Israel steps up home demolitions to punish Palestinian attackers

Sure, that's why your initial response was the "F" word.
At least now we know where you are REALLY coming from in spite of your attempts to APPEAR rational.
Who said I was rational......I will take that as a personal Insult Indie.............In you there is a spark of cleverness.........improve on that and lower the crap level and things could change for the better.......steve

I thought about what happened the last couple of days and I am seeing you clearer than ever.
That person you "banned" was your son or daughter.
You ability to be perceived as "rational" has been belied by the true eyes through which a child perceives a parent.
You child is as poisoned as you are but does a use to filter to hide it.
You thus see the demolitions as isolated acts of Zionist Racism, but NOT the context in which they occur, and your child is proof that the damage of hatred has created a situation which can only be solved by moving the Jordanians to Jordan.
Indie,Shit on me all you like,but as a matter of decency leave my family and children out of it....Thank You..steve

As a matter of decency stop calling every Israeli Jew a Zionist Nazi.
And while you're at it, stop all of your acquaintances and friends from doing so.
You know, as a matter of decency...

Challenger, et al,

I don't agree.

I thought that someone would eventually bring this up...

Well it's taken you over 830 words to say what I did in 10, but I think we broadly agree on this. :)

I believe that the Israelis have a military necessity defense and that is not up to the Palestinians.

We find that punitive house demolitions lead to fewer suicide attacks in the month following the demolitions. The effect is significant and sizable — a one standard-deviation increase in punitive house demolitions leads to a decrease of 11.7% in the number of suicide terrorists originating from an average district. In contrast, precautionary demolitions (which are not related to activities of the houses’ owners and occupants) are associated with more suicide attacks. Our estimates show that a standard-deviation increase in precautionary house demolitions leads to a 48.7% increase in the number of suicide terrorists from an average district.
Are Voters Sensitive to Terrorism? Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate on JSTOR
Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate

Most Respectfully,

The original Nazis had exactly the same theory. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It is not the Zionists' Country: they have no rights there, as you know.

You got it wrong. Palestinians are the Muslim apple that fell from the Nazi tree. They have been trying to emulate the Nazis for the last 75 years.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

He was born in Palestine , and yes he sided with Germany , but Ze'ev Jabotinsky was born in Russia. Most of the Zionist had never stepped foot in Palestine, nor had any of the grandparents and they chose not to live there, at least until they burned bridges everywhere they lived, and most likely he was a nationalist like Hitler, you know like some Germans on this board are now against the influx of refugees in their country,

put yourself or your Zionist in the place of the refugees of Germany today, as its no different.

But he cant trace his ancestry back any further than 6 or 7 generations in Palestine. He also sided with the ottomans and was behind many atrocities and terrorist attacks on the British and Jews. Very few of todays Americans had set foot in America before about 1730, which is still longer than many so called Palestinians have been in Palestine. The Jews were invited to return to their ancestral homelands by the lands sovereign owners, the arabs had no claims on the land legally or religiously. And like Hitler he was a mass murderer and a Jew hater and should have faced summary execution after WW2
Challenger, et al,

I don't agree.

I thought that someone would eventually bring this up...

Well it's taken you over 830 words to say what I did in 10, but I think we broadly agree on this. :)

I believe that the Israelis have a military necessity defense and that is not up to the Palestinians.

We find that punitive house demolitions lead to fewer suicide attacks in the month following the demolitions. The effect is significant and sizable — a one standard-deviation increase in punitive house demolitions leads to a decrease of 11.7% in the number of suicide terrorists originating from an average district. In contrast, precautionary demolitions (which are not related to activities of the houses’ owners and occupants) are associated with more suicide attacks. Our estimates show that a standard-deviation increase in precautionary house demolitions leads to a 48.7% increase in the number of suicide terrorists from an average district.
Are Voters Sensitive to Terrorism? Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate on JSTOR
Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate

Most Respectfully,

The original Nazis had exactly the same theory. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It is not the Zionists' Country: they have no rights there, as you know.

