Israel refuses to to any refugees

I think it is more----adaptable to entirely western tastes -----just as Persian cuisine is--------no over spicing and no over frying -----sorta elegant
I favor food when spices/seasoning ingredients blended in a way that one cannot discern individual overpowering elements. Maybe that's the reason I am not too fond of Tex-Mex… too much cumin… real Mexican doesn't use cumin but occasionally… Oriental blends are quite good...

yes----tex mex IS heavy on the cumin------I still like it------well---not taco bell-----sorry taco bell---------lots of people LOVE taco bell------mostly Texans. Cumin is very
important in the world
it is a good spice with moderation… I use it but never overpowering… just enhancing flavor to the characteristics of a cuisine
I think it is more----adaptable to entirely western tastes -----just as Persian cuisine is--------no over spicing and no over frying -----sorta elegant
I favor food when spices/seasoning ingredients blended in a way that one cannot discern individual overpowering elements. Maybe that's the reason I am not too fond of Tex-Mex… too much cumin… real Mexican doesn't use cumin but occasionally… Oriental blends are quite good...

yes----tex mex IS heavy on the cumin------I still like it------well---not taco bell-----sorry taco bell---------lots of people LOVE taco bell------mostly Texans. Cumin is very
important in the world
it is a good spice with moderation… I use it but never overpowering… just enhancing flavor to the characteristics of a cuisine

the world's worst cooking mistake is TOO MUCH CUMIN------one can toss tablespoons of coriander into a pot-----but cumin ? think a teaspoon-----sometimes
only half. I have also screwed up (when young) with too much black pepper----
far worse than too much red pepper.
:lol: You sound just like the anti - semites - let someone else take care of them There were plenty of safe countries for the Jews - US, Canada, Australia who could have taken huge numbers, just like they could take in Syrians. You seem to think only countries with the same religions should take in refugees - or, at least that is your "excuse". Ironic how much you have in common with the anti-semites who turned away boatloads of desperate people.

I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

My French Jewish neighbor sent me this article today which you will find interesting. Her mother and father were lucky that they survived over there in France. Her father was close to the border one time, and a couple of Nazis stopped him and started harassing him for being a Jew. He said, "Do you think a Jew could speak such perfect German as I do?" They weren't too smart and fell for what he said.

Syrian Refugees, How Lucky They Aren’t Jews - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Wow. The author sounds just like the anti-semites who refused to let Jews immigrate into their countries. Just as hateful and full of the same sort of propaganda. I just find astounding that someone who's people were so horribly persecuted and turned away over and over in their time of need would in turn promote more of the same because he did not like the refugee's religion.

Sorry - it's so wrong. Just like it's so wrong to take only children in and leave the adults to die.

I find it very strange that you weren't up in arms about what was happening to the Yazidis. You never were suggesting that people take in these people. Nor were you suggesting that the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered by Muslims should be helped and brought over here as refugees. For some reason you keep on trying to equate this with what happened to the Jews escaping the Nazis. I think the Jews would have been glad to accept asylum in any country who offered it, and wouldn't have been worrying about getting to the countries where they could get the best benefits. That is why there were many Jews migrating to South America or Mexico after the war. Eventually some of them made their way to the States, but they still originally settled in countries where at least they felt safe. I believe there were Jews who even went to China.

I was.

I lump the Yazidi's in with all the Syrian refugees. They are all being slaughtered and in need of help. I don't understand people who feel that a person's religion makes them less worthy of help. It is no different from those who closed doors to Jewish refugees or would admit only children because they associated all Jews with anarchist movements.

Don't you see that people are people? That the people trying to escape ISIS and Assad are just people regardless of religion? We, the US, need to be doing more and so should the Gulf States. It shouldn't be resting almost entirely on Turkey, Jordan, Lebenon and Europe.

I don't think that anyone here has actually seen you concern yourself with the Yazidis, not even when they were throwing their children down from the mountain so that the terrorists wouldn't get them. In fact, much has been written about the rapes of these Yazidi women and how they are still suffering., and yet you have been silent. I think you are more concerned with what is happening in Myanmar. When I mentioned that a Pakistani Brit poster said that it was OK for Muslim men to entice young White girls into prostitution because they are only White meat anyway, you right away brought up what is happening in Myanmar and Thailand with regard to trafficking. What that had to do with what a Pakistani Brit said is beyond me. The Pakistanis are immigrants to Britain and are still being allowed to immigrate. I don't think the Pakistanis are immigrating to Myanmar orThailand.

Listen, nobody is saying that these people don't need help. However, it is dangerous times these days, and many people;e realize that there could be terrorists coming in with these refugees. With other groups that were allowed in here, they didn't have people who hate America and wanted to destroy her. I don't see you suggesting that Russia or China take any of these refugees. Why is it only the West who has to take in loads of people so that people can get plenty of freebies like the Boston Marathon Bombers' family while also worrying about terrorist acts committed by some of these refugees. You yourself have seen how these refugees don't want to stay in European countries unless they are the ones like Britain, France and others in western Europe. If I were a refugee, I would be glad for any safe haven regardless of the freebies that might not be given out. I think if you were trying to escape some conflict, you would feel the same.

