Israel Negotiating Historic Alliance with Saudi Arabia over Iran’s Nuclear Weapons

Israel Inventing Invisible friends?

how the AIPAC collapse happened over the past six weeks.

The lobby has been beaten on Syria and on its #1 priority, blocking any U.S. rapprochement with Iran in order to get the war it wants.

Anyone who follows the news knows that both the Israeli government and its lobby have been hit harder by the U.S. in the last month than at any time since Eisenhower forced Israel out of Sinai in 1956.
How AIPAC Lost Its Grip - Intifada Palestine*|*Intifada Palestine
Nope, Saudi Arabian jet fighters have targeted Shiite terrorists strongholds in neighboring Yemen, which are supported and financed by Iran many times so for. The threat from Iran is real! they have ambitions to topple the Royal family and place Islam's holy lands under Shiite control. In fact the fear of Iran using a nuclear weapon as a bargaining chip against the Saudis is more probable than it would be against Israel.

Saudi fighter jets target rebels inside Yemen - Los Angeles Times
Saudi fighter jets target rebels inside Yemen

A government advisor says the airstrikes, which began Wednesday, have been numerous and heavy. The attack follows the slaying of a Saudi official by insurgents.
November 06, 2009|Jeffrey Fleishman
CAIRO — Saudi Arabian warplanes attacked Shiite rebel strongholds in northern Yemen on Thursday in a surge of fighting along the border that followed the death of a Saudi security official at the hands of insurgents, according to news reports.

The insurgency has broader regional implications. The Yemeni government asserts that Shiite Iran is aiding the Houthis as a means of broadening its influence. Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh is an ally of Sunni Muslim-controlled Saudi Arabia, which has criticized Iran's support for the Islamic militant groups Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
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What do we really know about HARM TO THE ENVIRONMENT? well----
the most significant damage to huge parts of the land were caused
by SHEEP HERDERS Sheep eat vegetation down to the ROOTS-----and
clear lands of vegetation which leads to erosion and vast WASTE LANDS-----
The SAHARA DESERT was created by nomadic sheep herders-----it was once
lush and green In fact---even the Negev was cultivatable land before
it was invaded by BEDOUIN from arabia -----did you know that the Bedouin
of arabia are actually migrants DIRECTLY from arabia? Their migrations were
traced by the usual tools anthropologists employ ----most particularly
ETYMOLOGY-----bedouins speak ----the ARABIAN dialect of arabic
Incorrect nitwit.

Climate change and prolonged drought created the Sahara desert......not arab sheep herders. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
Got distressing news for you, SunniMan: My gun is bigger than yours. How d'ya like them beans?
the present bit of islamo nazi propaganda which cites an
ALLIANCE between Saudi arabia---land of the two cesspits-----and
Israel is a VERY CLEAR wARNING------the islamo nazi pigs of both
Hezbollah and Al queida----are planing an INVASION of saudi arabia.
All of the many many campaigns of gross murder, rape, pillage
and depravity comitted in the name of isa/allahuakbarr------are
PREJUSTIFIED by islamo nazi shitmouth libels. The obvious
justification is going to be "THE SAUDI ROYALS LOVE JEWS"
the present bit of islamo nazi propaganda which cites an
ALLIANCE between Saudi arabia---land of the two cesspits-----and
Israel is a VERY CLEAR wARNING------the islamo nazi pigs of both
Hezbollah and Al queida----are planing an INVASION of saudi arabia.
All of the many many campaigns of gross murder, rape, pillage
and depravity comitted in the name of isa/allahuakbarr------are
PREJUSTIFIED by islamo nazi shitmouth libels. The obvious
justification is going to be "THE SAUDI ROYALS LOVE JEWS"

There is no proof of an "ALLIANCE" between Saudi Arabia and
Israel except in the zionist press
the present bit of islamo nazi propaganda which cites an
ALLIANCE between Saudi arabia---land of the two cesspits-----and
Israel is a VERY CLEAR wARNING------the islamo nazi pigs of both
Hezbollah and Al queida----are planing an INVASION of saudi arabia.
All of the many many campaigns of gross murder, rape, pillage
and depravity comitted in the name of isa/allahuakbarr------are
PREJUSTIFIED by islamo nazi shitmouth libels. The obvious
justification is going to be "THE SAUDI ROYALS LOVE JEWS"

There is no proof of an "ALLIANCE" between Saudi Arabia and
Israel except in the zionist press
And of course you're dumb enough to assume that should such an alliance exist, it would be "out in the open press"? :cuckoo:

Keep trying, some day you'll say something intelligent. :rofl:
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the present bit of islamo nazi propaganda which cites an
ALLIANCE between Saudi arabia---land of the two cesspits-----and
Israel is a VERY CLEAR wARNING------the islamo nazi pigs of both
Hezbollah and Al queida----are planing an INVASION of saudi arabia.
All of the many many campaigns of gross murder, rape, pillage
and depravity comitted in the name of isa/allahuakbarr------are
PREJUSTIFIED by islamo nazi shitmouth libels. The obvious
justification is going to be "THE SAUDI ROYALS LOVE JEWS"

