Israel will obliterate Hamas and fully occupy Gaza

Please tell us how the Jews have been “ professional troublemakers “ since 1200 BC you GOYIM
Your idiotic statement of "Goyim" proofs me right. - thanks.

BTW - who is "us" - you consider yourself to be Israel's spokesperson or it's Chief Rabbi?
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RE: Israel will obliterate Hamas and fully occupy Gaza
SUBTOPIC: War on Terrorism - Part II
※→ Anti-Israeli and Pro-Paalestinian Supporters, and all the Terrorist in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Jerusalem, et al,

You have probably made a big mistake.

You deserve any retribution served-up.

No country in the world would stand for what you have done. The gloves are off now. You can't whine about war crimes now...

You have done a very grave disservice to the trust and integrity of Arab Palestinians worldwide.


My heart goes out to all those Israeli families that have lost loved ones, and to the families that have had relatives taken hostage in the conflict thus far.


Just My Thoughts and Concerns,
Sharon, to be exact. Bush encouraged it.

American Presidents since Carter have all been pretty naive and stupid in dealing with Arabs.
i disagree.

‘Everyone Was Surprised’: Palestinians in Gaza React to Conflict
While recovering from Israel’s retaliatory airstrikes, Gaza residents expressed surprise and shock at the brazen attack by Hamas on Israeli soil.

Remote : Mon, 09 Oct 2023 00:26:28 +0000
Local : 2023-10-09(Monday) 02 : 26 : 28

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it's not just the Palestinian leaderships you gotta worry about.
you have to worry about general public opinion as well,
in the battles to retain the moral highground.
yep - the Palestinians and Iran fully agree with you. ;)

That is very likely to happen.
ah, but for how long will the Israelis occupy the Gaza Strip?
again, that pesky public opinion comes into play, and pretty soon too.
yes, all videos of military actions that involve actions against the disarmed or innocent, are gruesome to watch.

but this is still a very limited death count, and should be 'answered' as such.

I'm not talking about that

I'm talking about Hamas murders!

Don't twist my words
yes, all videos of military actions that involve actions against the disarmed or innocent, are gruesome to watch.

but this is still a very limited death count, and should be 'answered' as such.
Israel HAS limited its response.

The death toll in Gaza is less than half of that of Israel.

They have the capability of killing every person in Gaza with the push of a few buttons.
Israel HAS limited its response.

The death toll in Gaza is less than half of that of Israel.

They have the capability of killing every person in Gaza with the push of a few buttons.
excellent. i hope it stays that way!

not because i like Hamas, or the Palestinian leaderships,
but because i want to see less warfare in the future.

of course, i could now simply be told "tell it to Hamas and Hezbollah",
but i'd rather chip away at their international support among Muslims on forums like
excellent. i hope it stays that way!

not because i like Hamas, or the Palestinian leaderships,
but because i want to see less warfare in the future.

of course, i could now simply be told "tell it to Hamas and Hezbollah",
but i'd rather chip away at their international support among Muslims on forums like
That's a plan for endless war between Israel and the Palestinian terrorists. The only rational response to this invasion is for Israel to acknowledge the withdrawal from Gaza was a mistake and to reoccupy Gaza and hunt down and eliminate the terrorists.
That's a plan for endless war between Israel and the Palestinian terrorists. The only rational response to this invasion is for Israel to acknowledge the withdrawal from Gaza was a mistake and to reoccupy Gaza and hunt down and eliminate the terrorists.

The ME has always been at war, and for several millennia before the 20th Century. War is normal in that region. War is normal for a lot of the planet, actually, something Americans are oblivious to, having two giant moats between us and the rest of the world.
The ME has always been at war, and for several millennia before the 20th Century. War is normal in that region. War is normal for a lot of the planet, actually, something Americans are oblivious to, having to giant moats between us and the rest of the world.
The same could be said of Western Europe for much of the 20th century. Things change.

Peace came to Europe after the forced expulsion of ethnic Germans from surrounding countries. Maybe time for Israel to expel the Palestinians.
The same could be said of Western Europe for much of the 20th century. Things change.

Peace came to Europe after the forced expulsion of ethnic Germans from surrounding countries. Maybe time for Israel to expel the Palestinians.

Peace came because the US forced it on some other big nations, and kept a lot of the little wars localized. With its hegemony collapsing, the power vacuum is getting larger and larger and wars will get bigger and bigger. Only idiots, drunks, and stoners are deluded into believing we can stay out of it all and they will all leave us alone n stuff.
The only rational response to this invasion is for Israel to acknowledge the withdrawal from Gaza was a mistake and to reoccupy Gaza and hunt down and eliminate the terrorists.
Spoken like a true Hamas spokesperson - keep going.

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