Alarm as Syria sells 10,000 passports with few questions asked
I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

My French Jewish neighbor sent me this article today which you will find interesting. Her mother and father were lucky that they survived over there in France. Her father was close to the border one time, and a couple of Nazis stopped him and started harassing him for being a Jew. He said, "Do you think a Jew could speak such perfect German as I do?" They weren't too smart and fell for what he said.

Syrian Refugees, How Lucky They Aren’t Jews - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Wow. The author sounds just like the anti-semites who refused to let Jews immigrate into their countries. Just as hateful and full of the same sort of propaganda. I just find astounding that someone who's people were so horribly persecuted and turned away over and over in their time of need would in turn promote more of the same because he did not like the refugee's religion.

Sorry - it's so wrong. Just like it's so wrong to take only children in and leave the adults to die.

I find it very strange that you weren't up in arms about what was happening to the Yazidis. You never were suggesting that people take in these people. Nor were you suggesting that the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered by Muslims should be helped and brought over here as refugees. For some reason you keep on trying to equate this with what happened to the Jews escaping the Nazis. I think the Jews would have been glad to accept asylum in any country who offered it, and wouldn't have been worrying about getting to the countries where they could get the best benefits. That is why there were many Jews migrating to South America or Mexico after the war. Eventually some of them made their way to the States, but they still originally settled in countries where at least they felt safe. I believe there were Jews who even went to China.

I was.

I lump the Yazidi's in with all the Syrian refugees. They are all being slaughtered and in need of help. I don't understand people who feel that a person's religion makes them less worthy of help. It is no different from those who closed doors to Jewish refugees or would admit only children because they associated all Jews with anarchist movements.

Don't you see that people are people? That the people trying to escape ISIS and Assad are just people regardless of religion? We, the US, need to be doing more and so should the Gulf States. It shouldn't be resting almost entirely on Turkey, Jordan, Lebenon and Europe.

I don't think that anyone here has actually seen you concern yourself with the Yazidis, not even when they were throwing their children down from the mountain so that the terrorists wouldn't get them. In fact, much has been written about the rapes of these Yazidi women and how they are still suffering., and yet you have been silent. I think you are more concerned with what is happening in Myanmar. When I mentioned that a Pakistani Brit poster said that it was OK for Muslim men to entice young White girls into prostitution because they are only White meat anyway, you right away brought up what is happening in Myanmar and Thailand with regard to trafficking. What that had to do with what a Pakistani Brit said is beyond me. The Pakistanis are immigrants to Britain and are still being allowed to immigrate. I don't think the Pakistanis are immigrating to Myanmar orThailand.

Listen, nobody is saying that these people don't need help. However, it is dangerous times these days, and many people;e realize that there could be terrorists coming in with these refugees. With other groups that were allowed in here, they didn't have people who hate America and wanted to destroy her. I don't see you suggesting that Russia or China take any of these refugees. Why is it only the West who has to take in loads of people so that people can get plenty of freebies like the Boston Marathon Bombers' family while also worrying about terrorist acts committed by some of these refugees. You yourself have seen how these refugees don't want to stay in European countries unless they are the ones like Britain, France and others in western Europe. If I were a refugee, I would be glad for any safe haven regardless of the freebies that might not be given out. I think if you were trying to escape some conflict, you would feel the same.

Alarm as Syria sells 10,000 passports with few questions asked

She doesn't care about the Christians. she only pushes muslim propganada
I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

My French Jewish neighbor sent me this article today which you will find interesting. Her mother and father were lucky that they survived over there in France. Her father was close to the border one time, and a couple of Nazis stopped him and started harassing him for being a Jew. He said, "Do you think a Jew could speak such perfect German as I do?" They weren't too smart and fell for what he said.

Syrian Refugees, How Lucky They Aren’t Jews - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Wow. The author sounds just like the anti-semites who refused to let Jews immigrate into their countries. Just as hateful and full of the same sort of propaganda. I just find astounding that someone who's people were so horribly persecuted and turned away over and over in their time of need would in turn promote more of the same because he did not like the refugee's religion.

Sorry - it's so wrong. Just like it's so wrong to take only children in and leave the adults to die.

I find it very strange that you weren't up in arms about what was happening to the Yazidis. You never were suggesting that people take in these people. Nor were you suggesting that the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered by Muslims should be helped and brought over here as refugees. For some reason you keep on trying to equate this with what happened to the Jews escaping the Nazis. I think the Jews would have been glad to accept asylum in any country who offered it, and wouldn't have been worrying about getting to the countries where they could get the best benefits. That is why there were many Jews migrating to South America or Mexico after the war. Eventually some of them made their way to the States, but they still originally settled in countries where at least they felt safe. I believe there were Jews who even went to China.

I was.

I lump the Yazidi's in with all the Syrian refugees. They are all being slaughtered and in need of help. I don't understand people who feel that a person's religion makes them less worthy of help. It is no different from those who closed doors to Jewish refugees or would admit only children because they associated all Jews with anarchist movements.

