Israel, stop blaming Palestinian's for the violence you cause!

The Jews want to live in peace, the Philistines want the Jews to all die. Change your tampon and go look into it.
If Israeli's wanted to live in peace, then why are they the ones breaking all the ceasefires?
Hamas admitted doing it.
No they didn't!

They said they had no choice firing from civilian areas, but took precautions. They also said they fired the rockets at least 200 - 300 meters from any structure.

From his link:
'The Israelis kept saying rockets were fired from schools or hospitals when in fact they were fired 200 or 300 meters (yards) away.'

Oh if Hamas said so...
I guess it changes everything totally right?
Now the 200-300 m and the parking lot are of the same Hospital are surely cleared of ambulances, doctors, injured people.
It's not as if medical operations were going on or people moving at all-
Yes they actually secure the hospital by firing near it

"Palestinian kids can be seen playing near the rocket launchers)."

"...fired two rockets from a launch site “near Al-Shifa hospital, even as more bombing victims were brought in.”

CANADA: On July 20th, Patrick Martin of the Globe and Mail reported that he saw a pair of long-range rockets fired from “very near a UN school filled with more than 1,000 people seeking refuge.

In another tweet, Fear called the Al-Wafa rehabilitation hospital in Gaza “the hospital with human shields.

FINLAND: Finnish reporter Aishi Zidan confirms that arocket was launched from a parking lot at Al-Shifa Hospital.

I guess they should give 'em a special prize for going a couple of steps outside the Hospital to launch their rockets...and the thing that bothers you most here is the wording...
Oh if Hamas said so...
I guess it changes everything totally right?
Now the 200-300 m and the parking lot are of the same Hospital are surely cleared of ambulances, doctors, injured people.
It's not as if medical operations were going on or people moving at all-
Yes they actually secure the hospital by firing near it

"Palestinian kids can be seen playing near the rocket launchers)."

"...fired two rockets from a launch site “near Al-Shifa hospital, even as more bombing victims were brought in.”

CANADA: On July 20th, Patrick Martin of the Globe and Mail reported that he saw a pair of long-range rockets fired from “very near a UN school filled with more than 1,000 people seeking refuge.

In another tweet, Fear called the Al-Wafa rehabilitation hospital in Gaza “the hospital with human shields.

FINLAND: Finnish reporter Aishi Zidan confirms that arocket was launched from a parking lot at Al-Shifa Hospital.

I guess they should give 'em a special prize for going a couple of steps outside the Hospital to launch their rockets...and the thing that bothers you most here is the wording...
Like I said, you are a very sick society and your post shows why.
You've got the UN, the Hamas themselves and reporters from around the world confirming that Hamas uses schools, hospitals and densely populated areas to launch rockets.

If those are not enough (like it's enough for UN and the world)
then get your head out of your...

Just proves that racism is ignorant and infantile- and you're a cheap sample of that.
Earth to idiot,

firing NEAR a school or hospital, is NOT firing FROM a school or hospital.

Hey low-life firing from the hospital parking lot is FROM the active area of hospital. Injured people are being transferred from all over...

Yeah but the 'right' word won't turn a wrong into right.
Oh if Hamas said so...
I guess it changes everything totally right?
Now the 200-300 m and the parking lot are of the same Hospital are surely cleared of ambulances, doctors, injured people.
It's not as if medical operations were going on or people moving at all-
Yes they actually secure the hospital by firing near it

"Palestinian kids can be seen playing near the rocket launchers)."

"...fired two rockets from a launch site “near Al-Shifa hospital, even as more bombing victims were brought in.”

CANADA: On July 20th, Patrick Martin of the Globe and Mail reported that he saw a pair of long-range rockets fired from “very near a UN school filled with more than 1,000 people seeking refuge.

In another tweet, Fear called the Al-Wafa rehabilitation hospital in Gaza “the hospital with human shields.

FINLAND: Finnish reporter Aishi Zidan confirms that arocket was launched from a parking lot at Al-Shifa Hospital.

I guess they should give 'em a special prize for going a couple of steps outside the Hospital to launch their rockets...and the thing that bothers you most here is the wording...
Like I said, you are a very sick society and your post shows why.
For you launching rocket from or couple of meters away in the are of hospitals and schools is acceptable and even encouraged.You want to nuke both palestinians and jews.

