Israel refuses to to any refugees

Just like the anti-Jewish rhetoric in the 30's and 40's. Some things never change.

More stupid rhetoric from CAIR girl...Jews weren't running from Jews, They had nowhere else to go. There was no Jewish state, and the whole of Europe was executing them. Those people are running from their own people, Plenty of their Arab muslim brothers can take them

:lol: You sound just like the anti - semites - let someone else take care of them There were plenty of safe countries for the Jews - US, Canada, Australia who could have taken huge numbers, just like they could take in Syrians. You seem to think only countries with the same religions should take in refugees - or, at least that is your "excuse". Ironic how much you have in common with the anti-semites who turned away boatloads of desperate people.

I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

My French Jewish neighbor sent me this article today which you will find interesting. Her mother and father were lucky that they survived over there in France. Her father was close to the border one time, and a couple of Nazis stopped him and started harassing him for being a Jew. He said, "Do you think a Jew could speak such perfect German as I do?" They weren't too smart and fell for what he said.

Syrian Refugees, How Lucky They Aren’t Jews - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Wow. The author sounds just like the anti-semites who refused to let Jews immigrate into their countries. Just as hateful and full of the same sort of propaganda. I just find astounding that someone who's people were so horribly persecuted and turned away over and over in their time of need would in turn promote more of the same because he did not like the refugee's religion.

Sorry - it's so wrong. Just like it's so wrong to take only children in and leave the adults to die.

I find it very strange that you weren't up in arms about what was happening to the Yazidis. You never were suggesting that people take in these people. Nor were you suggesting that the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered by Muslims should be helped and brought over here as refugees. For some reason you keep on trying to equate this with what happened to the Jews escaping the Nazis. I think the Jews would have been glad to accept asylum in any country who offered it, and wouldn't have been worrying about getting to the countries where they could get the best benefits. That is why there were many Jews migrating to South America or Mexico after the war. Eventually some of them made their way to the States, but they still originally settled in countries where at least they felt safe. I believe there were Jews who even went to China.
tabasco hot sauce , pepers , vinegar and water , think that it !! --- Homemade Tabasco Style Hot Sauce Recipe | Hot Sauce | --- from Louisiana and variations exist .

gumbo -------okra is not native to Louisiana ----it is native to Africa . Who came up
with VINEGAR???
It's probably for preservation purposes...

I know what it is for ----WHO INVENTED IT??? it is part and parcel of the cuisine of MANY places from china thru the Iberian
Penninsula-------I have no idea if the Aztecs or the mayans had it
More stupid rhetoric from CAIR girl...Jews weren't running from Jews, They had nowhere else to go. There was no Jewish state, and the whole of Europe was executing them. Those people are running from their own people, Plenty of their Arab muslim brothers can take them

:lol: You sound just like the anti - semites - let someone else take care of them There were plenty of safe countries for the Jews - US, Canada, Australia who could have taken huge numbers, just like they could take in Syrians. You seem to think only countries with the same religions should take in refugees - or, at least that is your "excuse". Ironic how much you have in common with the anti-semites who turned away boatloads of desperate people.

I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

My French Jewish neighbor sent me this article today which you will find interesting. Her mother and father were lucky that they survived over there in France. Her father was close to the border one time, and a couple of Nazis stopped him and started harassing him for being a Jew. He said, "Do you think a Jew could speak such perfect German as I do?" They weren't too smart and fell for what he said.

Syrian Refugees, How Lucky They Aren’t Jews - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Wow. The author sounds just like the anti-semites who refused to let Jews immigrate into their countries. Just as hateful and full of the same sort of propaganda. I just find astounding that someone who's people were so horribly persecuted and turned away over and over in their time of need would in turn promote more of the same because he did not like the refugee's religion.

Sorry - it's so wrong. Just like it's so wrong to take only children in and leave the adults to die.

I find it very strange that you weren't up in arms about what was happening to the Yazidis. You never were suggesting that people take in these people. Nor were you suggesting that the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered by Muslims should be helped and brought over here as refugees. For some reason you keep on trying to equate this with what happened to the Jews escaping the Nazis. I think the Jews would have been glad to accept asylum in any country who offered it, and wouldn't have been worrying about getting to the countries where they could get the best benefits. That is why there were many Jews migrating to South America or Mexico after the war. Eventually some of them made their way to the States, but they still originally settled in countries where at least they felt safe. I believe there were Jews who even went to China.

