"Israel" Leading in Sex Slavery and Human Trafficking

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VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
It seems that zionists transform the Holy Land into Sodome and Gomorrhe!
The UN has ranked "Israel" as leading of sex slavery and human trafficking in the World.
“In the past decade, approximately 25,000 women, nearly all from the Former Soviet Union, were smuggled into Israel over the border to be brutalized as sex slaves. Once in Israel, victims are repeatedly sold and resold to pimps and brothel owners. They are forced to work in slave-like conditions, ruthlessly abused and exploited, suffering severe beatings, rape and often starvation.”
WORLD WIDE WHITE SLAVE TRADE CENTERED IN ISRAEL: Post ?BLACKLISTED? Or ?Buried? By GOOGLE [RE-POST] Modern Day Slavers ? ?Their God Granted Right?!?
Thousands of slaves in Israel, global study finds | The Times of Israel
The jews media will NEVER report this though. Makes the so-called "gawds chosen" look bad.
Nice find!
The jews media will NEVER report this though. Makes the so-called "gawds chosen" look bad.
Nice find!

The USA and human right organizations has warned in many reports how the holy land became a center of human traffiking by zionists criminals. Actually zionists try to hide or minimize this trade to avoid stopping billions of aid of federal reserve.
Actually the report related to the Triangle civilians which are mostly Israeli Arabs and to the Bedouin on the Negev that help Sudanese illegal aliens to get inside Israel, Zionists/Jew which are the majority.
Blame the Jews! Who cares! - Way to go faggots.
It seems that zionists transform the Holy Land into Sodome and Gomorrhe!
The UN has ranked "Israel" as leading of sex slavery and human trafficking in the World.
“In the past decade, approximately 25,000 women, nearly all from the Former Soviet Union, were smuggled into Israel over the border to be brutalized as sex slaves. Once in Israel, victims are repeatedly sold and resold to pimps and brothel owners. They are forced to work in slave-like conditions, ruthlessly abused and exploited, suffering severe beatings, rape and often starvation.”
WORLD WIDE WHITE SLAVE TRADE CENTERED IN ISRAEL: Post ?BLACKLISTED? Or ?Buried? By GOOGLE [RE-POST] Modern Day Slavers ? ?Their God Granted Right?!?
Thousands of slaves in Israel, global study finds | The Times of Israel

Some other stories from your source

According to the Department of Energy, hemp as a biomass fuel producer requires the least specialized growing and processing procedures of all hemp products. The hydrocarbons in hemp can be processed into a wide range of biomass energy sources, from fuel pellets to liquid fuels and gas. Development of bio-fuels could significantly reduce our consumption

Rule #1: We Humans, are all of Alien Descent. Rule #2: They have all been here longer than us. Rule #3: They all consider this planet theirs, not ours (Humans). Rule #4: They all consider Humans vastly Inferior, little more than animals. And the way we behave sometimes, it’s really hard to argue against

You will learn 3 things from this post: 1) March 2012 NASA Satellites recorded hundreds, if not thousands, of Planet Sized UFO’s Around our Sun. 2) A review of Large Planet Sized UFO’s for August 2013 “They are still here”. 3) The Sun and all Stars are Stargates.

Here you will find 3 Versions of the Famous World Wide Flood Story. One was written about 13,000 years B.C. by an Alien Insider named Enki. Another Flood/Deluge story was written about 5,700 B.C. by Survivors and Alien Offspring. And the third story was written entirely by humans with help and input from “Ancient Aliens

Are all these stories true as well, or is it just the ones that demonise Israel.

By the way the real facts show this

A Fascinating Map of the Worst Countries for Modern Slavery - Olga Khazan - The Atlantic

China, Russia, and Uzbekistan have been named among the worst offenders when it comes to human trafficking, according to a State Department report released Wednesday, joining Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Sudan, and Zimbabwe on the bottom "tier" of the U.S. human trafficking rank.
It seems that zionists transform the Holy Land into Sodome and Gomorrhe!
The UN has ranked "Israel" as leading of sex slavery and human trafficking in the World.
“In the past decade, approximately 25,000 women, nearly all from the Former Soviet Union, were smuggled into Israel over the border to be brutalized as sex slaves. Once in Israel, victims are repeatedly sold and resold to pimps and brothel owners. They are forced to work in slave-like conditions, ruthlessly abused and exploited, suffering severe beatings, rape and often starvation.”
WORLD WIDE WHITE SLAVE TRADE CENTERED IN ISRAEL: Post ?BLACKLISTED? Or ?Buried? By GOOGLE [RE-POST] Modern Day Slavers ? ?Their God Granted Right?!?
Thousands of slaves in Israel, global study finds | The Times of Israel

Apparently -- you didn't actually READ the study quoting in the TimesofIsrael -- did ya?

Israel has as many as 8,500 slaves, according to a new comprehensive study of worldwide slavery. Israel placed 111 out of 162 slave-holding countries in the Global Slavery Index 2013, recently published by the Australian Walk Free Foundation. Mauritania was found to have the most serious slavery problem.

According to the study, the first-ever country-by-country survey of its kind, Israel has 7,700 to 8,500 slaves. Still, Israel ranked well relative to the lower standards in the Middle East, though Lebanon, Tunisia, and Egypt scored better than the Jewish state.

Israel did place well in the study’s examination of the risk of enslavement. The survey measured five factors to determine the policies adopted by the country to combat slavery, human rights, human and economic development, political stability, and women’s rights. Israel was the only Middle Eastern country to enjoy a low risk-of-slavery ranking, but still ranked much lower than European states.

“Throughout the 1990’s traffickers acted with impunity and, according to the Hotline for Migrant Workers, smuggled 3,000 women annually into Israel,” she added.

The deteriorating situation led the US State Department to rank Israel as a Tier 3 nation in its Trafficking in Persons report, the lowest ranking. Tier 3 nations faced potential economic sanctions. The report was a wake-up call for Israel’s government, which passed a comprehensive anti-trafficking law, and was upgraded to a Tier 1 state.

Read more: Thousands of slaves in Israel, global study finds | The Times of Israel Thousands of slaves in Israel, global study finds | The Times of Israel
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So the OP Title is another lie -- your credibility is slipping to zero. And you are most certainly gonna get fired if you are being paid to do this hatchet job on Israel..
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