You're a racist genocidal Jihad supporter who are you to judge?
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Hey low-life firing from the hospital parking lot is FROM the active area of hospital. Injured people are being transferred from all over...

Yeah but the 'right' word won't turn a wrong into right.
A couple people firing a rocket 200 meters from a hospital that falls harmlessly in the desert, does not give a sick fuck like you the right to take out an entire wing of the hospital killing dozens of patients.
For you launching rocket from or couple of meters away in the are of hospitals and schools is acceptable and even encouraged.You want to nuke both palestinians and jews.

You're a racist genocidal Jihad supporter who are you to judge?
The reason you're getting rockets, is because of the brutal occupation and blockade.

That's all on you, not me.
Hamas admitted doing it.
No they didn't!

They said they had no choice firing from civilian areas, but took precautions. They also said they fired the rockets at least 200 - 300 meters from any structure.

From his link:
'The Israelis kept saying rockets were fired from schools or hospitals when in fact they were fired 200 or 300 meters (yards) away.'

And how accurate are hamas rockets, making them illegal. And if you read the Geneva conventions it states that use of schools, hospitals and religious buildings as shields for military installations renders them valid targets. But try these links for the truth

UN Report Confirms Hamas Stored and Fired Weapons from UN Schools

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon charged that Palestinian militants had stored weapons in three UN facilities.......... in two cases, probably to fire from is unacceptable.”

In the Jabalia school listed above, the board found that “it was highly likely that an unidentified Palestinian armed group could have used the school premises to launch attacks on or around 14 July.” Similarly, concerning weaponry stored at the UNRWA Nuseirat Preparatory Co- educational “B” School, the UN inquiry found that “the premises could have been used for an unknown period of time by members of a Palestinian armed group” — and that “it was likely that such a group may have fired the mortar from within the premises of the school.”

Clear enough for you, that hamas fired ( or allowed to be fired ) illegal weapons from 2 UNWRA schools according to UN reports
You've got the UN, the Hamas themselves and reporters from around the world confirming that Hamas uses schools, hospitals and densely populated areas to launch rockets.

If those are not enough (like it's enough for UN and the world)
then get your head out of your...

Just proves that racism is ignorant and infantile- and you're a cheap sample of that.
Earth to idiot,

firing NEAR a school or hospital, is NOT firing FROM a school or hospital.

You are the idiot as most hospitals and schools have a perimeter that could be 200 to 200 metres from the main building, it is still part of the school or hospital. They are built this way so that they wont be hit in times of armed conflict when enemy troops target surrounding military installations. Fire from inside that perimeter and you are using the structure for military use and it becomes a valid target. Like the hospital used by hamas leaders as a command/control centre that made it a valid military target.

You lose again as shown by your abusive rant when you are shown to be wrong, time to grow up and act your age and not your shoe size
Hey low-life firing from the hospital parking lot is FROM the active area of hospital. Injured people are being transferred from all over...

Yeah but the 'right' word won't turn a wrong into right.
A couple people firing a rocket 200 meters from a hospital that falls harmlessly in the desert, does not give a sick fuck like you the right to take out an entire wing of the hospital killing dozens of patients.

It does if you read the Geneva conventions that clearly state any part of the hospital used as a weapons area renders the whole a valid military target.
For you launching rocket from or couple of meters away in the are of hospitals and schools is acceptable and even encouraged.You want to nuke both palestinians and jews.

You're a racist genocidal Jihad supporter who are you to judge?
The reason you're getting rockets, is because of the brutal occupation and blockade.

That's all on you, not me.

A pity the violence started before the blockade and occupation then isn't it. And the rockets started after Israel had handed back gaza and no blockade was in place. All a matter of historical fact that even you could understand
The Jews want to live in peace, the Philistines want the Jews to all die. Change your tampon and go look into it.
If Israeli's wanted to live in peace, then why are they the ones breaking all the ceasefires?

Only if you believe islamonazi propaganda and lies. But when the incidents take place in the west bank then they are not breaches of any ceasefire between Israel and hamas. Also when the breaches are in response to hamas terrorists breaching the ceasefire then they are not Israel's breaches but belong to hamas.

Look at you list again and see how many fall into these two categories, then come back and admit that you are brainwashed to hate the Jews.

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