Israeli-Arab women protest violence in sector

The murdering pig RASHID BAZ had intensive community support
and high level legal defense-----he was a hero of the muslim
community for aiming 45 calbre bullets at the heads of
a van full of jewish adolescents --------

Never heard of him so I looked him up in Wikipedia - not much info really, and nothing about "intensive community support".

However, there is a really funny irony in the accounting. He apparently tried to use a lame PTSD defense - that what he did was in reaction to a murder that had occurred 4 days previously. Baruch Goldstein massacured 29 people and wounded another 125 worshippers in Hebron.

Now, the good thing is the Jury did not buy Baruch's defense and convicted him and, Goldstein too was convicted and his actions widely condemned by the Israeli government who came down hard on settlers.

But that takes us to the next step: "intensive community support". Something you allege because he had a "high powered" criminal lawyer. In absense of any sort of community demonstrations, petitions or vigils on his behalf following the shooting, I seriously question wither he had much community support though he was lauded abroad by Hamas (no surprise there). However, if you take a look at the wiki liink for Goldstein, you will see that he was regarded as a hero amongst settler extremists and his grave became a pilgrimage spot, including a shrine before the Israeli government forceably dismantled it. Now that is "community support".

as was NOSAIR---the murdering pig for his act of murder---
he prayed too.

Don't see much support from the American Muslim community.

the bomber boys bostoni----are a different issue-----there are
some atrocities that even Goebbels would not try to defend---

There is little evidence of your "intensive community support" in any of those examples.
The murdering pig RASHID BAZ had intensive community support
and high level legal defense-----he was a hero of the muslim
community for aiming 45 calbre bullets at the heads of
a van full of jewish adolescents --------

Never heard of him so I looked him up in Wikipedia - not much info really, and nothing about "intensive community support".

However, there is a really funny irony in the accounting. He apparently tried to use a lame PTSD defense - that what he did was in reaction to a murder that had occurred 4 days previously. Baruch Goldstein massacured 29 people and wounded another 125 worshippers in Hebron.

Now, the good thing is the Jury did not buy Baruch's defense and convicted him and, Goldstein too was convicted and his actions widely condemned by the Israeli government who came down hard on settlers.

But that takes us to the next step: "intensive community support". Something you allege because he had a "high powered" criminal lawyer. In absense of any sort of community demonstrations, petitions or vigils on his behalf following the shooting, I seriously question wither he had much community support though he was lauded abroad by Hamas (no surprise there). However, if you take a look at the wiki liink for Goldstein, you will see that he was regarded as a hero amongst settler extremists and his grave became a pilgrimage spot, including a shrine before the Israeli government forceably dismantled it. Now that is "community support".

as was NOSAIR---the murdering pig for his act of murder---
he prayed too.

Don't see much support from the American Muslim community.

the bomber boys bostoni----are a different issue-----there are
some atrocities that even Goebbels would not try to defend---

There is little evidence of your "intensive community support" in any of those examples.

Just wanted to clear up an error here. Baruch Goldstein was killed immediately after committing the massacre. He was not put on trial.
The murdering pig RASHID BAZ had intensive community support
and high level legal defense-----he was a hero of the muslim
community for aiming 45 calbre bullets at the heads of
a van full of jewish adolescents --------

Never heard of him so I looked him up in Wikipedia - not much info really, and nothing about "intensive community support".

However, there is a really funny irony in the accounting. He apparently tried to use a lame PTSD defense - that what he did was in reaction to a murder that had occurred 4 days previously. Baruch Goldstein massacured 29 people and wounded another 125 worshippers in Hebron.

Now, the good thing is the Jury did not buy Baruch's defense and convicted him and, Goldstein too was convicted and his actions widely condemned by the Israeli government who came down hard on settlers.

But that takes us to the next step: "intensive community support". Something you allege because he had a "high powered" criminal lawyer. In absense of any sort of community demonstrations, petitions or vigils on his behalf following the shooting, I seriously question wither he had much community support though he was lauded abroad by Hamas (no surprise there). However, if you take a look at the wiki liink for Goldstein, you will see that he was regarded as a hero amongst settler extremists and his grave became a pilgrimage spot, including a shrine before the Israeli government forceably dismantled it. Now that is "community support".

