Israel will obliterate Hamas and fully occupy Gaza


yeah...that's what i'm thinking. THEY. KNEW.
Israeli annexation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is the only solution to the Palestine issue. The ship called 'Two states for two nations' sailed a long time ago.

Yes, the State of Israel was created within a smaller set of the borders. And there are a number of the UN resolutions supporting the Palestinian cause. But these resolutions don't work and can't work because they don't include the situation on the ground. There were a number of the Israeli-Arab wars where the Arabs lost. They should accept the reality.

Is Israel capable of doing so? Who knows, the time will show. It seems that its armed forces and security agencies were greatly overvalued. Besides, what to do with the Arab population there? It is quite doubtful Israel can 'integrate' a couple of millions Arab people more into their society, considering their current Arab population.
Europe is still more peaceful than the US is, judging by what Fox News US and my own national TV news air.

The white areas are safer than Europe, according to crime stats. You confuse hood rat infestations and barrios with the entire country. Those are concentrated in large cities largely run by left wing criminals and gangsters who have a vested interest in keeping them stupid and violent, especially black politicians.
No one forced Egypt to seek peace with Israel after the 1973 war, but once it did, the US facilitated the process just as it had in Europe after WWII. Normalization of relations with Israel among other Arab states is still a work in progress, but only those states under the control of Iran are still actively looking for conflict with Israel. This is clear progress toward peace in the ME.

Actually Egypt came under its own destabilization by terrorists, like the Muslim Brotherhood, as the Soviet Union's economy collapsed in 1973 and they needed to find new military equipment providers in the aftermath of the Yom Kippur war. Their defeat by Israel and the collapse of the Soviet Union's economy left both the Soviets and Egypt dependent on European and American imports and aid.
Israeli annexation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is the only solution to the Palestine issue. The ship called 'Two states for two nations' sailed a long time ago.

Yes, the State of Israel was created within a smaller set of the borders. And there are a number of the UN resolutions supporting the Palestinian cause. But these resolutions don't work and can't work because they don't include the situation on the ground. There were a number of the Israeli-Arab wars where the Arabs lost. They should accept the reality.

Is Israel capable of doing so? Who knows, the time will show. It seems that its armed forces and security agencies were greatly overvalued. Besides, what to do with the Arab population there? It is quite doubtful Israel can 'integrate' a couple of millions Arab people more into their society, considering their current Arab population.
The Palestinian issue is not Israel's responsibility to solve. The responsibility of the Israeli government is to protect the Israeli people from the Palestinians terrorists and that can best be accomplished by reoccupying, but not annexing Gaza and hunting down and eliminating the terrorists.
There were no elected Palestinian Arab authorities until the PA was established after the Oslo Accords were accepted by both parties and there have been only intermittent elections among the Palestinians since, and the leadership of the Palestinians is split between various groups so that there is no Palestinian leader that can credibly offer peace to Israel, making your notions of a diplomatic solution nonsense.
You are the dimwit - not me, who had stated:

that Israel has been trying to make peace with the Arabs since before 1948 and the Arabs have consistently refused. The Palestinians have never shown any interest in making peace with Israel, so there is no rational basis for believing there is a diplomatic solution to these issues now.

Now you bring in the totally failed Oslo Accords

The redeployment of Israeli security forces and elections for the PA as specified in the Oslo II agreement were carried out as planned. But the Oslo process confronted its first major hurdle on November 4, 1995, when Rabin was assassinated by a Jewish extremist after attending a peace rally. Israel’s 1996 election, reflecting the growing concerns of the Israeli public over national security, brought to power Benjamin Nethanyahu, an outspoken critic of the Oslo Accords.

The Palestinians, who had been promised self-governance within a timeline of five years, felt unjustly deprived by the whims of Israeli politics, while Israelis were increasingly suspicious of the PLO’s ability to prevent attacks. In mid-2000 Jerusalem proved to be the most contentious of the outstanding matters. After talks broke down, Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon made a provocative visit to the Temple Mount (where Al-Agsa Mosque one of Islams holiest sites, stands). The visit ignited an uprising from the Palestinians, and the new Intifada (often dubbed “Al-Aqṣā intifada”) brought the Oslo process to a halt.

