Israel/Saudi Relations Growing

So Saudi Arabia..that repressive Dictatorship thinks or not that Israel that repressive Terrorist Zionist enclave with the USA its 2nd State think things are OK,I always said like begets like...Come on Rouds,you example is a poor one indeed....Viva Palestine

How you put Saudi Arabia and PROGRESSIVE in the same sentence is an Oxymoron
Ok kangaroo brain get back to me when you've figured out that Arab Muslims are now behind the scenes working closely with Israel.
I know it's past your Bedtime Roudy but did you know the original Jews were part Arab? I thought not,mind you any Arab could become a Jew?!!DID YOU KNOW THAT,thought not.........Anytime you need help about you me...Sweet Dreams Rouds,Mummy will tuck you in.......soon
Where did you get the idea that the original Jews were part Arabs?
The Quran?
1001 Arabian Nights?

Yes, Any Arab can convert to Judaism.
Now show us a huge number of Arabs who have converted to Judaism for the past 1400 years.
That is supposed to mean what, even if it were true?

For you 60's>>>>>

As check out

60's as you and many know me to be an authority on all thing Jewish and Palestinian,and am only too happy to help you in the future....steven,Trust the Family are WELL

My hope for the New Year is that I hope you positively improve your relationship with your cousins the Palestinians.

Abraham was not an Arab. The Hebrews came into Ur from another place. They spoke Hebrew. That is why they were known as the Hebrews.

Your genetic studies are bunk. You are an authority in BS, even if you believe in it.

In other words, the Arabs were never cousins to the Hebrews/Israelites.
Ishmael's mother was an Egyptian, as in the Copts. He married an Egyptian as well, possibly from the same tribe as his mother's.

Israel's relationship with the Arabs who call themselves since 1964, Palestinians, is just fine. At least with those who do not listen to the Jihadist leaders who follow Mohammad's ideology of conquest and murder.

My hope for future generations of Arabs, is that real moderate leaders take over and go against the Jihadist ideology against Jews which has been prevalent for 1400 years.
Then, they will want to teach their children peace, and make peace with Israel.
They have much to gain by it, as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are discovering.
Abraham was not born a Jew...what was he 60's,,,what race,Arabic of course as proven by the DNA of P's & Jews YOU ARE COUSINS, FULL STOP,Palestinians have more affinity to Jews...Than these CURIOUS NON JEWS(THE SYNTHETICS) who are not real Jews but a MOTELY CREW OF OTHER PEOPLES WHO HAVE TAKEN ON JUDAISM BUT ALSO ZIONISM AND INCREDIBLY BELIEVE "THEY ARE THE CHOSEN FEW"and represent everything Jewish

How incredible this could happen,that Coverts and Converts to Judaism could claim the lie a personal heritage going back circa 4000 years and now run Israel...IT BEGGARS BELIEF,maybe a solution could be to this schism that all CONVERTS,not real Jews could go back to their country of Origin....Zionism is the real problem conning Converts into believing they are/were something/somebody they really ARE NOT

The Question I Ask is WHO ARE THE JEWS TODAY,BECAUSE THEY ARE SO FAR REMOVED FROM THE ORIGINAL JEWS as to really claiming they have any affiliation to the Original Israelites is a FURPHY...60's your prose was nonsense and you know it
Ok kangaroo brain get back to me when you've figured out that Arab Muslims are now behind the scenes working closely with Israel.
I know it's past your Bedtime Roudy but did you know the original Jews were part Arab? I thought not,mind you any Arab could become a Jew?!!DID YOU KNOW THAT,thought not.........Anytime you need help about you me...Sweet Dreams Rouds,Mummy will tuck you in.......soon
Where did you get the idea that the original Jews were part Arabs?
The Quran?
1001 Arabian Nights?

Yes, Any Arab can convert to Judaism.
Now show us a huge number of Arabs who have converted to Judaism for the past 1400 years.
That is supposed to mean what, even if it were true?

For you 60's>>>>>

As check out

60's as you and many know me to be an authority on all thing Jewish and Palestinian,and am only too happy to help you in the future....steven,Trust the Family are WELL

My hope for the New Year is that I hope you positively improve your relationship with your cousins the Palestinians.