Yes ----jews went to china to get out of German control
tabasco hot sauce , pepers , vinegar and water , think that it !! --- Homemade Tabasco Style Hot Sauce Recipe | Hot Sauce | --- from Louisiana and variations exist .

gumbo -------okra is not native to Louisiana ----it is native to Africa . Who came up
with VINEGAR???
It's probably for preservation purposes...

I know what it is for ----WHO INVENTED IT??? it is part and parcel of the cuisine of MANY places from china thru the Iberian
Penninsula-------I have no idea if the Aztecs or the mayans had it
Many new recipes come from fuckups…. really…
:lol: You sound just like the anti - semites - let someone else take care of them There were plenty of safe countries for the Jews - US, Canada, Australia who could have taken huge numbers, just like they could take in Syrians. You seem to think only countries with the same religions should take in refugees - or, at least that is your "excuse". Ironic how much you have in common with the anti-semites who turned away boatloads of desperate people.

I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

My French Jewish neighbor sent me this article today which you will find interesting. Her mother and father were lucky that they survived over there in France. Her father was close to the border one time, and a couple of Nazis stopped him and started harassing him for being a Jew. He said, "Do you think a Jew could speak such perfect German as I do?" They weren't too smart and fell for what he said.

Syrian Refugees, How Lucky They Aren’t Jews - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Wow. The author sounds just like the anti-semites who refused to let Jews immigrate into their countries. Just as hateful and full of the same sort of propaganda. I just find astounding that someone who's people were so horribly persecuted and turned away over and over in their time of need would in turn promote more of the same because he did not like the refugee's religion.

Sorry - it's so wrong. Just like it's so wrong to take only children in and leave the adults to die.

I find it very strange that you weren't up in arms about what was happening to the Yazidis. You never were suggesting that people take in these people. Nor were you suggesting that the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered by Muslims should be helped and brought over here as refugees. For some reason you keep on trying to equate this with what happened to the Jews escaping the Nazis. I think the Jews would have been glad to accept asylum in any country who offered it, and wouldn't have been worrying about getting to the countries where they could get the best benefits. That is why there were many Jews migrating to South America or Mexico after the war. Eventually some of them made their way to the States, but they still originally settled in countries where at least they felt safe. I believe there were Jews who even went to China.

Yes ----jews went to china to get out of German control

I believe that Dr. Miller (who found out from Haaretz that they never published that Dayan thing that Penelope loves to have as her sig line)) met some of them on his trip to China in the last year or so.
tabasco hot sauce , pepers , vinegar and water , think that it !! --- Homemade Tabasco Style Hot Sauce Recipe | Hot Sauce | --- from Louisiana and variations exist .

gumbo -------okra is not native to Louisiana ----it is native to Africa . Who came up
with VINEGAR???
It's probably for preservation purposes...

I know what it is for ----WHO INVENTED IT??? it is part and parcel of the cuisine of MANY places from china thru the Iberian
Penninsula-------I have no idea if the Aztecs or the mayans had it
Many new recipes come from fuckups…. really…

yes---vinegar is originally fucked up wine. cheese is fucked up goat milk ----
:lol: You sound just like the anti - semites - let someone else take care of them There were plenty of safe countries for the Jews - US, Canada, Australia who could have taken huge numbers, just like they could take in Syrians. You seem to think only countries with the same religions should take in refugees - or, at least that is your "excuse". Ironic how much you have in common with the anti-semites who turned away boatloads of desperate people.

I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

My French Jewish neighbor sent me this article today which you will find interesting. Her mother and father were lucky that they survived over there in France. Her father was close to the border one time, and a couple of Nazis stopped him and started harassing him for being a Jew. He said, "Do you think a Jew could speak such perfect German as I do?" They weren't too smart and fell for what he said.

Syrian Refugees, How Lucky They Aren’t Jews - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Wow. The author sounds just like the anti-semites who refused to let Jews immigrate into their countries. Just as hateful and full of the same sort of propaganda. I just find astounding that someone who's people were so horribly persecuted and turned away over and over in their time of need would in turn promote more of the same because he did not like the refugee's religion.

Sorry - it's so wrong. Just like it's so wrong to take only children in and leave the adults to die.

