Israel Negotiating Historic Alliance with Saudi Arabia over Iran’s Nuclear Weapons


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
"Israel is negotiating an unlikely diplomatic alliance with several Gulf and Arab states, including Saudi Arabia, to tackle Iran's nuclear programme, Israeli media has reported.
The dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran and the emergence of other threats in our region have led many of our Arab neighbours to recognize, finally recognize, that Israel is not their enemy," Netanyahu told the UN this week."

"And this affords us the opportunity to overcome the historic animosities and build new relationships, new friendships, new hopes."

October 3, 2013
Israel Negotiating Historic Alliance with Saudi Arabia over Iran?s Nuclear Weapons - IBTimes UK
The Arabs don't want a nuclear Iran either

That's correct. Arab and Muslim states know that a nuclear armed Iran would harm Middle East security.
Israel Inventing Invisible friends?

how the AIPAC collapse happened over the past six weeks.

The lobby has been beaten on Syria and on its #1 priority, blocking any U.S. rapprochement with Iran in order to get the war it wants.

Anyone who follows the news knows that both the Israeli government and its lobby have been hit harder by the U.S. in the last month than at any time since Eisenhower forced Israel out of Sinai in 1956.
How AIPAC Lost Its Grip - Intifada Palestine*|*Intifada Palestine
Israel Inventing Invisible friends?

how the AIPAC collapse happened over the past six weeks.

The lobby has been beaten on Syria and on its #1 priority, blocking any U.S. rapprochement with Iran in order to get the war it wants.

Anyone who follows the news knows that both the Israeli government and its lobby have been hit harder by the U.S. in the last month than at any time since Eisenhower forced Israel out of Sinai in 1956.

Time for letters like this one to Congress, not jusr Republicans. Time to encourage rethinking of that 3 billion dollars in annual aid
How AIPAC Lost Its Grip - Intifada Palestine*|*Intifada Palestine
LETTER TO HOUSE REPUBLICANSThank you for keeping the government shut down. My reasons for supporting this is the State Dept announcement that this will stop aid to foreign countries. WE need to stop aid to foreign countries. WE give 3 billion dollars a year to Israel and that needs to stop. WE have an interest in providing for the needs of Americans. Further, Israel uses funds and US weapons to commit human rights abuses in her Occupation of Palestine. In Cast Lead, she used chemical weapons (white phosphorous and depleted uranium) from the US to unlawfully attack civilians with in Gaza. This is all documented by Amnesty in their report 22 Days of Death and Destruction. 344 children were killed, 1391 total casualties, the majority civilians. We need to stop funding war crimes of Israel.Document Information | Amnesty International YOU AGAIN

Time for letters like this one to Congress, not just House Republicans. And may need revisions . Time to encourage rethinking of that 3 billion dollars in annual aid to Israel. WE have our own budget problens inside the US.
What Iranian nuclear weapons?

There's no evidence of any, no ICBMs were're assured are ready to bombard Washington and not so much as a rusty bit of old bomb in any photos,
Nothing, shit all.
the jihadist dogs are having wet dreams again. Some things never change no
matter how OBVIOUS the futility
Saudi Arabia is the Uncle Tom of the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia is the EPICENTER of islam At the orders of the founder of islam----
arabia became the ONE AND ONLY place in which there came about a COMPLETE
ethic cleansing. 1500 year ago---Arabia was a shining example of cultural diversity---
AND a crossroads between the "east and the west" It teemed with highly literate
and educated people ---zoroastrians, christians and jews-----then came the "PURIFICATION" of that which the founder of islam deemed HIS "HOLY LAND"---
and the descent of arabia into filth and illiteracy and depravity with the comprhensive
genocide of the literate peoples thereof It remains a cesspit of depravity
Israel Inventing Invisible friends?

how the AIPAC collapse happened over the past six weeks.

The lobby has been beaten on Syria and on its #1 priority, blocking any U.S. rapprochement with Iran in order to get the war it wants.

Anyone who follows the news knows that both the Israeli government and its lobby have been hit harder by the U.S. in the last month than at any time since Eisenhower forced Israel out of Sinai in 1956.
How AIPAC Lost Its Grip - Intifada Palestine*|*Intifada Palestine

Nobody wants war idiot, except some of the muslim wako nutjobs ...Get it through your little pea brain
Israel Inventing Invisible friends?

how the AIPAC collapse happened over the past six weeks.

The lobby has been beaten on Syria and on its #1 priority, blocking any U.S. rapprochement with Iran in order to get the war it wants.

Anyone who follows the news knows that both the Israeli government and its lobby have been hit harder by the U.S. in the last month than at any time since Eisenhower forced Israel out of Sinai in 1956.
How AIPAC Lost Its Grip - Intifada Palestine*|*Intifada Palestine

Nobody wants war idiot, except some of the muslim wako nutjobs ...Get it through your little pea brain

I agree; Israel does NOT want war.
It wants America to go to war for it.
What Iranian nuclear weapons?

There's no evidence of any, no ICBMs were're assured are ready to bombard Washington and not so much as a rusty bit of old bomb in any photos,
Nothing, shit all.

One of the mainstays of the filth of islamo nazi propaganda has been---for almost
two decades-----that the USA or "zionists" have been FALSELY CLAIMING that
either the murderous pervert Sadaam Hussein or Iran has "NUCLEAR BOMBS"
with intention to bomb Washington DC. In fact ---the claim is simply one more
lump of excrement in the islamo nazi ideological sewer------in fact such claims
have never been made. The phenomenon is simply one more example of islamo nazi

Think back folks-----did BUSH ever say "SADDAM HUSSEIN HAS NUCLEAR

Those of us who passed high school physics do know that the military and TERRORIST
uses of nuclear technology are not limited to "THE BOMB"-------a speck of radioactive
material dropped into a large tank of MILK-----can poison thousands of children----
that is why milk tanks in the USA are under careful observation. "THE BOMB"
is not the whole issue. Keep in mind ----the islamicists murdered some two million
Armenians ----with nothing more than knives and clubs in 1916
Thanks, Jossy, for posting that bit o' silliness to dhow everyone just how out-of-touch the 'Palestinian' POV is on this topic.