Abraham was not an Arab. The Hebrews came into Ur from another place. They spoke Hebrew. That is why they were known as the Hebrews.

Your genetic studies are bunk. You are an authority in BS, even if you believe in it.

In other words, the Arabs were never cousins to the Hebrews/Israelites.
Ishmael's mother was an Egyptian, as in the Copts. He married an Egyptian as well, possibly from the same tribe as his mother's.

Israel's relationship with the Arabs who call themselves since 1964, Palestinians, is just fine. At least with those who do not listen to the Jihadist leaders who follow Mohammad's ideology of conquest and murder.

My hope for future generations of Arabs, is that real moderate leaders take over and go against the Jihadist ideology against Jews which has been prevalent for 1400 years.
Then, they will want to teach their children peace, and make peace with Israel.
They have much to gain by it, as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are discovering.
Abraham was not born a Jew...what was he 60's,,,what race,Arabic of course as proven by the DNA of P's & Jews YOU ARE COUSINS, FULL STOP,Palestinians have more affinity to Jews...Than these CURIOUS NON JEWS(THE SYNTHETICS) who are not real Jews but a MOTELY CREW OF OTHER PEOPLES WHO HAVE TAKEN ON JUDAISM BUT ALSO ZIONISM AND INCREDIBLY BELIEVE "THEY ARE THE CHOSEN FEW"and represent everything Jewish

How incredible this could happen,that Coverts and Converts to Judaism could claim the lie a personal heritage going back circa 4000 years and now run Israel...IT BEGGARS BELIEF,maybe a solution could be to this schism that all CONVERTS,not real Jews could go back to their country of Origin....Zionism is the real problem conning Converts into believing they are/were something/somebody they really ARE NOT

The Question I Ask is WHO ARE THE JEWS TODAY,BECAUSE THEY ARE SO FAR REMOVED FROM THE ORIGINAL JEWS as to really claiming they have any affiliation to the Original Israelites is a FURPHY...60's your prose was nonsense and you know it
You are really ignorant, and truly dishonest.
More dishonest than ignorant.
I know it's past your Bedtime Roudy but did you know the original Jews were part Arab? I thought not,mind you any Arab could become a Jew?!!DID YOU KNOW THAT,thought not.........Anytime you need help about you me...Sweet Dreams Rouds,Mummy will tuck you in.......soon
Where did you get the idea that the original Jews were part Arabs?
The Quran?
1001 Arabian Nights?

Yes, Any Arab can convert to Judaism.
Now show us a huge number of Arabs who have converted to Judaism for the past 1400 years.
That is supposed to mean what, even if it were true?

For you 60's>>>>>

As check out

60's as you and many know me to be an authority on all thing Jewish and Palestinian,and am only too happy to help you in the future....steven,Trust the Family are WELL

My hope for the New Year is that I hope you positively improve your relationship with your cousins the Palestinians.

Abraham was not an Arab. The Hebrews came into Ur from another place. They spoke Hebrew. That is why they were known as the Hebrews.

Your genetic studies are bunk. You are an authority in BS, even if you believe in it.

In other words, the Arabs were never cousins to the Hebrews/Israelites.
Ishmael's mother was an Egyptian, as in the Copts. He married an Egyptian as well, possibly from the same tribe as his mother's.

Israel's relationship with the Arabs who call themselves since 1964, Palestinians, is just fine. At least with those who do not listen to the Jihadist leaders who follow Mohammad's ideology of conquest and murder.

My hope for future generations of Arabs, is that real moderate leaders take over and go against the Jihadist ideology against Jews which has been prevalent for 1400 years.
Then, they will want to teach their children peace, and make peace with Israel.
They have much to gain by it, as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are discovering.
Abraham was not born a Jew...what was he 60's,,,what race,Arabic of course as proven by the DNA of P's & Jews YOU ARE COUSINS, FULL STOP,Palestinians have more affinity to Jews...Than these CURIOUS NON JEWS(THE SYNTHETICS) who are not real Jews but a MOTELY CREW OF OTHER PEOPLES WHO HAVE TAKEN ON JUDAISM BUT ALSO ZIONISM AND INCREDIBLY BELIEVE "THEY ARE THE CHOSEN FEW"and represent everything Jewish