I find it very strange that you weren't up in arms about what was happening to the Yazidis. You never were suggesting that people take in these people. Nor were you suggesting that the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered by Muslims should be helped and brought over here as refugees. For some reason you keep on trying to equate this with what happened to the Jews escaping the Nazis. I think the Jews would have been glad to accept asylum in any country who offered it, and wouldn't have been worrying about getting to the countries where they could get the best benefits. That is why there were many Jews migrating to South America or Mexico after the war. Eventually some of them made their way to the States, but they still originally settled in countries where at least they felt safe. I believe there were Jews who even went to China.

Yes ----jews went to china to get out of German control
JEWS , Modern Jews ain't nothing like 'muslims' . Course , I'm no expert on JEWS but I knew hundreds when I was a kid in Miami Beach . Old Jews , some survivors of 'hitler' would show me their tattoos . Same for Jews in Los Angeles where my wife worked for a very generous , rich Jewish guy , probably reform .
messed up wine , apple cider , probably make vinegar out of lots of things , same with beer and most foods .
I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

My French Jewish neighbor sent me this article today which you will find interesting. Her mother and father were lucky that they survived over there in France. Her father was close to the border one time, and a couple of Nazis stopped him and started harassing him for being a Jew. He said, "Do you think a Jew could speak such perfect German as I do?" They weren't too smart and fell for what he said.

Syrian Refugees, How Lucky They Aren’t Jews - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Wow. The author sounds just like the anti-semites who refused to let Jews immigrate into their countries. Just as hateful and full of the same sort of propaganda. I just find astounding that someone who's people were so horribly persecuted and turned away over and over in their time of need would in turn promote more of the same because he did not like the refugee's religion.

Sorry - it's so wrong. Just like it's so wrong to take only children in and leave the adults to die.

I find it very strange that you weren't up in arms about what was happening to the Yazidis. You never were suggesting that people take in these people. Nor were you suggesting that the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered by Muslims should be helped and brought over here as refugees. For some reason you keep on trying to equate this with what happened to the Jews escaping the Nazis. I think the Jews would have been glad to accept asylum in any country who offered it, and wouldn't have been worrying about getting to the countries where they could get the best benefits. That is why there were many Jews migrating to South America or Mexico after the war. Eventually some of them made their way to the States, but they still originally settled in countries where at least they felt safe. I believe there were Jews who even went to China.

Yes ----jews went to china to get out of German control
JEWS , Modern Jews ain't nothing like 'muslims' . Course , I'm no expert on JEWS but I knew hundreds when I was a kid in Miami Beach . Old Jews , some survivors of 'hitler' would show me their tattoos . Same for Jews in Los Angeles where my wife worked for a very generous , rich Jewish guy , probably reform .

The position of jews in the world war II era is NOTHING like the position of muslims
now---------there are DOZENS OF MUSLIM COUNTRIES----DOZENS. It is the
Christians, Kurds and Yazidis who are in a position like that of jews in the world
war II era. It makes no sense at all to draw the comparisons with which Coyote seems OBSESSED OBVIOUSLY it is very hard for countries ---especially now that the world is in economic distress to try to support a BIG LOAD
OF IMMIGRANTS--------so deal them out LOGICALLY-------muslims to the DOZENS OF MUSLIM countries around-------and Yazidis and Kurds and Christians to European countries and the US------and -----Brazil------and the virgin islands
simply put , I don't like the diversity when the diverse population cause changes to American law , tradition , culture , language , freedoms .

I feel you come here -- you have to assimilate. You can practice your culture and speak whatever language you want to at home. That's what all those immigrants did when they came here at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
tabasco hot sauce , pepers , vinegar and water , think that it !! --- Homemade Tabasco Style Hot Sauce Recipe | Hot Sauce | --- from Louisiana and variations exist .

gumbo -------okra is not native to Louisiana ----it is native to Africa . Who came up
with VINEGAR???
It's probably for preservation purposes...

I know what it is for ----WHO INVENTED IT??? it is part and parcel of the cuisine of MANY places from china thru the Iberian
Penninsula-------I have no idea if the Aztecs or the mayans had it
Many new recipes come from fuckups…. really…

yes---vinegar is originally fucked up wine. cheese is fucked up goat milk ----

You were speaking previously about Kurdish food. A Kurd opened at restaurant a couple of towns over, and the food looks very good. When he got a review that it was good Persian food, he jumped into the discussion to say it was Kurdish food. The food certainly looks good in pictures.