Don't you see that people are people? That the people trying to escape ISIS and Assad are just people regardless of religion? We, the US, need to be doing more and so should the Gulf States. It shouldn't be resting almost entirely on Turkey, Jordan, Lebenon and Europe.

I don't think that anyone here has actually seen you concern yourself with the Yazidis, not even when they were throwing their children down from the mountain so that the terrorists wouldn't get them. In fact, much has been written about the rapes of these Yazidi women and how they are still suffering., and yet you have been silent. I think you are more concerned with what is happening in Myanmar. When I mentioned that a Pakistani Brit poster said that it was OK for Muslim men to entice young White girls into prostitution because they are only White meat anyway, you right away brought up what is happening in Myanmar and Thailand with regard to trafficking. What that had to do with what a Pakistani Brit said is beyond me. The Pakistanis are immigrants to Britain and are still being allowed to immigrate. I don't think the Pakistanis are immigrating to Myanmar orThailand.

I've posted more about the Yazidi's then you have about the Congolese, Mexicans, Myanmar, etc. or human trafficking in general. Why is that Sally? Why don't you care when it doesn't involve Muslims?

Syrian refugess comprise Muslims, Christians, Druze, Azidis and other small minorities that are in danger of extinction. In the end they are people - living breathing human beings like the little boy who washed up on the beach and who's father was devasted at the loss of his entire family. How can you look at that and think "are they muslim? christian?" or determine whether they should be granted refugee status based on religion first and need second? How? I don't understand you. From your posts I gather you live in a vibrant multi-cultural and colorful community and you seem to love it - how do you think that community came about? Shouldn't we just care about people because they are being horribly abused by ISIS and Assad and have no options but to flee or be killed? We took in the Hmong and Vietnamese when Vietnam was run over by genocidal ideologues. But we won't take in Syrian's unless they are of a certain religion?

Listen, nobody is saying that these people don't need help. However, it is dangerous times these days, and many people;e realize that there could be terrorists coming in with these refugees. With other groups that were allowed in here, they didn't have people who hate America and wanted to destroy her.

These people don't necessarily "hate America" and "want to destroy her" - that argument right there is what they used against Jewish refugees only, they accused them of being anarchists (and at the time there was anarchist terrorism). The arguments are the same, the fears are the same, and the desperation of the refugees are the same.

I don't see you suggesting that Russia or China take any of these refugees. Why is it only the West who has to take in loads of people so that people can get plenty of freebies like the Boston Marathon Bombers' family while also worrying about terrorist acts committed by some of these refugees. You yourself have seen how these refugees don't want to stay in European countries unless they are the ones like Britain, France and others in western Europe. If I were a refugee, I would be glad for any safe haven regardless of the freebies that might not be given out. I think if you were trying to escape some conflict, you would feel the same.

Alarm as Syria sells 10,000 passports with few questions asked

I think EVERYONE that can, should take in some - including the Gulf States, Russia and China. Even the tiny Vatican state is taking in a few. Refugees are trying to reach countries where they are wanted - Sweden and Germany and France have opened their homes to them - rather than countries where they are hated. I don't blame them. But the system that forces them to register at the first country they come to is unworkable - it places a huge burden on a very few countries that can't handle the influx. And despite all you say about Europe - the huge bulk of the refugees are in Turkey, Jordan and Lebenon. Jordan's water supplies and infrastructure and economy are strained as a result.

Some things don't change much. 1940's ...'s the same fear, rhetoric and dehumanization. That's the way I see it Sally. When the burden is this big it needs to be shared by everyone. You don't pick and choose based on religion - you don't split up families by taking only children like they did in the kindertransports.
NONSENSE------the refugee problem is not a matter of xenophobia -----it is a
matter of sectarian hatreds-----not rooted in Europe, USA or Israel-----but in
the LEVANT itself------the Arabian elements. The refugees need not CLIMB
the globe to SWEDEN------or GERMANY---except for those better off without
scimitars at their throats-------like----the KURDS-----like little three year old whatshisnae ??Aylan Quordi? ---- and like anything Christian-----or
YAZIDI or anything the wrong hue of islam in the wrong part of DAR ISLAM.

the problem can be solved by distributing the arab/muslims to the parts of
the UMMA that do not despise their particular form of islam and-----then
RESCUE THE REST-----from the scimitars at their throats
NONSENSE------the refugee problem is not a matter of xenophobia -----it is a
matter of sectarian hatreds-----not rooted in Europe, USA or Israel-----but in
the LEVANT itself------the Arabian elements. The refugees need not CLIMB
the globe to SWEDEN------or GERMANY---except for those better off without
scimitars at their throats-------like----the KURDS-----like little three year old whatshisnae ??Aylan Quordi? ---- and like anything Christian-----or
YAZIDI or anything the wrong hue of islam in the wrong part of DAR ISLAM.

the problem can be solved by distributing the arab/muslims to the parts of
the UMMA that do not despise their particular form of islam and-----then
RESCUE THE REST-----from the scimitars at their throats

