Israel will obliterate Hamas and fully occupy Gaza

I just told you what I think about your unsubstantiated garbage posts - which part is it that you don't understand?

Since there is no Palestinian leader who can credibly offer peace to Israel,

Source? - off course not - just plain dumb and false personal assumptions, becoming your standard post repertoire.
No go and play LEGO or whatever.
It is an observable fact that there is no Palestinian leader that can credibly offer peace to Israel. I understand that that fact undermines your proposals, but denying it only makes you look foolish.
Since 1948 they have endlessly persecuted the Palestinian people - right down to denying them their own homeland - instead stuffing, herding them into economic unsustainable Ghettos called Gaza and West-bank. Doing exactly what they had done before from 1150 BC onward, with the Canaanite, Hyksos, Hittites, etc. who had lived in this area hundreds and thousands of years before. Not to mention constantly attacking/bombing their neighboring, sovereign nations since 1980.

Hebrews are the only group of people known to me, that in general don't integrate/mix with other ethnicities, thus always persistently segregating themselves from others, and wanting to be "special" and having their own cake baked.

Even though they were a nobody - they even managed to aggravate Rome to such an extend that they were wiped out.

You got anymore questions? - read up on your self-written and Faked History book - the Bible - off course it wasn't the Israelite's, it's their God that told them to do so - right? until today!!

Therefore the real question you need to ask yourself is; why does antisemitism exist throughout the entire world?
Didn’t realize 1948 was over 2000 years ago and prior to WW 11. Thanks for the History Lesson
Israel will get what it has now in Judea and Samaria in Gaza once it installs the same kind of military and security presence it now has in Judea and Samaria, which is far more manageable than what is has now in Gaza and is probably the best Israel can hope for for the foreseeable future. Adding five million impoverished, hostile Arabs to the Israeli population would destroy Israel.
Leaving Palestinian territories as formally separated (or even 'independent') entities doesn't resolve the issue. The Palestinian question, 'Two states solution' and similar themes will be surfacing here and there in such scenario.

Anyway, the time will show. I am not sure in capabilities of the Israeli state now, especially its military and security branches. Yesterday, it was seemed as a solid rock. Now, not so sure.

I can't help but admit the 'right' timing of this attack. Virtually on the eve of Saudi-Israeli 'peace' agreement. That could have reshuffled the Middle East. Now, it seems more vague.
DERAIL??? what because you can't accept facts?

Putin's reason for moving Russian troops into Crimea, Donbas/Luhansk underlies the exact same principle as Israel occupying e.g. GAZA. -

SAVE/Protect RUSSIAN LIVES !!! and finally annex land which they believe to belong to them anyway. Which YOU fully support, when it comes to screwing Palestinians and occupying/annexing Gaza and the West-Bank.
This thread is about Israel and Palestine, maboi.
Read up your own garbage to understand as to how stupid and ignorant and bigoted YOU are indeed. Goes basically for all your posts here on USMB.

Show me a single protocol between elected Palestinian-Arab authorities and Zionists/Hebrews council headed by Ben Gurion, regarding a discussion before 1948. You dimwit.

The territory that was to become the Jewish National Home was named Palestine by the Ottomans in 1915 without consulting with (or even alerting) the indigenous Palestinian population. The British later adopted this name in 1920, after obtaining a mandate from the prior Ottoman government in 1922 to govern Palestine .

In 1947, United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) proposed a partition plan to resolve the Arab–Jewish conflict by partitioning Palestine into two states and letting the Palestinians and Jews who immigrated there vote to determine which state they would join. The plan passed in the General Assembly with a two-thirds majority but was opposed, mainly by Arabs. The plan was formally accepted by Britain as the governing authority in Palestine, with no input from any Palestinian Arabs.
Many of them had advocated for a single state in which Jews and Arab Palestinians would have equal rights.

The following day, Jerusalem was captured by the Arab Legion and Violence broken out between Jews and Arabs in various parts of Palestine. The next day, the British government announced its decision to terminate its mandate in Palestine. The State of Israel was proclaimed, an independent Jewish state with its capital in Jerusalem. By the end of the month most Palestinian Arab areas had been occupied by Israel.

Another Ignorant Moronic answer Didn't realize that the above, ( Just one example), and the Holocaust happened AFTER 1948

One other SMALL example in this Country,Moron
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DERAIL??? what because you can't accept facts?

Putin's reason for moving Russian troops into Crimea, Donbas/Luhansk underlies the exact same principle as Israel occupying e.g. GAZA. -

SAVE/Protect RUSSIAN LIVES !!! and finally annex land which they believe to belong to them anyway. Which YOU fully support, when it comes to screwing Palestinians and occupying/annexing Gaza and the West-Bank.
Nope. Not the same. “Palestinian” is a made up term created by Arafat in 1967, little cup.
Leaving Palestinian territories as formally separated (or even 'independent') entities doesn't resolve the issue. The Palestinian question, 'Two states solution' and similar themes will be surfacing here and there in such scenario.

Anyway, the time will show. I am not sure in capabilities of the Israeli state now, especially its military and security branches. Yesterday, it was seemed as a solid rock. Now, not so sure.

I can't help but admit the 'right' timing of this attack. Virtually on the eve of Saudi-Israeli 'peace' agreement. That could have reshuffled the Middle East. Now, it seems more vague.
At this point in time, imo, the Palestinian problem and the Israeli problem are two separate issues. The Palestinians' problem is that they don't have a coherent leadership, and nothing Israel does will help them get one.

The Israeli problem is much simpler and easier to solve: the Israeli government must decide how to best protect its people from Palestinian terrorists.

