Israel prepares an Iran strike


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. An armada of US and British naval power is massing in the Persian Gulf in the belief that Israel is considering a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s covert nuclear weapons programme.

2. Battleships, aircraft carriers, minesweepers and submarines from 25 nations are converging on the strategically important Strait of Hormuz in an unprecedented show of force as Israel and Iran move towards the brink of war

3. Western leaders are convinced that Iran will retaliate to any attack by attempting to mine or blockade the shipping lane through which passes around 18 million barrels of oil every day, approximately 35 per cent of the world’s petroleum traded by sea.

4. In preparation for any pre-emptive or retaliatory action by Iran, warships from more than 25 countries, including the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, will today begin an annual 12-day exercise.

5. The war games are the largest ever undertaken in the region.
They will practise tactics in how to breach an Iranian blockade of the strait and the force will also undertake counter-mining drills.

6. ...commanders will also simulate destroying Iranian combat jets, ships and coastal missile batteries.

7. Defence sources say that although Iran’s capability may not be technologically sophisticated, it could deliver a series of lethal blows against British and US ships using mini-subs, fast attack boats, mines and shore-based anti-ship missile batteries.

9. Many within the Obama administration believe that Israel will launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities before the US presidential elections, an act which would signal the failure of one of Washington’s key foreign policy objectives.

10. One defence source told The Sunday Telegraph last night: “If it came to war, there would be carnage. The Iranian casualties would be huge but they would be able to inflict severe blows against the US and British.
“The Iranian Republican Guard are well versed in asymmetrical warfare and would use swarm attacks to sink or seriously damage ships. This is a conflict nobody wants, but the rhetoric from Israel is unrelenting.”
Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike - Telegraph
The Unbelievable Stupidity of a War With Iran

Further, unlike Afghanistan or Iraq they have an intact navy and air force as well as Chinese and Russian pals who really like their oil reserves.
Compared to Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq are chump change. The Iranians are more unified and far better equipped. A land invasion would cost much, much more in American lives and taxpayer money than did Iraq and Afghanistan. But, you can bet the 1% will not being paying the bill or putting their Gucci boots on the ground but they will be profiting greatly from the effort.
Daily Kos: The Unbelievable Stupidity of a War With Iran
What ever they do, they need to leave us the fuck out of it.
What ever they do, they need to leave us the fuck out of it.

Well, if oil is the life's blood of advanced civilizations, and Obama does everything possible to restrict our using of fossil fuels....

....and Israel's attempts to survive result in the closing of the do you see that as possible.

"The Leftist elites in Washington have artificially restricted American energy resources, from a 25-year ban on offshore drilling to a de facto ban on nuclear energy. The energy crisis created by environmental extremists, politicians, and bureaucrats who, for ideological reasons, favor high energy prices and severely limited energy consumption. And the cost of this policy is foreign imports, loss of American jobs, and American reliance on foreign dictatorships."
Chapter 18, "To Save America," Gingrich

Iran's nuclear program: 4 things you probably didn't know

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad never said that Israel should be "wiped off the map."

The original English translation of Ahmadinejihad's speech was provided by - drum roll, please - IRIB News, an English-language subsidiary of the state-controlled Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting in a story entitled "Ahmadinejad: Israel must be wiped off the map."
There is no legit diagreement about what "occupying regime must be wiped off the map" means ... it refers to the dissolution or destruction of Israel.
There are, however, many apologists who quibble in a lame attempt to ameliorate his statement.

"Our dear Imam (referring to Ayatollah Khomeini) said that the occupying regime must be wiped off the map and this was a very wise statement. We cannot compromise over the issue of Palestine. Is it possible to create a new front in the heart of an old front. This would be a defeat and whoever accepts the legitimacy of this regime has in fact, signed the defeat of the Islamic world. Our dear Imam targeted the heart of the world oppressor in his struggle, meaning the occupying regime. I have no doubt that the new wave that has started in Palestine, and we witness it in the Islamic world too, will eliminate this disgraceful stain from the Islamic world."
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So, where is the news?
"It is hard for me to imagine what "personal freedom" can unemployed hungry person who finds no use for his labor have. True freedom can only be where there is no exploitation and opression of one person by another; where there is no unemployment, and where a person is not living in fear of losing his job, his home and his bread. Only in such a society personal and any other freedom can exist for real and not "on paper"." (Stalin)

Uh-huh. So how did all that communism work out for the Soviets?

