Israel: Helping To Make A Better World

Fact: The development of Microsoft Windows, Intel computer chips, instant messaging, the cellular telephone and many medical devices all have significant research roots in Israel.
A40A777B-8E8E-43BE-AD7F-923DE36B33EF.jpeg knew they weren't using synthetic embryos for organ research to benefit manking....they wanted to see if they could pull a God thing and create life. and now we have synthetic embryos...but no worries...there's no plan to implant them in females or trans women....hmmmm.....for that matter, for that? FOR. NOW.

It’s being described as a “groundbreaking advance.” Scientists from the University of Cambridge and the California Institute of Technology announced this week that they have created “synthetic” human embryos in their laboratory. If that announcement is giving you a queasy feeling, you’re not alone. But at least for now, these creators are saying that the embryos will not be implanted in human beings or matured to full development. They’re using them to study embryonic development in its earliest stages without the need for a human donor. In fact, they didn’t even use human sperm or eggs to create them. They were “grown” using modified stem cells. (The Guardian)

The world benefits from Israel


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