Israeli Intel Officers Reportedly Confirm: Global Spy Agencies Looking Into Trump's Russia Ties


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Israel has more on trump then letting on

Two Israeli intelligence officers have reportedly confirmed that the unsubstantiated dossier containing compromising information Russia has on President-elect Donald Trump is being investigated by intelligence agencies across the Western world.
>> Putin plot flusters Washington and mars Trump's inauguration | Analysis <<
The documents, published by Buzzfeed hours after CNN reported that Moscow has "compromising" information on the president-elect, are attributed to Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent who was privately contracted by Trumps' political opponents to examine his ties to the Kremlin. Trump has vehemently denied the reports as "fake news."
“You can trust me that many intelligence agencies are trying to evaluate the extent to which Trump might have ties, or a weakness of some type, to Russia,” one of the Israeli officers was cited saying in a report carried by Buzzfeed on Saturday.
According to Buzzfeed, Israel purportedly received the dossier through an unnamed ally in Europe, but has yet to coroborate its contents.
“There have been various reports about Trump’s ties to Russia,” one intelligence officer was quoted as telling Buzzfeed, evidently in reference to additional yet unpublished reports. “The dossier is one of them, but there are others, they make other allegations. Some are more specific, and some are less,” he reportedly said.
skip - Intelligence document claiming Russia has 'compromising information' on Trump

read more: Israeli intel officers reportedly confirm: Global spy agencies looking into Trump's Russia ties
This all would have made an interesting spy novel if it had been written as a gigantic campaign to discredit American news sources and intelligence community.
Israeli intelligence officials are concerned that the exposure of classified information to their American counterparts under a Trump administration could lead to their being leaked to Russia and onward to Iran, investigative journalist Ronen Bergman reported by Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot on Thursday.

The intelligence concerns, which have been discussed in closed forums recently, are based on suspicions of unreported ties between President-elect Donald Trump, or his associates, and the government of Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

YNET: U.S. Intel Officials Tell Israel Not To Share Info With Trump Administration
Israeli intelligence officials are concerned that the exposure of classified information to their American counterparts under a Trump administration could lead to their being leaked to Russia and onward to Iran, investigative journalist Ronen Bergman reported by Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot on Thursday.

The intelligence concerns, which have been discussed in closed forums recently, are based on suspicions of unreported ties between President-elect Donald Trump, or his associates, and the government of Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

YNET: U.S. Intel Officials Tell Israel Not To Share Info With Trump Administration
Sorry, but we dont find your fake news to be very compelling. Quit being childish.
Israel should be concerned about leaks to Russia and Iran. Our intelligence agencies are untrustworthy. Anyone in a position to have access to sensitive information could be an obama loyalist and Jew hater like obama.

Until democrats are dug out and thrown out, loyalists would do anything to bring Trump down. Espionage and sabotage is a snack.

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