Israel will obliterate Hamas and fully occupy Gaza

There are two groups in the Palistinian camps. One is the PLO which is on the West Bank who has very few restriction. And then there is the Hamas on the Gaza strip. Both were elected into at the same time. One has decided to work with Israel while Hamas keep trying to poke the Bear. Hamas caused the PLO quite a bit of harm as well as Israel. I would like to see the west bank ceded back to Israel and all that wish to move can go to the West Bank. Then after the moves, waste the place into parking lots.
There is factually no more West-Bank - see the map, and realize the factual issue and problem - with Palestinians aka the PLO being moderate. they simply end up losing everything.
Therefore, it doesn't come as a surprise that ONLY Gaza still exists - due to a non compromising Hamas

Having said that, I oppose and condemn any violence - no matter from which side. Organizations such as Hamas can only cease to exist if Israel finally corrects it's wrongdoings.

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Okay, since we are speculating:

Israel turns some (but not a lot) of Gaza to ruins, and they kill hundreds of Hamas and their sympathizers, and hundreds of civilians. Hezbollah holds, given they are staring at 10s of 1000s of troops + tanks from a few miles away.

Very few of the hostages survive. Hamas is an army on the run from an advancing, modern military. They aren't going to cage and feed and water the hostages, while fighting for their lives or running for their lives. They are trying to incite global jihad, always. They love their videos.

Egypt will be forced to accept 100s of 1000s of refugees, because the refugees will only have one direction in which to go, and they will go in that direction.

Gaza will remain a cat and mouse guerilla war for months. Every time something pops off, Israel will push them closer to Egypt, demolishing Gaza along the way. Hamas won't stop until as much of Gaza is destroyed as is possible; ironically, it will be the Israelis who constrain the destruction of Gaza. The bolded is part and parcel of the death cult's mythos. It's all for Allah. Die fellow martyrs, and let global jihad begin... hoping the Muslim world rises up to join them, as commanded by Allah. Else they would be charging to the center of Israel right now, destroying everything they could until they died.

But no. They would rather THAT destruction happen in Gaza. This is the evil death cult we are dealing with.
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There is factually no more West-Bank - see the map, and realize the factual issue and problem - with Palestinians aka the PLO being moderate. they simply end up losing everything.
Therefore, it doesn't come as a surprise that ONLY Gaza still exists - due to a non compromising Hamas

Having said that, I oppose and condemn any violence - no matter from which side. Organizations such as Hamas can only cease to exist if Israel finally corrects it's wrongdoings.

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The rest of the world needs to go back to the 1967 map without Gaza Strip. From what I can see is, on the West Bank, which still kind of exists, has been raped by Israel. The Homesteads need to be taken back to the original 1967 line. If Israel agrees, support will come in. But if they refuse, they are on their own.
The rest of the world needs to go back to the 1967 map without Gaza Strip. From what I can see is, on the West Bank, which still kind of exists, has been raped by Israel. The Homesteads need to be taken back to the original 1967 line. If Israel agrees, support will come in. But if they refuse, they are on their own.
Which won't happen. Israel is not ceding land. No prime minister of Israel will do it. Especially not now. You are right nonetheless, the settlers cheated their way to their position. Israel violated agreement after agreement. And "Jewish self determination" is the explanation offered. And I think that sucks on high. Put away the childish myths, people. Put that aside, and a lot of Israel's misdeeds do come into focus. And Israel should be held accountable for them.

But Israel doesn't have to be perfect for me to be 100% on their side against the Muslim death cult.
The rest of the world needs to go back to the 1967 map without Gaza Strip. From what I can see is, on the West Bank, which still kind of exists, has been raped by Israel. The Homesteads need to be taken back to the original 1967 line. If Israel agrees, support will come in. But if they refuse, they are on their own.
Sorry - but I would tend to say that's unrealistic

The West-Bank is far too small to house approximately 14 million Palestinian-Arabs. There are presently around 6 million Palestinian-Arabs living in Gaza and the West-Bank - and approx. 5 million - squatting in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria - so realistically around 11 million potential Palestinian-Arabs searching for an own nation and home. That is also why the Allon Plan from 1967 was doomed to fail from the very beginning.

The "possible solution" has always laid not just with Israel, but necessarily in cooperating with Jordan. The biggest mistake the British made was to establish a Kingdom of Jordan in 1946 - without recognizing the volatility of the Jewish-Palestine issue.

Therefore IMO - the only viable solution is to allocate the West-Bank to Jordan - it is then up to Jordan to allocate additional territory to an independent "Palestine State" or meanwhile highly unlikely for Palestinians to integrate into the Jordan society.