Don't see much support from the American Muslim community.

the bomber boys bostoni----are a different issue-----there are
some atrocities that even Goebbels would not try to defend---

There is little evidence of your "intensive community support" in any of those examples.

Just wanted to clear up an error here. Baruch Goldstein was killed immediately after committing the massacre. He was not put on trial.

Thanks - my mistake, I assumed he was based on the governments reaction.
Never heard of him so I looked him up in Wikipedia - not much info really, and nothing about "intensive community support".

However, there is a really funny irony in the accounting. He apparently tried to use a lame PTSD defense - that what he did was in reaction to a murder that had occurred 4 days previously. Baruch Goldstein massacured 29 people and wounded another 125 worshippers in Hebron.

Now, the good thing is the Jury did not buy Baruch's defense and convicted him and, Goldstein too was convicted and his actions widely condemned by the Israeli government who came down hard on settlers.

But that takes us to the next step: "intensive community support". Something you allege because he had a "high powered" criminal lawyer. In absense of any sort of community
demonstrations, petitions or vigils on his behalf following the shooting, I seriously question wither he had much community support though he was lauded abroad by Hamas (no surprise there). However, if you take a look at the wiki liink for Goldstein, you will see that he was regarded as a hero amongst settler extremists and his grave became a pilgrimage spot, including a shrine before the Israeli government forceably dismantled it. Now that
is "community support".

Don't see much support from the American Muslim community.

There is little evidence of your "intensive community support" in any of those examples.

I understand your confusion-----you seem to imagine all things are reported in
the news ------you even seem to believe that Dr Baruch Goldstein was tried
for murder. I will explain------all things are not reported in the news---
sometimes there are people who know-----because they are either there---or
closely in touch with people who were there----or have intimate knowlege of
things that happened in particular events. In fact----there was a one event --
about which I knew-----and the news reported "the police said....."
I asked a detective client of mine "why are the police saying....."
He explained "we have an information office for reporters-----and we
often put out a version designed to dispel tensions ......" I asked.....
"but even the reprorters know that......." and he said "yes--they do---but
if they write ..... they know we will never tell this of that reporter
anything again. so they cooperate...." now do you understand?

I repeat----Rashid Baz had INTENSIVE COMMUNITY SUPPORT to the point
that his friends came to the murder trial and took every opportunity they
could to laugh in the mother of the dead child's face and cheer him
on and attest to his fine character. His defense was

Boruch Goldstein was killed in the tomb of the patriarchs----he
did not go on trial He lay for about a week unburied----while
his friends in the USA walked around looking like they were about
to vomit-----lots of people lost weight for weeks----he was not
lauded, he was not hated -------everyone who ever knew him
were just WRECKED

There is more on Rashid Baz-----his good pal hid the rifle for him...
knowing in what that rifle had been involved. He was convicted of
some crime that got him a year in jail and withdrawal of his green
card-------the community went nuts over the green card thing and
even the criminal conviction -------- and
fought it tooth and nail for a long long long time. I actually do
not know how that one turned out
Last edited:
I understand your confusion-----you seem to imagine all things are reported in
the news ------you even seem to believe that Dr Baruch Goldstein was tried
for murder.

I already said I was wrong about Goldstein - that was a mistaken assumption on my part.

However you seem to be telling me there are two sources of information:
- the news
- irosie91

Which should I believe? Well, the problem with the second source it's kind of a "because I say so" sort of source.

I will explain------all things are not reported in the news---
sometimes there are people who know-----because they are either there---or
closely in touch with people who were there----or have intimate knowlege of
things that happened in particular events. In fact----there was a one event --
about which I knew-----and the news reported "the police said....."
I asked a detective client of mine "why are the police saying....."
He explained "we have an information office for reporters-----and we
often put out a version designed to dispel tensions ......" I asked.....
"but even the reprorters know that......." and he said "yes--they do---but
if they write ..... they know we will never tell this of that reporter
anything again. so they cooperate...." now do you understand?

I understand. What you are saying is I know this because someone told but it's impossible to verify so you will just have to believe me.

I repeat----Rashid Baz had INTENSIVE COMMUNITY SUPPORT to the point
that his friends came to the murder trial and took every opportunity they
could to laugh in the mother of the dead child's face and cheer him
on and attest to his fine character. His defense was

Funny. There is not a speck of that in the news other than the irosie91 tabloid.

