Israel is preparing for the next Lebanon war

Oh, Sherri, could you possible give us a running total of the number of Shiites and Sunnis who were murdered by each other just in the last 30 days? This seems to be a favorite sport with both sects in between killing Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and even the Ahmadi Muslims.



I actually am not aware of active fighting between Shiites and Sunnis taking place anywhere, unless you consider such fighting in the persecution by the Saudi and Bahrain governments of their Shiites. The US supports both of those Sunni governments, and you certainly hear little MSM news about these matters in the US or criticism by the US over human rights abuses against Shiites in either countrry.

What do these Shiite and Sunni conflicts you imagine are occurring somewhere in the world have to do with Israel's threats against the civilians of Lebanon?

How do these conflicts you think are occurring justify Israeli massacres of Lebanese civilians?

Can you explain that?


Sherri since you have no idea what is going on -----why do you write comments.? In fact persecution of shiites in saudi arabia and Bahrain is not even an issue It is in places like PAKISTAN that shiites are shot to death in the gutters How long have you been this dim? In Iran ----ethnic arab sunnis are----DEAD MEAT Israel does not massacre Lebanese civilians-----Israel returns fire-----if your HEROES decide to launch their baby brain smashing bombs from the cribs of infants ---then RETURN FIRE will hit the infants RETURN FIRE IS NEVER A CRIME the crime is comitted by those who do their missile launching from the cribs of infants as do the perverted of your ilk Now for massecreing of children-----that is left to the filthy sluts called SHAHIDAS who put bombs on their stinking whorish asses like SLUT WAFA IDRIS
Nothing but net!

As always, I love your responses.
Sherri since you have no idea what is going on -----why do you write comments.? In fact persecution of shiites in saudi arabia and Bahrain is not even an issue It is in places like PAKISTAN that shiites are shot to death in the gutters How long have you been this dim? In Iran ----ethnic arab sunnis are----DEAD MEAT Israel does not massacre Lebanese civilians-----Israel returns fire-----if your HEROES decide to launch their baby brain smashing bombs from the cribs of infants ---then RETURN FIRE will hit the infants RETURN FIRE IS NEVER A CRIME the crime is comitted by those who do their missile launching from the cribs of infants as do the perverted of your ilk Now for massecreing of children-----that is left to the filthy sluts called SHAHIDAS who put bombs on their stinking whorish asses like SLUT WAFA IDRIS

IDF commander: We fired more than a million cluster bombs in Lebanon
Phosphorous and cluster bombs heavily used; unexploded munitions litter wide area of Lebanon.

"What we did was insane and monstrous, we covered entire towns in cluster bombs," the head of an IDF rocket unit in Lebanon said regarding the use of cluster bombs and phosphorous shells during the war.

Quoting his battalion commander, the rocket unit head stated that the IDF fired around 1,800 cluster bombs, containing over 1.2 million cluster bomblets.

In addition, soldiers in IDF artillery units testified that the army used phosphorous shells during the war, widely forbidden by international law. According to their claims, the vast majority of said explosive ordinance was fired in the final 10 days of the war.
WP shells are NOT forbidden by the Geneva Conventions: their use is restricted, but not 'forbidden'.

One wonders what else the reporter got wrong in the article.
Sherri since you have no idea what is going on -----why do you write comments.? In fact persecution of shiites in saudi arabia and Bahrain is not even an issue It is in places like PAKISTAN that shiites are shot to death in the gutters How long have you been this dim? In Iran ----ethnic arab sunnis are----DEAD MEAT Israel does not massacre Lebanese civilians-----Israel returns fire-----if your HEROES decide to launch their baby brain smashing bombs from the cribs of infants ---then RETURN FIRE will hit the infants RETURN FIRE IS NEVER A CRIME the crime is comitted by those who do their missile launching from the cribs of infants as do the perverted of your ilk Now for massecreing of children-----that is left to the filthy sluts called SHAHIDAS who put bombs on their stinking whorish asses like SLUT WAFA IDRIS

IDF commander: We fired more than a million cluster bombs in Lebanon
Phosphorous and cluster bombs heavily used; unexploded munitions litter wide area of Lebanon.

"What we did was insane and monstrous, we covered entire towns in cluster bombs," the head of an IDF rocket unit in Lebanon said regarding the use of cluster bombs and phosphorous shells during the war.