Sorry but you are wrong as the sovereign owners gave the land to the Jews of the world in 1923, just as the sovereign owners of 1916 gave the land to the LoN in 1917. So the legal owners of Jewish Palestine under international laws of 1923 are the JEWS not the arab muslims who are land thieves and invaders. Want to try and disprove International laws ?
Challenger, et al,

I don't agree.

I thought that someone would eventually bring this up...

Well it's taken you over 830 words to say what I did in 10, but I think we broadly agree on this. :)

I believe that the Israelis have a military necessity defense and that is not up to the Palestinians.

We find that punitive house demolitions lead to fewer suicide attacks in the month following the demolitions. The effect is significant and sizable — a one standard-deviation increase in punitive house demolitions leads to a decrease of 11.7% in the number of suicide terrorists originating from an average district. In contrast, precautionary demolitions (which are not related to activities of the houses’ owners and occupants) are associated with more suicide attacks. Our estimates show that a standard-deviation increase in precautionary house demolitions leads to a 48.7% increase in the number of suicide terrorists from an average district.
Are Voters Sensitive to Terrorism? Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate on JSTOR
Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate

Most Respectfully,

The original Nazis had exactly the same theory. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It is not the Zionists' Country: they have no rights there, as you know.

Sorry but you are wrong as the sovereign owners gave the land to the Jews of the world in 1923, just as the sovereign owners of 1916 gave the land to the LoN in 1917. So the legal owners of Jewish Palestine under international laws of 1923 are the JEWS not the arab muslims who are land thieves and invaders. Want to try and disprove International laws ?
Sorry but you are wrong as the sovereign owners gave the land to the Jews of the world in 1923, just as the sovereign owners of 1916 gave the land to the LoN in 1917. So the legal owners of Jewish Palestine under international laws of 1923 are the JEWS not the arab muslims who are land thieves and invaders. Want to try and disprove International laws ?
Phoenasll said: '

' Sorry but you are wrong as the sovereign owners gave the land to the Jews of the world in 1923, just as the sovereign owners of 1916 gave the land to the LoN in 1917. So the legal owners of Jewish Palestine under international laws of 1923 are the JEWS not the arab muslims who are land thieves and invaders. Want to try and disprove International laws ?'

Drivel. Imperialists have no rights to do anything with other people's countries, or we'd give the United States to the Nazis instead. You racists do talk unutterable nonsense, don't you?

Sure, that's why your initial response was the "F" word.
At least now we know where you are REALLY coming from in spite of your attempts to APPEAR rational.
Who said I was rational......I will take that as a personal Insult Indie.............In you there is a spark of cleverness.........improve on that and lower the crap level and things could change for the better.......steve

I thought about what happened the last couple of days and I am seeing you clearer than ever.
That person you "banned" was your son or daughter.
You ability to be perceived as "rational" has been belied by the true eyes through which a child perceives a parent.
You child is as poisoned as you are but does a use to filter to hide it.
You thus see the demolitions as isolated acts of Zionist Racism, but NOT the context in which they occur, and your child is proof that the damage of hatred has created a situation which can only be solved by moving the Jordanians to Jordan.
Indie,Shit on me all you like,but as a matter of decency leave my family and children out of it....Thank You..steve

As a matter of decency stop calling every Israeli Jew a Zionist Nazi.
And while you're at it, stop all of your acquaintances and friends from doing so.
You know, as a matter of decency...
As a matter of decency stop your occupation of other people's countries and your policy of murdering children and stealing land.
Challenger, et al,

I don't agree.

I thought that someone would eventually bring this up...

Well it's taken you over 830 words to say what I did in 10, but I think we broadly agree on this. :)

I believe that the Israelis have a military necessity defense and that is not up to the Palestinians.