The only great Israeli after 1973, was Yitzhak Rabin - and also the only Israeli Prime-Minister that was all out for peace. Naturally assassinated by an Israeli hardliner.
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Israeli annexation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is the only solution to the Palestine issue. The ship called 'Two states for two nations' sailed a long time ago.
Putin fully agrees with you - that's why he decided to annex the Crimea and Donbas/Luhansk.
The Palestinian issue is not Israel's responsibility to solve. The responsibility of the Israeli government is to protect the Israeli people from the Palestinians terrorists and that can best be accomplished by reoccupying, but not annexing Gaza and hunting down and eliminating the terrorists.
Reoccupying without annexation means nothing. In 5, 10 or 15 years you will get what you have now.
You are the dimwit - not me, who had stated:

that Israel has been trying to make peace with the Arabs since before 1948 and the Arabs have consistently refused. The Palestinians have never shown any interest in making peace with Israel, so there is no rational basis for believing there is a diplomatic solution to these issues now.
Now you bring in the totally failed Oslo Accords

The redeployment of Israeli security forces and elections for the PA as specified in the Oslo II agreement were carried out as planned. But the Oslo process confronted its first major hurdle on November 4, 1995, when Rabin was assassinated by a Jewish extremist after attending a peace rally. Israel’s 1996 election, reflecting the growing concerns of the Israeli public over national security, brought to power Benjamin Nethanyahu, an outspoken critic of the Oslo Accords.

The Palestinians, who had been promised self-governance within a timeline of five years, felt unjustly deprived by the whims of Israeli politics, while Israelis were increasingly suspicious of the PLO’s ability to prevent attacks. In mid-2000 Jerusalem proved to be the most contentious of the outstanding matters. After talks broke down, Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon made a provocative visit to the Temple Mount (where Al-Agsa Mosque one of Islams holiest sites, stands). The visit ignited an uprising from the Palestinians, and the new Intifada (often dubbed “Al-Aqṣā intifada”) brought the Oslo process to a halt.

The only great Israeli after 1973, was Yitzhak Rabin - and also the only Israeli Prime-Minister that was all out for peace. Naturally assassinated by an Israeli hardliner.
Irrelevant nonsense. There are only two relevant facts today.

Since there is no Palestinian leader who can credibly offer peace to Israel, there is no possible diplomatic solution to the conflict nor is there likely to be in the foreseeable future.

Recent experience makes it clear that the Israeli government cannot adequately protect its citizens by only defending the border with Gaza and it will be necessary for Israel to reoccupy Gaza and eliminate the terrorists to protect the Israeli people.
Putin fully agrees with you - that's why he decided to annex the Crimea and Donbas/Luhansk.
Do not derail the thread. If you want to compare Gaza/Crimea annexation, start another thread.
The head of the snake is Iran, a regime change in Iran would cause all these terrorist savages under Iran’s payroll to collapse. It doesn’t help that Bidumb like his predecessor Obama sent billions to Iran’s Islamonazi thugs, that are killing and oppressing their own people. So we need a regime change here in the US as well.
Reoccupying without annexation means nothing. In 5, 10 or 15 years you will get what you have now.
Israel will get what it has now in Judea and Samaria in Gaza once it installs the same kind of military and security presence it now has in Judea and Samaria, which is far more manageable than what is has now in Gaza and is probably the best Israel can hope for for the foreseeable future. Adding five million impoverished, hostile Arabs to the Israeli population would destroy Israel.
Israel will get what it has now in Judea and Samaria in Gaza once it installs the same kind of military and security presence it now has in Judea and Samaria, which is far more manageable than what is has now in Gaza and is probably the best Israel can hope for for the foreseeable future. Adding five million impoverished, hostile Arabs to the Israeli population would destroy Israel.
They can always go back to the neighboring Arab countries they came from. Problem is the Arab countries don’t want to take back their own trash.
Irrelevant nonsense. There are only two relevant facts today.

Since there is no Palestinian leader who can credibly offer peace to Israel, there is no possible diplomatic solution to the conflict nor is there likely to be in the foreseeable future.

Recent experience makes it clear that the Israeli government cannot adequately protect its citizens by only defending the border with Gaza and it will be necessary for Israel to reoccupy Gaza and eliminate the terrorists to protect the Israeli people.
The only one that continuously post PERSONAL garbage is you - no sources whatsoever as usual - You and your posts are a pure waste of time.
Do not derail the thread. If you want to compare Gaza/Crimea annexation, start another thread.
DERAIL??? what because you can't accept facts?

Putin's reason for moving Russian troops into Crimea, Donbas/Luhansk underlies the exact same principle as Israel occupying e.g. GAZA. -

SAVE/Protect RUSSIAN LIVES !!! and finally annex land which they believe to belong to them anyway. Which YOU fully support, when it comes to screwing Palestinians and occupying/annexing Gaza and the West-Bank.
In other words you have nothing to say about the issues.
I just told you what I think about your unsubstantiated garbage posts - which part is it that you don't understand?

Since there is no Palestinian leader who can credibly offer peace to Israel,

Source? - off course not - just plain dumb and false personal assumptions, becoming your standard post repertoire.
No go and play LEGO or whatever.

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