Quoting his battalion commander, the rocket unit head stated that the IDF fired around 1,800 cluster bombs, containing over 1.2 million cluster bomblets.

In addition, soldiers in IDF artillery units testified that the army used phosphorous shells during the war, widely forbidden by international law. According to their claims, the vast majority of said explosive ordinance was fired in the final 10 days of the war.

Cluster bombs are very effective munitions. When Israel was provoked into war by the Iranian proxy army in Lebanon, they used the resources available to win the war, which of course they did.

The war in 2006 was just another in a series of wars provoked and lost by arabs/moslems and Persian mullocrats.

The Iranian frontman in Lebanon, ie Nasrallah, eventually admitted his mistake in shelling Israel and capturing and kiling Israeli soldiers.

Yet another humiliating defeat for muhammudan's.
Hollie---don't rub it in----Jos is heartbroken that the baby brain smashing Iranian bombs and the sever the genitalia and shove them down throats heroes were stopped
I said it
4th underlined subject.

AOL Search
I'm waiting for your explanation, Author.Check out "Progressive Mind." >

Below is that quote which Jos claimed to be his own. Quite the coincidence, eh? It's the kind of integrity the world has come to expect from our Nazi types.

"And MineWeb’s Lawrence Williams, in commentary headlined “LIBOR Scandal Brings Gold Price Manipulation Once More to the Fore,” writes today: “The idea of gold price manipulation, once the preserve of the much-derided Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee —derision is one of the principal tools in the armory of those wishing to diminish the views of organizations that try to expose wrongdoing — is now beginning to make an appearance in the mainstream press and among the most respected of financial commentators."
May I call you Sherri the fulla shit from now on?

You might as well. You have nothing else.
What do you and Sherri really have, Tinny? When we see what is going on and what has gone on in the Muslim world as well as places like Thailand and the Philippines when it comes to Muslims murdering other innocent people, it really sounds so ludicrous that you and Sherri want to show Israel as this most terrible, terrible country. You can actually be the best Dhimwit in the entire world, but as an Infidel, you, yourself, wouldn't fare very well.


what is wrong with you? one thing does not justify the other and i don't think people need to preface their condemnation of israeli wrong doing by listing all the other horrible things that are being done in the world.

i mean, you fixate on some alleged muslim atrocities. fine, they are wrong. bot i am not at all going to try to justify what ssome muslims do by pointing out the problems of latino gang violence in east LA or financiers on wall street that fleece old people out of their retirements with ponzi schemes or other ways.

personally, i think stock manipulaters, ponzi schemers, corporations that outsource so many american jobs, and etc do far more harm to america than al quada has ever done, but i would be an idiot to use those practices to diminish, soft peddle,or otherwise excuse what osama bin laden, the taliban, or other militant groups have done.

israel is committing the crime of genocide (as codified in international law and explained by many genocide scholars). that is of course, arguable, but as time passes, it becomes less arguable. i have opposed israeli action and policy since about the mid-'70s, but i would have scoffed at the charge of israel commiting acts of genocide ten years ago, and i have disagreed with the allegations as few as two years ago, but today, i am appalled by my country supporting what very well might be and in fact, in all probability will be, regarded by history as a genocide.

as for the lebanese war and the gaza invasion. i think you know i was a master gunner in the United States Army Field Artillery, and that distinction does not come easily. i was a fire direction specialist and at times, i was used as a forward observer. i knew and know my stuff, and i can say without a doubt that there was an illegal use of weapons and munitions in gaza for sure and i strongly suspect the same during the lebanese war. (for all those naysayers who say this, that, and the next thing about WP or cluster bombs being legal, well, so is an M-16...but you can't line the villagers up, gun them down, and then shove them into a rice paddy to be used as fertilizer...or perhaps hitting closer to home, i am not going to attempt to minimise the horrible tragedy of auschwitz by saying hydrogen cyanide is a legal gas. those are not bad analogies when confined to the weapon/substance being used.)

maybe it is easy for you to look away while childeren are being killed, and may even enjoy that some are muslims. i hope that isn't the case, i don't think it is. i will have no truck with anyone who tries to justify or excuse the senseless slaughter of innocent civilians, and particularly children, anywhere, and in this case, we are talking about the gaza strip and lebanon.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
Cluster bombs are very effective munitions. When Israel was provoked into war by the Iranian proxy army in Lebanon, they used the resources available to win the war, which of course they did.