We find that punitive house demolitions lead to fewer suicide attacks in the month following the demolitions. The effect is significant and sizable — a one standard-deviation increase in punitive house demolitions leads to a decrease of 11.7% in the number of suicide terrorists originating from an average district. In contrast, precautionary demolitions (which are not related to activities of the houses’ owners and occupants) are associated with more suicide attacks. Our estimates show that a standard-deviation increase in precautionary house demolitions leads to a 48.7% increase in the number of suicide terrorists from an average district.
Are Voters Sensitive to Terrorism? Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate on JSTOR
Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate

Most Respectfully,

The original Nazis had exactly the same theory. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It is not the Zionists' Country: they have no rights there, as you know.

You got it wrong. Palestinians are the Muslim apple that fell from the Nazi tree. They have been trying to emulate the Nazis for the last 75 years.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers
Drivel. Those of us who remember Hitler's regime know he came out with the same sort of lying filth about the Resistance. The Nazi colonialists, as you know, have no claim to a square inch of |Palestine.
Sure, that's why your initial response was the "F" word.
At least now we know where you are REALLY coming from in spite of your attempts to APPEAR rational.
Who said I was rational......I will take that as a personal Insult Indie.............In you there is a spark of cleverness.........improve on that and lower the crap level and things could change for the better.......steve

I thought about what happened the last couple of days and I am seeing you clearer than ever.
That person you "banned" was your son or daughter.
You ability to be perceived as "rational" has been belied by the true eyes through which a child perceives a parent.
You child is as poisoned as you are but does a use to filter to hide it.
You thus see the demolitions as isolated acts of Zionist Racism, but NOT the context in which they occur, and your child is proof that the damage of hatred has created a situation which can only be solved by moving the Jordanians to Jordan.
Indie,Shit on me all you like,but as a matter of decency leave my family and children out of it....Thank You..steve

As a matter of decency stop calling every Israeli Jew a Zionist Nazi.
And while you're at it, stop all of your acquaintances and friends from doing so.
You know, as a matter of decency...
As a matter of decency stop your occupation of other people's countries and your policy of murdering children and stealing land.

Actually palestine was never a country. The name itself started out as a Roman Joke on Judea and a few coins were printed up. But at no point was palestine ever a country.

I'm not clear on why these lies are so important to the Arab Muslim narrative when they are so easily dispelled.

Also this occupation thing is also demonstrably false. The mandate area west of the Jordan was intended for the creation of a Jewish national homeland, so whats the problem ?

If we're going to be using terms like occupation then they're more aptly applied to the Arab Muslims occupying land intended for a national Jewish homeland

Its pretty disingenuous to claim that someone is occupying land you'd hoped was yours, but isn't.

After all, Arab Muslims received nearly 80% of the mandated area. If by some miracle the Arab Muslims on the west bank can be shown to be somehow a distinct people from those less than 100' away on the east. Then let their homeland be carved out of Jordan, instead of Israel. Particularly since the Arab Muslims have shown again and again they have no interest in just some of the mandate area; doesn't take any great level of genius to see they want it all.
As a matter of decency stop your occupation of other people's countries and your policy of murdering children and stealing land.
I believe the Israeli Goebbels's would disagree with that.

Israeli Rabbi Calls for Execution Of All Palestinians
“Israeli army has to stop arresting Palestinians, but, it must execute them and leave no one alive” - Shmuel Eliyahu posted on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

I guess the ones who get their homes bulldozed, are the lucky ones.
Actually palestine was never a country. The name itself started out as a Roman Joke on Judea and a few coins were printed up. But at no point was palestine ever a country.

I'm not clear on why these lies are so important to the Arab Muslim narrative when they are so easily dispelled.

Also this occupation thing is also demonstrably false. The mandate area west of the Jordan was intended for the creation of a Jewish national homeland, so whats the problem ?

If we're going to be using terms like occupation then they're more aptly applied to the Arab Muslims occupying land intended for a national Jewish homeland

Its pretty disingenuous to claim that someone is occupying land you'd hoped was yours, but isn't.