How incredible this could happen,that Coverts and Converts to Judaism could claim the lie a personal heritage going back circa 4000 years and now run Israel...IT BEGGARS BELIEF,maybe a solution could be to this schism that all CONVERTS,not real Jews could go back to their country of Origin....Zionism is the real problem conning Converts into believing they are/were something/somebody they really ARE NOT

The Question I Ask is WHO ARE THE JEWS TODAY,BECAUSE THEY ARE SO FAR REMOVED FROM THE ORIGINAL JEWS as to really claiming they have any affiliation to the Original Israelites is a FURPHY...60's your prose was nonsense and you know it
You are really ignorant, and truly dishonest.
More dishonest than ignorant.
Dishonesty NO,I have been in business 35 years, employ over 300 team members and do not do dishonesty,Ignorant hardly,I elucidate the truth and facts always,just because I can counter every call of your Brain Washed Mantra,does not make me ignorant or dishonest,Your prose and replies are just the normal Zionist Crap one liners which you people rely on to justify your Murderous past and present,...Ultra's,Shepardic and the World generally DETEST Zionists,PERIOD

You carry on like this because you want to be Loved,it just won't work and you continually throughout your lives carry Guiltiness, Murdered your own and so much more and their in lies your future,..You Detest Arabs you raving Hypocrite,then you boast that you are in BED with the Saudi Dictators,it is SICKENING because you and your Zionist Brethren are SICK.

I have put forward a plausible explination of Who Are The Jews of Today

You Craftily mentioned that Abraham was not an Arab?but you omitted the Fact that he was NEVER BORN A me explaining I have 11 fingers and counting backwards on one hand, 10,9,8,7,6 and just adding 5 from my other hand making 11.,

It is you that is Deceptive and Decietful but then you are a Synthetic Jew a Zionist......You knowledge of the Jews is totally IGNORANT,you never acknowledge that Shepardic Jews are the only original real Jews.

Why because you are a compulsive Liar,how do I know when a Zionist is LYING???>>>>When they open their mouths.

Jews are a fine people,the Zionists are not,what really Galls is when Zionist say,look at all these wonderful Jews that have helped Mankind(They are)BUT WHAT YOU NEVER SAY IS........That virtually all of them REJECTED ZIONISM COMPLETELY....That is why YOU AND YOU ZIONIST BRETHREN ARE THE REAL IGNORANT,DISHONEST & DECEITFUL PEOPLE...All other Jews Despise YOU...and YOU DESPISE FREE THINKING NON_ZIONIST JEWS

Keep living in your Corrupt Dreamworld,You know Not The Minute Nor The Hour,BUT WE DO
Last edited:
Ok kangaroo brain get back to me when you've figured out that Arab Muslims are now behind the scenes working closely with Israel.
I know it's past your Bedtime Roudy but did you know the original Jews were part Arab? I thought not,mind you any Arab could become a Jew?!!DID YOU KNOW THAT,thought not.........Anytime you need help about you me...Sweet Dreams Rouds,Mummy will tuck you in.......soon
Where did you get the idea that the original Jews were part Arabs?
The Quran?
1001 Arabian Nights?

Yes, Any Arab can convert to Judaism.
Now show us a huge number of Arabs who have converted to Judaism for the past 1400 years.
That is supposed to mean what, even if it were true?

For you 60's>>>>>

As check out

60's as you and many know me to be an authority on all thing Jewish and Palestinian,and am only too happy to help you in the future....steven,Trust the Family are WELL

My hope for the New Year is that I hope you positively improve your relationship with your cousins the Palestinians.

Abraham was not an Arab. The Hebrews came into Ur from another place. They spoke Hebrew. That is why they were known as the Hebrews.

Your genetic studies are bunk. You are an authority in BS, even if you believe in it.

In other words, the Arabs were never cousins to the Hebrews/Israelites.
Ishmael's mother was an Egyptian, as in the Copts. He married an Egyptian as well, possibly from the same tribe as his mother's.