The war in 2006 was just another in a series of wars provoked and lost by arabs/moslems and Persian mullocrats.

The Iranian frontman in Lebanon, ie Nasrallah, eventually admitted his mistake in shelling Israel and capturing and kiling Israeli soldiers.

Yet another humiliating defeat for muhammudan's.

Israel Admits War Causes Were Fabricated

Being absolved of a long list of crimes doesn’t give one the right to incriminate oneself in other crimes. Yet, that is exactly what former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert did today. On July 12, 2012, two days after being acquitted, he spoke at a conference in Tel Aviv, which was devoted to the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel. While the media recorded his astonishing words, he admitted that Israel’s main excuse for its brutal attack on Lebanon—the retrieval of two captured soldiers—was false. “The war had one objective which we did not achieve, and knew in advance that we couldn't achieve, and it was spoken in cabinet meetings," Olmert said. The prime minister, the government, and the army, knew that. Openly deceiving the entire world, they attacked for the sake of achieving a different target.
Roy Tov – Israel Admits War Causes Were Fabricated
This is a rather strongly biased blog, purportedly written by an apostate. Elsewhere he makes various allegations that 'Mossad' was after him, etc, etc.

And of course he gets interviewed by Chris Bolleyn - a truly 'unbiased' individual there, LOL!

I think this conspiranutter bilge belongs on a different forum.
This is a rather strongly biased blog, purportedly written by an apostate. Elsewhere he makes various allegations that 'Mossad' was after him, etc, etc.

And of course he gets interviewed by Chris Bolleyn - a truly 'unbiased' individual there, LOL!

I think this conspiranutter bilge belongs on a different forum.

Oh you don't like him or what the "Apostate" had to say, How about Haaretz?
"We understood that perhaps the only way to change these things is to let this wider move [of entering moving IDF forces to the north of their positions in Lebanon] to appear as the real thing, so to apply the required pressure on agents in the international arena," Olmert said.

According to the former premier, "attempts to get anything from the Americans failed, because everyone was asleep. And so eventually, it boiled down to a point in time where it's possible that the required pressure would not have been created. That's where the operation dubbed "the last 48 hours" was born."

Olmert emphasized that "there wasn't an intention to change strategy, just to create the required effect to bring the international community to finalize things in a direction which we perceived as the right one."
This is a rather strongly biased blog, purportedly written by an apostate. Elsewhere he makes various allegations that 'Mossad' was after him, etc, etc.

And of course he gets interviewed by Chris Bolleyn - a truly 'unbiased' individual there, LOL!

I think this conspiranutter bilge belongs on a different forum.

Oh you don't like him or what the "Apostate" had to say, How about Haaretz?
"We understood that perhaps the only way to change these things is to let this wider move [of entering moving IDF forces to the north of their positions in Lebanon] to appear as the real thing, so to apply the required pressure on agents in the international arena," Olmert said.

According to the former premier, "attempts to get anything from the Americans failed, because everyone was asleep. And so eventually, it boiled down to a point in time where it's possible that the required pressure would not have been created. That's where the operation dubbed "the last 48 hours" was born."

Olmert emphasized that "there wasn't an intention to change strategy, just to create the required effect to bring the international community to finalize things in a direction which we perceived as the right one."
I subscribe to Haaretz. It's much cheaper than toilet paper. Dont care to read it though.
Last edited:
Anything Jos says I would flush down the Islam I mean toilet.
I have a feeling Israel is going to turn Lebanon into a parking lot if they go to war again.
You might as well. You have nothing else.
What do you and Sherri really have, Tinny? When we see what is going on and what has gone on in the Muslim world as well as places like Thailand and the Philippines when it comes to Muslims murdering other innocent people, it really sounds so ludicrous that you and Sherri want to show Israel as this most terrible, terrible country. You can actually be the best Dhimwit in the entire world, but as an Infidel, you, yourself, wouldn't fare very well.


what is wrong with you? one thing does not justify the other and i don't think people need to preface their condemnation of israeli wrong doing by listing all the other horrible things that are being done in the world.

i mean, you fixate on some alleged muslim atrocities. fine, they are wrong. bot i am not at all going to try to justify what ssome muslims do by pointing out the problems of latino gang violence in east LA or financiers on wall street that fleece old people out of their retirements with ponzi schemes or other ways.