After all, Arab Muslims received nearly 80% of the mandated area. If by some miracle the Arab Muslims on the west bank can be shown to be somehow a distinct people from those less than 100' away on the east. Then let their homeland be carved out of Jordan, instead of Israel. Particularly since the Arab Muslims have shown again and again they have no interest in just some of the mandate area; doesn't take any great level of genius to see they want it all.
You can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.
You see no such thing in the video.
You see him handing the knife to the other prick.

How about this one? Did the dead guy get and pull the knife after he was murdered?

But you do see this (Stabbing terror attack in Jerusalem, October 12):

Without any context, that could be a Shin Bet training coarse.

And this (boy trying to stab officers in Samaria, October 24):

Where's the officer? And if he was in Samaria, then he's a legal target.

And this (Girl trying to stab security guard in Antot, today):

Where's the security guard in Antot?

And this (terror attack in Jerusalem, October 12)

Two people jogging?

But of course, we planted those in their hands, forcing them to stab the soldiers, then shot them, than planted those in their hands again.
I'm confused? What did you plant? Knives or guns?

Keep trying, better luck next time
I don't need luck to prove Israeli tyranny.
Billo_Really, et al,

Well, that is not what happened.

You can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.

Under (first) Article 16 of The Armistice of Mudros, then (second) under Article 132 of the Treaty of Sevres, and finally under Article 16 to the Treaty of Lausanne, Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territory and the "future" disposition to the parties to the Treaty (not the League of Nations).

The Allied Powers determined how the territory would be administered; and who had what rights to be protected (as agreed upon by the Allied Powers at San Remo in 1920).

Immigration was a matter for the Mandatory, appointed by the Allied Powers who had the "rights" and "title" --- and the future to determine settlement. The principle protection to the obligations in the Treaty were stipulated in Article 44:

Turkey agrees that any Member of the Council of the League of Nations shall have the right to bring to the attention of the Council any infraction or danger of infraction of any of these obligations, and that the Council may thereupon take such action and give such directions as it may deem proper and effective in the circumstances.

There is no record of any League member make such allegation.

The Allied Powers encouraged Jewish immigration to all Jewish People will to assist in the establishment of a Jewish National Home (JNH); and upon citizenship that take-up permanent residence.

All citizens have equal rights; Arab and Jewish --- indigenous and immigrant --- alike.

Most Respectfully,
Well thats not a surprise. I followed your link on the good Rabbi and just as I thought it led to an Iranian funded Arab state television station.


Press TV (stylised PRESSTV) is a 24-hour English language news and documentary network, affiliated with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB).[1] IRIB is state-owned but independent of the Iranian government in its management; the IRIB is a legal TV and radio broadcaster inside Iran. Press TV is headquartered in Tehran, Iran, but has offices and bureaus around the world, including London, Beirut, Damascus, Kabul, and the Gaza Strip. Press TV began broadcasting HDTV on the Hot Bird satellite cluster since 13 January 2014.

Press TV is state-funded[10] and is a division of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). IRIB is independent of the Iranian government, but is said to be close to the country's conservative political faction, especially the elite Revolutionary Guards.[11] Its head is appointed directly by the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.[11] PressTV headquarters are located in Tehran, Iran.

End Quote

I'm thinking this story you are so quick to share is actually just another fabrication designed to incite more violence

Also this statement


You can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.

End Quote

If this is truly your sentiment then the only fair thing to do is ask that the Arab Muslim colonists at the least remove themselves to Jordan/Arab palestine.

The facts on the ground are that the Arab Muslims were awarded about 80% of the mandate area and are just going to have to content themselves with the lions share.