Israel's relationship with the Arabs who call themselves since 1964, Palestinians, is just fine. At least with those who do not listen to the Jihadist leaders who follow Mohammad's ideology of conquest and murder.

My hope for future generations of Arabs, is that real moderate leaders take over and go against the Jihadist ideology against Jews which has been prevalent for 1400 years.
Then, they will want to teach their children peace, and make peace with Israel.
They have much to gain by it, as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are discovering.
Abraham was not born a Jew...what was he 60's,,,what race,Arabic of course as proven by the DNA of P's & Jews YOU ARE COUSINS, FULL STOP,Palestinians have more affinity to Jews...Than these CURIOUS NON JEWS(THE SYNTHETICS) who are not real Jews but a MOTELY CREW OF OTHER PEOPLES WHO HAVE TAKEN ON JUDAISM BUT ALSO ZIONISM AND INCREDIBLY BELIEVE "THEY ARE THE CHOSEN FEW"and represent everything Jewish

How incredible this could happen,that Coverts and Converts to Judaism could claim the lie a personal heritage going back circa 4000 years and now run Israel...IT BEGGARS BELIEF,maybe a solution could be to this schism that all CONVERTS,not real Jews could go back to their country of Origin....Zionism is the real problem conning Converts into believing they are/were something/somebody they really ARE NOT

The Question I Ask is WHO ARE THE JEWS TODAY,BECAUSE THEY ARE SO FAR REMOVED FROM THE ORIGINAL JEWS as to really claiming they have any affiliation to the Original Israelites is a FURPHY...60's your prose was nonsense and you know it
Ok kangaroo brain get back to me when you've figured out that Arab Muslims are now behind the scenes working closely with Israel.
I know it's past your Bedtime Roudy but did you know the original Jews were part Arab? I thought not,mind you any Arab could become a Jew?!!DID YOU KNOW THAT,thought not.........Anytime you need help about you me...Sweet Dreams Rouds,Mummy will tuck you in.......soon
Where did you get the idea that the original Jews were part Arabs?
The Quran?
1001 Arabian Nights?

Yes, Any Arab can convert to Judaism.
Now show us a huge number of Arabs who have converted to Judaism for the past 1400 years.
That is supposed to mean what, even if it were true?

For you 60's>>>>>

As check out

60's as you and many know me to be an authority on all thing Jewish and Palestinian,and am only too happy to help you in the future....steven,Trust the Family are WELL

My hope for the New Year is that I hope you positively improve your relationship with your cousins the Palestinians.

Abraham was not an Arab. The Hebrews came into Ur from another place. They spoke Hebrew. That is why they were known as the Hebrews.

Your genetic studies are bunk. You are an authority in BS, even if you believe in it.

In other words, the Arabs were never cousins to the Hebrews/Israelites.
Ishmael's mother was an Egyptian, as in the Copts. He married an Egyptian as well, possibly from the same tribe as his mother's.

Israel's relationship with the Arabs who call themselves since 1964, Palestinians, is just fine. At least with those who do not listen to the Jihadist leaders who follow Mohammad's ideology of conquest and murder.

My hope for future generations of Arabs, is that real moderate leaders take over and go against the Jihadist ideology against Jews which has been prevalent for 1400 years.
Then, they will want to teach their children peace, and make peace with Israel.
They have much to gain by it, as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are discovering.
Abraham was not born a Jew...what was he 60's,,,what race,Arabic of course as proven by the DNA of P's & Jews YOU ARE COUSINS, FULL STOP,Palestinians have more affinity to Jews...Than these CURIOUS NON JEWS(THE SYNTHETICS) who are not real Jews but a MOTELY CREW OF OTHER PEOPLES WHO HAVE TAKEN ON JUDAISM BUT ALSO ZIONISM AND INCREDIBLY BELIEVE "THEY ARE THE CHOSEN FEW"and represent everything Jewish

How incredible this could happen,that Coverts and Converts to Judaism could claim the lie a personal heritage going back circa 4000 years and now run Israel...IT BEGGARS BELIEF,maybe a solution could be to this schism that all CONVERTS,not real Jews could go back to their country of Origin....Zionism is the real problem conning Converts into believing they are/were something/somebody they really ARE NOT

