Israel has the Capability to be More Selective

What should Israel do?

Finish the job, which I think Benjamin Netanyahu is going to do, since the Israeli populace have been warned to expect a long action.

Either that, or he suspects a larger war is about to occur, and he is preparing the people for another massive invasion by the neighboring states.

Expect Hezbollah to strike when Hamas grows desperate. ISIS may join in the action as well.
Netanyahu Vows to Continue Destroying Gaza Tunnels


JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said on Thursday that he would not agree to any Gaza cease-fire proposal that prevents the Israeli military from completing the destruction of Hamas’s tunnel network.

“So far we have neutralized tens of terror tunnels,” Mr. Netanyahu said in televised remarks at the start of a government meeting at military headquarters in Tel Aviv. “We are determined to continue to complete this mission with or without a cease-fire,” he added.

Maj. Gen. Sami Turgeman, the chief of the Israeli military’s southern command, said on Wednesday that it would take “a few more days” to destroy the tunnels that Israel had already located, many of which run beneath the border into Israeli territory.
What should Israel do?

Finish the job, which I think Benjamin Netanyahu is going to do, since the Israeli populace have been warned to expect a long action.

Either that, or he suspects a larger war is about to occur, and he is preparing the people for another massive invasion by the neighboring states.

Expect Hezbollah to strike when Hamas grows desperate. ISIS may join in the action as well.

He's determined, which is good. IT is the right course. Giving in to a cease fire will just allow Hamas to rearm and come back stronger.
There wont be a larger war. Egypt isn't interested They hate Hamas just as much and are helping destroy the tunnels. Syria is too bound up in its own war. Lebanon has no capacity to wage war. Hezbollah is watching the Israelis kick ass and thinking they'll be next if the're not careful.
Because that is the right thing to do.

If they don't want to leave, then there is nothing we can do. Israel has to fight terror.

Here's what puzzles me about the left in America; They have heard Hamas, they have heard Iran and Al Queada. They have heard them ALL say that the goal is the complete and utter destruction of Israel. They understand that this war has been (technically) going on since 1947.

Yet STILL, they stand on the side of the terrorists. Oh, they will tell you PUBLICLY that they stand for Israel, but in private, they pray for Israel's destruction.

I have asked the few liberals I know to explain their hatred - but they deny it. But you see these Nazi's on this board (and others where anonymity protects) demeaning anfd belittling and they then claim that they are not "Nazi's".

My Sig at the bottom of my posts explains the American Nazi Liberal quite well. They are not MY words. They are the words of a famous politician. I agree with them 100%.

There is a storm brewing in this country and in the world. Just as the Bible predicts. No, I'm no Bible Thumper, but I HAVE read the end of the book. It ain't gonna be pretty.....and those storm clouds are rising now, as we speak. The Walking Dude is coming.....The Monster is coming.
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Because that is the right thing to do.

If they don't want to leave, then there is nothing we can do. Israel has to fight terror.

Here's what puzzles me about the left in America; They have heard Hamas, they have heard Iran and Al Queada. They have heard them ALL say that the goal is the complete and utter destruction of Israel. They understand that this war has been (technically) join on since 1947.

Yet STILL, they stand on the side of the terrorists. Oh, they will tell you PUBLICLY that they stand for Israel, but in private, they pray for Israel's destruction.

I have asked the few liberals I know to explain their hatred - but they deny it. But you see these Nazi's on this board (and others where anonymity protects) demeaning anfd belittling and they then claim that they are not "Nazi's".

My Sig at the bottom of my posts explains the American Nazi Liberal quite well. They are not MY words. They are the words of a famous politician. I agree with them 100%.

There is a storm brewing in this country and in the world. Just as the Bible predicts. No, I'm no Bible Thumper, but I HAVE read the end of the book. It ain't gonna be pretty.....and those storm clouds are rising now, as we speak. The Walking Dude is coming.....The Monster is coming.

