Israeli Man Sentenced To Life In Prison For Murder Of Palestinian Teen

Is redemption possible for someone who can cold bloodedly kidnap and burn to death a kid? I always think redemption is possible - people can change - but in order to do so, you have to recognize that what you did was wrong, have remorse. Some people are damaged - they have no empathy or conscience - behind their eyes is nothing...can something develop out of that?

Israeli Man Sentenced To Life In Prison For Murder Of Palestinian Teen

Wow Coyote, I know that you claim to be a neutral in this, but the emotion that you put into your commentary on the article: well, I feel it and see a picture you that seems to be much more forgiving for the Palestinians than you are the Israels.

What about the three Israeli teens that were kidnapped and murdered? What of the perps in that one? Do not get me wrong, it was pure vigilantism for these Israelis to kidnap and the burn and murder a Palestinian; the only difference is that the Israelis were arrested and tried. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Palestinians did not get arrested, right?

2014 kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hussam Qawasmeh was sentenced to three life terms in prison for the murders as well as a compensation payment of $63,000 to the victims' families.

Yes, he was caught, convicted and sentenced.

Some murders are particularly brutal. In my mind, burning a child to death is one of the more horrific ways of killing someone. That is what made this particular crime stand out. What sort of person could stand there and set someone on fire and watch them die? You're making this about Israeli's vs. Palestinians rather than the horrific nature of the crime itself.

And, just as an fyi - I've never claimed neutrality.
Who is whining? You need to follow the thread. No one is asking that Christians or Muslims be given a special exception.

Are you that hollow that you can't follow the train of thought?

As he craftily and carefully stretches that train to the thread's usual derailment by monti. And he thinks we cannot see that. Is he really that hollow?
2014 kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hussam Qawasmeh was sentenced to three life terms in prison for the murders as well as a compensation payment of $63,000 to the victims' families.

Yes, he was caught, convicted and sentenced.

I gave a quick perusal of that wiki page just before I replied and man is it ever full of stuff! Like that he was the mastermind, but the actual perps have yet to be found.

Some murders are particularly brutal. In my mind, burning a child to death is one of the more horrific ways of killing someone. That is what made this particular crime stand out. What sort of person could stand there and set someone on fire and watch them die? You're making this about Israeli's vs. Palestinians rather than the horrific nature of the crime itself.

On the former part here, I totally agree. Yet the latter part that I put in bold is you putting words into my mouth. I am not making it that at all. I was just making an observation:

And, just as an fyi - I've never claimed neutrality.

So you have had me fooled. Now the truth comes out? Palestine from the river to the sea? Is that you?
2014 kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hussam Qawasmeh was sentenced to three life terms in prison for the murders as well as a compensation payment of $63,000 to the victims' families.

Yes, he was caught, convicted and sentenced.

I gave a quick perusal of that wiki page just before I replied and man is it ever full of stuff! Like that he was the mastermind, but the actual perps have yet to be found.

Some murders are particularly brutal. In my mind, burning a child to death is one of the more horrific ways of killing someone. That is what made this particular crime stand out. What sort of person could stand there and set someone on fire and watch them die? You're making this about Israeli's vs. Palestinians rather than the horrific nature of the crime itself.

On the former part here, I totally agree. Yet the latter part that I put in bold is you putting words into my mouth. I am not making it that at all. I was just making an observation:

And, just as an fyi - I've never claimed neutrality.

So you have had me fooled. Now the truth comes out? Palestine from the river to the sea? Is that you?

There is a huge amount of space between rabid-pro-Israel and rabid-pro-Palestinian.

Palestine from river to sea? No. I've made my positions clear many times. I'm pro-both depending on the area being discussed - but I'm not neutral or impartial. I don't think anyone here is.
Kudos to the Israelis on this one.
More kudos if they demolish his family's home like they would do if he were Palestinian.

Different laws in place as he was not at war with Israel
Yes different laws for different classes of citizen.

No differntb laws as dictated by the Geneva conventions, something you Jew haters cant understand. The laws in the west bank are those of the nation in charge when the land was occupied, aren't you glad Israel does not institute the death penalty that Jordanian law allows. The laws in Israel are those of Israel who does not have a death penalty.

The Geneva convention says that any structure used for terrorism, military and militia purposes can be destroyed to stop any further use. This does not apply to Israeli citizens in Israel
Kudos to the Israelis on this one.
More kudos if they demolish his family's home like they would do if he were Palestinian.