Not one more inch.
Sure, that's why your initial response was the "F" word.
At least now we know where you are REALLY coming from in spite of your attempts to APPEAR rational.
Who said I was rational......I will take that as a personal Insult Indie.............In you there is a spark of cleverness.........improve on that and lower the crap level and things could change for the better.......steve

I thought about what happened the last couple of days and I am seeing you clearer than ever.
That person you "banned" was your son or daughter.
You ability to be perceived as "rational" has been belied by the true eyes through which a child perceives a parent.
You child is as poisoned as you are but does a use to filter to hide it.
You thus see the demolitions as isolated acts of Zionist Racism, but NOT the context in which they occur, and your child is proof that the damage of hatred has created a situation which can only be solved by moving the Jordanians to Jordan.
Indie,Shit on me all you like,but as a matter of decency leave my family and children out of it....Thank You..steve

As a matter of decency stop calling every Israeli Jew a Zionist Nazi.
And while you're at it, stop all of your acquaintances and friends from doing so.
You know, as a matter of decency...

Challenger, et al,

I don't agree.

I thought that someone would eventually bring this up...

Well it's taken you over 830 words to say what I did in 10, but I think we broadly agree on this. :)

I believe that the Israelis have a military necessity defense and that is not up to the Palestinians.

We find that punitive house demolitions lead to fewer suicide attacks in the month following the demolitions. The effect is significant and sizable — a one standard-deviation increase in punitive house demolitions leads to a decrease of 11.7% in the number of suicide terrorists originating from an average district. In contrast, precautionary demolitions (which are not related to activities of the houses’ owners and occupants) are associated with more suicide attacks. Our estimates show that a standard-deviation increase in precautionary house demolitions leads to a 48.7% increase in the number of suicide terrorists from an average district.
Are Voters Sensitive to Terrorism? Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate on JSTOR
Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate

Most Respectfully,

The original Nazis had exactly the same theory. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It is not the Zionists' Country: they have no rights there, as you know.

You got it wrong. Palestinians are the Muslim apple that fell from the Nazi tree. They have been trying to emulate the Nazis for the last 75 years.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

He was born in Palestine , and yes he sided with Germany , but Ze'ev Jabotinsky was born in Russia. Most of the Zionist had never stepped foot in Palestine, nor had any of the grandparents and they chose not to live there, at least until they burned bridges everywhere they lived, and most likely he was a nationalist like Hitler, you know like some Germans on this board are now against the influx of refugees in their country,

put yourself or your Zionist in the place of the refugees of Germany today, as its no different.

What sillenss...
Every nation the Jews emigrate to becomes wealthier and more charitable.
Jews always want to be the best Germans they can be.
It's their inordinate success that makes people hate them and kick them out.
Billo_Really, et al,

Well, that is not what happened.

You can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.

Under (first) Article 16 of The Armistice of Mudros, then (second) under Article 132 of the Treaty of Sevres, and finally under Article 16 to the Treaty of Lausanne, Turkey renounced all rights and title of the territory and the "future" disposition to the parties to the Treaty (not the League of Nations).

The Allied Powers determined how the territory would be administered; and who had what rights to be protected (as agreed upon by the Allied Powers at San Remo in 1920).

Immigration was a matter for the Mandatory, appointed by the Allied Powers who had the "rights" and "title" --- and the future to determine settlement. The principle protection to the obligations in the Treaty were stipulated in Article 44:

Turkey agrees that any Member of the Council of the League of Nations shall have the right to bring to the attention of the Council any infraction or danger of infraction of any of these obligations, and that the Council may thereupon take such action and give such directions as it may deem proper and effective in the circumstances.

There is no record of any League member make such allegation.

The Allied Powers encouraged Jewish immigration to all Jewish People will to assist in the establishment of a Jewish National Home (JNH); and upon citizenship that take-up permanent residence.

All citizens have equal rights; Arab and Jewish --- indigenous and immigrant --- alike.

Most Respectfully,
There was over 1 million Arabs living there at that time and they have inalienable rights that have been codified by subsequent UN resolutions.

And no, they do not have equal rights.