The Question I Ask is WHO ARE THE JEWS TODAY,BECAUSE THEY ARE SO FAR REMOVED FROM THE ORIGINAL JEWS as to really claiming they have any affiliation to the Original Israelites is a FURPHY...60's your prose was nonsense and you know it
Ok kangaroo brain get back to me when you've figured out that Arab Muslims are now behind the scenes working closely with Israel.
I know it's past your Bedtime Roudy but did you know the original Jews were part Arab? I thought not,mind you any Arab could become a Jew?!!DID YOU KNOW THAT,thought not.........Anytime you need help about you me...Sweet Dreams Rouds,Mummy will tuck you in.......soon
Where did you get the idea that the original Jews were part Arabs?
The Quran?
1001 Arabian Nights?

Yes, Any Arab can convert to Judaism.
Now show us a huge number of Arabs who have converted to Judaism for the past 1400 years.
That is supposed to mean what, even if it were true?

For you 60's>>>>>

As check out

60's as you and many know me to be an authority on all thing Jewish and Palestinian,and am only too happy to help you in the future....steven,Trust the Family are WELL

My hope for the New Year is that I hope you positively improve your relationship with your cousins the Palestinians.

Abraham was not an Arab. The Hebrews came into Ur from another place. They spoke Hebrew. That is why they were known as the Hebrews.

Your genetic studies are bunk. You are an authority in BS, even if you believe in it.

In other words, the Arabs were never cousins to the Hebrews/Israelites.
Ishmael's mother was an Egyptian, as in the Copts. He married an Egyptian as well, possibly from the same tribe as his mother's.

Israel's relationship with the Arabs who call themselves since 1964, Palestinians, is just fine. At least with those who do not listen to the Jihadist leaders who follow Mohammad's ideology of conquest and murder.

My hope for future generations of Arabs, is that real moderate leaders take over and go against the Jihadist ideology against Jews which has been prevalent for 1400 years.
Then, they will want to teach their children peace, and make peace with Israel.
They have much to gain by it, as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are discovering.
Abraham was not born a Jew...what was he 60's,,,what race,Arabic of course as proven by the DNA of P's & Jews YOU ARE COUSINS, FULL STOP,Palestinians have more affinity to Jews...Than these CURIOUS NON JEWS(THE SYNTHETICS) who are not real Jews but a MOTELY CREW OF OTHER PEOPLES WHO HAVE TAKEN ON JUDAISM BUT ALSO ZIONISM AND INCREDIBLY BELIEVE "THEY ARE THE CHOSEN FEW"and represent everything Jewish

How incredible this could happen,that Coverts and Converts to Judaism could claim the lie a personal heritage going back circa 4000 years and now run Israel...IT BEGGARS BELIEF,maybe a solution could be to this schism that all CONVERTS,not real Jews could go back to their country of Origin....Zionism is the real problem conning Converts into believing they are/were something/somebody they really ARE NOT

The Question I Ask is WHO ARE THE JEWS TODAY,BECAUSE THEY ARE SO FAR REMOVED FROM THE ORIGINAL JEWS as to really claiming they have any affiliation to the Original Israelites is a FURPHY...60's your prose was nonsense and you know it

Avraham, the friend of G-d, is considered the first Jew; being the great-grandfather of Judah, no one but a nincompoo would question this. Hey, settler, instead of spending an inordinate amount of time butting into the affairs of Israel -- get down on your knees and ask forgiveness from an Aborigine.
As to the Arabs who are now calling themselves "Palestinians" -- get a clue:
Almut Nebel's 2001 study, "The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East" found that, '[T]he Y chromosomes in Palestinian Arabs and Bedouin represent, to a large extent, early lineages derived from the Neolithic inhabitants of the area and additional lineages from more-recent population movements. The early lineages are part of the common chromosome pool shared with Jews. According to our working model, the more-recent migrations were mostly from the ARABIAN PENINSULA [emphasis mine], as is seen in the Arab-specific Eu 10 chromosomes that include the modal haplotypes observed in Palestinians and Bedouins.'
I know it's past your Bedtime Roudy but did you know the original Jews were part Arab? I thought not,mind you any Arab could become a Jew?!!DID YOU KNOW THAT,thought not.........Anytime you need help about you me...Sweet Dreams Rouds,Mummy will tuck you in.......soon
Where did you get the idea that the original Jews were part Arabs?
The Quran?
1001 Arabian Nights?

