Israeli Apartheid

Fouad Ajami: Self-inflicted Arab plight…

“The UN vote in 1947 was viewed as Israel's basic title to independence and statehood. The Palestinians and the Arab powers had rejected partition and chosen the path of war. Their choice was to prove calamitous.

By the time the guns had fallen silent, the Yishuv, the Jewish community in Palestine, had held its ground against the combined armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq. Its forces stood on the shores of the Red Sea in the south, and at the foot of the Golan Heights in the north. Palestinian society had collapsed under the pressure of war. The elites had made their way to neighboring lands. Rural communities had been left atomized and leaderless. The cities had fought, and fallen, alone.

Palestine had become a great Arab shame. Few Arabs were willing to tell the story truthfully, to face its harsh verdict. Henceforth the Palestinians would live on a vague idea of restoration and return. No leader had the courage to tell the refugees who had left Acre and Jaffa and Haifa that they could not recover the homes and orchards of their imagination.

Some had taken the keys to their houses with them to Syria and Lebanon and across the river to Jordan. They were no more likely to find political satisfaction than the Jews who had been banished from Baghdad and Beirut and Cairo, and Casablanca and Fez, but the idea of return, enshrined into a "right of return," would persist. (Wadi Abu Jamil, the Jewish quarter of the Beirut of my boyhood, is now a Hezbollah stronghold, and no narrative exalts or recalls that old presence.)”

The U.N. Can't Deliver a Palestinian State
Obfuscation city.

This does not address my post.
You have a problem with basic reading comprehension. Fouad Ajami admits that Arabs were responsible for Arabs fleeing in the ‘48 War, resulting in Arab refugeedom.
The 1948 war was not the cause of the refugees.
Originally posted by Lipush
The war started with the brutal attack on the 2094 Egged bus driving from Netanya to Jerusalem on november 30, 2914.

The passengers didn't butcher themselves.

What did you expect them to do?

A bunch of europeans were about to split their homeland in half.

The palestinian participation in the 1948 war was very small... it couldn't have justified the ethnic cleasing of so many villages.

Their participation was almost insignificant not because the arabs were pacifists or didn't oppose Zionism, I give you that. It was small and weak because they had been utterly routed by Britain with the help of the Zionists in 1936.
What did you expect them to do?

A bunch of europeans were about to split their homeland in half.

The palestinian participation in the 1948 war was very small... it couldn't have justified the ethnic cleasing of so many villages.

Their participation was almost insignificant not because the arabs were pacifists or didn't oppose Zionism, I give you that. It was small and weak because they had been utterly routed by Britain with the help of the Zionists in 1936.

"The palestinian participation in the 1948 war was very small"

You'll have to explain this one to me. Where the Jews fighting themselves or the Arabs?
Originally posted by Lipush
You'll have to explain this one to me. Where the Jews fighting themselves or the Arabs?

You cited a typical example of the palestinian resistence in 48:

The attack on the bus from Netanya.

It was a terrible tragedy for the passengers and their family members... But did it threaten the existence of the state of Israel?

It didn't threaten the road itself let alone the country of Israel because it was a guerrilla attack, they didn't hold the territory, they attacked and immediately ran away.

The majority of the guerrilla attacks before the arab armies entered the war was carried out by guerrilla groups from outside of Palestine such as the ALA (Arab Liberation Army). The ambushes along the Tel Aviv - Jerusalem road never threatened the posession of the road itself either let alone the country and were easily defeated.

When you subtract these guerrilla attacks carried out by arabs from abroad from the total number you inevitably conclude that the genuinely palestinian attacks were few, you conclude that the native resistance was poor.

I imagine the history books you studied as a young lady at school depicted a fight to the death between the Jews and the native arab population but the historic reality is that Ben Gurion didn't even take the foreign arab militia groups seriously, they were just a nuisance to Israel's leaders... The native palestinian resistance groups probably not even that... they were regarded as a joke.

In December, January, February, March, etc... the country was preparing itself for the upcoming REAL, SERIOUS war against the combined armies of the arab countries.
What did you expect them to do?

A bunch of europeans were about to split their homeland in half.

The palestinian participation in the 1948 war was very small... it couldn't have justified the ethnic cleasing of so many villages.

Their participation was almost insignificant not because the arabs were pacifists or didn't oppose Zionism, I give you that. It was small and weak because they had been utterly routed by Britain with the help of the Zionists in 1936.
Whose homeland? Arafat was Egyptian.

What did you expect them to do?

A bunch of europeans were about to split their homeland in half.

The palestinian participation in the 1948 war was very small... it couldn't have justified the ethnic cleasing of so many villages.