"Before the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union, researchers who attempted to count the number of people killed under Stalin's regime produced estimates ranging from 3 to 60 million."
Joseph Stalin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Old "workers paradise" joke:
We pretend to work and the gov't pretends to pay us.

"You tell me it's the institution. Well, you know, you better free your mind instead. But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao,. You ain't going to make it with anyone, anyhow." - The Beatles
Uh-huh. So how did all that communism work out for the Soviets?

"Before the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union, researchers who attempted to count the number of people killed under Stalin's regime produced estimates ranging from 3 to 60 million."

Beautifully! Until US/UK plant Gorbachev assumed the high position and started on a road to destruction of the state.

As for your "researches", you can shove them up your arrse with all their propaganda for dimwitted.

On the 17 of March 1991 -- 9 out of 15 republics voted FOR (from 71 to 99%) the Soviet Union. Despite that, US/UK puppets Yeltsyn (Russia), Kravchuk (Ukraine) and Shushkevich (Belorussia) made a descision to dissolve the USSR.
Uh-huh. So how did all that communism work out for the Soviets?

"Before the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union, researchers who attempted to count the number of people killed under Stalin's regime produced estimates ranging from 3 to 60 million."

Beautifully! Until US/UK plant Gorbachev assumed the high position and started on a road to destruction of the state.

As for your "researches", you can shove them up your arrse with all their propaganda for dimwitted.

On the 17 of March 1991 -- 9 out of 15 republics voted FOR (from 71 to 99%) the Soviet Union. Despite that, US/UK puppets Yeltsyn (Russia), Kravchuk (Ukraine) and Shushkevich (Belorussia) made a descision to dissolve the USSR.

[ame=]Ukraine Famine - YouTube[/ame]
Uh-huh. So how did all that communism work out for the Soviets?

"Before the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union, researchers who attempted to count the number of people killed under Stalin's regime produced estimates ranging from 3 to 60 million."

Beautifully! Until US/UK plant Gorbachev assumed the high position and started on a road to destruction of the state.

As for your "researches", you can shove them up your arrse with all their propaganda for dimwitted.

On the 17 of March 1991 -- 9 out of 15 republics voted FOR (from 71 to 99%) the Soviet Union. Despite that, US/UK puppets Yeltsyn (Russia), Kravchuk (Ukraine) and Shushkevich (Belorussia) made a descision to dissolve the USSR.

[ame=]Ukraine Famine - YouTube[/ame]

Actually, this is footage of famine on Volga 1921-1922.

Since you evidently have nothing more to say on the topic started by you, perhaps you can tell us about famine in the US of A in 1930-s? Five to seven million victims of "US Holodomor" is not something Americans should feel good about.

After that, you can touch upon famine in Poland 1930-s; then -- famine in Romania, Hungary... And of course, let's not forget famine in UK in 1930-s.

Or, we can return to this thread so you and like-minded participants can refresh it in your minds
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Uh-huh. So how did all that communism work out for the Soviets?

"Before the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union, researchers who attempted to count the number of people killed under Stalin's regime produced estimates ranging from 3 to 60 million."


Uh-huh. Except, perhaps, for those 60 million your hero slaughtered, eh?
Other than getting into space first and the Bolshoi Balet the Soviet Union's state-run-everything, at its end, couldn't even get milk to its towns and villages. There is no greater sign of a regime's failure than its inability to deliver milk to its mothers. None.
The US would be far better off defending Iran against an Israeli strike.