Yes, Any Arab can convert to Judaism.
Now show us a huge number of Arabs who have converted to Judaism for the past 1400 years.
That is supposed to mean what, even if it were true?

For you 60's>>>>>

As check out

60's as you and many know me to be an authority on all thing Jewish and Palestinian,and am only too happy to help you in the future....steven,Trust the Family are WELL

My hope for the New Year is that I hope you positively improve your relationship with your cousins the Palestinians.

Abraham was not an Arab. The Hebrews came into Ur from another place. They spoke Hebrew. That is why they were known as the Hebrews.

Your genetic studies are bunk. You are an authority in BS, even if you believe in it.

In other words, the Arabs were never cousins to the Hebrews/Israelites.
Ishmael's mother was an Egyptian, as in the Copts. He married an Egyptian as well, possibly from the same tribe as his mother's.

Israel's relationship with the Arabs who call themselves since 1964, Palestinians, is just fine. At least with those who do not listen to the Jihadist leaders who follow Mohammad's ideology of conquest and murder.

My hope for future generations of Arabs, is that real moderate leaders take over and go against the Jihadist ideology against Jews which has been prevalent for 1400 years.
Then, they will want to teach their children peace, and make peace with Israel.
They have much to gain by it, as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are discovering.
Abraham was not born a Jew...what was he 60's,,,what race,Arabic of course as proven by the DNA of P's & Jews YOU ARE COUSINS, FULL STOP,Palestinians have more affinity to Jews...Than these CURIOUS NON JEWS(THE SYNTHETICS) who are not real Jews but a MOTELY CREW OF OTHER PEOPLES WHO HAVE TAKEN ON JUDAISM BUT ALSO ZIONISM AND INCREDIBLY BELIEVE "THEY ARE THE CHOSEN FEW"and represent everything Jewish

How incredible this could happen,that Coverts and Converts to Judaism could claim the lie a personal heritage going back circa 4000 years and now run Israel...IT BEGGARS BELIEF,maybe a solution could be to this schism that all CONVERTS,not real Jews could go back to their country of Origin....Zionism is the real problem conning Converts into believing they are/were something/somebody they really ARE NOT

The Question I Ask is WHO ARE THE JEWS TODAY,BECAUSE THEY ARE SO FAR REMOVED FROM THE ORIGINAL JEWS as to really claiming they have any affiliation to the Original Israelites is a FURPHY...60's your prose was nonsense and you know it

Avraham, the friend of G-d, is considered the first Jew; being the great-grandfather of Judah, no one but a nincompoo would question this. Hey, settler, instead of spending an inordinate amount of time butting into the affairs of Israel -- get down on your knees and ask forgiveness from an Aborigine.
As to the Arabs who are now calling themselves "Palestinians" -- get a clue:
Almut Nebel's 2001 study, "The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East" found that, '[T]he Y chromosomes in Palestinian Arabs and Bedouin represent, to a large extent, early lineages derived from the Neolithic inhabitants of the area and additional lineages from more-recent population movements. The early lineages are part of the common chromosome pool shared with Jews. According to our working model, the more-recent migrations were mostly from the ARABIAN PENINSULA [emphasis mine], as is seen in the Arab-specific Eu 10 chromosomes that include the modal haplotypes observed in Palestinians and Bedouins.'
We have already said sorry to our First Peoples for our past treatment of them in another epoch,Why you would mention this I have no idea...some how to make us feel guilty...WON'T WORK YOU CUNNING TERRORIST ZIONIST,after reading your post I though what an Arrogant Prick,of course you are.