Boruch Goldstein was killed in the tomb of the patriarchs----he
did not go on trial He lay for about a week unburied----while
his friends in the USA walked around looking like they were about
to vomit-----lots of people lost weight for weeks----he was not
lauded, he was not hated -------everyone who ever knew him
were just WRECKED

He was lauded by his settler supporters - hell, they even made his grave a pilgrimage destination and a shrine until the Israeli government dismantled it. I think the people who lost weight were the ones making all those pilgrimages.

There is more on Rashid Baz-----his good pal hid the rifle for him...
knowing in what that rifle had been involved. He was convicted of
some crime that got him a year in jail and withdrawal of his green
card-------the community went nuts over the green card thing and
even the criminal conviction -------- and
fought it tooth and nail for a long long long time. I actually do
not know how that one turned out

Having friends doesn't equal "community support" much less intensive. Hell - even that slimeball Ariel Castro had friends.

Face it rosie, there is no evidence of wide spread or intensive "community support" amongst American Muslims for these kind of extremists.
I already said I was wrong about Goldstein - that was a mistaken assumption on my part.

However you seem to be telling me there are two sources of information:
- the news
- irosie91

Which should I believe? Well, the problem with the second source it's kind of a "because I say so" sort of source.

I understand. What you are saying is I know this because someone told but it's impossible to verify so you will just have to believe me.

Funny. There is not a speck of that in the news other than the irosie91 tabloid.

He was lauded by his settler supporters - hell, they even made his grave a pilgrimage destination and a shrine until the Israeli government dismantled it. I think the people who
lost weight were the ones making all those pilgrimages.

Having friends doesn't equal "community support" much less intensive. Hell - even that
slimeball Ariel Castro had friends.

Face it rosie, there is no evidence of wide spread or intensive "community support" amongst
American Muslims for these kind of extremists.

Face it coyote----I was there regarding the issue of Rashid Raz and you
were not-------and I said COMMUNITY SUPPORT----not THE ISLAMIC
WORLD as to Boruch Goldstein----I heard about him long before
he fired a shot-------he was already in a DILEMMA regarding a pending
disaster -----and the fact that he was the examining physician for friends
who were dumped on his doorstep after being mutilated to death in the
ISLAMIC MANNER------------believe whatever you wish I was there
for lots of things that were "reported" after a manner in the news.
I know nothing about Ariel Castro and do not claim to know

the "shrine" for goldstein was a natural reaction by his community
in Hebron-----which----unfortunately,, had been the victim of unheeded
calls for HELP from Goldstein to the israeli government <<<that is
the true story------feel free to sneer

as to Mrs Tamerlane----good for her that she can afford super-duper
legal representation -----on her welfare income. I have no inside
information-----but I doubt that the 2 boys bostoni acted
entirely alone and I doubt that she was utterly in the dark regarding
THE PLAN-----the cops have already determined that
UM-2boys was IN CONTACT as events unfolded and she is claiming
"FBI---FRAME-UP" I await mrs tamerlane's version of events
Face it coyote----I was there regarding the issue of Rashid Raz and you
were not-------and I said COMMUNITY SUPPORT----not THE ISLAMIC
WORLD as to Boruch Goldstein----I heard about him long before
he fired a shot-------he was already in a DILEMMA regarding a pending
disaster -----and the fact that he was the examining physician for friends
who were dumped on his doorstep after being mutilated to death in the
ISLAMIC MANNER------------believe whatever you wish I was there
for lots of things that were "reported" after a manner in the news.
I know nothing about Ariel Castro and do not claim to know

the "shrine" for goldstein was a natural reaction by his community
in Hebron-----which----unfortunately,, had been the victim of unheeded
calls for HELP from Goldstein to the israeli government <<<that is
the true story------feel free to sneer

as to Mrs Tamerlane----good for her that she can afford super-duper
legal representation -----on her welfare income. I have no inside
information-----but I doubt that the 2 boys bostoni acted
entirely alone and I doubt that she was utterly in the dark regarding
THE PLAN-----the cops have already determined that
UM-2boys was IN CONTACT as events unfolded and she is claiming
"FBI---FRAME-UP" I await mrs tamerlane's version of events

A shrine for a brutal mass murderer is NOT a "natural reaction" by a community. If you TRULY think so, then I fail to understand your anger when you claim "community support" for the acts of Muslim mass murderers. You should be "understanding" it as a "natural reaction".