Land lease laws at the time specified farms can only be cultivated with Jewish labor. That's not equal!
Well thats not a surprise. I followed your link on the good Rabbi and just as I thought it led to an Iranian funded Arab state television station.


Press TV (stylised PRESSTV) is a 24-hour English language news and documentary network, affiliated with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB).[1] IRIB is state-owned but independent of the Iranian government in its management; the IRIB is a legal TV and radio broadcaster inside Iran. Press TV is headquartered in Tehran, Iran, but has offices and bureaus around the world, including London, Beirut, Damascus, Kabul, and the Gaza Strip. Press TV began broadcasting HDTV on the Hot Bird satellite cluster since 13 January 2014.

Press TV is state-funded[10] and is a division of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). IRIB is independent of the Iranian government, but is said to be close to the country's conservative political faction, especially the elite Revolutionary Guards.[11] Its head is appointed directly by the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.[11] PressTV headquarters are located in Tehran, Iran.

End Quote

I'm thinking this story you are so quick to share is actually just another fabrication designed to incite more violence

Also this statement


You can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.

End Quote

If this is truly your sentiment then the only fair thing to do is ask that the Arab Muslim colonists at the least remove themselves to Jordan/Arab palestine.

The facts on the ground are that the Arab Muslims were awarded about 80% of the mandate area and are just going to have to content themselves with the lions share.

Not one more inch.
Didn't mommy ever tell you ad hominems are not valid rebuttals?
Billo-Really, et al,

You have me at a disadvantage. What timeframe are you referring to?

There was over 1 million Arabs living there at that time and they have inalienable rights that have been codified by subsequent UN resolutions.

Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People said:
"The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People was established by the General Assembly by its resolution 3376 (XXX) of 10 November 1975, with the task of recommending a programme designed to enable the Palestinian people to exercise its inalienable rights, as recognized by the Assembly in its resolution 3236 (XXIX) of 22 November 1974." SOURCE: UN Report A/67/35
Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:
  1. (a) The right to self-determination without external interference;
  2. (b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;
Even the Committee recognizes that there are (at most) 2 "inalienable rights." It is a reaffirmation of the laws in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (1948). Neither the UDHR or A/RES/3236 are actually a part of international law.


So, where is the Codified International Law of Inalienable rights to be found?


There are 10 documents that make-up the core for the presentation of International Human Rights. All but one on discrimination (ICERD) came after the CCPR.

The UDHR does not mention the:

• Self-determination
• External Interference
• Independence
• Sovereignty
The right to self-determination is tied to the principle for equal rights to all people in Article 1(2) of the Charter; and is not found again until the adoption of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR) that went into force in 1976 (two years after non-binding A/RES/3236 1974); and it is not an inalienable right. BUT, neither the covenant or the Charter make mention of interference, independence, or sovereignty. The same can be said for the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR).

The UDHR together with the CCPR and the CESCR make-up the International Bill of Rights.

The concept of the covenants is that "ALL" people have the right to self-determination; in the context of determining political status or to pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

The Arab Palestinian People have no monopoly on self-determination.

Most Respectfully,
Phoenasll said: '

' Sorry but you are wrong as the sovereign owners gave the land to the Jews of the world in 1923, just as the sovereign owners of 1916 gave the land to the LoN in 1917. So the legal owners of Jewish Palestine under international laws of 1923 are the JEWS not the arab muslims who are land thieves and invaders. Want to try and disprove International laws ?'

Drivel. Imperialists have no rights to do anything with other people's countries, or we'd give the United States to the Nazis instead. You racists do talk unutterable nonsense, don't you?