The explanation is they cant think beyond stage one. Like the Obama Administration. What is the Obama Administration's goal in these negotiations? It woud seem to be the imposiiton of an immediate humanitarian (whatever that means) cease fire. And then? They're not clear on that part. A cease fire would allow Hamas to re-arm, just as they did after the last one. Does the administration not know this fact? Or are they just ignoring it hoping somehow things will turn out better this time? I suspect the latter. They just want a cease fire so they can look good for "stopping the killing."
Because that is the right thing to do.

If they don't want to leave, then there is nothing we can do. Israel has to fight terror.

Here's what puzzles me about the left in America; They have heard Hamas, they have heard Iran and Al Queada. They have heard them ALL say that the goal is the complete and utter destruction of Israel. They understand that this war has been (technically) join on since 1947.

Yet STILL, they stand on the side of the terrorists. Oh, they will tell you PUBLICLY that they stand for Israel, but in private, they pray for Israel's destruction.

I have asked the few liberals I know to explain their hatred - but they deny it. But you see these Nazi's on this board (and others where anonymity protects) demeaning anfd belittling and they then claim that they are not "Nazi's".

My Sig at the bottom of my posts explains the American Nazi Liberal quite well. They are not MY words. They are the words of a famous politician. I agree with them 100%.

There is a storm brewing in this country and in the world. Just as the Bible predicts. No, I'm no Bible Thumper, but I HAVE read the end of the book. It ain't gonna be pretty.....and those storm clouds are rising now, as we speak. The Walking Dude is coming.....The Monster is coming.

Liberals should be supportive to Israel, without Israel its clear what happened to Jews.
Since Israel established there is a reason for the monsters in the middle east to blame 99% of the Jews *Zionists..And all the fuckers think US can simply "Cancel" Israel just mean throwing 7 million Israelis to a small aquarium full of sharks..yeah that's right, now there are even more reasons to hate us of course!
Because that is the right thing to do.

If they don't want to leave, then there is nothing we can do. Israel has to fight terror.

Here's what puzzles me about the left in America; They have heard Hamas, they have heard Iran and Al Queada. They have heard them ALL say that the goal is the complete and utter destruction of Israel. They understand that this war has been (technically) join on since 1947.

Yet STILL, they stand on the side of the terrorists. Oh, they will tell you PUBLICLY that they stand for Israel, but in private, they pray for Israel's destruction.

I have asked the few liberals I know to explain their hatred - but they deny it. But you see these Nazi's on this board (and others where anonymity protects) demeaning anfd belittling and they then claim that they are not "Nazi's".

My Sig at the bottom of my posts explains the American Nazi Liberal quite well. They are not MY words. They are the words of a famous politician. I agree with them 100%.

There is a storm brewing in this country and in the world. Just as the Bible predicts. No, I'm no Bible Thumper, but I HAVE read the end of the book. It ain't gonna be pretty.....and those storm clouds are rising now, as we speak. The Walking Dude is coming.....The Monster is coming.

The explanation is they cant think beyond stage one. Like the Obama Administration. What is the Obama Administration's goal in these negotiations? It woud seem to be the imposiiton of an immediate humanitarian (whatever that means) cease fire. And then? They're not clear on that part. A cease fire would allow Hamas to re-arm, just as they did after the last one. Does the administration not know this fact? Or are they just ignoring it hoping somehow things will turn out better this time? I suspect the latter. They just want a cease fire so they can look good for "stopping the killing."

Yeah, the war doesn't stop with all these cease-fires in which Hamas can re-arm. Israel should just finish the job, destroy Hamas, and end the war
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Here's what puzzles me about the left in America; They have heard Hamas, they have heard Iran and Al Queada. They have heard them ALL say that the goal is the complete and utter destruction of Israel. They understand that this war has been (technically) join on since 1947.

Yet STILL, they stand on the side of the terrorists. Oh, they will tell you PUBLICLY that they stand for Israel, but in private, they pray for Israel's destruction.

I have asked the few liberals I know to explain their hatred - but they deny it. But you see these Nazi's on this board (and others where anonymity protects) demeaning anfd belittling and they then claim that they are not "Nazi's".

