Israeli contractors dig up Muslim graves at 'museum of tolerance'


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Israel actually dug up Muslim graves to build a so called tolerance museum. "Israeli contractors building a controversial "museum of tolerance" in West Jerusalem have been accused of digging up and damaging hundreds of human skeletons from an ancient Muslim graveyard. Reigniting a dispute that has simmered for six years, Israel's left-leaning Haaretz newspaper claimed that overseers badly botched a "clandestine" five-month operation to excavate the highly-sensitive Mamilla Cemetery." Palestinian campaigners argue that the site holds the remains of some of the Prophet Mohammed's compatriots as well as soldiers in the army of Saladin, who recaptured Jerusalem from the Crusaders in the 12th century.
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Laws vary ---country to country as to how long burial grounds
must REMAIN---undisturbed and barred from developement.
I do agree that in general they should be preserved if marked
as such-----finding skeletons is not a reason to halt excavation.

I support an international commission of "sacred sites"
for the determination of their whereabouts THRUOUT
the world and uniform codes as to how they should
be treated. Jews lived in arabia for more than 1000
years before the inception of islam-----of course there
should be a major program to locate their cemetaries---
and MOST IMPORTANT artifacts left in the city
muslims now call MEDINA----which had been a
jewish city for many centuries ----to wit YATHRIB
unquestionably a shrine should be dedicated there to
the many murdered there ----629 AD I know that
sherri agrees

AS to the MOUNT OF OLIVES ----a site known to anyone who
has ever read the bible------it has been the most favored burial
ground for jews for more than 2500 years before it was trashed
in 1948 Every effort should be made to bring the trashers
to the HAGUE for that atrocity

in the past two years----the TOMB OF EZEKIAL was trashed in
Iraq----its ancient hebrew inscriptions scraped away and
over traced with arabic filth

ALSO a 2500 year old synagogue along with its ancient manuscripts
was utterly destroyed in Tunisia in celebration of the ISA ADORING
blood bath there ----the site was so important to some jews that some
made pilgrimages to it------it was built just after the destruction
of the first temple in Jerusalem-----it is understandable that isa-respecters
would have wanted to get rid of the manuscripts-----there is nothing
that distresses isa-respecters more than ANCIENT WRITTEN
Jerusalem approves revised plan for contested Museum of Tolerance site

The controversial project by the Simon Wiesenthal Center is located on a medieval Muslim cemetery, which opponents say defeats the museum's goal of building tolerance. After a two-year delay the Jerusalem municipal planning committee approved on Monday the plan to build the Museum of Tolerance in the city center.The controversial project by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, based on a similar museum in Los Angeles, is located on a medieval Muslim cemetery. During the construction work, as Haaretz reported, hundreds of ancient skeletons were evacuated from the area.The substantial changes made in the original plan of the museum have rekindled objections to the project, whose opponents demand the new plan be submitted for reapproval.
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Israel actually dug up Muslim graves to build a so called tolerance museum. "Israeli contractors building a controversial "museum of tolerance" in West Jerusalem have been accused of digging up and damaging hundreds of human skeletons from an ancient Muslim graveyard. Reigniting a dispute that has simmered for six years, Israel's left-leaning Haaretz newspaper claimed that overseers badly botched a "clandestine" five-month operation to excavate the highly-sensitive Mamilla Cemetery." Palestinian campaigners argue that the site holds the remains of some of the Prophet Mohammed's compatriots as well as soldiers in the army of Saladin, who recaptured Jerusalem from the Crusaders in the 12th century. Israeli contractors dig up Muslim graves at 'museum of tolerance' - Telegraph

Once again, Palestinian savages desecrate Jewish holy site | BARE NAKED ISLAM

1948-1967: Jordanian Occupation of Eastern Jerusalem

Players Precursors To War War Immediate Aftermath Long-Term Effects Jerusalem Resolution 242

Jerusalem in Jewish Tradition

Jerusalem in Muslim Tradition

Jerusalem in Christian Tradition

Partition Plan

1948 Arab-Israeli War

1948-1967: Jordanian Occupation of Eastern Jerusalem

1967: Reunification of Jerusalem

1948-1967: Jordanian Occupation of Eastern Jerusalem

Destruction and Desecration of Religious Sites

Upon its capture by the Arab Legion, the Jewish Quarter of the Old City was destroyed and its residents expelled. Fifty-eight synagogues--some hundreds of years old--were destroyed, their contents looted and desecrated. Some Jewish religious sites were turned into chicken coops or animal stalls. The Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, where Jews had been burying their dead for over 2500 years, was ransacked; graves were desecrated; thousands of tombstones were smashed and used as building material, paving stones or for latrines in Arab Legion army camps. The Intercontinental Hotel was built on top of the cemetery and graves were demolished to make way for a highway to the hotel. The Western Wall became a slum area.