There is no proof of an "ALLIANCE" between Saudi Arabia and
Israel except in the zionist press
And of course you're dumb enough to assume that should such an alliance exist, it would be "out in the open press"? :cuckoo:

Keep trying, some day you'll say something intelligent. :rofl:

BOYS, BOYS----do not tease an old woman-----I somehow missed the

I am so delighted -----please give me the link in the ZIONIST NEWS

I am so looking forward to a visit to the city of THE JOOOOS ---YATHRIB
(now called Medina) where jews lived for more than 1000 years and BLENDED

Imagine----after all these years-------WE CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL HAMIN----
--------AKA CHULENT in YATHRIB aka medina
blending the -----the saffron of persia ----with the cardomon of India
with the Cumin of Israel with the-----black pepper of India -----with---well
we can add the tomatoes and chile peppers of the new world----with the

uhm-------back to the HAMIN AKA CHULENT ------are we using beef or
chicken -----surely not turkey-----when did the 'turkey' enter the pot?
Back to the original point of the post. Saudi's interest in Iran has little or nothing for the real reasons they want to see it blown to pieces.

Saudis know that Muslim judgement day is coming...
Yep. When the oil dries up they'll silently fold their tents and fade into the desert.

It can't happen soon enough.

I can't help but cringe to think of all the petrodollars they throw back at us to appease their clerics by building their execrable Sunni / Salafist mosques on our soil. Eighty percent of the mosques here in America are Saudi-built and funded and receive their virulently anti-Semitic and anti-American Friday sermons directly from Mecca. They fund libraries and projects at universities around our nation: chairs of Islamic studies--sinecures for smiling vipers who live among us. At home, they pay off the imams to keep the charade alive a little bit longer, so they can squeeze some more blood out of the Earth before they pile into their private jets to escape with a bag of money and a mob of Kalashnikov-firing holy warriors hot on their heels when the rotted edifice finally comes crashing down.
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Israel Inventing Invisible friends?

how the AIPAC collapse happened over the past six weeks.

The lobby has been beaten on Syria and on its #1 priority, blocking any U.S. rapprochement with Iran in order to get the war it wants.

Anyone who follows the news knows that both the Israeli government and its lobby have been hit harder by the U.S. in the last month than at any time since Eisenhower forced Israel out of Sinai in 1956.
How AIPAC Lost Its Grip - Intifada Palestine*|*Intifada Palestine
Nope, Saudi Arabian jet fighters have targeted Shiite terrorists strongholds in neighboring Yemen, which are supported and financed by Iran many times so for. The threat from Iran is real! they have ambitions to topple the Royal family and place Islam's holy lands under Shiite control. In fact the fear of Iran using a nuclear weapon as a bargaining chip against the Saudis is more probable than it would be against Israel.

Saudi fighter jets target rebels inside Yemen - Los Angeles Times
Saudi fighter jets target rebels inside Yemen

A government advisor says the airstrikes, which began Wednesday, have been numerous and heavy. The attack follows the slaying of a Saudi official by insurgents.
November 06, 2009|Jeffrey Fleishman
CAIRO — Saudi Arabian warplanes attacked Shiite rebel strongholds in northern Yemen on Thursday in a surge of fighting along the border that followed the death of a Saudi security official at the hands of insurgents, according to news reports.

The insurgency has broader regional implications. The Yemeni government asserts that Shiite Iran is aiding the Houthis as a means of broadening its influence. Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh is an ally of Sunni Muslim-controlled Saudi Arabia, which has criticized Iran's support for the Islamic militant groups Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

There was an interesting article in the regarding the growing Saudi (sunni / salafist tribes), distress over the resilience of the Assad regime.

Nowhere else but in Arab/Moslem Middle Eastern politics is the absurd more clearly delineated. In only a few physical locations (and perhaps an occasional waking nightmare), do we see the dynamic of a mercenary army supported and controlled by a competing tribal religious sect (which is owned and operated by a foreign nation), gaining a measure of voting control within a government (Lebanon), they are not subordinate to.

Sheikh’n Hassan “I Ain’t Goin’ Outside” Nasrallah, head of shia Islam's most successful Islamic terrorist syndicate in the Eastern Mediterranean, Hizbullah, is the Iranian mullah’s “go-to guy” in that part of the world. The influence of the “shia crescent” is spreading in arab’istan and the Arab world finds that unsettling

History paints us a picture of politics controlled by Islamic terrorists in the Islamic Middle East. “Hizzbollocks” in Lebanon; the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt; the past and present criminals, thieves and Islamic terrorists in the “Palestinian” authority and the Islamic terrorists who were winning elections in Algeria a decade and a half ago. Muslims have a propensity for electing the very terrorist governments and social misfits that oppress them and when confronted with direct questions about why their societies are so violent, they offer nothing but excuses.