When did the arab muslims gain sovereignty over the land, what treaty passed ownership into their hands from the Ottomans. You need to educate yourself on international laws and the dates they were Implemented. You will see that the arab muslims have no legal right to the land they are squatting on and that under the UN charter they should be evicted and sent back to Syria, Egypt and Saudi
Sure, that's why your initial response was the "F" word.
At least now we know where you are REALLY coming from in spite of your attempts to APPEAR rational.
Who said I was rational......I will take that as a personal Insult Indie.............In you there is a spark of cleverness.........improve on that and lower the crap level and things could change for the better.......steve

I thought about what happened the last couple of days and I am seeing you clearer than ever.
That person you "banned" was your son or daughter.
You ability to be perceived as "rational" has been belied by the true eyes through which a child perceives a parent.
You child is as poisoned as you are but does a use to filter to hide it.
You thus see the demolitions as isolated acts of Zionist Racism, but NOT the context in which they occur, and your child is proof that the damage of hatred has created a situation which can only be solved by moving the Jordanians to Jordan.
Indie,Shit on me all you like,but as a matter of decency leave my family and children out of it....Thank You..steve

As a matter of decency stop calling every Israeli Jew a Zionist Nazi.
And while you're at it, stop all of your acquaintances and friends from doing so.
You know, as a matter of decency...
As a matter of decency stop your occupation of other people's countries and your policy of murdering children and stealing land.

Evidence of your false claims or be shown to be a supporter of islamonazi terrorism to fulfil the command of world domination by the muslims. Now how about a court case showing that a member of this board is a murderer of children ?
As a matter of decency stop your occupation of other people's countries and your policy of murdering children and stealing land.
I believe the Israeli Goebbels's would disagree with that.

Israeli Rabbi Calls for Execution Of All Palestinians
“Israeli army has to stop arresting Palestinians, but, it must execute them and leave no one alive” - Shmuel Eliyahu posted on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

I guess the ones who get their homes bulldozed, are the lucky ones.

That is one of the allowed punishments under the Geneva convenmtions, and I believe every UN nation has done this in the field of battle. So what is your problem with Israel arresting terrorists and murderers and putting them in prison.
Actually palestine was never a country. The name itself started out as a Roman Joke on Judea and a few coins were printed up. But at no point was palestine ever a country.

I'm not clear on why these lies are so important to the Arab Muslim narrative when they are so easily dispelled.

Also this occupation thing is also demonstrably false. The mandate area west of the Jordan was intended for the creation of a Jewish national homeland, so whats the problem ?

If we're going to be using terms like occupation then they're more aptly applied to the Arab Muslims occupying land intended for a national Jewish homeland

Its pretty disingenuous to claim that someone is occupying land you'd hoped was yours, but isn't.

After all, Arab Muslims received nearly 80% of the mandated area. If by some miracle the Arab Muslims on the west bank can be shown to be somehow a distinct people from those less than 100' away on the east. Then let their homeland be carved out of Jordan, instead of Israel. Particularly since the Arab Muslims have shown again and again they have no interest in just some of the mandate area; doesn't take any great level of genius to see they want it all.
You can't move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.

Tell that to the arab muslims who tried this in 1947, 1948, 1967 and 1973. After the defeat of the ottomans in 1916 they had no rights under international law of the time.
You see no such thing in the video.
You see him handing the knife to the other prick.

How about this one? Did the dead guy get and pull the knife after he was murdered?

But you do see this (Stabbing terror attack in Jerusalem, October 12):

Without any context, that could be a Shin Bet training coarse.

And this (boy trying to stab officers in Samaria, October 24):

Where's the officer? And if he was in Samaria, then he's a legal target.

And this (Girl trying to stab security guard in Antot, today):

Where's the security guard in Antot?

And this (terror attack in Jerusalem, October 12)

Two people jogging?

But of course, we planted those in their hands, forcing them to stab the soldiers, then shot them, than planted those in their hands again.
I'm confused? What did you plant? Knives or guns?

Keep trying, better luck next time
I don't need luck to prove Israeli tyranny.

Your first grainy still shows nothing that looks like a knife, in fact it looks like the muzzle of a rifle held across the body.

Guess you need new glasses, try going to specsavers.

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