And face - you can claim to be there, you can claim to be there for all kinds things but those claims run thin because you can't back any of it up and it's unsupported. It's "trust me - I was there - etc". :doubt:
A shrine for a brutal mass murderer is NOT a "natural reaction" by a community. If you TRULY think so, then I fail to understand your anger when you claim "community support" for the acts of Muslim mass murderers. You should be "understanding" it as a "natural reaction".

And face - you can claim to be there, you can claim to be there for all kinds things but those claims run thin because you can't back any of it up and it's unsupported. It's "trust me - I was there - etc". :doubt:

and you claim not to be jack the ripper-----so there it is UNSUPPORTED CLAIM.

I do not claim to be in lots of places-----in fact I was in the same general place
when your hero RASHID BAZ----decide to pump 42 calibre bullets into the heads
of children for the glory of allah -----and the nosair pig murdered kahane ----and
Boruch goldstein's colleagues told me about him-----it happens to be ALL THE
SAME PLACE --------gee you are dim

If it were so that Goldstein had not been pleading with Israel to send
security after he perfomed the autopsies on two mutilated friends in Hebron---
you might have a case in stating he could never be considered a hero ---
your group left threats carved into the flesh of their victims---is that not
POETIC? I knew you would enjoy that one. If the "mosque had not been
stocked with machine guns-----you might have a case. I have no doubt he did
avert a 1929 style slit the baby throat massacre in hebron-----I never met the
man-----I knew his colleagues and some of his former patients in the USA ---
including muslims. I do not consider him a hero-----I consider him and Hebron
and all the people who died in the tomb to be victims of bad judgement on the
part of the Israeli government and the filth of the islamicist slit the baby throat
culture -----they are not done yet---------the summer before last----I predicted
OCEANS OF BLOOD for the much lauded ARAB SPRING------I was right.
You can go right on applauding it -----its all part of the SAME PROGRAM
and can spread to any place----tamerlane is a good lesson for people like
you -----or a good lesson ABOUT people like you. Now tell me again about
how nice is INDONESIA ------because it recognizes FIVE LEGAL
RELIGIONS -------I can think of no indictment more serious than that utter
filth----throw back to shariah and the stench of dhimmia

Your implications that my statements are LIES is disgusting and vulgar as are
and you claim not to be jack the ripper-----so there it is UNSUPPORTED CLAIM. did you guess? :dunno:

I do not claim to be in lots of places-----in fact I was in the same general place
when your hero RASHID BAZ----decide to pump 42 calibre bullets into the heads
of children for the glory of allah -----and the nosair pig murdered kahane ----and
Boruch goldstein's colleagues told me about him-----it happens to be ALL THE
SAME PLACE --------gee you are dim

Not my hero.

If it were so that Goldstein had not been pleading with Israel to send
security after he perfomed the autopsies on two mutilated friends in Hebron---
you might have a case in stating he could never be considered a hero ---
your group left threats carved into the flesh of their victims---is that not
POETIC? I knew you would enjoy that one. If the "mosque had not been
stocked with machine guns-----you might have a case. I have no doubt he did
avert a 1929 style slit the baby throat massacre in hebron-----I never met the
man-----I knew his colleagues and some of his former patients in the USA ---
including muslims. I do not consider him a hero-----I consider him and Hebron
and all the people who died in the tomb to be victims of bad judgement on the
part of the Israeli government and the filth of the islamicist slit the baby throat
culture -----they are not done yet---------the summer before last----I predicted
OCEANS OF BLOOD for the much lauded ARAB SPRING------I was right.
You can go right on applauding it -----its all part of the SAME PROGRAM
and can spread to any place----tamerlane is a good lesson for people like
you -----or a good lesson ABOUT people like you. Now tell me again about
how nice is INDONESIA ------because it recognizes FIVE LEGAL
RELIGIONS -------I can think of no indictment more serious than that utter
filth----throw back to shariah and the stench of dhimmia

Goldstein was a mad racist mass murderer who was denounced as such by the majority of Israeli's that aren't religious extremist. He was no better than your "throat slitters". The fact that you defend him is as disgusting as those who would defend the Fogel's killer.