The refusal to take in refugees is often xenophobia.
NONSENSE------the refugee problem is not a matter of xenophobia -----it is a
matter of sectarian hatreds-----not rooted in Europe, USA or Israel-----but in
the LEVANT itself------the Arabian elements. The refugees need not CLIMB
the globe to SWEDEN------or GERMANY---except for those better off without
scimitars at their throats-------like----the KURDS-----like little three year old whatshisnae ??Aylan Quordi? ---- and like anything Christian-----or
YAZIDI or anything the wrong hue of islam in the wrong part of DAR ISLAM.

the problem can be solved by distributing the arab/muslims to the parts of
the UMMA that do not despise their particular form of islam and-----then
RESCUE THE REST-----from the scimitars at their throats

The refusal to take in refugees is often xenophobia.

yes----"often" but not always. "refugee" means person who
needs "refuge"---------from what do muslims of the Levant need "refuge"?
NONSENSE------the refugee problem is not a matter of xenophobia -----it is a
matter of sectarian hatreds-----not rooted in Europe, USA or Israel-----but in
the LEVANT itself------the Arabian elements. The refugees need not CLIMB
the globe to SWEDEN------or GERMANY---except for those better off without
scimitars at their throats-------like----the KURDS-----like little three year old whatshisnae ??Aylan Quordi? ---- and like anything Christian-----or
YAZIDI or anything the wrong hue of islam in the wrong part of DAR ISLAM.

the problem can be solved by distributing the arab/muslims to the parts of
the UMMA that do not despise their particular form of islam and-----then
RESCUE THE REST-----from the scimitars at their throats

The refusal to take in refugees is often xenophobia.

yes----"often" but not always. "refugee" means person who
needs "refuge"---------from what do muslims of the Levant need "refuge"?

Do you mean Syrians and Iraqi's?
NONSENSE------the refugee problem is not a matter of xenophobia -----it is a
matter of sectarian hatreds-----not rooted in Europe, USA or Israel-----but in
the LEVANT itself------the Arabian elements. The refugees need not CLIMB
the globe to SWEDEN------or GERMANY---except for those better off without
scimitars at their throats-------like----the KURDS-----like little three year old whatshisnae ??Aylan Quordi? ---- and like anything Christian-----or
YAZIDI or anything the wrong hue of islam in the wrong part of DAR ISLAM.

the problem can be solved by distributing the arab/muslims to the parts of
the UMMA that do not despise their particular form of islam and-----then
RESCUE THE REST-----from the scimitars at their throats

The refusal to take in refugees is often xenophobia.

yes----"often" but not always. "refugee" means person who
needs "refuge"---------from what do muslims of the Levant need "refuge"?

Do you mean Syrians and Iraqi's?

yes----Syrian and Iraqi muslims------from what are they seeking "refuge" that is
unavailable to them --------within walking distance or a reasonable hitch hike-----or
a donkey ride?
My French Jewish neighbor sent me this article today which you will find interesting. Her mother and father were lucky that they survived over there in France. Her father was close to the border one time, and a couple of Nazis stopped him and started harassing him for being a Jew. He said, "Do you think a Jew could speak such perfect German as I do?" They weren't too smart and fell for what he said.

Syrian Refugees, How Lucky They Aren’t Jews - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Wow. The author sounds just like the anti-semites who refused to let Jews immigrate into their countries. Just as hateful and full of the same sort of propaganda. I just find astounding that someone who's people were so horribly persecuted and turned away over and over in their time of need would in turn promote more of the same because he did not like the refugee's religion.

Sorry - it's so wrong. Just like it's so wrong to take only children in and leave the adults to die.

I find it very strange that you weren't up in arms about what was happening to the Yazidis. You never were suggesting that people take in these people. Nor were you suggesting that the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered by Muslims should be helped and brought over here as refugees. For some reason you keep on trying to equate this with what happened to the Jews escaping the Nazis. I think the Jews would have been glad to accept asylum in any country who offered it, and wouldn't have been worrying about getting to the countries where they could get the best benefits. That is why there were many Jews migrating to South America or Mexico after the war. Eventually some of them made their way to the States, but they still originally settled in countries where at least they felt safe. I believe there were Jews who even went to China.

I was.

I lump the Yazidi's in with all the Syrian refugees. They are all being slaughtered and in need of help. I don't understand people who feel that a person's religion makes them less worthy of help. It is no different from those who closed doors to Jewish refugees or would admit only children because they associated all Jews with anarchist movements.

Don't you see that people are people? That the people trying to escape ISIS and Assad are just people regardless of religion? We, the US, need to be doing more and so should the Gulf States. It shouldn't be resting almost entirely on Turkey, Jordan, Lebenon and Europe.

I don't think that anyone here has actually seen you concern yourself with the Yazidis, not even when they were throwing their children down from the mountain so that the terrorists wouldn't get them. In fact, much has been written about the rapes of these Yazidi women and how they are still suffering., and yet you have been silent. I think you are more concerned with what is happening in Myanmar. When I mentioned that a Pakistani Brit poster said that it was OK for Muslim men to entice young White girls into prostitution because they are only White meat anyway, you right away brought up what is happening in Myanmar and Thailand with regard to trafficking. What that had to do with what a Pakistani Brit said is beyond me. The Pakistanis are immigrants to Britain and are still being allowed to immigrate. I don't think the Pakistanis are immigrating to Myanmar orThailand.