If I understand you correctly, then I agree that Iran and the Gaza terrorists conspired to launch this war to prevent or at least delay the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
The issues are how to deal with the current situation in Israel. Nobody cares what you think about me.
Then read my post again #151

Otherwise I would strongly recommend the following for you.

It will take time. They will be eliminated like the cockroaches that they are.
And it's about goddamned time...

The biggest enemy that Israel faces now is their own limp-wristed, weak-kneed surrender-monkey LibProg faction...

This is war...

Death to Hamas...

Done in such as way as to spare as many innocent as possible without compromising the effectiveness of the assault...

But insofar as Hamas is concerned...

No more talking...

War to the hilt...

No prisoners...

No mercy.
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Then read my post again #151

Otherwise I would strongly recommend the following for you.

View attachment 840589
I had read your post before, and it does not address the current situation in Israel and Gaza. For Israel, the only relevant question is whether the government can best protect its citizens by continuing to defend the border with Gaza of by reoccupying Gaza and eliminating the terrorists.
Nonsense talker - by far the most wars in Europe since the 12th century amongst nations were conducted on behalf of England, France, Spain, Russia, Sweden and the Ottomans. Some of them stretching for hundreds of years of continued wars.

Peace came to Europe due to the EU and NATO. replacing military conducted expansion, via money and politics.

The same principle applies to the Israeli/Palestinian issue. The initial plan to create a State of Israel and Palestine - both based on an idiotic patchwork of separated and disconnected territories - impossible to guarantee an economic survival as a nation. The Zionists naturally realized this, and took matters (land-allocations) into their own hands - before the UN mandate expired.

Thus creating a connected Israel territory that would allow for an economy to support a population and state. For the Palestinians this was never done nor achieved - a Gaza or a West-bank - simply doesn't work to support an economy and thus creating a peaceful nation.

The only way to solve this dilemma - aside from killing each other for the next 100 years - would be to divide the former Palestine in it's e.g. horizontal width - then choosing which side gets the Northern and Southern part

Please tell us who gets to keep the " entire Jerusalem entity?" If your capable, , which I doubt, do some research . Olmert proposed to Abbas that Jerusalem be declared a INTERNATIONAL CITY FOR EVERYONE and it was REJECTED

. Maybe one part keeping the entire Jerusalem entity or a Palestinian/Jewish council to govern a neutral Jerusalem.

Anything else would and will never work.
It is an observable fact that there is no Palestinian leader that can credibly offer peace to Israel. I understand that that fact undermines your proposals, but denying it only makes you look foolish.
Right, foolish again only being YOU - because you got no idea about the composition of the present Palestinian authorities. nor the name of the present Prime Minister.
Neither are you familiar with the HAMAS political setup - nor any other Palestinian authority nor any Arab states that are in support for the Palestinians and by far their largest financial contributors.

And as long as Israel beholds it most righting government in it's history since 1949 - who are the Palestinians supposed to talk to???

It is absolutely no coincidence that the present Hamas insurgency occurred during the "disputed reign" of Netanyahu - about which "SUPPOSEDLY" the IDF and MOSSAD - "were taken by utter surprise" :cuckoo:

Again I strongly recommend to you

Right, foolish again only being YOU - because you got no idea about the composition of the present Palestinian authorities. nor the name of the present Prime Minister.
Neither are you familiar with the HAMAS political setup - nor any other Palestinian authority nor any Arab states that are in support for the Palestinians and by far their largest financial contributors.

And as long as Israel beholds it most righting government in it's history since 1949 - who are the Palestinians supposed to talk to???

It is absolutely no coincidence that the present Hamas insurgency occurred during the "disputed reign" of Netanyahu - about which "SUPPOSEDLY" the IDF and MOSSAD - "were taken by utter surprise" :cuckoo:

Again I strongly recommend to you

View attachment 840608
In other words, you are unable to name a Palestinian leader who can credibly offer peace to Israel.
Didn’t realize 1948 was over 2000 years ago and prior to WW 11. Thanks for the History Lesson
No problem nitwit - BTW 1150 BC (BC stand for Before Christ) as such 1150 BC is almost 3200 years ago - always willing to help the handicapped.
Originally posted by braalian
Israel HAS limited its response.

The death toll in Gaza is less than half of that of Israel.

They have the capability of killing every person in Gaza with the push of a few buttons.

They won't push shit because they don't want to become oven food again.
I had read your post before, and it does not address the current situation in Israel and Gaza. For Israel, the only relevant question is whether the government can best protect its citizens by continuing to defend the border with Gaza of by reoccupying Gaza and eliminating the terrorists.
Even a nitwit like you should know as to what Israel aka Netanyahu is going to do.

The issue is about how to solve this Palestinian/Israeli conflict peacefully - and killing off Palestinians as in the previous ratio e.g. 1100 Palestinians dead and 13 Israelis - certainly wont solve this.
Even a nitwit like you should know as to what Israel aka Netanyahu is going to do.

The issue is about how to solve this Palestinian/Israeli conflict peacefully - and killing off Palestinians as in the previous ratio e.g. 1100 Palestinians dead and 13 Israelis - certainly wont solve this.
There is no way to solve the conflict, peacefully or otherwise, so the only relevant question for Israel is how best to protect its citizens from Gaza terrorists, and recent experience suggests the best way is to reoccupy Gaza and eliminate the terrorists.
No - but you are even too dumb to read up onto link I forwarded to you.
If you can't name a Palestinian leader who can credibly offer peace to Israel, you have nothing relevant to say about any possible diplomatic solution.
This thread is about Israel and Palestine, maboi.
Kiddo - I stated, that your ignorant statement - reflects to 100% Putin's mindset. Now learn to live with your own ignorance and stop derailing this thread.

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