According to Wikipedia it wasn't a Mosque - it was the Cave of Patriarchs, where Jews worshipped on one side, and Muslims the other. It was well guarded by Israeli soldiers. There is no mention of a stockpile of machine guns in any of what I've read.

Your implications that my statements are LIES is disgusting and vulgar as are

I'm not saying you are lying. I'm saying I have no way of verifying ANYTHING you said and you seldom provide any links to support your statement. Why on earth should I take it all as an act of faith when I don't know who the heck you are out in the real world? For all I know you could be a pimple-faced overight 16 yr old living off cheetos and mountain dew in his parents basement. And I could be Jack the Ripper.
Based on people who knew Goldstein VERY well---
and also his former muslim patients----he was
nothing close to a racist madman. I see his
act as EXTREMELY unfortunate----very impetous--
and that of a person whose "back was against
the wall"----it is a fact that he was utterly convinced
that a blood bath in hebron----was being planned
in the very place he shot up.

Muslims call the entire place a MOSQUE just
as they call jerusalem a MUSLIM CITY ---just
as they call hundreds of former churches MOSQUES
and hundreds of former hindu temples---MOSQUES
just as they call hundreds of former synagogue
MOSQUES ----your concept of half and half side
by side-----is actually kinda humorous. I believe
that there is some place in SPAIN----which was
a church and then became a mosque and then back
to church again where a "side by side" compromise
has been tried ------that one worked out
GREAT (yeah---right.....)
Based on people who knew Goldstein VERY well---
and also his former muslim patients----he was
nothing close to a racist madman. I see his
act as EXTREMELY unfortunate----very impetous--
and that of a person whose "back was against
the wall"----it is a fact that he was utterly convinced
that a blood bath in hebron----was being planned
in the very place he shot up.

Muslims call the entire place a MOSQUE just
as they call jerusalem a MUSLIM CITY ---just
as they call hundreds of former churches MOSQUES
and hundreds of former hindu temples---MOSQUES
just as they call hundreds of former synagogue
MOSQUES ----your concept of half and half side
by side-----is actually kinda humorous. I believe
that there is some place in SPAIN----which was
a church and then became a mosque and then back
to church again where a "side by side" compromise
has been tried ------that one worked out
GREAT (yeah---right.....)

Here it is again Rosie, you make all sorts of claims that somehow can't be substantiate in any available accountings.

You are defending a brutal murderer who shot and killed unarmed civilians in cold blood.

He had a reputation, according to his colleagues, for refusing to treat Arabs - even Israeli Arabs serving in the IDF. That sounds like a racist and lousy doctor when better men and women then he put their lives on the line to help the wounded regardless of ethnicity.
Based on people who knew Goldstein VERY well---
and also his former muslim patients----he was
nothing close to a racist madman. I see his
act as EXTREMELY unfortunate----very impetous--
and that of a person whose "back was against
the wall"----it is a fact that he was utterly convinced
that a blood bath in hebron----was being planned
in the very place he shot up.

Muslims call the entire place a MOSQUE just
as they call jerusalem a MUSLIM CITY ---just
as they call hundreds of former churches MOSQUES
and hundreds of former hindu temples---MOSQUES
just as they call hundreds of former synagogue
MOSQUES ----your concept of half and half side
by side-----is actually kinda humorous. I believe
that there is some place in SPAIN----which was
a church and then became a mosque and then back
to church again where a "side by side" compromise
has been tried ------that one worked out
GREAT (yeah---right.....)

Here it is again Rosie, you make all sorts of claims that somehow can't be substantiate in
any available accountings.

You are defending a brutal murderer who shot and killed unarmed civilians in cold blood.

He had a reputation, according to his colleagues, for refusing to treat Arabs - even Israeli Arabs serving in the IDF. That sounds like a racist and lousy doctor when better men and women then he put their lives on the line to help the wounded regardless of ethnicity.

