Israeli campaign against Hamas could develop into a wider middle east conflict.?!

Yes. We were very excited about the Saudi peace initiative, but Ariel Sharon mocked it.
Oh so now we have proof you were lying about being an Episcopalian Christian as you said WE meaningyouare Muslim not Christian and you blame the victim (theIsraelis) got the peace iniatiative failure… Arial Sharon makes an easy scapegoat for you….
In spite of the petty bickering here, it is good to see the Freedom Fighters pushing the bully boy Cleansers backwards .

Seems now that the Israeli terrorists are losing to the Freedom Fighters the Houthis and Hezbollah : with Iran entering the conflict the UseLess will be dragged into another humiliating defeat .

Can they never learn?

Do you want to see President Joe suddenly grow a pair of balls? Let Iran get involved and watch what happens.
Israel continues to steal land and kill resistance. That's been constant since 1950.
The thing about the whole situation is that many of the people in Israel are not indigenous to the region, and are white Europeans. Many may not even be Jewish. They are seen as outsiders by many of the Arab people.
RE: Israeli campaign against Hamas could develop into a wider middle east conflict.?!
SUBTOPIC: Who ARE Indigenous People?
※→ 52ndStreet, et al,

We could argue all day long about what is meant by "indigenous people." You can shop around until you find an authoritative source for a definition that suits your political agenda. But the fact of the matter is, that "indigenous people" is a divisive terminology.

The Right to Self-Identification said:
The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples does not include a definition of indigenous peoples.

Israel continues to steal land and kill resistance. That's been constant since 1950.
The thing about the whole situation is that many of the people in Israel are not indigenous to the region, and are white Europeans. Many may not even be Jewish. They are seen as outsiders by many of the Arab people.
Of the 6 million (Arab Palestinians) people that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) provides services for less than 100,000 Arab Palestinians (
West Bank + Gaza Strip) are real refugees. Not all Arab Palestinians are refugees even though they are supported by UNRWA, which is largely influenced by various Palestinian Terrorist Activities.
UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) • Who is a refugee is defined in international law? said:

EXCERPT: Refugee definitions and meaning​

Who is a refugee is defined in international law. The 1951 Refugee Convention defines a refugee as a person who "owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of [their] nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail [themself] of the protection of that country."


Most Respectfully,
Oh well. Hamas has to go. If Hez wants to die with them so be it.

In case you have forgotten, the last time Israel's cowardly child killers mixed up with Hezbollah was in 2006 when they were run out of Southern Lebanon with their tails between their legs.

While Israel's genocidal miscreants may succeed in destroying Gaza and systematically exterminating even more of Palestine's native residents, the world's 2.2 Billion Muslims will make sure that the criminal Zionist occupiers never know a moment's peace.

Now, watch America's infestation of Zionist lobbies and traitorous "Israel Firsters" scheme to get Americans to die fighting another war for Israel. (1)

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

How many more young American G.I.s need to die for Zionist regional hegemony before America deports its most insidious threats: Zionist lobbies and traitorous "Israel Firsters".
In case you have forgotten, the last time Israel's cowardly child killers mixed up with Hezbollah was in 2006 when they were run out of Southern Lebanon with their tails between their legs.
They also seem to be oblivious to the fact that Iran is now exponentially better prepared and stronger . Apparently the tunnel system under north Child Killer Land is hugely larger etc then the Freedom Fighter tunnel complex in Gaza .
I have heard experts say that the Hezzers could take that northern part in days and that the fighting strength of the Ethnic Cleansers is poor versus both Hamas and Hezzer standards . These Israeli conscripts are far too young , poorly trained and with no battle experience .
They also seem to be oblivious to the fact that Iran is now exponentially better prepared and stronger . Apparently the tunnel system under north Child Killer Land is hugely larger etc then the Freedom Fighter tunnel complex in Gaza .
I have heard experts say that the Hezzers could take that northern part in days and that the fighting strength of the Ethnic Cleansers is poor versus both Hamas and Hezzer standards . These Israeli conscripts are far too young , poorly trained and with no battle experience .
We just give them a thousand bunker busters turn them into craters. Have to get rid of Biden bowing to your ass first.
Apparently the Israeli court system's confrontation of Yahoo and Lukin party extremism is resulting in withdrawal >>>


IDF soldiers have been on the front line for more than 2 months. They have to be rotated out or mistakes happen.

Israel's army is nothing if not consummately professional.
IDF soldiers have been on the front line for more than 2 months. They have to be rotated out or mistakes happen.

Israel's army is nothing if not consummately professional.
So much misinformation out there… Israel will do what she must to protect her people and she is fighting on more then one front possibly 6 or 7 so the troops need to be rotated where they are needed and to get rest as well…

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