My Sig at the bottom of my posts explains the American Nazi Liberal quite well. They are not MY words. They are the words of a famous politician. I agree with them 100%.

There is a storm brewing in this country and in the world. Just as the Bible predicts. No, I'm no Bible Thumper, but I HAVE read the end of the book. It ain't gonna be pretty.....and those storm clouds are rising now, as we speak. The Walking Dude is coming.....The Monster is coming.

The explanation is they cant think beyond stage one. Like the Obama Administration. What is the Obama Administration's goal in these negotiations? It woud seem to be the imposiiton of an immediate humanitarian (whatever that means) cease fire. And then? They're not clear on that part. A cease fire would allow Hamas to re-arm, just as they did after the last one. Does the administration not know this fact? Or are they just ignoring it hoping somehow things will turn out better this time? I suspect the latter. They just want a cease fire so they can look good for "stopping the killing."

Yeah, the war doesn't stop with all these cease-fires in which Hamas can re-arm. Israel should just finish the job, destroy Hamas, and end the war

As I have stated many times. there is only ONE way to win a war; by killing the enemy. Here's the problem, however. You wipe out Hamas. Another group of thugs replaces them. You wipe them out and on and on.

Now, liberals, who despise Christianity, would tell you to just succumb to the radical Muslims. That's the liberal mindset. Run. Cower. Be absorbed.

I would never expect a Jew to renounce their religion in favor of terrorist thugs anymore than I would renounce my Christianity. THAT is the difference between those with conviction and those without. I would die before renouncing. I would prefer, however, to send as many of these "bearded wonders" to Allah before I go, though....but that's just me..:D
"Battle lines are being drawn .... and nobody's right if everybody's wrong."
- Stephen Stills

The actions and tactics of the Arab terrorists who are hellbent on the destruction of Israel are indefensible.

But Israel is not without blame. They have the intelligence and military capability to be much more selective in their retaliations.

Mossad, Kidon, AMAN, Shin Bet have a long list of impressive successes in which targets were effectively (and surgically) removed. They have had someone set backs (such as the Lillehammer Affair), but they have saved many lives as well. (Some links will follow).

Israel can't claim that indiscriminate killing is the only way. We've seen much better out of the Israelis many, many times.

The Arabs have been guilty of far worse. But two wrongs don't make a right.

In case some of you have been living under a rock for the last 50 years or so ... here are some links to support the capabilities of the Israelis to selectively target bad guys.

The Mossad method - The Week

Mossad's hidden successes against Iran so far | National Review Online

Operations conducted by the Mossad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Special: Mossad took photos, Entebbe Operation was on its way - Israel News, Ynetnews

Intelligence During the Six-Day War (1967) | Jewish Virtual Library

The Shin Bet?s success | JPost | Israel News

Excellent OP.. And something that has been missing from the discussion.
The IDF is a modern fighting force with emphasis on intelligience and technology. Gaza is a relatively small place and the POPULATED area is even smaller.

NONE of the press is discussing how Israel just is NOT guessing about targets. Those primitive rockets leave a distinct trail and the firing source can be located accurately. Especially with drones or aerial photos.

There is no doubt that that IDF is getting SATELLITE intel from the US and elsewhere. Or they can BUY IT commercially. And they have advanced Signals and Comm Intel capabilities. So when the Hamas military has an HQ somewhere, the IDF KNOWS they are there.

You can look at the roofs of buildings and surmise what kind of antennas are there. And you can tap any cell phone or even sat phone coming out of the area. How do they KNOW that Hamas has an operations center in the basement of Al Shifa Hospital ? Because they've intercepted message traffic or observed top leaders entering and leaving.

THEY ARE NOT guessing. It's just messy when you hit an arms cache and the secondary explosions are GREATER than calculated. Or you set off booby trap bombs across the street from a target.

It's all being used. And Israel WILL leave when the intelligience leads run out. They are not gonna sit and wait for leads to develop. But as long as missiles are still being fired or tunnels exist or signals intercepts, there is an active target list..

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