Israel will obliterate Hamas and fully occupy Gaza

David Ben-Gurion referred to the Palestinian Arabs’ “national movement” in 1929.

are you even too dumb to know who Arafat is? who founded Fatah in the early 50'ies? and his family relationship to the al-Ḥusaynī family?

Logically you also never heard about Haj Amin Ḥusaynī, the Mufti of Jerusalem , who became the leader of the Palestinian national movement in 1929.
You are another waste of time - bye bye little suckling.
So you have nothing. Not what I asked. Show me one person before 1967 who was labeled as a Palestinian.
Aha I have family there. Hamas wants to eradicate all Jews. Your president called a lid. He is responsible and can’t even talk to the American people. Nice Americans died because of this. You voted for him. You still support him. You’re complicit IMO.
I am not interested in your cult fantasies. You know this.
It will take time. They will be eliminated like the cockroaches that they are.

Israel should do to the Gaza Palestinians what the allies did to the Germans after WWII.

But first they should level GAZA - absolute and total destruction.

After WWII all German soldiers (which was all Germen men between 14 and 60 years old), were sent to labor camps throughout Europe and forced to rebuild everything that had been destroyed in the war. This took about 5 years. Only then were they allowed to return to Germany.

The Israeli's should arrest whatever Gaza residents they do not kill and put them in labor camps. They should be forced to completely rebuild Gaza from scratch. That should take between 5 and 10 years - and make them think twice before risking the destruction of everything they just built.
Not on shore, but in the Black Sea back when it was a Soviet state.

If the Russian population wanted to be part of Russia, there are other ways to accomplish those ends.

Israel should do to the Gaza Palestinians what the allies did to the Germans after WWII.

But first they should level GAZA - absolute and total destruction.

After WWII all German soldiers (which was all Germen men between 14 and 60 years old), were sent to labor camps throughout Europe and forced to rebuild everything that had been destroyed in the war. This took about 5 years. Only then were they allowed to return to Germany.

The Israeli's should arrest whatever Gaza residents they do not kill and put them in labor camps. They should be forced to completely rebuild Gaza from scratch. That should take between 5 and 10 years - and make them think twice before risking the destruction of everything they just built.
Hahahahahah the liberal media would crucify Israel if they did that as would you. Leftist.
I guess. It’s just more complex than what is happening in Israel, which is 100% an attack of genocide
Everything is complex. Before Israel's creation (as a contemporary state) the Jews lived among the Arabs for centuries. And many prospered there.
Hamas is stupid, I don't know what they can gain from this. At most, make Israelis feel 1% of what it's like to be Palestinian, probably less.

There is no way they can win this, or make the Israelis negotiate. Even with hostages.

On the other hand, Israel will commit genocide and Netanyahu even pretty much said so, although not in those words. If the Palestinians kill 600 Israelis, Israel will kill 50,000 Palestinians, at least, probably a lot more.
The Palestinians like to pick fights they are sure to lose.

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