Israel Negotiating Historic Alliance with Saudi Arabia over Iran’s Nuclear Weapons

What Iranian nuclear weapons?

There's no evidence of any, no ICBMs were're assured are ready to bombard Washington and not so much as a rusty bit of old bomb in any photos,
Nothing, shit all.

One of the mainstays of the filth of islamo nazi propaganda has been---for almost
two decades-----that the USA or "zionists" have been FALSELY CLAIMING that
either the murderous pervert Sadaam Hussein or Iran has "NUCLEAR BOMBS"
with intention to bomb Washington DC. In fact ---the claim is simply one more
lump of excrement in the islamo nazi ideological sewer------in fact such claims
have never been made. The phenomenon is simply one more example of islamo nazi

Think back folks-----did BUSH ever say "SADDAM HUSSEIN HAS NUCLEAR

Those of us who passed high school physics do know that the military and TERRORIST
uses of nuclear technology are not limited to "THE BOMB"-------a speck of radioactive
material dropped into a large tank of MILK-----can poison thousands of children----
that is why milk tanks in the USA are under careful observation. "THE BOMB"
is not the whole issue. Keep in mind ----the islamicists murdered some two million
Armenians ----with nothing more than knives and clubs in 1916

Why We Know Iraq Is Lying -

Why We Know Iraq Is Lying
By Condoleezza Rice
Published: January 23, 2003

Eleven weeks after the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution demanding -- yet again -- that Iraq disclose and disarm all its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs, it is appropriate to ask, ''Has Saddam Hussein finally decided to voluntarily disarm?'' Unfortunately, the answer is a clear and resounding no.

try again JOSIE nuclear weapons does not EQUAL "THE BOMB" nuclear
materials can and are used in TERRORISM ----even when not in BOMB FORM
Did you pass High school physics? There is no question that the islamic hero murderer
had WMD's biological and chemical. to what extent he had managed to
put NUCLEAR materials together is not clear-----but he was CERTAINLY TRYING

now----go back and find that "BOMB" claim
When have
"nuclear materials can and are used in TERRORISM"
I agree; Israel does NOT want war.
It wants America to go to war for it.

Fred, dear - No matter how many times such idiocy and bigotry are repeated, they still won't magically become actual fact.

I haven't seen ANYTHING in the Israeli press suggesting any such thing: where is your 'support' for your benighted opinion, that you seek to anoint as though it were very fact?

So then why does every US president try to broker a peace deal? What the fuck is it to them?
Please elucidate. Feeble minded brainwaves are hard to decipher.
Netanyahu: Iran must discontinue nuclear development and dismantle its program or face up to the risk of a lone Israeli military attack.
Israel and Saudi Arabia are coordinating policies to counter US détente with Iran
There they go again with the threats of attack

But no confirmation from the Saudis that any talks took place, remember when israel claimed it had Saudi permission to over-fly their territory, that turned out to be another Lie
Saudi Arabia has informed Israel in recent weeks that it will shoot down any Israeli planes that fly over its airspace on their way to or from Iran. A report in Yediot Achronot Thursday said that the Saudis have made it known that they will not allow their airspace to be used for any attack on Iran's nuclear facilities by Israel, the U.S., or any other country.
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So then why does every US president try to broker a peace deal? What the fuck is it to them?
Please elucidate. Feeble minded brainwaves are hard to decipher.

Your feeble minded brainwaves are having a hard time deciphering my message?

Ok. Indofred said: "I agree; Israel does NOT want war.
It wants America to go to war for it."

Merruccans Prezzes try to broker a deal because they don't want the US having to fight for Israel anymore, like in Iraq, Afghanistan, maybe soon Iran...
Hossfeathers. America doesn't fight wars for anybody. We don't need no stinkin' badges.
When have
"nuclear materials can and are used in TERRORISM"

google HOMELAND SECURITY USA -----you will probably find a site that
can help you understand. I left highschool LONG LONG ago---and stopped tutoring
children of low intellect thru high school geometry, chemistry and physics LONG AGO
Countries form strange associations in times of need, they might have totally different views but share the same job,in this case to fend off Iran, so the alliance stated in the OP is not as unbelievable as it appears at first glance. Reality in the region will eventually force some nations to cooperate. Not a bad thing.
When have
"nuclear materials can and are used in TERRORISM"

google HOMELAND SECURITY USA -----you will probably find a site that
can help you understand. I left highschool LONG LONG ago---and stopped tutoring
children of low intellect thru high school geometry, chemistry and physics LONG AGO

You too dumb to post a link?:lol:
Countries form strange associations in times of need, they might have totally different views but share the same job,in this case to fend off Iran, so the alliance stated in the OP is not as unbelievable as it appears at first glance. Reality in the region will eventually force some nations to cooperate. Not a bad thing.

