Zone1 Israel problems


Senior Member
May 26, 2022
This terrorist attack against Israel is coming at a time where they already were having other problems. A brown shirted government official wiping out what little liberalism has existed in Israel .The struggle that innocent palistinians have against Israel controlling their land . All this problem now a Terrorist attacking Israel.
This terrorist attack against Israel is coming at a time where they already were having other problems. A brown shirted government official wiping out what little liberalism has existed in Israel .The struggle that innocent palistinians have against Israel controlling their land . All this problem now a Terrorist attacking Israel.
Do You Want Fries With Your Whoppers?
This terrorist attack against Israel is coming at a time where they already were having other problems. A brown shirted government official wiping out what little liberalism has existed in Israel .The struggle that innocent palistinians have against Israel controlling their land . All this problem now a Terrorist attacking Israel.
The land of Israel was first set aside by God for his people who escaped the hateful ethnic slavery they were in in the days of the Pharoahs. When they finally granted the right to leave by the plagues of Egypt credited to their God Almighty, Moses led them as directed by God to the land of milk and honey. That was thousands of years ago, but the land of milk and honey became theirs, although leadership was frequently engaged in battle with the neighbors they had to drive off or be mass murdered.

The 5,000 year grudge seems to continue on into this year of 2023. Israel has been our nation's loyal friend from the beginning. It pissed off the grudge-bearing people in the region, and their uprising did more damage than a tornado with all the missiles firing at tall buildings that disintegrated into a cloud of smoke by way of pictures shared with YouTube almost on the spot.

The big mistake our Congress made was NOT using the Anticommunist Act of1954 against the United States Communist Party that has eaten the lunch of the Democrat Party lately, and their sympathies may not be with the United States Constitution any more. This business of Biden writing a carte blanche check for $6 billion dollars to the mother country that wants to "wipe Israel off the face of the map" according to the Ayatollah of Islam in Iran.

We need to get elected Congress men who will reread why Eisenhower requested the Congress to acknowledge what he knew about communism, that was not told to the Americans while our parents and grandparents were fighting off Hitler from taking Europe and turning it into land-grabbing, world dominating entity. What happened was two societies--Russia and China, taking advantage of the civil world's preoccupation of getting Hitler off the backs of European and other nations. Hitler attracted all of Israel's enemies by murdering six million ethnic Jews in Europe. Israel's enemies sent troops to Hitler to kill off Jews, and made a secret pact with Hitler that when he became the new Emperor of Europe, they got his promise he would send troops to the Middle East to murder the rest of the Jews in the Middle East. In fact, they did a lot of that themselves at the time, and it seems to be a never-ending multi-thousand year hatred of Israel's good fortune due to Israel's hard work and devotion to their fellow kinsmen.

Iran is taking advantage of America's whacko White House incompetence of being blindsided by weaponized enemies accross the pond.

President Biden, please resign. You are no longer able to provide for the common defense of the American people. It would be good and wise of you to pass the baton to someone who has a healthy brain and a love and devotional support of the people of the United States. Thanks for trying, but please, please leave.
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This terrorist attack against Israel is coming at a time where they already were having other problems. A brown shirted government official wiping out what little liberalism has existed in Israel .The struggle that innocent palistinians have against Israel controlling their land . All this problem now a Terrorist attacking Israel.

If Israel didn't exist, they would just be attacking someone else, usually another Arab shithole. Turkey is currently doing a repeat of the Armenian Genocides, and bombing Kurds again, Iran is busy keeping Lebanon a shithole, Iraq can't even keep electricity on, Yemen is as bloody as ever, Libya is going nowhere, Sudan is an ongoing holocaust nobody gives a shit about, since it is mainly Christians being murdered and starved, nothing really settled in Mali, Afghanistan is another miserable shithole waiting to export more death and dope.

You really think Israel is something special re ME violence and Islamo-Lunacy???

And, yes, the Israeli Jews' far right loons are no better than Nazis, and they are also infesting NYC, but they are a different issue. I would have no problem deporting them to Israel and getting them out of the U.S., along with a 130 million others who need to go too.
Nothing was more predictable than violence between European non-Moslems imposing their presence in the very middle of totally Moslem, anti-European populations with a long history of war against Europeans and each other. In that regard, the establishment of "Israel" can be regarded as a 'mistake'. As far as being a refuge for European Jews after the second world war, they would have been much safer and better of to have gone to North America and the U.S., where there was plenty of space and booming economies. Also, there was no history of pogroms or other rabid anti-Jewish stupidity.
Of course, being human, we all did the wrong thing for all the best of (our imagined, short-sighted) reasons. At every turn since 1948, almost everyone has done almost everything to make matters worse and worse.
Nothing was more predictable than violence between European non-Moslems imposing their presence in the very middle of totally Moslem, anti-European populations with a long history of war against Europeans and each other. In that regard, the establishment of "Israel" can be regarded as a 'mistake'. As far as being a refuge for European Jews after the second world war, they would have been much safer and better of to have gone to North America and the U.S., where there was plenty of space and booming economies. Also, there was no history of pogroms or other rabid anti-Jewish stupidity.
Of course, being human, we all did the wrong thing for all the best of (our imagined, short-sighted) reasons. At every turn since 1948, almost everyone has done almost everything to make matters worse and worse.

We already had half the Jews on the planet here, and we still had immigration quotas, one of the better ideas of the 1920's out of a lot of bad ones. We pulled far more than our share along time ago. Time for the rest of the world to step up their game and Play Well With Others. They would have fared worse if they had to stay in Europe and live in camps for the rest of their lives.
We already had half the Jews on the planet here, and we still had immigration quotas, one of the better ideas of the 1920's out of a lot of bad ones. We pulled far more than our share along time ago. Time for the rest of the world to step up their game and Play Well With Others. They would have fared worse if they had to stay in Europe and live in camps for the rest of their lives.
Sorry you feel that way. Some of us have experienced that Jewish people mostly make very good neighbors. The contributions of their communities to American well-being are numerous. Having them in the west instead of being a constant source of conflict in the east would seem to be a net gain.
Of course, that is ow all in the past and, thus, moot.
Sorry you feel that way. Some of us have experienced that Jewish people mostly make very good neighbors. The contributions of their communities to American well-being are numerous. Having them in the west instead of being a constant source of conflict in the east would seem to be a net gain.
Of course, that is ow all in the past and, thus, moot.

Sorry about what? You think the U.S. is obligated to be the world's dumping ground for its unwanted? Some of us have experienced all kinds of neighbors, too bad anecdotal rubbish means exactly nothing when it comes to viable policies. Since you have such grand personal experiences, then you should sponsor 20 or so illegal aliens. They all work hard n stuff,so why isn't anybody lining up to sponsor them? There are 100's of other countries you can run around telling your personal anecdotes to, you know. Like I said, we already took in half of them, so we don't need any Teachable Moments from anybody.
And, for the record, there were some 250,000 Jewish DPs in Europe after WW II; 150,000 ended up in the U.S, so stuff the whining up your asses. We took in more than Europe did, of their own Europeans. Israel was flooded with expelled Jews from dozen Arab countries; European Jews were not the majority of refugees to Israel. Anybody who is unhappy with that can leave and go somewhere better; don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

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