | Israel News

Want any more? Look it up yourself. It's really not hard.

Gaza civilians urged to evacuate often have nowhere to go | Dallas Morning News

Your link makes it pretty clear that there is no safe place for them to go.

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