You talk of bloodline....You Zionist You have No Jewish Bloodlines you are a Convert a Synthetic Jew your statement is Bloodklatt....go away you boring little man,You Murderer of Innocent Palestinians,You Stealer of their Land,.............................You Boasting Pharisee You'll Never Conquer Me

Today Zionist Israel is Shit,,,,,,,,O for the likes of Rabin and Peres,true Jews and Great Statesmen, shame the Zionist Filth had to MURDER Prime Minister Rabin,when Peace was at hand BUT WE ALL KNOW THE ZIONISTS DON'T WANT PEACE.....Jews are a wonderful people.....Zionism is a Curse
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I know it's past your Bedtime Roudy but did you know the original Jews were part Arab? I thought not,mind you any Arab could become a Jew?!!DID YOU KNOW THAT,thought not.........Anytime you need help about you me...Sweet Dreams Rouds,Mummy will tuck you in.......soon
Where did you get the idea that the original Jews were part Arabs?
The Quran?
1001 Arabian Nights?

Yes, Any Arab can convert to Judaism.
Now show us a huge number of Arabs who have converted to Judaism for the past 1400 years.
That is supposed to mean what, even if it were true?

For you 60's>>>>>

As check out

60's as you and many know me to be an authority on all thing Jewish and Palestinian,and am only too happy to help you in the future....steven,Trust the Family are WELL

My hope for the New Year is that I hope you positively improve your relationship with your cousins the Palestinians.

Abraham was not an Arab. The Hebrews came into Ur from another place. They spoke Hebrew. That is why they were known as the Hebrews.

Your genetic studies are bunk. You are an authority in BS, even if you believe in it.

In other words, the Arabs were never cousins to the Hebrews/Israelites.
Ishmael's mother was an Egyptian, as in the Copts. He married an Egyptian as well, possibly from the same tribe as his mother's.

Israel's relationship with the Arabs who call themselves since 1964, Palestinians, is just fine. At least with those who do not listen to the Jihadist leaders who follow Mohammad's ideology of conquest and murder.

My hope for future generations of Arabs, is that real moderate leaders take over and go against the Jihadist ideology against Jews which has been prevalent for 1400 years.
Then, they will want to teach their children peace, and make peace with Israel.
They have much to gain by it, as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are discovering.
Abraham was not born a Jew...what was he 60's,,,what race,Arabic of course as proven by the DNA of P's & Jews YOU ARE COUSINS, FULL STOP,Palestinians have more affinity to Jews...Than these CURIOUS NON JEWS(THE SYNTHETICS) who are not real Jews but a MOTELY CREW OF OTHER PEOPLES WHO HAVE TAKEN ON JUDAISM BUT ALSO ZIONISM AND INCREDIBLY BELIEVE "THEY ARE THE CHOSEN FEW"and represent everything Jewish

How incredible this could happen,that Coverts and Converts to Judaism could claim the lie a personal heritage going back circa 4000 years and now run Israel...IT BEGGARS BELIEF,maybe a solution could be to this schism that all CONVERTS,not real Jews could go back to their country of Origin....Zionism is the real problem conning Converts into believing they are/were something/somebody they really ARE NOT

The Question I Ask is WHO ARE THE JEWS TODAY,BECAUSE THEY ARE SO FAR REMOVED FROM THE ORIGINAL JEWS as to really claiming they have any affiliation to the Original Israelites is a FURPHY...60's your prose was nonsense and you know it

Avraham, the friend of G-d, is considered the first Jew; being the great-grandfather of Judah, no one but a nincompoo would question this. Hey, settler, instead of spending an inordinate amount of time butting into the affairs of Israel -- get down on your knees and ask forgiveness from an Aborigine.
As to the Arabs who are now calling themselves "Palestinians" -- get a clue:
Almut Nebel's 2001 study, "The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East" found that, '[T]he Y chromosomes in Palestinian Arabs and Bedouin represent, to a large extent, early lineages derived from the Neolithic inhabitants of the area and additional lineages from more-recent population movements. The early lineages are part of the common chromosome pool shared with Jews. According to our working model, the more-recent migrations were mostly from the ARABIAN PENINSULA [emphasis mine], as is seen in the Arab-specific Eu 10 chromosomes that include the modal haplotypes observed in Palestinians and Bedouins.'
He was NOT BORN A JEW is what I said which is true,so you ignorant point is???????How is downtown Tel Aviv thesedays

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