He did not have that reputation in the USA----but he was a KAHANE man----
I am telling you information I learned from persons who knew the guy---you
are well aware of the fact that I could not even come close to naming
them ----because I do not lack ethical restraints as do you. Want to
know what people who knew Kahane told me? It was a serious confrontation---
I had critisized Kahane-----so I got an emotional response from a childhood
friend-------this event took place BEFORE kahane was murdered

as to treating arabs-----that would depend on context. I would believe
that he refused to take on arab patients in Hebron. It is very possible
that he did not want an arab population there for historical reasons. I would
believe that he would PUNT arab patients in the field to other doctors----
if you told me he was the only doc available and refused life saving
maneuvers simply because the victim was arab------I do not believe
anyone who would say that-----I would also believe that he had
IDEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES with his colleagues in the field regarding
arabs -------that led THEM to overstate-----being ANNOYED with him for
it. You would not understand
Based on people who knew Goldstein VERY well---
and also his former muslim patients----he was
nothing close to a racist madman. I see his
act as EXTREMELY unfortunate----very impetous--
and that of a person whose "back was against
the wall"----it is a fact that he was utterly convinced
that a blood bath in hebron----was being planned
in the very place he shot up.

Muslims call the entire place a MOSQUE just
as they call jerusalem a MUSLIM CITY ---just
as they call hundreds of former churches MOSQUES
and hundreds of former hindu temples---MOSQUES
just as they call hundreds of former synagogue
MOSQUES ----your concept of half and half side
by side-----is actually kinda humorous. I believe
that there is some place in SPAIN----which was
a church and then became a mosque and then back
to church again where a "side by side" compromise
has been tried ------that one worked out
GREAT (yeah---right.....)

Here it is again Rosie, you make all sorts of claims that somehow can't be substantiate in
any available accountings.

You are defending a brutal murderer who shot and killed unarmed civilians in cold blood.

He had a reputation, according to his colleagues, for refusing to treat Arabs - even Israeli Arabs serving in the IDF. That sounds like a racist and lousy doctor when better men and women then he put their lives on the line to help the wounded regardless of ethnicity.

He did not have that reputation in the USA----but he was a KAHANE man----
I am telling you information I learned from persons who knew the guy---you
are well aware of the fact that I could not even come close to naming
them ----because I do not lack ethical restraints as do you. Want to
know what people who knew Kahane told me? It was a serious confrontation---
I had critisized Kahane-----so I got an emotional response from a childhood
friend-------this event took place BEFORE kahane was murdered

as to treating arabs-----that would depend on context. I would believe
that he refused to take on arab patients in Hebron. It is very possible
that he did not want an arab population there for historical reasons. I would
believe that he would PUNT arab patients in the field to other doctors----
if you told me he was the only doc available and refused life saving
maneuvers simply because the victim was arab------I do not believe
anyone who would say that-----I would also believe that he had
IDEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES with his colleagues in the field regarding
arabs -------that led THEM to overstate-----being ANNOYED with him for
it. You would not understand

He was a mass murderer Rosie. He walked into a room with his gun, waited for the right moment, then killed civilians in cold blood, shooting them in the back as they were praying, defenseless.

There is no excusing that. He was an animal. Like the brute who killed the Fogels.
Here it is again Rosie, you make all sorts of claims that somehow can't be substantiate in
any available accountings.

You are defending a brutal murderer who shot and killed unarmed civilians in cold blood.

He had a reputation, according to his colleagues, for refusing to treat Arabs - even Israeli Arabs serving in the IDF. That sounds like a racist and lousy doctor when better men and women then he put their lives on the line to help the wounded regardless of ethnicity.

He did not have that reputation in the USA----but he was a KAHANE man----
I am telling you information I learned from persons who knew the guy---you
are well aware of the fact that I could not even come close to naming
them ----because I do not lack ethical restraints as do you. Want to
know what people who knew Kahane told me? It was a serious confrontation---
I had critisized Kahane-----so I got an emotional response from a childhood
friend-------this event took place BEFORE kahane was murdered

as to treating arabs-----that would depend on context. I would believe
that he refused to take on arab patients in Hebron. It is very possible
that he did not want an arab population there for historical reasons. I would
believe that he would PUNT arab patients in the field to other doctors----
if you told me he was the only doc available and refused life saving

maneuvers simply because the victim was arab------I do not believe
anyone who would say that-----I would also believe that he had
IDEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES with his colleagues in the field regarding
arabs -------that led THEM to overstate-----being ANNOYED with him for
it. You would not understand

He was a mass murderer Rosie. He walked into a room with his gun, waited for the right moment, then killed civilians in cold blood, shooting them in the back as they were praying, defenseless.

There is no excusing that. He was an animal. Like the brute who killed the Fogels.

