Israel will obliterate Hamas and fully occupy Gaza

Thousands homeless as Israel airstrikes pound Gaza
Air strikes have displaced more than 123,000 Palestinians in Gaza, which is facing the full force of the Israeli military after Hama launched an unprecedented attack on Israel. Gaza residents were warned to leave but a 15-year blockade meant most were trapped in the besieged enclave.

Remote : 2023-10-09(Monday) 05 : 30 : 14
Local : 2023-10-09(Monday) 05 : 30 : 14

Found via NicerApp WebOS

the Israelis are already losing that all-important grip on the moral highground...
nonsense, i hold several beliefs that even conflict with each other from time to time, beliefs that may conflict with reality from time to time,
yet i function like any ordinary atheist thinker would; rationally and sensibly.
That's exactly what you would believe if your mind were possessed by a belief. There is no rational basis for you to think peace with the Gaza terrorists if Israel leaves them in control of Gaza.

You are a perfect example of what Bolt was talking about.
Silly stuff. The only reason this attack came from Gaza and not from Judea and Samaria is that the IDF is still in Judea and Samaria and not in Gaza.

Israel would have much rather negotiated peace with the Palestinians, and that's why in 2000 Israel offered the PA 93% of the land in Gaza and Judea and Samaria with an overpass between Gaza and Judea, but the Palestinians responded with the second intifada, and why Israel offered it again, with more land and joint jurisdiction over Jerusalem and Abbas refused to accept it, and that's why Israel withdrew from Gaza and closed outlying settlements in Samaria, but that just led to more terrorist attacks.

No rational analysis the Palestinians' repeated refusal to accept peace with Israel and the fact that there is no Palestinian leader today that can credibly offer peace would lead someone to believe a negotiated peace with the Palestinians is possible, and that means there is no rational alternative to reoccupying Gaza and eliminating the terrorists if Israel is to protect its people from more and larger invasions from Gaza.
you gotta worry about the future instead of the past.
that means Israel needs to stay not only militarily superior, but morally as well, which means they gotta keep offering the Palestinians sweeter and sweeter peace deals.
That's exactly what you would believe if your mind were possessed by a belief. There is no rational basis for you to think peace with the Gaza terrorists if Israel leaves them in control of Gaza.

You are a perfect example of what Bolt was talking about.
why do soldiers of the opposing side always have to get called terrorists these days huh?

and leaving the Palestinians with less and less territory each year certainly hasn't helped the Israelis, as evidenced by this latest series of attacks.
Aside from the Arab/Muslim countries, who will always hate Israel no matter what, I actually think you’re wrong about that.

I think people are deeply disgusted by the surprise attack, the scale of it, taking hostages from a music festival, all of it.

People will support Israel, even if they go so far as to occupy or even annex Gaza. This is truly a turning point in international opinion, and not one in the Palestinians favor.
I wish I could agree with you, but past experience has shown us that most of the world, including most Europeans will take little notice of the Israelis killed and denounce Israel for taking measures to stop the violence.
you gotta worry about the future instead of the past.
that means Israel needs to stay not only militarily superior, but morally as well, which means they gotta keep offering the Palestinians sweeter and sweeter peace deals.
There is no rational basis for thinking any negotiations with the Palestinians will lead to peace; on the contrary, such efforts have led to more violence, not peace. For starters, there is no Palestinian leader who can credibly offer peace to Israel. Only the reoccupation of Gaza can prevent future attacks like this one.
Jerusalem – has been illegally occupied by Israel since 1967. Since then, the Israeli government has established a two-tiered legal and political system that provides comprehensive rights for Jewish Israeli settlers while imposing military rule and control on Palestinians without any basic protections or rights under international law. The Israeli government has also engaged in a regular practice of inhumane acts, as well as extrajudicial killings, torture, denial of fundamental human rights, arbitrary detention and collective punishment. The UN Human Rights Council-mandated Commission of Inquiry (CoI) on the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), including East Jerusalem, and Israel concluded in June 2022 that continued occupation, as well as discrimination against Palestinians, are the key causes of recurrent instability and protraction of conflict in the region
Jerusalem is the religious, spiritual and eternal capital of the Jewish people, not part of the IslamoNazi Arab caliphate.
Aside from the Arab/Muslim countries, who will always hate Israel no matter what, I actually think you’re wrong about that.

I think people are deeply disgusted by the surprise attack, the scale of it, taking hostages from a music festival, all of it.

People will support Israel, even if they go so far as to occupy or even annex Gaza. This is truly a turning point in international opinion, and not one in the Palestinians favor.
Correct, once Israel is done, there will not be anything left for a two state solution.
Thousands homeless as Israel airstrikes pound Gaza
Air strikes have displaced more than 123,000 Palestinians in Gaza, which is facing the full force of the Israeli military after Hama launched an unprecedented attack on Israel. Gaza residents were warned to leave but a 15-year blockade meant most were trapped in the besieged enclave.

Remote : 2023-10-09(Monday) 05 : 30 : 14
Local : 2023-10-09(Monday) 05 : 30 : 14
Found via NicerApp WebOS

the Israelis are already losing that all-important grip on the moral highground...
Elections have consequences. This is what you get when you keep voting for a corrupt terrorist organization as your leadership, who is beholden to Iran.
why do soldiers of the opposing side always have to get called terrorists these days huh?

and leaving the Palestinians with less and less territory each year certainly hasn't helped the Israelis, as evidenced by this latest series of attacks.
Were you thinking rationally, you would realize that the present attack is the result of giving the Palestinians more land, withdrawing from Gaza, not less.
First step of the Obliteration of Hamas has begun. More to come. I bet the Hamas leader is peeing in his pants now. His days are numbered, he will be found

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Your idiotic statement of "Goyim" proofs me right. - thanks.

BTW - who is "us" - you consider yourself to be Israel's spokesperson or it's Chief Rabbi?
Goyim have said and done worse things over 2,000 years STILL can’t answer the question
well, either the Israelis or Palestinians are lying then.
the maps that Palestinians present, see a reduction of territory for Palestinians in the West Bank as well.
Of course the Palestinians are lying. Check the statistics and you will see less than 8% of Judea and Samaria are occupied by Israeli settlements, but there is no reason why Israel should not build more settlements and expand existing settlements in area C since the Palestinians have shown no interest in making peace with Israel.

In 2022, the West Bank had about 199 settlements and 220 outposts, and as of 2021, the area of the Israeli settlements was about 201.1 square kilometers, representing 3.6 percent of the total area of the West Bank.


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