Israel will obliterate Hamas and fully occupy Gaza

Absolutely. That's what the death cult does. They are HOPING Israel levels Gaza. They think it will rally Muslims to jihad.
I think a lot of Muslims will be glad to see the last of the Palestinians. They are learning that they have higher priorities than to protect a nation of terrorists who sometimes rape their sisters and kill them when they get pregnant.
Yes, the Jews definitely have a right on their own state.
To the winners go the spoils. We carved out a tiny piece of the Ottoman Empire, 30 years after having to crush the Ottoman Empire in a world War.

Now the defeated fools want their piece back, 100 years later. See: Turkey.

The Palestinians don't give 2 shits about history. That's all smoke and mirrors. They care about their evil religion. Their God tells them to slaughter jews and to wipe Israel off the map.
Brezhnev in 1976 at the 25th Party Congress:
"There is no war in the Middle East now, but there is no peace there either, much less tranquility, and who dares to guarantee that the flames of hostilities will not flare up again? This danger will persist as long as the Israeli armies remain in the occupied lands."
Hahahahahah the liberal media would crucify Israel if they did that as would you. Leftist.

Guess again.

The MSM is irate about this mass murder. They are 100% in support of Israel, as are the vast majority of liberals.

Sorry to bust your delusional bubble!
To the winners go the spoils. We carved out a tiny piece of the Ottoman Empire, 30 years after having to crush the Ottoman Empire in a world War.

Now the defeated fools want their piece back, 100 years later. See: Turkey.

The Palestinians don't give 2 shits about history. That's all smoke and mirrors. They care about their evil religion. Their God tells them to slaughter jews and to wipe Israel off the map.
Hamas is only a tool. Turkey? I think it is Iran who is behind the scene. The Middle East is a place where three main regional powers compete for the influence - Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Turkey's ally Azerbaijan carried out a successful military operation in Nagorno-Karabakh, virtually on Iran's doorstep.

A peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia was looming. That would have changed political landscape in the ME.

The mullahs regime felt threatened and sidelined. They decided to take actions. The Israel's right on self-defence is without a doubt. But to what outcome it may lead - no one knows for sure.
Turkey? I think it is Iran who is behind the scene.
Mostly yes, but Turkey is expressing public support for the Palestinians. They want to see the little slice returned to Muslims.

A peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia was looming. That would have changed political landscape in the ME.
Again, smoke and mirrors. What was the excuse 10 years ago, when that wasn't "looming"? 20 years ago? 30 years ago?

This is all about religious dumbfuckery. All else is smoke and mirrors.
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Mostly yes, but Turkey is expressing public support for the Palestinians. They want to see the little slice returned to Muslims.

Again, smoke and mirrors. What was the excuse 10 years ago, when that wasn't "loomng"? 20 years ago? 30 years ago?

This is all about religious dumbfuckery. All else is smoke and mirrors.
Religious dumbfuckery existed also 10 and 30 and 300 years ago. But what is the point in discussing what was 'ago'? We have the present situation. And what is worse no one knows how to find an exit from it.

Is Hamas a terrorist organization? Without a doubt. Should it be eliminated? Without a doubt. But.. (there always is this 'but').

Hamas is not only bandits with Kalashnikovs and knives. It is millions of people in Gaza and elsewhere who support their actions and their struggle for 'a just cause'. And taking into account the demographics in Palestinian enclaves, this group won't be lacking new recruits in at least decades.

Even if Israel successfully occupies the Gaza Strip. Will it eliminate the problem? Doubtfully. I feel that this struggle will be similar to the Troubles in the UK. Maybe even in an aggravated form.
But what is the point in discussing what was 'ago'?
The point is that us the motivation then AND now. This stuff about the Saudi peace deal is a red herring.

Even if Israel successfully occupies the Gaza Strip. Will it eliminate the problem?
No. Only Palestinians purging the death cult from their midst will start to solve the problem.
Nope. Not the same. “Palestinian” is a made up term created by Arafat in 1967, little cup.
Actually, pre Arafat, the term Palestinian meant Jews that lived in ancient Judeah and Samaria. Pre Arafat‘s highjacking of the name, an Arab Muslim would consider it an insult if you called them a Palestinian, since it meant you were calling them a Jew.

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