I guess that is kind of like your alliance with Satan.

Not a bad thing either?

Kill a baby here, kill a baby there, a targeted assassination here, a drone attack there, innocents die here, innocents die there, as long as they are not Jews, no big deal?

I got you loud and clear.

No morality at all.

The truth is this whole story might be just another piece of lying Zionist propaganda.
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You really think this is about the BOMB and Israel?


Iranians are 98% Sh ia

Saudi Arabian are 95% Sunni.

SAudi Arabia and the USA have been in bed since 1948 when we agreed to protect the House of Saud from any Islamic threat (Read Shia or socialism threats) and the House of Saud agreed to accept ONLY US petrodollars in payment for their oil.

And obviously we ALL know the nature of the close relationship between Israel and their lapdog state, the United States of America.

So no matter how much the Moslems of SA hate the Jews of Isreal or vice versa?

Those two nations are bound together by their relationship to the USA.
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What Iranian nuclear weapons?

There's no evidence of any, no ICBMs were're assured are ready to bombard Washington and not so much as a rusty bit of old bomb in any photos,
Nothing, shit all.

GHook93 in rep comment said:
Go suck another cock faggot

I always enjoy debating with intelligent posters who are capable of well thought out argument, backed up with links to reliable sites.
What Iranian nuclear weapons?

There's no evidence of any, no ICBMs were're assured are ready to bombard Washington and not so much as a rusty bit of old bomb in any photos,
Nothing, shit all.

GHook93 in rep comment said:
Go suck another cock faggot

I always enjoy debating with intelligent posters who are capable of well thought out argument, backed up with links to reliable sites.
I know it's hard to believe, but GHook93 was president of his high school debate team.

True story......... :cool:
What Iranian nuclear weapons?

There's no evidence of any, no ICBMs were're assured are ready to bombard Washington and not so much as a rusty bit of old bomb in any photos,
Nothing, shit all.

GHook93 in rep comment said:
Go suck another cock faggot

I always enjoy debating with intelligent posters who are capable of well thought out argument, backed up with links to reliable sites.
I know it's hard to believe, but GHook93 was president of his high school debate team.

True story......... :cool:

I suspect it involved debating, en masse.
When have
"nuclear materials can and are used in TERRORISM"

Remember the chap that the russians murdered with a spec of
Plutonium? There is a principle which all persons---who have a
grasp of reality do understand-----"IF IT CAN HAPPEN--IT WILL"----
radioactive materials capable of murdering thousands -----can be stored
in a single "test tube" sized container

It happened and it ----can and will happen again

Remember the Boston attack----A few years ago I attended a lecture
given by some home land security people------the expert predicted----
by your fellow islamo nazis ---he based his prediction on past
behavior ---in particular the KINDS OF PERSONS jihadist like to kill---
and the POSSIBILITIES (that which is feasible) He mentioned
IN PARTICULAR sports events -----crowds of unsuspecting men
women and children -----all in one place and all FOCUSED on
something else. Security is impossible
When have
"nuclear materials can and are used in TERRORISM"

google HOMELAND SECURITY USA -----you will probably find a site that
can help you understand. I left highschool LONG LONG ago---and stopped tutoring
children of low intellect thru high school geometry, chemistry and physics LONG AGO

You too dumb to post a link?:lol:

I am not motivated to seek it out for you----ALSO in the course of my own life---
even before Al Gore invented the Internet----I found that the act of SEEKING
a bit of information (in the library back then) provided me with lots of
EXTRAS ------try it you need the education
Your feeble minded brainwaves are having a hard time deciphering my message?

Ok. Indofred said: "I agree; Israel does NOT want war.
It wants America to go to war for it."

Merruccans Prezzes try to broker a deal because they don't want the US having to fight for Israel anymore, like in Iraq, Afghanistan, maybe soon Iran...
Hossfeathers. America doesn't fight wars for anybody. We don't need no stinkin' badges.

The US fought in WWI and WWII (Europe) to save the Brits and French from the Gerries. The US then went on to fight in Nam (lost), Korea (lost), and at least Lebanon (lost) as well, fighting for others.
The US never has "lost" a war. Who told you that crock of BHO?
What has been won in any war fought outside of our country?

Certainly, not our freedom.

And for decades now, we contaminate everyones land we attack with depleted uranium.

In the ashes of every war, the seeds of the next conflict are sown.
What has been won in any war fought outside of our country?

Certainly, not our freedom.

And for decades now, we contaminate everyones land we attack with depleted uranium.

In the ashes of every war, the seeds of the next conflict are sown.
What are you doing here, Frau Sherri? Iran beckons. An "intelligent" woman like you could be the coordinator for the Ayatollahs and Hezbollah in planning their next terrorist attack. Meanwhile, there are millions of people around the world who would love to live in the U.S. including people who are stuck in Iran.

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