Israel will obliterate Hamas and fully occupy Gaza

Notice how Fort Fun Indiana faithfully reproduces the paradigms created by the post-World War II world:

Western countries don't have the right to preserve their racial composition, they have to have their racial composition destroyed, they have to be forcefully "diversified" against the will of their populations, to prevent the creation of a white supremacist state like Nazi Germany in America, Britain, etc...:

Non verbatim citation:

OH... we'll have more rightwingers complaining
about brown people flooding the USA.


He openly supports the destruction of the racial composition of America, a NON-SUPREMACIST western country that does not keep Apaches, Sioux, Seminoles, etc... herded into ethnic enclaves like Israel does to the native arab population of Israel.

He's following the paradigm established by the post-WWII world into which he was born:

White nations, even non-supremacist ones, don't have a right to keep their racial makeup.

At the same time, Indiana faithfully observes another paradigm created after WWII:

The super humanization of the jewish people.

According to this paradigm the jewish people, due to their history of persecution, must be given a free pass to herd the native population of Palestine into ethnic enclaves and create a jewish supremacist state.

Fort Fun Indiana's canine devotion to these two paradigms established in the country he was born, 20th century America, creates an aberration of thought that defies description:

An individual that supports the destruction of the racial composition of non supremacist states like America, Britain, France and Germany and who, at the same time, supports the supremacist racial composition of a jewish racial dictatorship that herds the native arab population into ethnic enclaves in order to create an artificial "jewish majority".
Notice how Fort Fun Indiana faithfully reproduces the paradigms created by the post-World War II world:

Western countries don't have the right to preserve their racial composition, they have to have their racial composition destroyed, they have to be forcefully "diversified" against the will of their populations, to prevent the creation of a white supremacist state like Nazi Germany in America, Britain, etc...:

Non verbatim citation:

OH... we'll have more rightwingers complaining
about brown people flooding the USA.


He openly supports the destruction of the racial composition of America, a NON-SUPREMACIST western country that does not keep Apaches, Sioux, Seminoles, etc... herded into ethnic enclaves like Israel does to the native arab population of Israel.

He's following the paradigm established by the post-WWII world into which he was born:

White nations, even non-supremacist ones, doesn't have a right to keep their racial makeup.

At the same time, Indiana faithfully observes another paradigm created after WWII:

The super humanization of the jewish people.

According to this paradigm the jewish people, due to their history of persecution, must be given a free pass to herd the native population of Palestine into ethnic enclaves and create a jewish supremacist state.

Fort Fun Indiana's canine devotion to these two paradigms established in the country he was born, 20th century America, creates an aberration of thought that defies description:

An individual that supports the destruction of the racial composition of non supremacist states like America, Britain, France and Germany and who, at the same time, supports the supremacist racial composition of a jewish racial dictatorship that herds the native arab population into ethnic enclaves in order to create an artificial "jewish majority".
What a bizarre, steaming pile of white supremacist shit.
Because Hamas is incompetent and doesn't value human life, and because they use civilians as human shields, often against their will.
Well maybe you can talk to e.g. Biden to send them US$ 60 Billion in weapons - then they might change their tactics?

You obviously don't understand the entire Middle-East issue. The IDF Goliath against the David Palestinians - who believe that a lucky shot from a slingshot might solve the problem.
Well maybe you can talk to e.g. Biden to send them US$ 60 Billion in weapons - then they might change their tactics?

You obviously don't understand the entire Middle-East issue. The IDF Goliath against the David Palestinians - who believe that a lucky shot from a slingshot might solve the problem.
Not much content in this post.
Kinda getting that vibe.

See how they go hand in hand? Keep that in mind as Putin tries to peg a lot of this on Ukraine.
In Ukraine the majority speak Russian and it’s a more complex situation. Russia didn’t blind side the Ukrainians by attacking a music festival and executing people. Both evil but Hamas took it to another level.
In Ukraine the majority speak Russian and it’s a more complex situation.
The majority of Americans speak English.Time to prepare for invasion?

The last time Ukraine was part of Russia was 1917. Same goes for Finland.

Why didn't Putin invade finland? Because he would have gotten his ass handed to him immediately.

He miscalculated his vain war of aggression. Then he made offensive nuclear threats. Not defensive. Offensive.
The majority of Americans speak English.Time to prepare for invasion?

The last time Ukraine was part of Russia was 1917. Same goes for Finland.

Why didn't Putin invade finland? Because he would have gotten his ass handed to him immediately.

He miscalculated his vain war of aggression. Then he made offensive nuclear threats. Not defensive. Offensive.
Huh. Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union until what 1989? I am saying the situation is different. Russia wants land. Hamas was genocide of the Jews along with land.
But not part of Russia. No more than any other former soviet territory.

Point being, all of the ostensible reasons given by Putin for invading two European countries are total horseshit.
My point is Hamas took this to a different level. Both are wrong. Yet your fellow Libs only condemn Russia. They want the Jews in Israel to be exterminated.

They are animals and you’re their ally.
My point is Hamas took this to a different level.
Gotcha. The Muslim death cult does exactly what they proudly say they will do. They spent years finding a sneaky way to kill some Israelis, and it succeeded.

Yet your fellow Libs only condemn Russia.
As with many on the right. Because it is correct to do so, in the context of Russia invading Ukraine and Georgia.
Gotcha. The Muslim death cult does exactly what they proudly say they will do. They spent years finding a sneaky way to kill some Israelis, and it succeeded.

As with many on the right. Because it is correct to do so, in the context of Russia invading Ukraine and Georgia.
What? You’re double talking.

You’re a simp. I hope Israel levels Gaza and banishes all the Islamists.
Nope. You didn’t. Show me a name and the description as “Palestinian”. I ll wait, little cup.

Like John Smith, American.

Come on little cup.
David Ben-Gurion referred to the Palestinian Arabs’ “national movement” in 1929.

are you even too dumb to know who Arafat is? who founded Fatah in the early 50'ies? and his family relationship to the al-Ḥusaynī family?

Logically you also never heard about Haj Amin Ḥusaynī, the Mufti of Jerusalem , who became the leader of the Palestinian national movement in 1929.
You are another waste of time - bye bye little suckling.

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