Israeli Cowards Raid Gaza Hospital, fabricate evidence

i was groggy groggy i accused them of having a gold fish in the machine...i could see it..last thing i heard was a male voice saying ,,,put her under

i took an mri..there was metal in the room
Fret not-----even if you were wearing a ring-----PROBABLY nothing would happen. I have stories-----but best not to divulge
A "unit" is an area/department of a hospital.

If they'd said they found rifles next to the actual scanner, you might have a point. It is perfectly feasible to set up a command post in a scetion of a hopital, which consists of offices etc., in the first place.
But you forget "the medical supplies" boxes where the guns were found in addition to the fact that MRI room is free from magnets and metals for it dangerously horrible effect on them.
But you forget "the medical supplies" boxes where the guns were found in addition to the fact that MRI room is free from magnets and metals for it dangerously horrible effect on them.
wrong-----the MRI room is not free of metals. The INSIDE of the machine, ie the space into which the patient is inserted, should be free of metals-----but-----the negative effects are actually rare. It the metal is in the FIELD OF INTEREST---to wit the brain-------the image is a bit screwed up. VERY RARELY a metal object can be
JETTISONED by the strong magnetic field------I assure you----allah give you
incorrect information
But you forget "the medical supplies" boxes where the guns were found in addition to the fact that MRI room is free from magnets and metals for it dangerously horrible effect on them.
They said unit. There's the problem.

You don't have a point here.
A "unit" is an area/department of a hospital.

If they'd said they found rifles next to the actual scanner, you might have a point. It is perfectly feasible to set up a command post in a scetion of a hopital, which consists of offices etc., in the first place.
Not according to the laws of war. Fueri and Ancient Lion are accessories after the fact in violation of the international laws of war.
Eighteen hours after the raid on the hospital began, the Israeli military released photos and video that it said backed its assertions. It distributed images of 13 guns that it said its soldiers had discovered in the hospital, as well as a statement saying that it had found a military command center in the hospital’s M.R.I. unit.

Wait, did you not just recently make a post where you claimed that an incident that happened four years ago just happened? And insisted that anybody that did not agree with you was a liar?

And here you are doing it yet again?

OK, I now take it back, as I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you may have just been taken in by a tweet and thought it was real. It's obvious you purposefully seek out crap like this, and are more than aware you are pumping out nothing but propaganda.
That you support verbally and publicly Hamas' violations of the law of war a matter of accessory after the fact.

Pointing out that he didn't have an argument and why is an accessory after the fact.

Maybe in your world, but not in the real one. lol
Libs in general and Hamas huggers in particular take an occurrent situation and outcome that is unfavorable to them and lie label it as “staged”
This is why the abandonment of reality was created by libs starting 5 years ago
Libs in general and Hamas huggers in particular take an occurrent situation and outcome that is unfavorable to them and lie label it as “staged”
This is why the abandonment of reality was created by libs starting 5 years ago

Want to know the funny thing about that,? It is not even recent.

That song is actually over 50 years old. So it's not like that is anything that should surprise anybody.
But you forget "the medical supplies" boxes where the guns were found in addition to the fact that MRI room is free from magnets and metals for it dangerously horrible effect on them.
Right because Hamas cares about the MRI machine. :laughing0301:
sorry old cat------MRI is my field----your post is so utterly WRONG it's obvious origin is in the VILE STINK AND FILTH OF ISLAM----the armaments were found in the MRI suite-----NOT IN THE MACHINE-----you are quite a muhummad ass licking pile of shit. For the record----fellow cyber buddies----Metal objects should not be taken INTO THE MRI machine whilst it is in operation because INSIDE THE MACHINE there is a strong magnetic field-----that has NO EFFECT on objects in the VICINITY of the machine. Islamic cats are DESPERATE
Seems like the both of you are working off third hand information and media reports. Neither of you were there so how can either of you be so confident in what actually happened? Without the certainty of knowing what actually happened how can you justify your hateful and visceral response?
This is partially why comedy is now outlawed by so many under 40.. Comedy almost always strikes on some nerve of truth

And the thing is, that was actually by the National Lampoon. They were not unlike Saturday Night Live at the time (in fact most of the original SNL cast came from National Lampoon) in that they were obviously "Left Leaning", but felt it their duty to poke fun at either side of the fence politically.

And that song and the person singing it? Well, that's none other than Christopher Guest. Known to some as Nigel Tufnel, and to others as Mister Jamie Lee Curtis, and to others as 5th Baron Haden-Guest. Who is a life-long supporter of the Labor Party, as was his family. I think it was more simply recognizing the hypocrisy of his own party and having fun with it.

I absolutely detest those that want to censor comedy and other forms of expression. Every time I hear about "Cancel Culture" and how some should be prohibited from saying things that might hurt their feelings, I get these images of torchlight parades by people holding swastika banners on their way to book burnings.
Yeah, it a valid point. Your comments make no sense.

Probably because you didn't read all the comments, so you are ignorantly chiming in without knowing WTF it is you are actually commenting on.

I'm typing very slowly in order to make this clear.

His "point" was that these things were found in the MRI unit and that that was impossible because one cannot have metal in an MRI unit.

I pointed out that a 'unit' in a hospital is tantamount to a area/department, in other words Hamas certainly could have stored metal items in such a place, which consists of a suite of offices, exam rooms, etc., therefore his argument was nonsense.

Now go find something else to errantly blather about.

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