Israel Negotiating Historic Alliance with Saudi Arabia over Iran’s Nuclear Weapons

Who would have cause to poison arafat?

The russians?
Nope. Try the Palestinian thugs he was hiding the loot from.

There will never be a full accounting of the money Arafat stole but some estimates put it the billions.
In 2004, the French authorities began investigating the transfer of $11.5 million from Swiss bank accounts to accounts in France controlled by Suha Arafat.

Then Suha reportedly lambasted the French authorities for ordering the investigation.

“What is so strange for the Palestinian president to send any amount of money to his family and his wife, who is protecting the Palestinian interests abroad, and the money came and will come legally,” Suha was quoted as saying during an interview with the London-based Saudi-financed al Hayat Arabic newspaper.

Following Arafat’s death in November 2004, and wishing to settle “the problem” with Suha quietly, Palestinian Authority leaders, e.g. Fatah leaders, reportedly struck a deal with Suha whereby she agreed to receive a large amount of Arafat’s fortune as well as a monthly stipend of tens of thousands of dollars for the rest of her life, all in return for shutting her mouth.

Seems like if Palis were going to poison anyone it would be Suha.
Chew on this.

Reprinted with permission.

Reza F. Safa, author of Inside Islam: Exposing and Reaching the World of Islam, estimates that since 1973, the Saudi government has spent an unbelievable $87B to promote Wahhabism in the United States, Africa, Southeast Asia and Europe.

According to official Saudi information, Saudi funds have been used to build and maintain over 1,500 mosques, 202 colleges, 210 Islamic Centers wholly or partly financed by Saudi Arabia, and almost 2,000 schools for educating Muslim children in non-Islamic countries in Europe, North and South America, Australia and Asia.

The Kingdom has fully or partially financed Islamic Centers in Los Angeles; San Francisco; Fresno; Chicago; New York; Washington; Tucson; Raleigh, N.C. and Toledo, Ohio as well as in Austria, Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia, Turkey, and even in some Muslim countries such as Morocco, Indonesia, Malaysia and Djibuti.

Citizen Warrior: The Wahhabi Invasion of America
This is for SunniMan's bleating cry for a link.
Hey SunniMan, why did you run off after I got your bleeping link? You can't hide in the mosque all day, They have weapons training classes there after prayers.
Nope. Try the Palestinian thugs he was hiding the loot from.

There will never be a full accounting of the money Arafat stole but some estimates put it the billions.
In 2004, the French authorities began investigating the transfer of $11.5 million from Swiss bank accounts to accounts in France controlled by Suha Arafat.

Then Suha reportedly lambasted the French authorities for ordering the investigation.

“What is so strange for the Palestinian president to send any amount of money to his family and his wife, who is protecting the Palestinian interests abroad, and the money came and will come legally,” Suha was quoted as saying during an interview with the London-based Saudi-financed al Hayat Arabic newspaper.

Following Arafat’s death in November 2004, and wishing to settle “the problem” with Suha quietly, Palestinian Authority leaders, e.g. Fatah leaders, reportedly struck a deal with Suha whereby she agreed to receive a large amount of Arafat’s fortune as well as a monthly stipend of tens of thousands of dollars for the rest of her life, all in return for shutting her mouth.

Seems like if Palis were going to poison anyone it would be Suha.
Nah, she already gave him HIV. It had to be Abu Mazen.
Chew on this.

Reprinted with permission.

Reza F. Safa, author of Inside Islam: Exposing and Reaching the World of Islam, estimates that since 1973, the Saudi government has spent an unbelievable $87B to promote Wahhabism in the United States, Africa, Southeast Asia and Europe.

According to official Saudi information, Saudi funds have been used to build and maintain over 1,500 mosques, 202 colleges, 210 Islamic Centers wholly or partly financed by Saudi Arabia, and almost 2,000 schools for educating Muslim children in non-Islamic countries in Europe, North and South America, Australia and Asia.

The Kingdom has fully or partially financed Islamic Centers in Los Angeles; San Francisco; Fresno; Chicago; New York; Washington; Tucson; Raleigh, N.C. and Toledo, Ohio as well as in Austria, Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia, Turkey, and even in some Muslim countries such as Morocco, Indonesia, Malaysia and Djibuti.

Citizen Warrior: The Wahhabi Invasion of America
This is for SunniMan's bleating cry for a link.
Hey SunniMan, why did you run off after I got your bleeping link?
So your evidence is an article written a 'Mark Silverberg'.

Call me skeptical........but his last name reeks with jewishness........ :lol: :lol:
This is for SunniMan's bleating cry for a link.
Hey SunniMan, why did you run off after I got your bleeping link?
So your evidence is an article written a 'Mark Silverberg'.

Call me skeptical........but his last name reeks with jewishness........ :lol: :lol:
Strange how those like Sunni Man will sit up and take notice of anything coming from a Leftist Jew. Let's face it. Not only is this happening in America, it is also happening all over Europe and in Canada.

Sweden: The Saudi Manifesto and an Islamic State in Sweden: Secret Saudi money fund mosques and schools |
Not only is this happening in America, it is also happening all over Europe and in Canada.

Sweden: The Saudi Manifesto and an Islamic State in Sweden: Secret Saudi money fund mosques and schools |
I fail to see the problem......... :thup:
Of course you don't see a problem since you are now a Muslim and you want to see everyone in the world become a Muslim or a Dhimmi to Muslims if they don't convert. Maybe you can answer a question for me. How come so many Muslim converts end up being terrorists? Just now in the U.S. the FBI picked up a Vietnamese man who converted and I believe he went with Al Qaeda in Syria to fight. Maybe you can become his lawyer.
Last I checked the US was arming Al Qaeda in Syria and Americans held for fighting with Al Qaeda were being released.

Al Qaeda in Syria is our friend.
Last I checked the US was arming Al Qaeda in Syria and Americans held for fighting with Al Qaeda were being released.

Al Qaeda in Syria is our friend.
Your friend maybe.

It most certainly is not me arming anyone.

You know I am speaking about the US.
More than likely it was the FSA that weapons went to. However, your friends are being armed by Iran where they are chanting Death to America. I have a great idea. Why not get away from you computer and out of your house to speak with real people? It's very unhealthy to sit in front of a computer 24/7. Get them all to show up at the same time in the middle of your town and yell Death to Iran. If that works out, we can all tell our friends to do the same thing in their city. Imagine millions of Americans yelling Death to Iran the same way that the Ayatollahs get the people to yell Death to America (and some of these people would love to emigrate to America and get away from those crazies).
However, your friends are being armed by Iran where they are chanting Death to America. I have a great idea. Why not get away from you computer and out of your house to speak with real people? It's very unhealthy to sit in front of a computer 24/7. Get them all to show up at the same time in the middle of your town and yell Death to Iran. If that works out, we can all tell our friends to do the same thing in their city. Imagine millions of Americans yelling Death to Iran the same way that the Ayatollahs get the people to yell Death to America. definitely live in a bizarre fantasy world. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
However, your friends are being armed by Iran where they are chanting Death to America. I have a great idea. Why not get away from you computer and out of your house to speak with real people? It's very unhealthy to sit in front of a computer 24/7. Get them all to show up at the same time in the middle of your town and yell Death to Iran. If that works out, we can all tell our friends to do the same thing in their city. Imagine millions of Americans yelling Death to Iran the same way that the Ayatollahs get the people to yell Death to America. definitely live in a bizarre fantasy world. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
The Iranians do it in million man mobs. That's no fantasy.

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