BTW very long but also very informative read about this whole "issue":

On April 11, 1950, elections were held for a new Jordanian parliament in which the Palestinian Arabs of the West Bank were equally represented. Thirteen days later, Parliament unanimously approved a motion to unite the two banks of the Jordan River, constitutionally expanding the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in order to safeguard what was left of the Arab territory of Palestine from further Zionist expansion.
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan now included nearly one and a half million people, more than half a million of whom were refugees evicted from Jewish-occupied Palestine. All automatically became citizens of Jordan, a right that had first been offered in December 1949 to all Palestinians who wished to claim it. Although the Arab League opposed this plan, and no other Arab government followed Jordan’s lead, the Hashemite Kingdom offered the possibility of normal life for many people who would have otherwise remained stateless refugees.

The partnership with the Palestinians desired by King Hussein fell apart in September, 1970. The pervasive and chaotic presence of armed Palestinian fedayeen groups who expected immunity from Jordan’s laws was leading to a state of virtual anarchy throughout the Kingdom. Moderate Palestinian leaders were unable to reign in extremist elements, who ambushed the king’s motorcade twice and perpetrated a series of spectacular hijackings. Forced to respond decisively in order to preserve his country from anarchy, King Hussein ordered the army into action.

The solution IMO, still lies with the will to cooperate between Jordan and the PLO - unfortunately now also with Hamas.
That statement only goes to show that you are absolutely one-sided and wrong - thus unsuitable to understand this or any conflict at all

You are like one of those - who will blame all European-Americans and all Republicans for what the radical Proud boys did on Jan. 6th.

After Nethanyahu has flattened Gaza and Israel as usual having killed in retribution around 50-100 times more Palestinians then own victims - the world sympathy will be all for the Palestinian people - whilst their radical factions will be rightfully condemned.

Apparently, you believe that it's O.K. for the Palestinians to elect and support Hamas, and then when Hamas murders a massive amount of Israeli citizens, the Israelis should do nothing. The Palestinians that have supported Hamas bare no responsibility for what Hamas did.

Guess again. The days of Palestinians playing for sympathy from the world, while supporting mass murder are over.

And yes, I do believe that all the MAGA Idiots that promoted all the lies and obvious BULLSHIT are responsible for the J6 attack on the Capitol.

People need to take responsibility both for their actions AND their inactions.
The rest of the world needs to go back to the 1967 map without Gaza Strip. From what I can see is, on the West Bank, which still kind of exists, has been raped by Israel. The Homesteads need to be taken back to the original 1967 line. If Israel agrees, support will come in. But if they refuse, they are on their own.
It will not happen. The Palestinians will continue to be pushed out, opening more land for Jewish settlement.

The War with Hamas will give Israel the opportunity to retake Gaza, and ethnically cleans it for Jewish settlement. The example of Gaza demonstrates how futile it is for Israel to try to trade land for peace. The Israelis gave the Palestinians Gaza. They did not get peace but more Palestinian terrorism.


It will not happen. The Palestinians will continue to be pushed out, opening more land for Jewish settlement.

The War with Hamas will give Israel the opportunity to retake Gaza, and ethnically cleans it for Jewish settlement. The example of Gaza demonstrates how futile it is for Israel to try to trade land for peace. The Israelis gave the Palestinians Gaza. They did not get peace but more Palestinian terrorism.

View attachment 841598

I have been to Israel several times. Do you know how you can tell when you go from an Israeli area to a Palestinian area?

The Israeli area is irrigated and has modern buildings and paved roads. The Palestinian areas are desert, ancient homes, and gravel roads with potholes and so big you can lose a car.

The 1949-1967 map above shows these areas almost perfectly.
Apparently, you believe that it's O.K. for the Palestinians to elect and support Hamas, and then when Hamas murders a massive amount of Israeli citizens, the Israelis should do nothing. The Palestinians that have supported Hamas bare no responsibility for what Hamas did.
Where did I state that? - don't make up things okay!
Guess again. The days of Palestinians playing for sympathy from the world, while supporting mass murder are over.
Guess again - the days were Israel could blindly rely onto the Western pity and guilt Holocaust complex - are over
And yes, I do believe that all the MAGA Idiots that promoted all the lies and obvious BULLSHIT are responsible for the J6 attack on the Capitol.

People need to take responsibility both for their actions AND their inactions.

That Trump and his Israeli mental cousin - Nethanyahu, massively promoted even more hate against Israel - via their Jerusalem and Westbank policy - would be correct. Some 100 Proud boy lunatics do not represent all European-Americans, nor all Republicans, nor all MAGA's

And when is Israel going to take it's responsibility towards the Palestinian plight - that was caused by them?
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Thanks for proving you’re an antisemite.