personally, i think stock manipulaters, ponzi schemers, corporations that outsource so many american jobs, and etc do far more harm to america than al quada has ever done, but i would be an idiot to use those practices to diminish, soft peddle,or otherwise excuse what osama bin laden, the taliban, or other militant groups have done.

israel is committing the crime of genocide (as codified in international law and explained by many genocide scholars). that is of course, arguable, but as time passes, it becomes less arguable. i have opposed israeli action and policy since about the mid-'70s, but i would have scoffed at the charge of israel commiting acts of genocide ten years ago, and i have disagreed with the allegations as few as two years ago, but today, i am appalled by my country supporting what very well might be and in fact, in all probability will be, regarded by history as a genocide.

as for the lebanese war and the gaza invasion. i think you know i was a master gunner in the United States Army Field Artillery, and that distinction does not come easily. i was a fire direction specialist and at times, i was used as a forward observer. i knew and know my stuff, and i can say without a doubt that there was an illegal use of weapons and munitions in gaza for sure and i strongly suspect the same during the lebanese war. (for all those naysayers who say this, that, and the next thing about WP or cluster bombs being legal, well, so is an M-16...but you can't line the villagers up, gun them down, and then shove them into a rice paddy to be used as fertilizer...or perhaps hitting closer to home, i am not going to attempt to minimise the horrible tragedy of auschwitz by saying hydrogen cyanide is a legal gas. those are not bad analogies when confined to the weapon/substance being used.)

maybe it is easy for you to look away while childeren are being killed, and may even enjoy that some are muslims. i hope that isn't the case, i don't think it is. i will have no truck with anyone who tries to justify or excuse the senseless slaughter of innocent civilians, and particularly children, anywhere, and in this case, we are talking about the gaza strip and lebanon.

A reasonable, rational and thoughtful post. I wish I didn't have to view it through the prism of all the "Jewboy" and "****" stuff that rolled so easily off your keyboard in the not too distant past. I disagree with your genocide conclusion, of course, but otherwise you make plenty of common sense. There is no reason to use one human tragedy to minimize another.
Cluster bombs are very effective munitions. When Israel was provoked into war by the Iranian proxy army in Lebanon, they used the resources available to win the war, which of course they did.

The war in 2006 was just another in a series of wars provoked and lost by arabs/moslems and Persian mullocrats.

The Iranian frontman in Lebanon, ie Nasrallah, eventually admitted his mistake in shelling Israel and capturing and kiling Israeli soldiers.

Yet another humiliating defeat for muhammudan's.

Israel Admits War Causes Were Fabricated

Being absolved of a long list of crimes doesn’t give one the right to incriminate oneself in other crimes. Yet, that is exactly what former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert did today. On July 12, 2012, two days after being acquitted, he spoke at a conference in Tel Aviv, which was devoted to the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel. While the media recorded his astonishing words, he admitted that Israel’s main excuse for its brutal attack on Lebanon—the retrieval of two captured soldiers—was false. “The war had one objective which we did not achieve, and knew in advance that we couldn't achieve, and it was spoken in cabinet meetings," Olmert said. The prime minister, the government, and the army, knew that. Openly deceiving the entire world, they attacked for the sake of achieving a different target.
Roy Tov – Israel Admits War Causes Were Fabricated
Please read what you posted. The author of that slanted piece added his own commentary after the closing quote from Olmert.

The author has added the commentary: The prime minister, the government, and the army, knew that. Openly deceiving the entire world, they attacked for the sake of achieving a different target.

Context is important, my little wannabe.
The author has added the commentary: The prime minister, the government, and the army, knew that. Openly deceiving the entire world, they attacked for the sake of achieving a different target.

Context is important, my little wannabe.

So do you agree with his or Haaretz's comments, little neverbeen
This is a rather strongly biased blog, purportedly written by an apostate. Elsewhere he makes various allegations that 'Mossad' was after him, etc, etc.

And of course he gets interviewed by Chris Bolleyn - a truly 'unbiased' individual there, LOL!

I think this conspiranutter bilge belongs on a different forum.

You'll note the typical conspiracy complaints ("Jewish houses won't publish ... blah,blah,blah") as if the only publishing houses were Jewish. These goofballs (like Bollyn who also claims to be pursued by shadowy forces of evil) never consider the possibility that their work and their hateful beliefs are just too far off the wall to be taken seriously by anyone other than like-minded fools.

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