I've posted more about the Yazidi's then you have about the Congolese, Mexicans, Myanmar, etc. or human trafficking in general. Why is that Sally? Why don't you care when it doesn't involve Muslims?

Syrian refugess comprise Muslims, Christians, Druze, Azidis and other small minorities that are in danger of extinction. In the end they are people - living breathing human beings like the little boy who washed up on the beach and who's father was devasted at the loss of his entire family. How can you look at that and think "are they muslim? christian?" or determine whether they should be granted refugee status based on religion first and need second? How? I don't understand you. From your posts I gather you live in a vibrant multi-cultural and colorful community and you seem to love it - how do you think that community came about? Shouldn't we just care about people because they are being horribly abused by ISIS and Assad and have no options but to flee or be killed? We took in the Hmong and Vietnamese when Vietnam was run over by genocidal ideologues. But we won't take in Syrian's unless they are of a certain religion?

Listen, nobody is saying that these people don't need help. However, it is dangerous times these days, and many people;e realize that there could be terrorists coming in with these refugees. With other groups that were allowed in here, they didn't have people who hate America and wanted to destroy her.

These people don't necessarily "hate America" and "want to destroy her" - that argument right there is what they used against Jewish refugees only, they accused them of being anarchists (and at the time there was anarchist terrorism). The arguments are the same, the fears are the same, and the desperation of the refugees are the same.

I don't see you suggesting that Russia or China take any of these refugees. Why is it only the West who has to take in loads of people so that people can get plenty of freebies like the Boston Marathon Bombers' family while also worrying about terrorist acts committed by some of these refugees. You yourself have seen how these refugees don't want to stay in European countries unless they are the ones like Britain, France and others in western Europe. If I were a refugee, I would be glad for any safe haven regardless of the freebies that might not be given out. I think if you were trying to escape some conflict, you would feel the same.

Alarm as Syria sells 10,000 passports with few questions asked

I think EVERYONE that can, should take in some - including the Gulf States, Russia and China. Even the tiny Vatican state is taking in a few. Refugees are trying to reach countries where they are wanted - Sweden and Germany and France have opened their homes to them - rather than countries where they are hated. I don't blame them. But the system that forces them to register at the first country they come to is unworkable - it places a huge burden on a very few countries that can't handle the influx. And despite all you say about Europe - the huge bulk of the refugees are in Turkey, Jordan and Lebenon. Jordan's water supplies and infrastructure and economy are strained as a result.

Some things don't change much. 1940's ...'s the same fear, rhetoric and dehumanization. That's the way I see it Sally. When the burden is this big it needs to be shared by everyone. You don't pick and choose based on religion - you don't split up families by taking only children like they did in the kindertransports.

Evidently Coyote feels I should run around to many different forums like she does. Perhaps she a time hands and wants to spend her life this way. Never would she think that perhaps I don't want to spend my life on forums as she does, but I find it interesting to keep up what is happening in the Middle East. I can read all about the things Coyote is posting about on forums in my own newspapers and still have a life which doesn't involve spending all my time on forums. If Coyote has such an interest in what is happening to Muslims in other parts of this planet such as Myanmar, I don't think anyone is stopping her from posting about this situation, It's very nice that she has such humanitarian concerns basically regarding the Muslims around the world, and she can spend all the time she wants to discussing her concerns.

Have anyone here seen Coyote posting about the Yazudis and the terrible things which have happened to them. Has anyone seen her talking about the Christians being persecuted and killed by Muslims in the Middle East. I must have been snoring when she did. However, I think that many of the viewers noticed it didn't seem to bother her when I stated that a Pakistani Brit Muslim thought of young British girls enticed into prostitution as White Meat. He probably thinks the same of Coyote and me, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are other Muslim men in Great Britain who think the same.

Nevertheless, I am keeping abreast of what is happening elsewhere. Maybe Coyote can tell us more about children's lives in Kenya.

Weep for Syria, remember the Kenyan child too
Wow. The author sounds just like the anti-semites who refused to let Jews immigrate into their countries. Just as hateful and full of the same sort of propaganda. I just find astounding that someone who's people were so horribly persecuted and turned away over and over in their time of need would in turn promote more of the same because he did not like the refugee's religion.

Sorry - it's so wrong. Just like it's so wrong to take only children in and leave the adults to die.

I find it very strange that you weren't up in arms about what was happening to the Yazidis. You never were suggesting that people take in these people. Nor were you suggesting that the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered by Muslims should be helped and brought over here as refugees. For some reason you keep on trying to equate this with what happened to the Jews escaping the Nazis. I think the Jews would have been glad to accept asylum in any country who offered it, and wouldn't have been worrying about getting to the countries where they could get the best benefits. That is why there were many Jews migrating to South America or Mexico after the war. Eventually some of them made their way to the States, but they still originally settled in countries where at least they felt safe. I believe there were Jews who even went to China.

I was.