Jordan’s Illegal Annexation

In 1950, Jordan annexed the territories it had captured in the 1948 war–-eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank. The April 24th resolution declared “its support for complete unity between the two sides of the Jordan and their union into one State, which is the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, at whose head reigns King Abdullah Ibn al Husain...”

While Great Britain and Pakistan were the only countries that recognized Jordan’s annexation – all other nations, including the Arab states, rejected it -- Great Britain recognized only the annexation of the West Bank. It never recognized either Jordan or Israel’s sovereignty over any sector of Jerusalem, viewing both Jordan’s 1950 annexation and Israel’s annexation of west Jerusalem as illegal.

Religious Restrictions and Denial of Access to Holy Sites

In direct contravention of the 1949 armistice agreements, Jordan did not permit Jews access to their holy sites or to the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives.

Article VIII of the Israel Jordan Armistice Agreement (April 3, 1949) established a special committee which would “direct its attention to the formulation of agreed plans and arrangements” including “free access to the Holy Places and cultural institutions and use of the cemetery on the Mount of Olives.” Nevertheless, and despite numerous requests by Israeli officials and Jewish groups to the UN, the U.S., and others to attempt to enforce the armistice agreement, Jews were denied access to the Western Wall, the Jewish cemetery and all religious sites in eastern Jerusalem. The armistice lines were sealed as Jordanian snipers would perch on the walls of the Old City and shoot at Israelis across the lines.

Israeli Arabs, too, were denied access to the Al Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock, but their Muslim sites in eastern Jerusalem were respected.

While Christians, unlike Jews, were allowed access to their holy sites, they too were subject to restrictions under Jordanian law. There were limits on the numbers of Christian pilgrims permitted into the Old City and Bethlehem during Christmas and Easter. Christian charities and religious institutions were prohibited from buying real estate in Jerusalem. And Christian schools were subject to strict controls. They were required to teach in Arabic, close on Friday, the Muslim holy day, and teach all students the Koran. At the same time, they were not allowed to teach Christian religious material to non-Christians.



They can dish it out but can't take it. They are nothing but Savages
A clone of a post from another thread devoted to this same subject...


"There's just a wee bit o' difference between digging-up a plot of land to re-task it and finding a boneyard underneath and then moving the bones (as was the case with the Israelis and a museum-site) versus intentionally going into known existing graveyards to dig up the bodies of those who (when they were alive) practiced a different religion than you, so that their Infidel Bones will not defile the Sacred Soil of the Fatherland, and leaving their remains to the elements and the animals, as those Palestinian Hamas swine did recently.

But our colleague Sherri says nothing about that nor puts it into context - just a lame knee-jerk reaction to a Hamas-damning thread on this same subject - Epic Fail."
Jerusalem approves revised plan for contested Museum of Tolerance site

The controversial project by the Simon Wiesenthal Center is located on a medieval Muslim cemetery, which opponents say defeats the museum's goal of building tolerance. After a two-year delay the Jerusalem municipal planning committee approved on Monday the plan to build the Museum of Tolerance in the city center.The controversial project by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, based on a similar museum in Los Angeles, is located on a medieval Muslim cemetery. During the construction work, as Haaretz reported, hundreds of ancient skeletons were evacuated from the area.The substantial changes made in the original plan of the museum have rekindled objections to the project, whose opponents demand the new plan be submitted for reapproval. Jerusalem approves revised plan for contested Museum of Tolerance site - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

That is fascinating sherri------can you post the list of the names of the dead
DUG OUT of the ground during this project? How was it determined to be
a specifically 'MUSLIM CEMETARY"? Jerusalem has been a populated city for
many thousands of years----I have no doubt that there will be bones wherever one
digs. I have to admit----I am not sure what a muslim cemetary looks like
That fake " christian" is full of hate for the Jewish people yet she calls for " tolerance?" lol

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proudveteran06 could successfully start his own religionproudveteran06 could successfully start his own religionproudveteran06 could successfully start his own religionproudveteran06 could successfully start his own religion
proudveteran06 could successfully start his own religionproudveteran06 could successfully start his own religionproudveteran06 could successfully start his own religion