China government opposed to Israel's threats of attack on Iran - Video Dailymotion

You have to consider China's serious interest in oil and it's massive investment in Iranian oil.
The Chinese may well ignore a limited strike on Iran but are very probably supplying Iran with some serious weapons.
There are already stories of Iranian copies of Chinese, long range anti shipping missiles.
There is a very real chance of Chinese indirect involvement in any war, maybe direct involvement if oil supplies are threatened.
Uh-huh. So how did all that communism work out for the Soviets?

"Before the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union, researchers who attempted to count the number of people killed under Stalin's regime produced estimates ranging from 3 to 60 million."

Beautifully! Until US/UK plant Gorbachev assumed the high position and started on a road to destruction of the state.

As for your "researches", you can shove them up your arrse with all their propaganda for dimwitted.

On the 17 of March 1991 -- 9 out of 15 republics voted FOR (from 71 to 99%) the Soviet Union. Despite that, US/UK puppets Yeltsyn (Russia), Kravchuk (Ukraine) and Shushkevich (Belorussia) made a descision to dissolve the USSR.

Even your numbers say that 40% of the USSR's republics wanted out.
They disolved their union because it was no longer viable to try to hold the big lie together, period.
The truths that they kept from their people, even going so far as to restrict private ownership of fax and copying machines, could no longer be controlled by the 1990's but it should surprise no one that 60 years after Stalin's death some silly poster would extol his virtues and those of that "workers paradise" and, of course, blame US/UK puppets in the Kremlin. :lol::lol::lol:
The US would be far better off defending Iran against an Israeli strike.


US can't defend Iran. But it clearly is not in US interests to attack Iran just yet, while Israel is chomping at the bit.

US went as far as to wave reprisals against the states who disobeyed US sanctions against Iran, and continue buying Iranian oil.

And Israeli PM went public claiming "Iran is ready to produce nuclear weapons next year!"
The US would be far better off defending Iran against an Israeli strike.

China government opposed to Israel's threats of attack on Iran - Video Dailymotion

You have to consider China's serious interest in oil and it's massive investment in Iranian oil.
The Chinese may well ignore a limited strike on Iran but are very probably supplying Iran with some serious weapons.
There are already stories of Iranian copies of Chinese, long range anti shipping missiles.
There is a very real chance of Chinese indirect involvement in any war, maybe direct involvement if oil supplies are threatened.

Or perhaps China will see it in their own best interest to convince Iran to cut the crap and get on board. Then there doesn't have to be a war, eh? That way everybody wins unless, of course, China wants to see a confrontation.
Even your numbers say that 40% of the USSR's republics wanted out.

Yes, 6 republics left the union. The rest voted to stay in. Yet, US and UK taxpayers money went onto buying a handful of republican leaders who dissolved the union against the wishes of their populations.
Beautifully! Until US/UK plant Gorbachev assumed the high position and started on a road to destruction of the state.

As for your "researches", you can shove them up your arrse with all their propaganda for dimwitted.

On the 17 of March 1991 -- 9 out of 15 republics voted FOR (from 71 to 99%) the Soviet Union. Despite that, US/UK puppets Yeltsyn (Russia), Kravchuk (Ukraine) and Shushkevich (Belorussia) made a descision to dissolve the USSR.

[ame=]Ukraine Famine - YouTube[/ame]

Actually, this is footage of famine on Volga 1921-1922.

Since you evidently have nothing more to say on the topic started by you, perhaps you can tell us about famine in the US of A in 1930-s? Five to seven million victims of "US Holodomor" is not something Americans should feel good about.

After that, you can touch upon famine in Poland 1930-s; then -- famine in Romania, Hungary... And of course, let's not forget famine in UK in 1930-s.

Or, we can return to this thread so you and like-minded participants can refresh it in your minds

Stalin used his own version of revisionist history when he rewrote by hand sections of the cold war book "Falsifiers of History." He also rewrote Soviet history to exclude all but himself (naturally) and Lenin.
Here is more evidence of the carnage he wrought on his people:
Joseph Stalin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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