I lump the Yazidi's in with all the Syrian refugees. They are all being slaughtered and in need of help. I don't understand people who feel that a person's religion makes them less worthy of help. It is no different from those who closed doors to Jewish refugees or would admit only children because they associated all Jews with anarchist movements.

Don't you see that people are people? That the people trying to escape ISIS and Assad are just people regardless of religion? We, the US, need to be doing more and so should the Gulf States. It shouldn't be resting almost entirely on Turkey, Jordan, Lebenon and Europe.

I don't think that anyone here has actually seen you concern yourself with the Yazidis, not even when they were throwing their children down from the mountain so that the terrorists wouldn't get them. In fact, much has been written about the rapes of these Yazidi women and how they are still suffering., and yet you have been silent. I think you are more concerned with what is happening in Myanmar. When I mentioned that a Pakistani Brit poster said that it was OK for Muslim men to entice young White girls into prostitution because they are only White meat anyway, you right away brought up what is happening in Myanmar and Thailand with regard to trafficking. What that had to do with what a Pakistani Brit said is beyond me. The Pakistanis are immigrants to Britain and are still being allowed to immigrate. I don't think the Pakistanis are immigrating to Myanmar orThailand.

I've posted more about the Yazidi's then you have about the Congolese, Mexicans, Myanmar, etc. or human trafficking in general. Why is that Sally? Why don't you care when it doesn't involve Muslims?

Syrian refugess comprise Muslims, Christians, Druze, Azidis and other small minorities that are in danger of extinction. In the end they are people - living breathing human beings like the little boy who washed up on the beach and who's father was devasted at the loss of his entire family. How can you look at that and think "are they muslim? christian?" or determine whether they should be granted refugee status based on religion first and need second? How? I don't understand you. From your posts I gather you live in a vibrant multi-cultural and colorful community and you seem to love it - how do you think that community came about? Shouldn't we just care about people because they are being horribly abused by ISIS and Assad and have no options but to flee or be killed? We took in the Hmong and Vietnamese when Vietnam was run over by genocidal ideologues. But we won't take in Syrian's unless they are of a certain religion?

Listen, nobody is saying that these people don't need help. However, it is dangerous times these days, and many people;e realize that there could be terrorists coming in with these refugees. With other groups that were allowed in here, they didn't have people who hate America and wanted to destroy her.

These people don't necessarily "hate America" and "want to destroy her" - that argument right there is what they used against Jewish refugees only, they accused them of being anarchists (and at the time there was anarchist terrorism). The arguments are the same, the fears are the same, and the desperation of the refugees are the same.

I don't see you suggesting that Russia or China take any of these refugees. Why is it only the West who has to take in loads of people so that people can get plenty of freebies like the Boston Marathon Bombers' family while also worrying about terrorist acts committed by some of these refugees. You yourself have seen how these refugees don't want to stay in European countries unless they are the ones like Britain, France and others in western Europe. If I were a refugee, I would be glad for any safe haven regardless of the freebies that might not be given out. I think if you were trying to escape some conflict, you would feel the same.

Alarm as Syria sells 10,000 passports with few questions asked

I think EVERYONE that can, should take in some - including the Gulf States, Russia and China. Even the tiny Vatican state is taking in a few. Refugees are trying to reach countries where they are wanted - Sweden and Germany and France have opened their homes to them - rather than countries where they are hated. I don't blame them. But the system that forces them to register at the first country they come to is unworkable - it places a huge burden on a very few countries that can't handle the influx. And despite all you say about Europe - the huge bulk of the refugees are in Turkey, Jordan and Lebenon. Jordan's water supplies and infrastructure and economy are strained as a result.

Some things don't change much. 1940's ...'s the same fear, rhetoric and dehumanization. That's the way I see it Sally. When the burden is this big it needs to be shared by everyone. You don't pick and choose based on religion - you don't split up families by taking only children like they did in the kindertransports.

Evidently Coyote feels I should run around to many different forums like she does. Perhaps she a time hands and wants to spend her life this way. Never would she think that perhaps I don't want to spend my life on forums as she does, but I find it interesting to keep up what is happening in the Middle East. I can read all about the things Coyote is posting about on forums in my own newspapers and still have a life which doesn't involve spending all my time on forums. If Coyote has such an interest in what is happening to Muslims in other parts of this planet such as Myanmar, I don't think anyone is stopping her from posting about this situation, It's very nice that she has such humanitarian concerns basically regarding the Muslims around the world, and she can spend all the time she wants to discussing her concerns.

Have anyone here seen Coyote posting about the Yazudis and the terrible things which have happened to them. Has anyone seen her talking about the Christians being persecuted and killed by Muslims in the Middle East. I must have been snoring when she did. However, I think that many of the viewers noticed it didn't seem to bother her when I stated that a Pakistani Brit Muslim thought of young British girls enticed into prostitution as White Meat. He probably thinks the same of Coyote and me, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are other Muslim men in Great Britain who think the same.

Nevertheless, I am keeping abreast of what is happening elsewhere. Maybe Coyote can tell us more about children's lives in Kenya.

Weep for Syria, remember the Kenyan child too

And now you're back to trolling again. Meh.

