Israel will obliterate Hamas and fully occupy Gaza

Of course the Palestinians are lying. Check the statistics and you will see less than 8% of Judea and Samaria are occupied by Israeli settlements, but there is no reason why Israel should not build more settlements and expand existing settlements in area C since the Palestinians have shown no interest in making peace with Israel.

In 2022, the West Bank had about 199 settlements and 220 outposts, and as of 2021, the area of the Israeli settlements was about 201.1 square kilometers, representing 3.6 percent of the total area of the West Bank.

That's an opinion, naive at best imo, but at least they have the sense of decency to cite the facts. A sense of decency which you clearly lack.
That's an opinion, naive at best imo, but at least they have the sense of decency to cite the facts. A sense of decency which you clearly lack.
It isn't a naive opinion at all - it's the ONLY way to settle this issue "peacefully" once and for all. That Zionist oppose it since 1948 is known to everybody.
Israel wants to REMOVE Hamas from power and death toll of 700 is likely to rise says military spokesperson as Iron Dome shield intercepts rockets from Gaza: Battles continue after 'worst day in history' for Jewish state
A spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces says they want to end Hamas' ability to govern in Palestine and warns that the current death toll of 700 is likely to rise much higher.

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i sincerely wish them the best of luck.
It isn't a naive opinion at all - it's the ONLY way to settle this issue "peacefully" once and for all. That Zionist oppose it since 1948 is known to everybody.
If you were not so stupid and ignorant and bigoted, you would know that Israel has been trying to make peace with the Arabs since before 1948 and the Arabs have consistently refused. The Palestinians have never shown any interest in making peace with Israel, so there is no rational basis for believing there is a diplomatic solution to these issues now. For the foreseeable future, the only peace Israel will have with the Palestinians is the peace the IDF will bring it. The only way Israel can stop future attacks from Gaza is to reoccupy Gaza and eliminate the terrorists.
Goyim have said and done worse things over 2,000 years STILL can’t answer the question

Since 1948 they have endlessly persecuted the Palestinian people - right down to denying them their own homeland - instead stuffing, herding them into economic unsustainable Ghettos called Gaza and West-bank. Doing exactly what they had done before from 1150 BC onward, with the Canaanite, Hyksos, Hittites, etc. who had lived in this area hundreds and thousands of years before. Not to mention constantly attacking/bombing their neighboring, sovereign nations since 1980.

Hebrews are the only group of people known to me, that in general don't integrate/mix with other ethnicities, thus always persistently segregating themselves from others, and wanting to be "special" and having their own cake baked.

Even though they were a nobody - they even managed to aggravate Rome to such an extend that they were wiped out.

You got anymore questions? - read up on your self-written and Faked History book - the Bible - off course it wasn't the Israelite's, it's their God that told them to do so - right? until today!!

Therefore the real question you need to ask yourself is; why does antisemitism exist throughout the entire world?
If you were not so stupid and ignorant and bigoted, you would know that Israel has been trying to make peace with the Arabs since before 1948 and the Arabs have consistently refused. The Palestinians have never shown any interest in making peace with Israel, so there is no rational basis for believing there is a diplomatic solution to these issues now. For the foreseeable future, the only peace Israel will have with the Palestinians is the peace the IDF will bring it. The only way Israel can stop future attacks from Gaza is to reoccupy Gaza and eliminate the terrorists.
Read up your own garbage to understand as to how stupid and ignorant and bigoted YOU are indeed. Goes basically for all your posts here on USMB.

Show me a single protocol between elected Palestinian-Arab authorities and Zionists/Hebrews council headed by Ben Gurion, regarding a discussion before 1948. You dimwit.

The territory that was to become the Jewish National Home was named Palestine by the Ottomans in 1915 without consulting with (or even alerting) the indigenous Palestinian population. The British later adopted this name in 1920, after obtaining a mandate from the prior Ottoman government in 1922 to govern Palestine .

In 1947, United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) proposed a partition plan to resolve the Arab–Jewish conflict by partitioning Palestine into two states and letting the Palestinians and Jews who immigrated there vote to determine which state they would join. The plan passed in the General Assembly with a two-thirds majority but was opposed, mainly by Arabs. The plan was formally accepted by Britain as the governing authority in Palestine, with no input from any Palestinian Arabs.
Many of them had advocated for a single state in which Jews and Arab Palestinians would have equal rights.

The following day, Jerusalem was captured by the Arab Legion and Violence broken out between Jews and Arabs in various parts of Palestine. The next day, the British government announced its decision to terminate its mandate in Palestine. The State of Israel was proclaimed, an independent Jewish state with its capital in Jerusalem. By the end of the month most Palestinian Arab areas had been occupied by Israel.
RE: Israel will obliterate Hamas and fully occupy Gaza
SUBTOPIC: War on Terrorism - Part II
※→ peacefan, et al,

This is a rather naive perspective.

yes, all videos of military actions that involve actions against the disarmed or innocent, are gruesome to watch.

but this is still a very limited death count, and should be 'answered' as such.

Anyone who has served in combat knows that the greater the kill ratio, they better-off you and your unit are. There is no such thing as "You kill one of us and we will only kill one of you. (
That is ridicules.)

Do unto others before they do you. Do it first and do it just as hard as you possibly can. Make them suffer and make them very afraid to engage you further. Anything short of that will get you killed.

The only reason that the designated terrorist were able to pull this off is that the Israelis have relaxed their intelligence and security measures on the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP).


Netanyahoo has himself in a pickle. Hamas has created a tactical issue for Israel. Then you have Hezzbolla in the North, who is armed to the teeth.
you seem gleeful over this. This is the doings of Biden and Obama and I hope you
ready for the consequences here. This is what's wrong with the democrats.
Syrians are coming across our borders...and they don't care if you are a democrat.. You're an american. These people are brutes..and looking for a fight. You better toughen up.

Joe did this. Either he's REALLY STUPID and/or this was on purpose.
Read up your own garbage to understand as to how stupid and ignorant and bigoted YOU are indeed. Goes basically for all your posts here on USMB.

Show me a single protocol between elected Palestinian-Arab authorities and Zionists/Hebrews council headed by Ben Gurion, regarding a discussion before 1948. You dimwit.

The territory that was to become the Jewish National Home was named Palestine by the Ottomans in 1915 without consulting with (or even alerting) the indigenous Palestinian population. The British later adopted this name in 1920, after obtaining a mandate from the prior Ottoman government in 1922 to govern Palestine .

In 1947, United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) proposed a partition plan to resolve the Arab–Jewish conflict by partitioning Palestine into two states and letting the Palestinians and Jews who immigrated there vote to determine which state they would join. The plan passed in the General Assembly with a two-thirds majority but was opposed, mainly by Arabs. The plan was formally accepted by Britain as the governing authority in Palestine, with no input from any Palestinian Arabs.
Many of them had advocated for a single state in which Jews and Arab Palestinians would have equal rights.

The following day, Jerusalem was captured by the Arab Legion and Violence broken out between Jews and Arabs in various parts of Palestine. The next day, the British government announced its decision to terminate its mandate in Palestine. The State of Israel was proclaimed, an independent Jewish state with its capital in Jerusalem. By the end of the month most Palestinian Arab areas had been occupied by Israel.
There were no elected Palestinian Arab authorities until the PA was established after the Oslo Accords were accepted by both parties and there have been only intermittent elections among the Palestinians since, and the leadership of the Palestinians is split between various groups so that there is no Palestinian leader that can credibly offer peace to Israel, making your notions of a diplomatic solution nonsense.

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