Muslims want to eradicate MY people from Earth.
Muslims are semitic retard. And thanks for not admitting that Jews want to genocide all white Europeans. Why can't you say those are not my Jews, I disagree with those Jews or when I posted a fucking reform Rabbi saying whites are Amalek or some fucking ancient W. Asian tribe and that their entire goal is destroying white supremacy.

YOU want to eradicate ME. I don't want to eradicate YOU.
Muslims are semitic retard. And thanks for not admitting that Jews want to genocide all white Europeans. Why can't you say those are not my Jews, I disagree with those Jews or when I posted a fucking reform Rabbi saying whites are Amalek or some fucking ancient W. Asian tribe and that their entire goal is destroying white supremacy.

YOU want to eradicate ME. I don't want to eradicate YOU.
You’re a sicko antisemite. And don‘t give me that crap about Muslims being semitic. Everyone know antisemite means anti-JEW.
I'm gonna try and build a bridge between Amart and Lisa... The bridge will probably be blown up but I'm gonna try anyway:

Lisa... what Amart is saying is a historical fact.

I was absolutely shocked when you, a jewish american lady, admitted, a few months ago, that the jewish american Congressman from New York, Emanuel Celler, spent his entire political carreer, 50 years, trying to destroy the US racial composition.

As for Israel I have no problem with a non-supremacist jewish state. I do think the jewish people need and deserve one.

If you know any non-supremacist jewish state, by all means, show it to me so I can support its existence 100%.
I'm gonna try and build a bridge between Amart and Lisa... The bridge will probably be blown up but I'm gonna try anyway:

Lisa... what Amart is saying is a historical fact.

I was absolutely shocked when you, a jewish american lady, admitted, a few months ago, that the jewish american Congressman from New York, Emanuel Celler, spent his entire political carreer, 50 years, trying to destroy the US racial composition.

As for Israel I have no problem with a non-supremacist jewish state. I do think the jewish people need and deserve one.

If you know any non-supremacist jewish state, by all means, show it to me so I can support its existence 100%.
1) I don’t even know who this Emanuel Cellar is. You’re accusing me of something I never said.

2) And you’re not “building a bridge” calling Israel a supremacist Jewish state,

3) And there IS no other Jewish state.

All you‘ve done with this and other posts is show you’re an antisemite.
1) I don’t even know who this Emanuel Cellar is.
You’re accusing me of something I never said.


Although I have to confess my ignorance in front of the whole Board about the percentage of observant american Jews who voted for congressman Emanuel Celler for 50 years, the chief architect of the destruction of the US white majority, among other american Jews.


As far as Emanuel Celler, that was a long time ago, and there was a large population of Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn, most of whom were immigrants or children of immigrants. My guess would be that they overwhelmingly voted Democrat at that period in history.


Biden hires anti-Israel CUNY professor as an advisor

2) And you’re not “building a bridge” calling Israel a supremacist Jewish state,

3) And there IS no other Jewish state.

All you‘ve done with this and other posts is show you’re an antisemite.

Okay, since we are speculating:

Israel turns some (but not a lot) of Gaza to ruins, and they kill hundreds of Hamas and their sympathizers, and hundreds of civilians. Hezbollah holds, given they are staring at 10s of 1000s of troops + tanks from a few miles away.

Very few of the hostages survive. Hamas is an army on the run from an advancing, modern military. They aren't going to cage and feed and water the hostages, while fighting for their lives or running for their lives. They are trying to incite global jihad, always. They love their videos.

Egypt will be forced to accept 100s of 1000s of refugees, because the refugees will only have one direction in which to go, and they will go in that direction.

Gaza will remain a cat and mouse guerilla war for months. Every time something pops off, Israel will push them closer to Egypt, demolishing Gaza along the way. Hamas won't stop until as much of Gaza is destroyed as is possible; ironically, it will be the Israelis who constrain the destruction of Gaza. The bolded is part and parcel of the death cult's mythos. It's all for Allah. Die fellow martyrs, and let global jihad begin... hoping the Muslim world rises up to join them, as commanded by Allah. Else they would be charging to the center of Israel right now, destroying everything they could until they died.

But no. They would rather THAT destruction happen in Gaza. This is the evil death cult we are dealing with.
There were 1000 Hamas terrorists that entered Israel, not hundreds. So they need to kill over 1000.

The problem is that Hamas committed the heinous acts on purpose so Israel will retaliate really hard against Gaza and kill tens of thousands of Palestinians. While this may seem counter productive, it will further radicalize the remaining Palestinians so they'll have most of them under their control. And also public opinion against Israel, in the Arab world and not only. Hamas had a very tiny majority in Gaza, but enough to get to power. Likely they'll have more support from Palestinians after this.

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