Niroj Kurdish Cuisine photos
refugee----means person who NEEDS REFUGE--------there are dozens of
prosperous muslim lands in the world-----in fact dozens are even Arabic
speaking-------the muslims GOT WHAT THEY NEED -----the Christians
are the most endangered-------and the YAZIDIS------and even the Kurds who
are muslims-----but just as IN NEED as are the Christians. The US should
give REFUGE to KURDS------the little drowned three year old was a kurd

Kurds are often Muslims too.

ISIS kills Muslims.

Refugees are refugees. Once upon a time a good portion of the supposedly civilized world decided not to take refugees based upon their religion. We know what happened.

you did not read my post Coyote-----I am very much in favor of accepting
KURDS of the muslim variety------they are in NEED OF REFUGE ----they
are oppressed by other muslims ------somehow they are oppressed wherever
they are-----Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. SALA'ADIN was a kurd-----
bet you didn't know that. Muslims are very PROUD of Sala'adin----he was
supposed to have been a real nice guy----probably was----his personal physician
was MAIMONIDES------who likely had a salubrious effect on his personality as
well as his person

ISIS has slaughtered many Muslims, other than Kurds, if they don't adhere to their particular flavor of religion. Assad as also been slaughtering Muslims.

We shouldn't let religion be the determinant of whether to take in refugees.

who is "we" there are WHOLE countries in the world that love ALL DIFFERENT KINDS OF MUSLIMS-------they can go to INDONESIA. There they will have rights EQUAL to all other muslims and will not have to be bothered by JOOOOOS Judaism is an ILLEGAL religion in INDONESIA----. Of course they will have to
tolerate a few Christians and hindus------for awhile at least-----those populations are dwindling--------they should be able to survive it well. SHIITE and even alawites might be ok in Iran-------but------fact is------Iranians really do not like arabs -------
PASSIONATELY HATE THEM-----so maybe not Iran

Indonesia is pretty crowded.
is Saudi Arabia?..0..CAIR wants to spread Islam throughout the world, muslim brotherhood style.
Last edited:
except NONE to the USA IRosie , course in reality we , the USA will get the nasties !!
More stupid rhetoric from CAIR girl...Jews weren't running from Jews, They had nowhere else to go. There was no Jewish state, and the whole of Europe was executing them. Those people are running from their own people, Plenty of their Arab muslim brothers can take them

:lol: You sound just like the anti - semites - let someone else take care of them There were plenty of safe countries for the Jews - US, Canada, Australia who could have taken huge numbers, just like they could take in Syrians. You seem to think only countries with the same religions should take in refugees - or, at least that is your "excuse". Ironic how much you have in common with the anti-semites who turned away boatloads of desperate people.

I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

My French Jewish neighbor sent me this article today which you will find interesting. Her mother and father were lucky that they survived over there in France. Her father was close to the border one time, and a couple of Nazis stopped him and started harassing him for being a Jew. He said, "Do you think a Jew could speak such perfect German as I do?" They weren't too smart and fell for what he said.

Syrian Refugees, How Lucky They Aren’t Jews - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Wow. The author sounds just like the anti-semites who refused to let Jews immigrate into their countries. Just as hateful and full of the same sort of propaganda. I just find astounding that someone who's people were so horribly persecuted and turned away over and over in their time of need would in turn promote more of the same because he did not like the refugee's religion.

Sorry - it's so wrong. Just like it's so wrong to take only children in and leave the adults to die.

I find it very strange that you weren't up in arms about what was happening to the Yazidis. You never were suggesting that people take in these people. Nor were you suggesting that the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered by Muslims should be helped and brought over here as refugees. For some reason you keep on trying to equate this with what happened to the Jews escaping the Nazis. I think the Jews would have been glad to accept asylum in any country who offered it, and wouldn't have been worrying about getting to the countries where they could get the best benefits. That is why there were many Jews migrating to South America or Mexico after the war. Eventually some of them made their way to the States, but they still originally settled in countries where at least they felt safe. I believe there were Jews who even went to China.

I was.