Different laws in place as he was not at war with Israel
Yes different laws for different classes of citizen.

Considering mass murdering Palestinians get set free and Jewish killers don't, that should even the scale. The family's home won't be destroyed. Next.

Palestinians are convicted and jailed routinely for even throwing rocks.

Jordanian law in practise as commanded by the Geneva conventions. Just not as far as imposing the death penalty for such actions as dictated by Jordanian law.
Muslims and Christian Arabs should of course be punished for crimes committed, who has said otherwise? You are posting true to your name Hollow Hollie, you just can't keep up.

So why bring it up if it has no relevance. They throw rocks, they get arrested, they face the court and get sentenced. END OF STORY
Is redemption possible for someone who can cold bloodedly kidnap and burn to death a kid? I always think redemption is possible - people can change - but in order to do so, you have to recognize that what you did was wrong, have remorse. Some people are damaged - they have no empathy or conscience - behind their eyes is nothing...can something develop out of that?

Israeli Man Sentenced To Life In Prison For Murder Of Palestinian Teen

Did you want his head cut off by Jihadists on Al Jazeera? He went to prison, justice served.

No, I think his punishment is suitable - justice is served.

Is redemption possible for someone who can cold bloodedly kidnap and burn to death a kid? I always think redemption is possible - people can change - but in order to do so, you have to recognize that what you did was wrong, have remorse. Some people are damaged - they have no empathy or conscience - behind their eyes is nothing...can something develop out of that?

Israeli Man Sentenced To Life In Prison For Murder Of Palestinian Teen

Did you want his head cut off by Jihadists on Al Jazeera? He went to prison, justice served.

No, I think his punishment is suitable - justice is served.

He should have been served if he'd have got 30 years in prison. But he got over 50. (25 years life+ 20 years)

He should have gotten life inprosonment like any other killer. The only reason why he got extra 20 years is to shut up the anti-Israeli crowd. Which I think is kind of Pathetic, if you ask me. Should the Israeli justice system make decisions based on populism?

But never mind that. Guy was an asshole and he should rot like the asshole he is. Never changes the fact that the Israeli justice system is slowly turning into a laughing stock.

30 years isn't life.

Two separate punishments in most nations statutes. There is life which means up to 25 years in jail, and then there is whole life which means what it says. The severity of the crime dictates which sentence is passed , and it is a bone of contention in the UK as the EU wants the whole life taking out of the statutes. Israel has a 25 years life plus 20, while other places would not add the two together but have them running side by side
No, I think his punishment is suitable - justice is served.

No, I think his punishment is suitable - justice is served.

He should have been served if he'd have got 30 years in prison. But he got over 50. (25 years life+ 20 years)

He should have gotten life inprosonment like any other killer. The only reason why he got extra 20 years is to shut up the anti-Israeli crowd. Which I think is kind of Pathetic, if you ask me. Should the Israeli justice system make decisions based on populism?

But never mind that. Guy was an asshole and he should rot like the asshole he is. Never changes the fact that the Israeli justice system is slowly turning into a laughing stock.

30 years isn't life.

There isn't "life sentence" in Israel. The Israeli term is "world sentence", which is 25 years. That's the maximum punishment, and the only punishment in murder crimes.

That's something interesting which I didn't know. Are you saying that mass-murdering terrorists don't get life sentences?

That depends. If you kill more than one person the law sentences you to 25 for each person you killed. That was what happened with the Fogel family killers. They were sentenced 5 times 25, for the whole family.

But you many times hear of them being released due to infuriating deals, so...

Or because the Judge imposed the sentences to run concurrently, which makes a mockery of the " justice seen to be done" trait in many nations
Kudos to the Israelis on this one.
More kudos if they demolish his family's home like they would do if he were Palestinian.

Different laws in place as he was not at war with Israel
Yes different laws for different classes of citizen.

Considering mass murdering Palestinians get set free and Jewish killers don't, that should even the scale. The family's home won't be destroyed. Next.

Jewish terrorists have long gotten lenient treatment and still do - why such outrage? Their homes should be destroyed like any other terrorist murderer.

Because INTERNATIONAL LAW dictates that it does not work that way. Don't like it then change International laws.