Quote: Originally Posted by proudveteran06 View Post
Quote: Originally Posted by SherriMunnerlyn View Post
Quote: Originally Posted by proudveteran06 View Post

You are a fake " Christian " Jew Hater who not only does not give a SHIT about Jews but actually ENJOY when they are killed. Just two examples recently; the Israeli pilots and the Fogel Family. In looking for your post where you claimed she deserved it I found this one which isn't any better . You previously challenged me to prove my claim and I did . You lied saying she taught terrorism yet " she reaps what she sows?" Translation, SHE DESERVED IT!!! If it were up to the Arab World, EVERY Israeli Child would be dead! I'm wrong; EVERY ISRAELI would be DEAD. You have wished for Israel's anneliation yet I'm supposed to care about Arabs ? Maybe you should take your own advice and care about Christians who are being enslaved and killed by Muslims . When the Arab World decides that Israel has the right to exist, when they start to have respect for Jewish life, maybe Ill reconsider. With your hate and hostility and hypocrisy your Bible isn't helping.
Not interested in your filthy distortions of my words or your filthy beliefs about my belief in Jesus. I did not say what you claimed I said. Frankly, I think it all goes back to your rejection of Jesus as Messiah and hate of Christians. You should read Matthew 23 and the Gospel of John Back to the thread, a tragic death occurred and a young child lost his mother

There she goes talking about the Jews and their rejection of " jesus" The Jews do not hate Christians. Throughout history it has been the opposite. Yet she talks about TOLERANCE? LOL
Quote: Originally Posted by proudveteran06 View Post

There she goes talking about the Jews and their rejection of " jesus" The Jews do not hate Christians. Throughout history it has been the opposite. Yet she talks about TOLERANCE? LOL

ISA-respecting nazis of both kinds-----meccaist/jihadist and the spawn of constantine
nazis----need a FOCUS-----The spawn of constantine do the DEICIDE MYTH-----and
ISA-REJECTION thing. The Jihadists actually did decide that joooos 'wanted'
to kill al nabi ibn isa and BOTH insist that focusing on hating
isa or muhummad is a pre occupation with jews it is kinda funny-----
I never heard the words "jesus" "muhummad" "koran" etc etc in my childhood
home or in a synagogue and both groups imagine that jews are PREOCCUPIED
with hating them But I did grow up amongst christians and sometimes visited
their churches -----and did evenually visit mosques -----IN THOSE PLACES I heard
all about JOOOOOOOOS ---in churches at that time----the beginning of the flower
child era----very mildly negative-----sometimes only by implication as in "when the
jooos are finally seek salvation" -----in the mosques----well ya know.

I did learn -------over many years-----its no use saying "we don't hate you---in
fact we don't even think about you"-------they don't believe it----for some of them
religious study MEANS -----"WHO SHOULD WE HATE"
That fake " christian" is full of hate for the Jewish people yet she calls for " tolerance?" lol

You are a fake " Christian " Jew Hater who not only does not give a SHIT about Jews but actually ENJOY when they are killed. Just two examples recently; the Israeli pilots and the Fogel Family. In looking for your post where you claimed she deserved it I found this one which isn't any better . You previously challenged me to prove my claim and I did . You lied saying she taught terrorism yet " she reaps what she sows?" Translation, SHE DESERVED IT!!! If it were up to the Arab World, EVERY Israeli Child would be dead! I'm wrong; EVERY ISRAELI would be DEAD. You have wished for Israel's anneliation yet I'm supposed to care about Arabs ? Maybe you should take your own advice and care about Christians who are being enslaved and killed by Muslims . When the Arab World decides that Israel has the right to exist, when they start to have respect for Jewish life, maybe Ill reconsider. With your hate and hostility and hypocrisy your Bible isn't helping.
Not interested in your filthy distortions of my words or your filthy beliefs about my belief in Jesus. I did not say what you claimed I said. Frankly, I think it all goes back to your rejection of Jesus as Messiah and hate of Christians. You should read Matthew 23 and the Gospel of John Back to the thread, a tragic death occurred and a young child lost his mother

There she goes talking about the Jews and their rejection of " jesus" The Jews do not hate Christians. Throughout history it has been the opposite. Yet she talks about TOLERANCE? LOL

Major Religions Ranked by Size

Above are all the major religions. Obviously the majority do not believe in " jesus" Wonder if the " christian" hates them? She learned a lot in her " church"
That fake " christian" is full of hate for the Jewish people yet she calls for " tolerance?" lol