Iran’s adventures in Lebanon’istan are not just coincidental. The belligerence of the mullocracy has grown in proportion to their ability to threaten others. Once endowed with the nuclear “big stick”, the entirety of the Middle East is at risk of annihilation… in gods name, of course.

So... it's only a matter of "when", not "if" hizzbollocks will do something really stupid that will cause retaliation from greater Arab'istan. Lebanon will no doubt bear the brunt of the next war.

Hizzbollocks will initiate a new war, they will get themselves roundly trounced, Lebanese civilians will die by the hundreds and the Iranian mullahs will watch and laugh.

Saudis fear tide of Syria war turning against their interests

Saudis fear tide of Syria war turning against their interests -

Until a few weeks ago, Saudi Arabia was riding high. Its regional policies, based on countering revolutionary fervour and containing Iran, appeared to be bearing fruit. Egypt’s army ousted the Islamist president, to plaudits and generous funding from Riyadh; the Syrian opposition elected a new pro-Saudi leadership; and the US seemed poised to launch military strikes on the regime in Damascus that Saudi Arabia has tried to dislodge.

But Riyadh’s satisfaction turned to dismay as a US and Russian deal to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons removed the need for military strikes; leading rebel factions turned against the leadership of the Syrian National Coalition; and relations between the US and Iran appear to be warming as the new president, Hassan Rouhani, pledged to negotiate over Tehran’s nuclear programme.
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Eighty percent of the mosques here in America are Saudi-built and funded and receive their virulently anti-Semitic and anti-American Friday sermons directly from Mecca.
.................................^^^ :link: ................................
AL Qaeda and Hezbulloh are not friends and no way are they planning an invasion of Saudi Arabia.

I am so delighted-----no one is going to cause trouble in Saudi arabia----sherri said so--
well---maybe there will be trouble ----but ----as everyone knows-----if there is


According to British journal the Lancet, Arafat was poisoned with the radioactive element polonium 210.

The journal published a peer review of last year’s research by Swiss scientists, who have been researching the suspicious circumstances surrounding Arafat’s death.

The earlier work “found high levels of the highly radioactive element in blood, urine, and saliva stains” on Arafat’s “clothes and toothbrush,” according to a report on al-Jazeera.

In July 2012, experts at Lausanne University, Switzerland, said they had evidence Arafat might have been poisoned with polonium.

The investigation into Arafat’s mysterious death led to the exhumation of his body in November 2012 for further testing.

The decision to exhume Arafat’s body was made after French prosecutors opened a murder probe into his death in August 2012 following the discovery of high levels of polonium on his personal belongings.
The Lancet : Volume 382, Number 9900, 12 October 2013
Chew on this.

Reprinted with permission.

Reza F. Safa, author of Inside Islam: Exposing and Reaching the World of Islam, estimates that since 1973, the Saudi government has spent an unbelievable $87B to promote Wahhabism in the United States, Africa, Southeast Asia and Europe.

According to official Saudi information, Saudi funds have been used to build and maintain over 1,500 mosques, 202 colleges, 210 Islamic Centers wholly or partly financed by Saudi Arabia, and almost 2,000 schools for educating Muslim children in non-Islamic countries in Europe, North and South America, Australia and Asia.

The Kingdom has fully or partially financed Islamic Centers in Los Angeles; San Francisco; Fresno; Chicago; New York; Washington; Tucson; Raleigh, N.C. and Toledo, Ohio as well as in Austria, Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia, Turkey, and even in some Muslim countries such as Morocco, Indonesia, Malaysia and Djibuti.

Citizen Warrior: The Wahhabi Invasion of America
Chew on this.

Reprinted with permission.

Reza F. Safa, author of Inside Islam: Exposing and Reaching the World of Islam, estimates that since 1973, the Saudi government has spent an unbelievable $87B to promote Wahhabism in the United States, Africa, Southeast Asia and Europe.

According to official Saudi information, Saudi funds have been used to build and maintain over 1,500 mosques, 202 colleges, 210 Islamic Centers wholly or partly financed by Saudi Arabia, and almost 2,000 schools for educating Muslim children in non-Islamic countries in Europe, North and South America, Australia and Asia.

The Kingdom has fully or partially financed Islamic Centers in Los Angeles; San Francisco; Fresno; Chicago; New York; Washington; Tucson; Raleigh, N.C. and Toledo, Ohio as well as in Austria, Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia, Turkey, and even in some Muslim countries such as Morocco, Indonesia, Malaysia and Djibuti.

Citizen Warrior: The Wahhabi Invasion of America
This is for SunniMan's bleating cry for a link.

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