I'm still waiting for the explanation of how all those centrifuges in Iran are needed for development of nuclear power: it's not necessary to enrich the uranium for power-plant fuel rods, but it is essential for making nuclear weapons.

Regardless of whether someone 'approves' of Israel or not, the facts are the facts - and if KSA is either involved in talks or not. Instead of all the emotional uproar - why not present some actual points to discuss?

Nobody wants war idiot, except some of the muslim wako nutjobs ...Get it through your little pea brain

I agree; Israel does NOT want war.
It wants America to go to war for it.

Fred, dear - No matter how many times such idiocy and bigotry are repeated, they still won't magically become actual fact.

I haven't seen ANYTHING in the Israeli press suggesting any such thing: where is your 'support' for your benighted opinion, that you seek to anoint as though it were very fact?
Nobody wants war idiot, except some of the muslim wako nutjobs ...Get it through your little pea brain

I agree; Israel does NOT want war.
It wants America to go to war for it.

Fred, dear - No matter how many times such idiocy and bigotry are repeated, they still won't magically become actual fact.

I haven't seen ANYTHING in the Israeli press suggesting any such thing: where is your 'support' for your benighted opinion, that you seek to anoint as though it were very fact?

fred did not invent it-----it is a standard bit of crap used in the weekly KHUTBAH
JUMAAT feces fling. It is believed in the ummah with the same simple faith
that most 5 year old christian children believe in SANTA CLAUS. ------of course when
a middle aged man believes in santa claus-----it is no longer cute
Israel Inventing Invisible friends?

how the AIPAC collapse happened over the past six weeks.

The lobby has been beaten on Syria and on its #1 priority, blocking any U.S. rapprochement with Iran in order to get the war it wants.

Anyone who follows the news knows that both the Israeli government and its lobby have been hit harder by the U.S. in the last month than at any time since Eisenhower forced Israel out of Sinai in 1956.
How AIPAC Lost Its Grip - Intifada Palestine*|*Intifada Palestine
Whiskey dreams, wot?
Nobody wants war idiot, except some of the muslim wako nutjobs ...Get it through your little pea brain

I agree; Israel does NOT want war.
It wants America to go to war for it.

Fred, dear - No matter how many times such idiocy and bigotry are repeated, they still won't magically become actual fact.

I haven't seen ANYTHING in the Israeli press suggesting any such thing: where is your 'support' for your benighted opinion, that you seek to anoint as though it were very fact?
Marg, your words are just white noise to the minions of Alleyhu.
Thanks, Jossy, for posting that bit o' silliness to dhow everyone just how out-of-touch the 'Palestinian' POV is on this topic.

I'm still waiting for the explanation of how all those centrifuges in Iran are needed for development of nuclear power: it's not necessary to enrich the uranium for power-plant fuel rods, but it is essential for making nuclear weapons.

Regardless of whether someone 'approves' of Israel or not, the facts are the facts - and if KSA is either involved in talks or not. Instead of all the emotional uproar - why not present some actual points to discuss?

Uranium Conversion
The yellowcake then goes to a conversion plant, where chemical processes convert it to uranium hexafluoride. The uranium hexafluoride is heated to become a gas and loaded into cylinders. When it cools, it condenses into a solid.

Uranium Enrichment
Uranium hexafluoride contains two types of uranium, U-238 and U-235. The percentage of U-235, which is the type of uranium that fissions easily, is less than 1 percent. To make the uranium usable as a fuel, its U-235 content is increased to between 3 percent and 5 percent. This process is called enrichment. The concentration of U-235 is so low in enriched uranium that an explosion is impossible.
Nuclear Energy Institute - Nuclear Fuel Supply
What Iranian nuclear weapons?

There's no evidence of any, no ICBMs were're assured are ready to bombard Washington and not so much as a rusty bit of old bomb in any photos,
Nothing, shit all.

One of the mainstays of the filth of islamo nazi propaganda has been---for almost
two decades-----that the USA or "zionists" have been FALSELY CLAIMING that
either the murderous pervert Sadaam Hussein or Iran has "NUCLEAR BOMBS"
with intention to bomb Washington DC. In fact ---the claim is simply one more
lump of excrement in the islamo nazi ideological sewer------in fact such claims
have never been made. The phenomenon is simply one more example of islamo nazi

Think back folks-----did BUSH ever say "SADDAM HUSSEIN HAS NUCLEAR

Those of us who passed high school physics do know that the military and TERRORIST
uses of nuclear technology are not limited to "THE BOMB"-------a speck of radioactive
material dropped into a large tank of MILK-----can poison thousands of children----
that is why milk tanks in the USA are under careful observation. "THE BOMB"
is not the whole issue. Keep in mind ----the islamicists murdered some two million
Armenians ----with nothing more than knives and clubs in 1916

Why We Know Iraq Is Lying -

Why We Know Iraq Is Lying
By Condoleezza Rice
Published: January 23, 2003

Eleven weeks after the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution demanding -- yet again -- that Iraq disclose and disarm all its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs, it is appropriate to ask, ''Has Saddam Hussein finally decided to voluntarily disarm?'' Unfortunately, the answer is a clear and resounding no.

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