Good day Sally :)
I find it very strange that you weren't up in arms about what was happening to the Yazidis. You never were suggesting that people take in these people. Nor were you suggesting that the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered by Muslims should be helped and brought over here as refugees. For some reason you keep on trying to equate this with what happened to the Jews escaping the Nazis. I think the Jews would have been glad to accept asylum in any country who offered it, and wouldn't have been worrying about getting to the countries where they could get the best benefits. That is why there were many Jews migrating to South America or Mexico after the war. Eventually some of them made their way to the States, but they still originally settled in countries where at least they felt safe. I believe there were Jews who even went to China.

I was.

I lump the Yazidi's in with all the Syrian refugees. They are all being slaughtered and in need of help. I don't understand people who feel that a person's religion makes them less worthy of help. It is no different from those who closed doors to Jewish refugees or would admit only children because they associated all Jews with anarchist movements.

Don't you see that people are people? That the people trying to escape ISIS and Assad are just people regardless of religion? We, the US, need to be doing more and so should the Gulf States. It shouldn't be resting almost entirely on Turkey, Jordan, Lebenon and Europe.

I don't think that anyone here has actually seen you concern yourself with the Yazidis, not even when they were throwing their children down from the mountain so that the terrorists wouldn't get them. In fact, much has been written about the rapes of these Yazidi women and how they are still suffering., and yet you have been silent. I think you are more concerned with what is happening in Myanmar. When I mentioned that a Pakistani Brit poster said that it was OK for Muslim men to entice young White girls into prostitution because they are only White meat anyway, you right away brought up what is happening in Myanmar and Thailand with regard to trafficking. What that had to do with what a Pakistani Brit said is beyond me. The Pakistanis are immigrants to Britain and are still being allowed to immigrate. I don't think the Pakistanis are immigrating to Myanmar orThailand.

I've posted more about the Yazidi's then you have about the Congolese, Mexicans, Myanmar, etc. or human trafficking in general. Why is that Sally? Why don't you care when it doesn't involve Muslims?

Syrian refugess comprise Muslims, Christians, Druze, Azidis and other small minorities that are in danger of extinction. In the end they are people - living breathing human beings like the little boy who washed up on the beach and who's father was devasted at the loss of his entire family. How can you look at that and think "are they muslim? christian?" or determine whether they should be granted refugee status based on religion first and need second? How? I don't understand you. From your posts I gather you live in a vibrant multi-cultural and colorful community and you seem to love it - how do you think that community came about? Shouldn't we just care about people because they are being horribly abused by ISIS and Assad and have no options but to flee or be killed? We took in the Hmong and Vietnamese when Vietnam was run over by genocidal ideologues. But we won't take in Syrian's unless they are of a certain religion?

Listen, nobody is saying that these people don't need help. However, it is dangerous times these days, and many people;e realize that there could be terrorists coming in with these refugees. With other groups that were allowed in here, they didn't have people who hate America and wanted to destroy her.

These people don't necessarily "hate America" and "want to destroy her" - that argument right there is what they used against Jewish refugees only, they accused them of being anarchists (and at the time there was anarchist terrorism). The arguments are the same, the fears are the same, and the desperation of the refugees are the same.

I don't see you suggesting that Russia or China take any of these refugees. Why is it only the West who has to take in loads of people so that people can get plenty of freebies like the Boston Marathon Bombers' family while also worrying about terrorist acts committed by some of these refugees. You yourself have seen how these refugees don't want to stay in European countries unless they are the ones like Britain, France and others in western Europe. If I were a refugee, I would be glad for any safe haven regardless of the freebies that might not be given out. I think if you were trying to escape some conflict, you would feel the same.

Alarm as Syria sells 10,000 passports with few questions asked

I think EVERYONE that can, should take in some - including the Gulf States, Russia and China. Even the tiny Vatican state is taking in a few. Refugees are trying to reach countries where they are wanted - Sweden and Germany and France have opened their homes to them - rather than countries where they are hated. I don't blame them. But the system that forces them to register at the first country they come to is unworkable - it places a huge burden on a very few countries that can't handle the influx. And despite all you say about Europe - the huge bulk of the refugees are in Turkey, Jordan and Lebenon. Jordan's water supplies and infrastructure and economy are strained as a result.

Some things don't change much. 1940's ...'s the same fear, rhetoric and dehumanization. That's the way I see it Sally. When the burden is this big it needs to be shared by everyone. You don't pick and choose based on religion - you don't split up families by taking only children like they did in the kindertransports.

Evidently Coyote feels I should run around to many different forums like she does. Perhaps she a time hands and wants to spend her life this way. Never would she think that perhaps I don't want to spend my life on forums as she does, but I find it interesting to keep up what is happening in the Middle East. I can read all about the things Coyote is posting about on forums in my own newspapers and still have a life which doesn't involve spending all my time on forums. If Coyote has such an interest in what is happening to Muslims in other parts of this planet such as Myanmar, I don't think anyone is stopping her from posting about this situation, It's very nice that she has such humanitarian concerns basically regarding the Muslims around the world, and she can spend all the time she wants to discussing her concerns.