I lump the Yazidi's in with all the Syrian refugees. They are all being slaughtered and in need of help. I don't understand people who feel that a person's religion makes them less worthy of help. It is no different from those who closed doors to Jewish refugees or would admit only children because they associated all Jews with anarchist movements.

Don't you see that people are people? That the people trying to escape ISIS and Assad are just people regardless of religion? We, the US, need to be doing more and so should the Gulf States. It shouldn't be resting almost entirely on Turkey, Jordan, Lebenon and Europe.
I'm saying if there were wealthy Jewish counrties, with lots of room, i would expect those Jews to take in their brothers. is that hard concept for you CAIR girl?

My French Jewish neighbor sent me this article today which you will find interesting. Her mother and father were lucky that they survived over there in France. Her father was close to the border one time, and a couple of Nazis stopped him and started harassing him for being a Jew. He said, "Do you think a Jew could speak such perfect German as I do?" They weren't too smart and fell for what he said.

Syrian Refugees, How Lucky They Aren’t Jews - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva

Wow. The author sounds just like the anti-semites who refused to let Jews immigrate into their countries. Just as hateful and full of the same sort of propaganda. I just find astounding that someone who's people were so horribly persecuted and turned away over and over in their time of need would in turn promote more of the same because he did not like the refugee's religion.

Sorry - it's so wrong. Just like it's so wrong to take only children in and leave the adults to die.

I find it very strange that you weren't up in arms about what was happening to the Yazidis. You never were suggesting that people take in these people. Nor were you suggesting that the Christians in the Middle East being slaughtered by Muslims should be helped and brought over here as refugees. For some reason you keep on trying to equate this with what happened to the Jews escaping the Nazis. I think the Jews would have been glad to accept asylum in any country who offered it, and wouldn't have been worrying about getting to the countries where they could get the best benefits. That is why there were many Jews migrating to South America or Mexico after the war. Eventually some of them made their way to the States, but they still originally settled in countries where at least they felt safe. I believe there were Jews who even went to China.

Yes ----jews went to china to get out of German control
JEWS , Modern Jews ain't nothing like 'muslims' . Course , I'm no expert on JEWS but I knew hundreds when I was a kid in Miami Beach . Old Jews , some survivors of 'hitler' would show me their tattoos . Same for Jews in Los Angeles where my wife worked for a very generous , rich Jewish guy , probably reform .

You're no expert on Muslims either.
don't need to be an expert , you just need to look at their sharia law and look at the civilizations that they have built in their he11holes . Also watch current news on what muslims do anywhere and everywhere in the world Coyote .
gumbo -------okra is not native to Louisiana ----it is native to Africa . Who came up
with VINEGAR???
It's probably for preservation purposes...

I know what it is for ----WHO INVENTED IT??? it is part and parcel of the cuisine of MANY places from china thru the Iberian
Penninsula-------I have no idea if the Aztecs or the mayans had it
Many new recipes come from fuckups…. really…

yes---vinegar is originally fucked up wine. cheese is fucked up goat milk ----

You were speaking previously about Kurdish food. A Kurd opened at restaurant a couple of towns over, and the food looks very good. When he got a review that it was good Persian food, he jumped into the discussion to say it was Kurdish food. The food certainly looks good in pictures.

Niroj Kurdish Cuisine photos

I think it is more----adaptable to entirely western tastes -----just as Persian cuisine is--------no over spicing and no over frying -----sorta elegant
I think it is more----adaptable to entirely western tastes -----just as Persian cuisine is--------no over spicing and no over frying -----sorta elegant
I favor food when spices/seasoning ingredients blended in a way that one cannot discern individual overpowering elements. Maybe that's the reason I am not too fond of Tex-Mex… too much cumin… real Mexican doesn't use cumin but occasionally… Oriental blends are quite good...
I think it is more----adaptable to entirely western tastes -----just as Persian cuisine is--------no over spicing and no over frying -----sorta elegant
I favor food when spices/seasoning ingredients blended in a way that one cannot discern individual overpowering elements. Maybe that's the reason I am not too fond of Tex-Mex… too much cumin… real Mexican doesn't use cumin but occasionally… Oriental blends are quite good...

yes----tex mex IS heavy on the cumin------I still like it------well---not taco bell-----sorry taco bell---------lots of people LOVE taco bell------mostly Texans. Cumin is very
important in the world

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