Not quite coyote The dogs who murdered the Fogel family had no motive
other than to MURDER JEWS IN HONOR OF THEIR "god" -----including babies.
The motive of Goldstein was to save his community----from the fate he
had seen meted out to his very own friends----the obscene mutilation
murders isa respecters so love. In doing so he knew HE would
be killed He did not to a sneak up on baby and slit the throat operation
so favored in the isa respecting world or the GRAB A KID and stuff his
genitalia down his throat thing that our board isa respecter so enjoys

Keep in mind----he had his own kids in the community. The Fogels were
threatening no one.

I understand your POV-----long ago ----a german army man critisized Otto
Frank for ILLEGALLY leaving germany in a time of war---since Otto Frank
had been an army man in the german army during world war I
----and described the concentration
camps as legal Prisons for "criminals" Otto Frank--he said
was a "criminal"

More recently I discussed the killing
of sudanese men, rape of their wives and enslavement of their children---
on a messageboard------the process IS legal in islamic law----for "rebels"--
----and it was defended on that messageboard as "legal" on that basis

I am not defending goldstein's action-----but your characterization is
incorrect I am not sure what I would want to do after examining
the corpse of a friend who was subjected to isa lovers style mutilation
murder---and imagined the same thing happening to my kids. I do
know that I would never sneak into a house for the purpose of slitting
a child's throat----- in "revenge" ----but to put a stop to an impending
attack? I am not sure. George Washington crossed the Delaware
on a christmas eve-----in a small boat----so that he could slaughter drunk
men-----in order to throw an advantage to his own army<<< better
analogy. Your use of the word "civilian" is silly all jihadist terrorist
infant throat slitters are "civilians" ----in fact the CIVILIAN arguement
was presented to me LONG LONG ago ---during the years of plane
hijackings. That "civilian" thing has become a marker of
"JIHADIST" supporter for me.
He did not have that reputation in the USA----but he was a KAHANE man----
I am telling you information I learned from persons who knew the guy---you
are well aware of the fact that I could not even come close to naming
them ----because I do not lack ethical restraints as do you. Want to
know what people who knew Kahane told me? It was a serious confrontation---
I had critisized Kahane-----so I got an emotional response from a childhood
friend-------this event took place BEFORE kahane was murdered

as to treating arabs-----that would depend on context. I would believe
that he refused to take on arab patients in Hebron. It is very possible
that he did not want an arab population there for historical reasons. I would
believe that he would PUNT arab patients in the field to other doctors----
if you told me he was the only doc available and refused life saving

maneuvers simply because the victim was arab------I do not believe
anyone who would say that-----I would also believe that he had
IDEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES with his colleagues in the field regarding
arabs -------that led THEM to overstate-----being ANNOYED with him for
it. You would not understand

He was a mass murderer Rosie. He walked into a room with his gun, waited for the right moment, then killed civilians in cold blood, shooting them in the back as they were praying, defenseless.

There is no excusing that. He was an animal. Like the brute who killed the Fogels.

Not quite coyote The dogs who murdered the Fogel family had no motive
other than to MURDER JEWS IN HONOR OF THEIR "god" -----including babies.
The motive of Goldstein was to save his community----from the fate he
had seen meted out to his very own friends----the obscene mutilation
murders isa respecters so love. In doing so he knew HE would
be killed He did not to a sneak up on baby and slit the throat operation
so favored in the isa respecting world or the GRAB A KID and stuff his
genitalia down his throat thing that our board isa respecter so enjoys

Keep in mind----he had his own kids in the community. The Fogels were
threatening no one.

I understand your POV-----long ago ----a german army man critisized Otto
Frank for ILLEGALLY leaving germany in a time of war---since Otto Frank
had been an army man in the german army during world war I
----and described the concentration
camps as legal Prisons for "criminals" Otto Frank--he said
was a "criminal"

More recently I discussed the killing
of sudanese men, rape of their wives and enslavement of their children---
on a messageboard------the process IS legal in islamic law----for "rebels"--
----and it was defended on that messageboard as "legal" on that basis

I am not defending goldstein's action-----but your characterization is
incorrect I am not sure what I would want to do after examining
the corpse of a friend who was subjected to isa lovers style mutilation
murder---and imagined the same thing happening to my kids. I do
know that I would never sneak into a house for the purpose of slitting
a child's throat----- in "revenge" ----but to put a stop to an impending
attack? I am not sure. George Washington crossed the Delaware
on a christmas eve-----in a small boat----so that he could slaughter drunk
men-----in order to throw an advantage to his own army<<< better
analogy. Your use of the word "civilian" is silly all jihadist terrorist
infant throat slitters are "civilians" ----in fact the CIVILIAN arguement
was presented to me LONG LONG ago ---during the years of plane
hijackings. That "civilian" thing has become a marker of
"JIHADIST" supporter for me.

