Israel Threatened by Syria and Iran


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Israel Threatened by Syria and Iran

February 1, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert

The alleged Israeli airstrike within Syrian territory on Wednesday has elicited threats of retaliation from both Syria and Iran. Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul-Karim Ali, quoted at al-Ahd, a Hezbollah-run news website, contended that his nation could make “a surprise decision to respond to the aggression of the Israeli warplanes,” adding that ”Syria is engaged in defending its sovereignty and its land.” In Iran, a deputy foreign minister was quoted by English-language Press TV as saying the “strike on Syria will have serious consequences for Tel Aviv.” He did not elaborate.

Syria’s government-owned media characterized the strike as an act of “naked aggression,” that targeted a “military research center” near Damascus. Yet regional security officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to brief the media, claimed Israel targeted a weapons convoy carrying sophisticated arms on their way to Hezbollah, the U.S.-designated terror group based in Lebanon. An unnamed Western diplomat echoed that assessment. “The target was a truck loaded with weapons, heading from Syria to Lebanon,” he said. A source among rebels fighting the Bahsar Assad regime concurred as well. ”(The airstrike) attacked trucks carrying sophisticated weapons from the regime to Hezbollah,” he contended. Still other analysts expressed the belief that Hezbollah was moving its own weapons out of Syria before rebels could get them.

Regardless, Hezbollah condemned the attack as “barbaric aggression,” expressed its “full solidarity with Syria’s command, army and people,” and claimed the strike was aimed at preventing Muslim and Arab forces from furthering their military development. Syria continued to insist that a “scientific research facility” in Jamraya, ten miles from the Lebanon border, was attacked.


Israel Threatened by Syria and Iran
Some say, Israel bombed a laboratory... Some say, Israel bombed a convoy...

Whatever they bombed, military value of the strike is negligible, but political is immense: "Israel attacked Syria on a side of Syrian opposition and Arab monarchies"! It instantly translates into: "Arab monarchies and Syrian opposition are in bed with Israel" -- I bet, this notion is going to be very popular with the Arabs.
Assad should thank Israel.

On the other hand, Iran said on few occasions that an attack on Syria will be an attack on Iran. Now that Israel did attack Syria, Iran will have to decide:
1. to let the matter drop and show weakness;
2. to answer Israel, thus giving it an opportunity to appeal to US and "international community" for protection = start US/UK war against Iran.

It is not a question of what Iran will do, it's a question of what US and UK will have to do as a result; taking into consideration the intentions of US and its new, more adequate, State Secretary to scale down its military involvement in the region and its more balanced approach to Iran. Israel put it all in jeopardy. It suggests that the real target of Israeli raid was not Syria, or whatever they bombed, but US.
It had better have been of strategic importance to have caused so much ill-will. Proof may be hard to find. Whoever is correct is highly in dispute, and how the actors respond will be founded on what they choose to believe (sort of as in life for all of us).
"caused" so much ill-will - LMAO!

Do you really think anyone is buying the idea that all the ill-will directed at Israel by Baby Assad and his bully-buddies (the Holocaust-denying Iran and the pogrom-promulgating Russians) was 'caused' by anything other than those 3 nations having their own agendas?
It is not a question of what Iran will do, it's a question of what US and UK will have to do as a result....
What the US and UK need to do, is control their little bitch, Israel and tell them to stop attacking sovereign nations for the same reason a dog licks' its balls.
Some say, Israel bombed a laboratory... Some say, Israel bombed a convoy...

Whatever they bombed, military value of the strike is negligible, but political is immense: "Israel attacked Syria on a side of Syrian opposition and Arab monarchies"! It instantly translates into: "Arab monarchies and Syrian opposition are in bed with Israel" -- I bet, this notion is going to be very popular with the Arabs.
Assad should thank Israel.

On the other hand, Iran said on few occasions that an attack on Syria will be an attack on Iran. Now that Israel did attack Syria, Iran will have to decide:
1. to let the matter drop and show weakness;
2. to answer Israel, thus giving it an opportunity to appeal to US and "international community" for protection = start US/UK war against Iran.

It is not a question of what Iran will do, it's a question of what US and UK will have to do as a result; taking into consideration the intentions of US and its new, more adequate, State Secretary to scale down its military involvement in the region and its more balanced approach to Iran. Israel put it all in jeopardy. It suggests that the real target of Israeli raid was not Syria, or whatever they bombed, but US.


The Attack on Syria's al-Kibar Nuclear Facility


GOD Bless The JEWS
It is not a question of what Iran will do, it's a question of what US and UK will have to do as a result....
What the US and UK need to do, is control their little bitch, Israel and tell them to stop attacking sovereign nations for the same reason a dog licks' its balls.

Not quite.

Started by the West (US/its European vassals) chaos in the ME and N.Africa is getting out of West's control.

West no longer has economic ability to sustain what it started (crisis is going to deepen). Hence, US intention to distance itself from the hot part of ME conflicts, and its new more diplomatic approach to foreign policy issues.

Under these circumstances, the only real power capable of containing the rapid spread of militancy, uncontrolled terrorism and radical Islam is Iran. There is a very strong possibility of US amending its approach to Iran and allowing Shiite Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon belt to divert terrorists'/militants' activities in order to lessen pressure on US allowing it to remain above the actual war while pulling strings every now and then...

And if this will happen, where would it leave Israel as a regional power?!

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