Have anyone here seen Coyote posting about the Yazudis and the terrible things which have happened to them. Has anyone seen her talking about the Christians being persecuted and killed by Muslims in the Middle East. I must have been snoring when she did. However, I think that many of the viewers noticed it didn't seem to bother her when I stated that a Pakistani Brit Muslim thought of young British girls enticed into prostitution as White Meat. He probably thinks the same of Coyote and me, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are other Muslim men in Great Britain who think the same.

Nevertheless, I am keeping abreast of what is happening elsewhere. Maybe Coyote can tell us more about children's lives in Kenya.

Weep for Syria, remember the Kenyan child too

And now you're back to trolling again. Meh.

Good day Sally :)

Oh, now I am trolling while you have kept on blabbering. There is absolutely nobody on this forum, unless they are delusional, who has seen you keep up a running account on what happened and is still happening to Yazidis and Christians in the Middle East. In fact, I am willing to bet that you never posted anything that is happening to Christians or Hindus in Pakistan, Indonesia or any of the other Muslim country. However, if something happens to Muslims by others, you are probably right there on step.

Moreover, since it is Muslims killing other Muslims, such as the Sunnis busy murdering the Shia and Amadiyya in Pakistan, you probably are quiet about this too. Anyone here also posting on the Asia of Africa forums see Coyote get so upset about what the Sunnis are doing to Christians, Hindus and Muslims of other sects?
My impression, sally, is that coyote is here for a purpose which is as an
apologist for islam. It is her thing------people have "things" and that is
the issue of the Syrian refugees is entirely unrelated to the issue of jewish refugees in the world war II era. The only analogous groups AMONG the refugees of the
Levant today are the YAZIDIS and the Christians and the Kurds------the muslims are not at all in a similar situation. Yes, coyote----I am fully aware of the fact that the
overwhelming majority of Kurds are muslims------you have nothing about which to
INFORM me about the demographics. The MUSLIM kurds are in a situation
similar to that of jews in Europe during the world war II era--------just as the jews were victims of the ideology of islamo Nazism -----so are the kurds
I've started threads on the Rohinga in Myanmar, on what is happening in the Congo (who are not Muslims but Christians), on the brutality and decapitions by the drug cartels in Mexico. Sally, you are notably absent from such discussions.

And in this discussion - real people are in desperate need, and we are turning our backs on them just like we did to the Jews - all you can do is turn and troll. I don't understand you at all. You posted some good stuff but instead of discussion - you just turn it into personal attacks.

I'm not sure what you're point is. Maybe there is none. :dunno?
I've started threads on the Rohinga in Myanmar, on what is happening in the Congo (who are not Muslims but Christians), on the brutality and decapitions by the drug cartels in Mexico. Sally, you are notably absent from such discussions.

And in this discussion - real people are in desperate need, and we are turning our backs on them just like we did to the Jews - all you can do is turn and troll. I don't understand you at all. You posted some good stuff but instead of discussion - you just turn it into personal attacks.

I'm not sure what you're point is. Maybe there is none. :dunno?

there is no comparison between the situation in the LEVANT for muslims at this time
and jews during the world war II era. Muslims have DOZENS of muslim countries
to which they are free to migrate------
I've started threads on the Rohinga in Myanmar, on what is happening in the Congo (who are not Muslims but Christians), on the brutality and decapitions by the drug cartels in Mexico. Sally, you are notably absent from such discussions.

And in this discussion - real people are in desperate need, and we are turning our backs on them just like we did to the Jews - all you can do is turn and troll. I don't understand you at all. You posted some good stuff but instead of discussion - you just turn it into personal attacks.

I'm not sure what you're point is. Maybe there is none. :dunno?

Does it annoy you that I don't run to a bunch of forums like you do? Would it ever cross your mind that I have other things that I wish to do with my life and that I can read in my daily newspaper all about the things you concern yourself with on various forums without running around myself to them. Since so much is happening in the Middle East, both good and bad, I prefer to just visit this forum. Do you have a problem with that? Subscribe to a newspaper, have a cup of coffee, and sit back and read about what is going on locally, state-wise, country-wise and around the world. Maybe then you would realize that people don't have to run around to forums to get the news about what is happening in Myanmar, the Congo, Mexico, etc.

Now that you are on the Middle East forum, can you tell any of us why you haven't mentioned that U.S. pastor rotting away in an Iranian prison as well as the U.S. marine being held there? For all we know, the crazies in Iran might eventually execute them or just continue to let them rot..

A Message To Iran From The Family Of U.S. Marine Imprisoned There?

Meanwhile, regardless of our sympathy for these refugees (many of whom don't want to stay in a safe country but want to go further for the freebie even while endangering their own lives and their children's lives to do so), there is chaos in many of these countries where these people have landed up and it will take a long time for all this to be sorted out. It is impossible to think that half the countries in the world can take in the other half, but it appears that with the continuing flow of refugees because of conflicts and the migrants coming from their impoverished countries, it looks like what is expected.

Denmark CLOSES borders with Germany as migrants storm roads to reach asylum promised land

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