Israel says it broke up Hamas terror plot

If apartheid is a bad idea then why do Palestinians want to replace Israel, which is a democracy with equal rights for all, even the 2 million Arab Muslim citizens, with an Islamic Khalifate of Palestine, which will impose barbaric apartheid shariah laws?

I think when anyone blurts out the word "Khalifate', they kind of give up the right to be taken seriously. I mean, come on, this is like Comic Book level villainy.

Israel is an apatheid state. Period.
You are fulla shit Joe blow. In 1896 there were more Jews than Muslims and Christians in Jerusalem. That's because Jews have a longer history and stronger ties to Jerusalem than any other faith. Whereas Jerusalem is mentioned over 900 times in the Old Testament alone, it's not mentioned EVEN ONCE in the Koran aka terrorist handbook. So tell us' what caused the Muslim population to explode after 1896? Yup, they invaded the region from neighboring Arab states. Joe Fulla Shit Blow.

Jerusalem isn't the whole of Palestine. Sorry, guy, argument fail.
If apartheid is a bad idea then why do Palestinians want to replace Israel, which is a democracy with equal rights for all, even the 2 million Arab Muslim citizens, with an Islamic Khalifate of Palestine, which will impose barbaric apartheid shariah laws?

I think when anyone blurts out the word "Khalifate', they kind of give up the right to be taken seriously. I mean, come on, this is like Comic Book level villainy.

Israel is an apatheid state. Period.

Then tell me where in Israel is there Apartheid. GO!
If apartheid is a bad idea then why do Palestinians want to replace Israel, which is a democracy with equal rights for all, even the 2 million Arab Muslim citizens, with an Islamic Khalifate of Palestine, which will impose barbaric apartheid shariah laws?

I think when anyone blurts out the word "Khalifate', they kind of give up the right to be taken seriously. I mean, come on, this is like Comic Book level villainy.

Israel is an apatheid state. Period.

Then tell me where in Israel is there Apartheid. GO!
He heard it from a guy who said someone told him they read it in the National Enquirer.
If apartheid is a bad idea then why do Palestinians want to replace Israel, which is a democracy with equal rights for all, even the 2 million Arab Muslim citizens, with an Islamic Khalifate of Palestine, which will impose barbaric apartheid shariah laws?

I think when anyone blurts out the word "Khalifate', they kind of give up the right to be taken seriously. I mean, come on, this is like Comic Book level villainy.

Israel is an apatheid state. Period.

So what you're saying is that since the Palestinians want to establish an Islamic Khalifate instead of Israel, they shouldn't be taken seriously.

Thanks Joe Fulla Shit Blow, for clearing that up.
You are fulla shit Joe blow. In 1896 there were more Jews than Muslims and Christians in Jerusalem. That's because Jews have a longer history and stronger ties to Jerusalem than any other faith. Whereas Jerusalem is mentioned over 900 times in the Old Testament alone, it's not mentioned EVEN ONCE in the Koran aka terrorist handbook. So tell us' what caused the Muslim population to explode after 1896? Yup, they invaded the region from neighboring Arab states. Joe Fulla Shit Blow.

Jerusalem isn't the whole of Palestine. Sorry, guy, argument fail.

Duuuuuuuh. No shit Joe Blow. But that still doesn't answer the question, where did the hoards of Muslims come from, that from being a minority in 1896, ended up becoming a majority in Jerusalem? Talk about argument fail. Ha ha ha.
So what you're saying is that since the Palestinians want to establish an Islamic Khalifate instead of Israel, they shouldn't be taken seriously.

Thanks Joe Fulla Shit Blow, for clearing that up.

No, guy, I think anyone of you Zionists who bring up "Khalifate" (I thought it was spelled Caliphate, but never mind) are just using scary words to try to get us to believe that your fight is our fight.

Simply put, the Zionist entity gets wiped off the map, it's just not America's problem.
Duuuuuuuh. No shit Joe Blow. But that still doesn't answer the question, where did the hoards of Muslims come from, that from being a minority in 1896, ended up becoming a majority in Jerusalem? Talk about argument fail. Ha ha ha.

Same place all the people who crowded into American Cities came from after 1900. It's called "Urbanization", where more people from the countryside moved into the cities. They've done whole books on it.
There were no Arabs or Palestinian people when the Romans changed the name for Israel into Palestine. The Jews maintained a presence throughout the millenia, proof of that is when they defended Hebron successfully against the Crusaders. The descendants of those same ancient Jews got massacred and ethnically cleansed by Muslim savages in 1929. So, it's the Muslim Arabs that are the invaders who took a name upon themselves that never applied to them.

boy, you guys certainly go a long way to justify your colonial occupation.

You know, the Afrikanners in South Africa didn't go this far, Eventually, they had to admit Apartheid was a bad idea.

Not as far as the ISLAMONAZI's will go to justify their religious colonial commands that tell them they own the world because allah said so.
Define Zionism in your own words and see if it matches the legal definition. The New Nazis have always been the muslims, which is why the old Nazis based the third riech on their many laws. It was the muslims methods of forcing a dress code on the Jews that the Germas used

I don't care what the "legal" definition is.

The practical definition is setting up an Apartheid State and oppressing the indigenous people of the land. It's another case of white people beating up on brown people and then wondering why the brown people hate them.

So according to you the Palestinians are all Zionists, as they show by their many charters that state no Jews allowed.
Not as far as the ISLAMONAZI's will go to justify their religious colonial commands that tell them they own the world because allah said so.