Not interested in your filthy distortions of my words or your filthy beliefs about my belief in Jesus. I did not say what you claimed I said. Frankly, I think it all goes back to your rejection of Jesus as Messiah and hate of Christians. You should read Matthew 23 and the Gospel of John Back to the thread, a tragic death occurred and a young child lost his mother

There she goes talking about the Jews and their rejection of " jesus" The Jews do not hate Christians. Throughout history it has been the opposite. Yet she talks about TOLERANCE? LOL

Major Religions Ranked by Size

Above are all the major religions. Obviously the majority do not believe in " jesus" Wonder if the " christian" hates them? She learned a lot in her " church"

Veteran----she has expressed a very INQUISITION style disdain of all who
"REJECT JESUS" but simply forgot that the persecutions of all "not saved"---
included muslims for the simple reason that until recently ----they disdained
jesus-----the whole story being a "PERVERSE FRAUD" (and still do---except
on some occassions for reasons of politics) For her the DEICIDE thing has
been FIXED up to constitute a MUTUAL LIBEL for use by both muslims and
her style of 'christian' -------TRINITY OF CONVENIENCE ---allah-isa-mo

nothing new-----adolf abu ali------did not reject religion----he liked it---
especially for women------KINDER KUCHEN AND KIRCHE----the
KKK in english the PCP pregnant-cooking-praying. Jesus was
just a bit too jewish----with that meek and mild stuff ---no good for men.

all is not lost----as a kid I knew other kids who would feel insulted if
I said "jesus never ate bacon"-------but NOW sherri can SUDDENLY
accept that idea-------well-----at least ISA did not
That fake " christian" is full of hate for the Jewish people yet she calls for " tolerance?" lol

Not interested in your filthy distortions of my words or your filthy beliefs about my belief in Jesus. I did not say what you claimed I said. Frankly, I think it all goes back to your rejection of Jesus as Messiah and hate of Christians. You should read Matthew 23 and the Gospel of John Back to the thread, a tragic death occurred and a young child lost his mother

There she goes talking about the Jews and their rejection of " jesus" The Jews do not hate Christians. Throughout history it has been the opposite. Yet she talks about TOLERANCE? LOL

Major Religions Ranked by Size

Above are all the major religions. Obviously the majority do not believe in " jesus" Wonder if the " christian" hates them? She learned a lot in her " church"

Veteran----she has expressed a very INQUISITION style disdain of all who
"REJECT JESUS" but simply forgot that the persecutions of all "not saved"---
included muslims for the simple reason that until recently ----they disdained
jesus-----the whole story being a "PERVERSE FRAUD" (and still do---except
on some occassions for reasons of politics) For her the DEICIDE thing has
been FIXED up to constitute a MUTUAL LIBEL for use by both muslims and
her style of 'christian' -------TRINITY OF CONVENIENCE ---allah-isa-mo

nothing new-----adolf abu ali------did not reject religion----he liked it---
especially for women------KINDER KUCHEN AND KIRCHE----the
KKK in english the PCP pregnant-cooking-praying. Jesus was
just a bit too jewish----with that meek and mild stuff ---no good for men.

all is not lost----as a kid I knew other kids who would feel insulted if
I said "jesus never ate bacon"-------but NOW sherri can SUDDENLY
accept that idea-------well-----at least ISA did not

List of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians

Islam: Muslims Have Always Killed Christians

She condemns the Jews for not recognizing " jesus" yet she doesn't condemn Muslims for killing and enslaving his " followers?" Hypocritical, don't you think? LOL! Just answered my own question

Indonesia Frees Muslim Terrorist Who Beheaded 3 Christian Girls as ?Ramadan Present? | FrontPage Magazine

How does she feel about those Muslims who BEHEAD " christians?"
She condemns the Jews for not recognizing " jesus" yet she doesn't condemn Muslims for killing and enslaving his " followers?" Hypocritical, don't you think? LOL! Just answered my own question

Indonesia Frees Muslim Terrorist Who Beheaded 3 Christian Girls as ?Ramadan Present? | FrontPage Magazine

How does she feel about those Muslims who BEHEAD " christians?"

there is always a logical explanation-----perhaps he did it because of the
existence of 'christian zionists' -----he did not do it because of the
filthy lie which is the 'new testament' since muslims have no decide that
the new testament is not as 'filthy' a lie as it used to be. ---but that does
not stop the saudis from shredding bibles and arresting anyone who gives
one to a muslim or even sits on a park bench reading one

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