Israel - The national state of the Jewish people.

Your opinion about it.

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I don't take the Bible literally, but the NT people made some good points. Jesus talking about the good Samaritan, its a well known fact a Jew would cross over the road when coming upon a gentile, you created racism, I want Israel to survive, as then I think every zionut can leave the USA and relocate to Israel! More and more Hitler is looking like a genius.
Woo there it is.

And even some in your government agree.

Some in your Government think that whitey should be enslaved by the black man, does this make it right and just ?
I don't take the Bible literally, but the NT people made some good points. Jesus talking about the good Samaritan, its a well known fact a Jew would cross over the road when coming upon a gentile, you created racism, I want Israel to survive, as then I think every zionut can leave the USA and relocate to Israel! More and more Hitler is looking like a genius.
Woo there it is.

And even some in your government agree.
Nope, you're just a racist yourself doing the Gaza City Shuffle and twisting everything you were accused for back to Israel.
Trash like you will no longer harm Israel politics and this is a good thing - for us, bad for the anti-Je-.. I mean anti-Israelis.
I find it so funny Jews can be racist but no one else. You guys crack me up. And Jews wonder where racism came from.
Well, actually reading the text of the law pretty much shoots down most of the racism and all the claims of creating second class citizens, IMHO.

Thank you Daniyel.
Every Jew has the right to immigrate to Israel and to buy Israeli citizenship under the Law.
The State will gather the exiles and strengthen the relationship between Israel and the Jewish communities and aid them in times of trouble. (What does this even mean?)

The statewill help Jewish people in trouble and captivity due Jewishness." (And this)

As simple as that, I'm not fluent with English and I'm still able to comprehend it.

You know what since the above language is Jew and Jewish, I find yous to be very racial. Your an immigrant in that country and how in the hell do they test your Jewishness, do you have papers?

You have no rights anymore to call someone or anyone anti-Semite (which Jews think it means anti jew).

Your the most racial of all people.

According to CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW that is exactly what it means, want to argue with the UN, ICJ and ICC on this.

You are spouting nonsense Phoney. But continue, you help the cause.
Well, actually reading the text of the law pretty much shoots down most of the racism and all the claims of creating second class citizens, IMHO.

Thank you Daniyel.

The law makes it clear that Israel is a racist Apartheid state. Thank you Daniyel.
Well, actually reading the text of the law pretty much shoots down most of the racism and all the claims of creating second class citizens, IMHO.

Thank you Daniyel.

The law makes it clear that Israel is a racist Apartheid state. Thank you Daniyel.
We all heard that ages ago, anything wise to say? go for it, because so far it is not obvious to us.
Maybe I'm wrong and you're actually smart, maybe its me with the reading comprehension issues?
Get down to your point where precisely this law makes it clear that Israel is a racist apartheid state?
Well, actually reading the text of the law pretty much shoots down most of the racism and all the claims of creating second class citizens, IMHO.

Thank you Daniyel.

The law makes it clear that Israel is a racist Apartheid state. Thank you Daniyel.
We all heard that ages ago, anything wise to say? go for it, because so far it is not obvious to us.
Maybe I'm wrong and you're actually smart, maybe its me with the reading comprehension issues?
Get down to your point where precisely this law makes it clear that Israel is a racist apartheid state?

Well, let's start from the fact that Israel is controlling a population of millions which have no rights under Israeli law. Much like the people of the Bantustans in Apartheid South Africa. That was called Apartheid. What is different about Israel's policy towards the people in the Occupied Territories? Let's not even get into the laws for non-Jews within the area that is called Israel, where non-Jews have different rights of marriage from Jews, have different rights with respect to buying property and different rights with respect to immigrating to Israel. Jews from places like Russia can immigrate to Israel, while the descendants of people that were expelled from the area that is now called Israel have no right to return to their homes.

Is that enough?
Well, actually reading the text of the law pretty much shoots down most of the racism and all the claims of creating second class citizens, IMHO.

Thank you Daniyel.

The law makes it clear that Israel is a racist Apartheid state. Thank you Daniyel.
We all heard that ages ago, anything wise to say? go for it, because so far it is not obvious to us.
Maybe I'm wrong and you're actually smart, maybe its me with the reading comprehension issues?
Get down to your point where precisely this law makes it clear that Israel is a racist apartheid state?

Well, let's start from the fact that Israel is controlling a population of millions which have no rights under Israeli law. Much like the people of the Bantustans in Apartheid South Africa. That was called Apartheid. What is different about Israel's policy towards the people in the Occupied Territories? Let's not even get into the laws for non-Jews within the area that is called Israel, where non-Jews have different rights of marriage from Jews, have different rights with respect to buying property and different rights with respect to immigrating to Israel. Jews from places like Russia can immigrate to Israel, while the descendants of people that were expelled from the area that is now called Israel have no right to return to their homes.

Is that enough?
No, despite what I have to say I want to pause and ask you again, what is wrong about THIS LAW?
I find it so funny Jews can be racist but no one else. You guys crack me up. And Jews wonder where racism came from.

LINK? and from a non partisan source. Lets see if you can back up your accusations and libels for once
Well, let's start from the fact that Israel is controlling a population of millions which have no rights under Israeli law. Much like the people of the Bantustans in Apartheid South Africa. That was called Apartheid. What is different about Israel's policy towards the people in the Occupied Territories? Let's not even get into the laws for non-Jews within the area that is called Israel, where non-Jews have different rights of marriage from Jews, have different rights with respect to buying property and different rights with respect to immigrating to Israel. Jews from places like Russia can immigrate to Israel, while the descendants of people that were expelled from the area that is now called Israel have no right to return to their homes.

Is that enough?

You might add that citizens and residents of Israel who are not Jewish are increasingly stripped of residency and / or citizenship if the state finds them especially distasteful / demographically inconvenient, or if they visit too long abroad.
But people with the deeds to the stolen land aren't allowed out of the Gaza concentration camp.
Fuck Israel.
They can go anywhere they like, but they are not allowed in Israel.

At least you admit the Israeli government are bastards.

Why because they ban potential terrorist mass murderers from entering Israel...........You have a warped sense of what is right.
I suppose that the Saudis banning everyone by certain muslims from entering Mecca is OK is it.
Every Jew has the right to immigrate to Israel and to buy Israeli citizenship under the Law.
The State will gather the exiles and strengthen the relationship between Israel and the Jewish communities and aid them in times of trouble. (What does this even mean?)

The statewill help Jewish people in trouble and captivity due Jewishness." (And this)

As simple as that, I'm not fluent with English and I'm still able to comprehend it.

You know what since the above language is Jew and Jewish, I find yous to be very racial. Your an immigrant in that country and how in the hell do they test your Jewishness, do you have papers?

You have no rights anymore to call someone or anyone anti-Semite (which Jews think it means anti jew).

Your the most racial of all people.

According to CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW that is exactly what it means, want to argue with the UN, ICJ and ICC on this.

You are spouting nonsense Phoney. But continue, you help the cause.

Whats wrong Abdul don't you like seeing the truth about your RABID ISLAMONAZI RACISM that has been outlawed by INTERNATIONAL LAW. Time for the world to clamp down on you ISLAMONAZI JEW HATERS
Well, actually reading the text of the law pretty much shoots down most of the racism and all the claims of creating second class citizens, IMHO.

Thank you Daniyel.

The law makes it clear that Israel is a racist Apartheid state. Thank you Daniyel.

Where does it say that then Abdul, how about you produce the evidence using the words of the proposed law itself and no cherry picking or manipulation

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