How many times have you had this explained and still you want to treat the Jews differently to the rest of the world. This is RACISM and ANTI SEMITISM at its worst.
2014 kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hussam Qawasmeh was sentenced to three life terms in prison for the murders as well as a compensation payment of $63,000 to the victims' families.

Yes, he was caught, convicted and sentenced.

I gave a quick perusal of that wiki page just before I replied and man is it ever full of stuff! Like that he was the mastermind, but the actual perps have yet to be found.

Some murders are particularly brutal. In my mind, burning a child to death is one of the more horrific ways of killing someone. That is what made this particular crime stand out. What sort of person could stand there and set someone on fire and watch them die? You're making this about Israeli's vs. Palestinians rather than the horrific nature of the crime itself.

On the former part here, I totally agree. Yet the latter part that I put in bold is you putting words into my mouth. I am not making it that at all. I was just making an observation:

And, just as an fyi - I've never claimed neutrality.

So you have had me fooled. Now the truth comes out? Palestine from the river to the sea? Is that you?

There is a huge amount of space between rabid-pro-Israel and rabid-pro-Palestinian.

Palestine from river to sea? No. I've made my positions clear many times. I'm pro-both depending on the area being discussed - but I'm not neutral or impartial. I don't think anyone here is.

Are you pro International law when it works in the Jews/Israel's favour or are you anti ?
More kudos if they demolish his family's home like they would do if he were Palestinian.

Different laws in place as he was not at war with Israel
Yes different laws for different classes of citizen.

Considering mass murdering Palestinians get set free and Jewish killers don't, that should even the scale. The family's home won't be destroyed. Next.

Jewish terrorists have long gotten lenient treatment and still do - why such outrage? Their homes should be destroyed like any other terrorist murderer.

Because INTERNATIONAL LAW dictates that it does not work that way. Don't like it then change International laws.

How many times have you had this explained and still you want to treat the Jews differently to the rest of the world. This is RACISM and ANTI SEMITISM at its worst.

Do you have a problem with Jewish terrorists being treated the same as other terrorists? "This is RACISM and ANTI SEMITISM at its worst."

I'm beginning to think, from several debates - that you support Jewish terrorists. You certainly excuse them often enough, and now you seem to think they should be treated with kid gloves - ie - differently than other terrorists. Which way is it Phoenal - DO you oppose terrorism? DO oppose ALL terrorism or is some of it ok in your odd little mind?
2014 kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hussam Qawasmeh was sentenced to three life terms in prison for the murders as well as a compensation payment of $63,000 to the victims' families.

Yes, he was caught, convicted and sentenced.

I gave a quick perusal of that wiki page just before I replied and man is it ever full of stuff! Like that he was the mastermind, but the actual perps have yet to be found.

Some murders are particularly brutal. In my mind, burning a child to death is one of the more horrific ways of killing someone. That is what made this particular crime stand out. What sort of person could stand there and set someone on fire and watch them die? You're making this about Israeli's vs. Palestinians rather than the horrific nature of the crime itself.

On the former part here, I totally agree. Yet the latter part that I put in bold is you putting words into my mouth. I am not making it that at all. I was just making an observation:

And, just as an fyi - I've never claimed neutrality.

So you have had me fooled. Now the truth comes out? Palestine from the river to the sea? Is that you?

There is a huge amount of space between rabid-pro-Israel and rabid-pro-Palestinian.

Palestine from river to sea? No. I've made my positions clear many times. I'm pro-both depending on the area being discussed - but I'm not neutral or impartial. I don't think anyone here is.

Are you pro International law when it works in the Jews/Israel's favour or are you anti ?

You have to be far more specific then that in order for me to give an accurate answer, and your grip on international law is not always accurate as it applies to Palestinians and Israel. I think Rocco straightened that out.

I will say I support Israel's right to defend itself, it's right to exist, and the right of it's citizens to access shared holy sites.
More kudos if they demolish his family's home like they would do if he were Palestinian.

Different laws in place as he was not at war with Israel
Yes different laws for different classes of citizen.

Considering mass murdering Palestinians get set free and Jewish killers don't, that should even the scale. The family's home won't be destroyed. Next.

Palestinians are convicted and jailed routinely for even throwing rocks.

Jordanian law in practise as commanded by the Geneva conventions. Just not as far as imposing the death penalty for such actions as dictated by Jordanian law.

I don't think that is true anymore - somewhere this was discussed and dismissed, I'll have to find the conversation.

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