Their participation was almost insignificant not because the arabs were pacifists or didn't oppose Zionism, I give you that. It was small and weak because they had been utterly routed by Britain with the help of the Zionists in 1936.
Where in Europe was Jesus and his family from?
“All of Jesus’ friends, associates, colleagues, disciples, all of them were Jews.”

Jesus Many Faces - He Was Born, Lived And Died As A Jew | From Jesus To Christ | FRONTLINE | PBS
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What did you expect them to do?

A bunch of europeans were about to split their homeland in half.

The palestinian participation in the 1948 war was very small... it couldn't have justified the ethnic cleasing of so many villages.

Their participation was almost insignificant not because the arabs were pacifists or didn't oppose Zionism, I give you that. It was small and weak because they had been utterly routed by Britain with the help of the Zionists in 1936.
Whose homeland? Before Arabs even existed in the world, ancient mosaics of Biblical stories in 5th century Jewish synagogue in Israel

What did you expect them to do?

A bunch of europeans were about to split their homeland in half.

The palestinian participation in the 1948 war was very small... it couldn't have justified the ethnic cleasing of so many villages.

Their participation was almost insignificant not because the arabs were pacifists or didn't oppose Zionism, I give you that. It was small and weak because they had been utterly routed by Britain with the help of the Zionists in 1936.
How are there “Palestinians” when the word “Palestine” is Hebrew in origin, referring to Philistines who were related to Greeks and are extinct? Their identify is fake, while the Jewish identity dates back thousands of years, identified in the Old Testament, New Testament, Quran, and other ancient sources.

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What did you expect them to do?

A bunch of europeans were about to split their homeland in half.

The palestinian participation in the 1948 war was very small... it couldn't have justified the ethnic cleasing of so many villages.

Their participation was almost insignificant not because the arabs were pacifists or didn't oppose Zionism, I give you that. It was small and weak because they had been utterly routed by Britain with the help of the Zionists in 1936.
Ethnic cleansing? 2 million+ Arabs live in Israel. In the 1940s, the total Arab population was about 40 Million—Today, the Arab population totals over 400 Million. Only time in history a people targeted for ethnic cleansing has INCREASED exponentially in size! LOL!
"The palestinian participation in the 1948 war was very small"

You'll have to explain this one to me. Were hose the Jews fighting themselves or the Arabs?

What did you expect them to do?

A bunch of europeans were about to split their homeland in half.

The palestinian participation in the 1948 war was very small... it couldn't have justified the ethnic cleasing of so many villages.

Their participation was almost insignificant not because the arabs were pacifists or didn't oppose Zionism, I give you that. It was small and weak because they had been utterly routed by Britain with the help of the Zionists in 1936.
Whose homeland?

Italian Art Society: Arch of Titus depicting Roman siege of Jewish Temple in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago.

“On 5 June 70 CE during the Siege of Jerusalem, Titus and his Roman legions breached the city’s middle wall, the decisive event of the First Jewish-Roman War that culminated in the destruction of the Second Temple. The future Emperor (r. 79-81) had led attacks since mid-May, when he turned his attention to breaking through Jerusalem’s surrounding fortification walls. During a secret attack, Roman forces, unable to breach the Antonia Fortress, set fire to the Temple Mount. It seems unlikely that Titus intended to destroy the Temple from the start, considering it had been recently renovated by Herod the Great (r. 37-4 BCE). The Roman general’s plan was likely to seize the building and rededicate it to the Roman Emperor (Titus’ father Vespasian r. 69-79) and the Roman pantheon. The Temple succumbed to the flames in the beginning of August, a loss mourned by Jews to this day with the commemorative fast of Tisha B’Av (ninth day of Av).

For the Romans, however, The Sack of Jerusalem, fully completed by 7 September, was a great victory. The triumphant return and military parade was commemorated with the construction of the Arch of Titus at the end of the Roman Forum. The monument was ordered by Emperor Domitian (r. 81-96) to honor his brother who had died unexpectedly in 81 CE. The monument – a large round-headed arch – is of the type made famous by Roman architects throughout the empire. The Arch of Titus is the oldest such arch to survive in Rome.”

On 5 June 70 CE during the Siege of Jerusalem, Titus and his Roman legions breached the city’s middle wall. – Italian Art Society
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Ethnic cleansing? 2 million+ Arabs live in Israel. In the 1940s, the total Arab population was about 40 Million—Today, the Arab population totals over 400 Million. Only time in history a people targeted for ethnic cleansing has INCREASED exponentially in size! LOL!
It is not about numbers. It is about location.
It is not about numbers. It is about location.
2 million+ Arabs in Israel: Apparently, Jews are not very good at ethnic cleansing.

Providing life-saving medical care for Palestinians. “All the people that I know gets the treatment from Israel, they say that is better because the doctors here are good,' says the mother of a Palestinian girl.”


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