The Islamic World is smaller than it was in 1600 by terms of pure geography. As world conquerers, they are doing a pretty shitty job.

Probably because Most Muslims, just like you, think about how they are going to take care of their families and get through the day. They arent' spending every day thinking about this magic Caliphate.

I mean I know you want us to think of Islam as this Borg like entity that threatens us all, but your problem is you stole their land and they want it back.

Just not my fucking problem.
WRONG it was designed as an insult and they took the Jews as slaves to Europe. You really need to look at the history books again, and stop reading team Palestine propaganda. Most of the cities were owned and inhabited by the Jews, while most of the farms were manned by itinerant arab muslim workers that followed the money.

By 1900, though, there were very few Jews living in Palestine,w hich is why you needed a lot of Europeans to "Colonize" the place for the British Empire... Because they were running low on people.

Prior to 1850 the whole of Palestine was devoid of arab muslims and the Ottomans tried to settle them in Palestine. They refused to stay and work the land and so left as soon as they could. The Ottomans then invited European Jews to settle Palestine because the Palestinian Jews had been all but wiped out by successive attacks by the muslims. The Jews started to migrate and set up farms and kibbutz in Palestine. Because of the nature of the whole M.E. many surrounding nations saw periodic crop failures and poor harvests causing the farm workers to travel for work. This led to a widespread migration of arab muslims into Palestine looking for work on the Jewish farms. So prior to 1900 the Jewish population was increasing because of arab muslim laziness, the arab muslims saw an opportunity to reap the benefits of the Jews hard work and more illegal immigrants flocked to Palestine. So the colonisation started before the British arrived on the scene, you really should read the evidence carefully and not just trot out the ISLAMONAZI propaganda.
So what you're saying is that since the Palestinians want to establish an Islamic Khalifate instead of Israel, they shouldn't be taken seriously.

Thanks Joe Fulla Shit Blow, for clearing that up.

No, guy, I think anyone of you Zionists who bring up "Khalifate" (I thought it was spelled Caliphate, but never mind) are just using scary words to try to get us to believe that your fight is our fight.

Simply put, the Zionist entity gets wiped off the map, it's just not America's problem.

It could be when the worlds economy nosedives and America becomes a 3rd world nation
Duuuuuuuh. No shit Joe Blow. But that still doesn't answer the question, where did the hoards of Muslims come from, that from being a minority in 1896, ended up becoming a majority in Jerusalem? Talk about argument fail. Ha ha ha.

Same place all the people who crowded into American Cities came from after 1900. It's called "Urbanization", where more people from the countryside moved into the cities. They've done whole books on it.

So the population suddenly appeared in all these rural areas and crowded into the cities. Now they were not there in 1895 so where did they appear from in 1896 ?
Not as far as the ISLAMONAZI's will go to justify their religious colonial commands that tell them they own the world because allah said so.

The Islamic World is smaller than it was in 1600 by terms of pure geography. As world conquerers, they are doing a pretty shitty job.

Probably because Most Muslims, just like you, think about how they are going to take care of their families and get through the day. They arent' spending every day thinking about this magic Caliphate.

I mean I know you want us to think of Islam as this Borg like entity that threatens us all, but your problem is you stole their land and they want it back.

Just not my fucking problem.

Try looking again as islam covers 30% of the land mass in Asia and Africa. In living memory they have acquired by force the former Yugoslavia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philipines, Somalia, Ethiopia and sudan. I stole nothing as my land has been the same for over 1500 years. My ancestors lived on the land and worked it since the Romans invaded. Now I see muslims invading my land, raping 11 and 12 year old schoolgirls in their tens of thousands, abusing my people, telling me to get of their land and violently murdering anyone that stands in their way. And I am 2,000 miles from Israel
So according to you the Palestinians are all Zionists, as they show by their many charters that state no Jews allowed.

Which isn't true. They just want the EUropeans to go back to Europe.

So that would reduce Israel by about 250,000, and the rest of the M.E. by about 10 million. Those Europeans have a greater right to that land than the arab muslims do, who struggle to show any links to the land whatsoever
Prior to 1850 the whole of Palestine was devoid of arab muslims and the Ottomans tried to settle them in Palestine. They refused to stay and work the land and so left as soon as they could. The Ottomans then invited European Jews to settle Palestine because the Palestinian Jews had been all but wiped out by successive attacks by the muslims. The Jews started to migrate and set up farms and kibbutz in Palestine. Because of the nature of the whole M.E. many surrounding nations saw periodic crop failures and poor harvests causing the farm workers to travel for work. This led to a widespread migration of arab muslims into Palestine looking for work on the Jewish farms. So prior to 1900 the Jewish population was increasing because of arab muslim laziness, the arab muslims saw an opportunity to reap the benefits of the Jews hard work and more illegal immigrants flocked to Palestine. So the colonisation started before the British arrived on the scene, you really should read the evidence carefully and not just trot out the ISLAMONAZI propaganda.

Yes, the zionist mythology that palestine was a barren desert until the Zionists came along and made it bloom.

Nobody believes that anymore.
So that would reduce Israel by about 250,000, and the rest of the M.E. by about 10 million. Those Europeans have a greater right to that land than the arab muslims do, who struggle to show any links to the land whatsoever

Yes, they need the LEBENSRAUM!!!!

Zionists- They're like abused children who've gotten big en ough to beat up on someone else, and realize that it just isn't very appealling.

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