From Wikipedia:

Goldstein gave evidence of anti-Arab feelings far before the massacre. He was known to refuse to treat Druze soldiers that served in the West Bank, believing it was against Jewish laws to treat non-Jews even for payment.[19][20] In 1981, Goldstein wrote a letter, published in The New York Times, which said that Israel "must act decisively to remove the Arab minority from within its borders", which "could be accomplished by initially offering encouragement and incentives to Arabs to leave of their own accord".[21] In October 1993, inside the Ibrahimi mosque, acid was poured over the floor, leaving giant holes in the carpets, and six worshippers were assaulted. From the evidence of the sanctuary guards, Goldstein was identified as the culprit. A letter was written to Yitzhak Rabin, the then Israeli Prime Minister, by the Muslim authorities "regarding the dangers" of Goldstein and asking for action to be taken to prevent daily violations of the mosque.[22] Four years before the massacre, an agent of Shin Bet, the Israeli internal security service, who had infiltrated Kach, passed a warning to his superiors about the danger posed by Goldstein. The agent ascribed to Goldstein the saying, "There will be a day when one Jew will take revenge on the Arabs."[22]

You say: The dogs who murdered the Fogel family had no motive other than to MURDER JEWS IN HONOR OF THEIR "god"

The Fogel murder was an act of demented "revenge" against innocents and nothing to do with any gods. Goldstein's actions are no different and the fact that anyone would attempt to whitewash him is sickening. These people are cold blooded animals who think nothing of slaughtering defenseless people. What looks out of their eyes is not human and should not be defended.

And yes - you are defending him! By your defense you are also defending Fogel's killers - who quite likely suffered under Israeli occupation and have seen friends or relatives torn apart, jailed, or shot at the hands of their occupiers.

Does that in ANYWAY excuse a coldblooded killing of a family while they slept? Does that in anyway excuse the cold blooded execution of innocent people as they worshipped?

There simply is no excuse for people like the Fogels' killer, Baruch Goldstein, the Tsarneiv brothers, Timothy McVeigh, the suicide bombers who flew a plane into the twin towers.
There simply is no excuse for people like the Fogels' killer, Baruch Goldstein, the Tsarneiv brothers, Timothy McVeigh, the suicide bombers who flew a plane into the twin towers.

You left out some ------Stalin, Adolf Abu ali Hitler, Muhummad ibn
Abduallah, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Nuskharahallah,
Bashir Assad Wafa Idris ---thousands more
Hernan Cortez. WHORE ISABELLA queen of spain
Constantine, ----thousands and thousands more

of all mentioned----the only person whose crime is mitigated by
being an act of selfless sacrifice for the salvation of his community--
is actually Baruch Goldstein. There have been some isa respecters
who killed in order to save others------but at the moment I cannot
think of any------

anyone out there ??? an isa respecter who sacrificed HIS own life to
save other people I know there must be some. I did once
hear a story about an isa-respecting FEMALE PILOT who tried
to save ADOLF ABU ALI from the Berlin Bunker as the Russian army
advanced-----but I do not remember her name----I believe she died
in the effort
Coyote----your wikki article is almost entirely made
up of the rantings of maniacs like
Yossi Gurvitz ------the only statement it makes
that is credible is the statement that Goldstein
supported the Kahane plan of paying arabs to
leave Israel -----the rest is the kind of nonsensical
stuff that Gurvitz writes and donates free
of charge to newspapers who survive because they
do not have to pay their writers ----like Ha aretz.
The fame attained by the writers then gets them
worshippers------who do pay in the form of
an HONORARIUM try not to be so naive---
unless you are not naive and are an isa-

Jewish doctors are not allowed
to treat non jews? who made
that rule ? MAIMONIDES? personal physician
to SALA'ADIN? I wonder why the muslim patients
of Doctor Goldstein in new york city did not know

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