Israeli military 'fired indiscriminately' in Gaza


Oh: another Dick!!!

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LOL wow Jos, you really are desperate :lol: :lol: :lol:

Here's the actual truth. ISIS is an Islamist terrorist organization who slaughter anyone they feel like in the name of the Allah
Then tell us why they never attack Israel?

Who says they haven't, or don't you see their handlers as being the attackers through other proxies
You had us at "Israeli activist group". False accusations by a bunch of crazy radical leftists. Israel has them just like we have them here in the US.

baz ke goozidee?
No, they're testimonies from the boots-on-the-ground who were there, so go fuck yourself!

They told the force to shoot anyone in the street
testimony catalog number: 18558
rank: other
unit: Engineering Corps
area: Rafah area
period: 2000 - 2003

They actually shot at whoever was walking around in the street. It always ended with, “We killed six terrorists today.” Whoever you shot in the street is “a terrorist.”

That’s what they say at the briefings?
The goal is to kill terrorists.

No, what are the rules of engagement?
Whoever’s walking around at night, shoot to kill
Fuck you Israeli kiss-asses!
You had us at "Israeli activist group". False accusations by a bunch of crazy radical leftists. Israel has them just like we have them here in the US.

baz ke goozidee?
No, they're testimonies from the boots-on-the-ground who were there, so go fuck yourself!

They told the force to shoot anyone in the street
testimony catalog number: 18558
rank: other
unit: Engineering Corps
area: Rafah area
period: 2000 - 2003

They actually shot at whoever was walking around in the street. It always ended with, “We killed six terrorists today.” Whoever you shot in the street is “a terrorist.”

That’s what they say at the briefings?
The goal is to kill terrorists.

No, what are the rules of engagement?
Whoever’s walking around at night, shoot to kill
Fuck you Israeli kiss-asses!

ALLEGEDLY which means that some lunatic made it up and this left wing group has ran with it.

By the way what is the rule in American cities these days regarding suspicious individuals ?
Everyone fired at is a terrorist.

They were fired at - so of course, they must have been terrorists
testimony catalog number: 402198
unit: Infantry
area: Southern Gaza strip
period: 2014

There was a force that identified two figures walking in an orchard, around 800 or 900 meters from the force’s zone perimeter. They were two young women walking in the orchard. The commander asked to confirm, “What do you see,” and whether they were incriminated or not. It was during daytime, around 11:00 AM, or noon. The lookouts couldn’t see well so the commander sent a drone up to look from above, and the drone implicated them. It saw them with phones, talking, walking. They directed fire there, on those girls, and they were killed. After they were implicated, I had a feeling it was bullshit.

On what was the incrimination based?
Scouts. “The [Palestinian girls] can surely see the tanks, and they can surely see the smoke rising from all the engineering work.” After that the commander told the tank commander to go scan that place, and three tanks went to check [the bodies]. They check the bodies, and it was two women, over age 30. The bodies of two women, and they were unarmed. He came back and we moved on, and they were listed as terrorists. They were fired at – so of course, they must have been terrorists
You people are a cancer to this planet.

ALLEGEDLY which means that some lunatic made it up and this left wing group has ran with it.

By the way what is the rule in American cities these days regarding suspicious individuals ?
No fuckhead, it's a testimony from an IDF soldier.

Prove it isn't asshole, or shut your mother-fucking, god-damn lying ass mouth!
“What the hell, why did you have to shoot him again?”
testimony catalog number: 182607
rank: Staff Sergeant
unit: Infantry
area: Northern Gaza strip
period: 2014

We were in a house with the reconnaissance platoon, and there was some soldier stationed at the guard post. We were instructed [during the briefings] that whoever’s in the area is dangerous, is suspect. Especially if it’s a vehicle – in that case you really pound it with bullets, everybody stationed in the posts. [There was one case where] a soldier who was in one of the posts saw an old [Palestinian] man approaching, so he shouted that some old man was getting near. He didn’t shoot at him – he fired near him. What I know, because I checked this, is that one of the other soldiers shot that grandpa twice. A big hoopla got going, everyone got their gear quick and wanted to go outside because, like they say in the IDF, ‘strive for engagement.’ I went up to a window to see what was going on out there, and I saw there was an old man lying on the ground, he was shot in his leg and he was wounded. It was horrible, the wound was horrible, and he looked either dead or unconscious to me. So we went down and told that entire force – these guys were all truly twisted – “Enough, there’s no reason to shoot him, get a grip, he’s dead.” And so an argument starts up [between the soldiers]: “What makes you an expert on death? What are you, some doctor?” And then after that, some guy from the company went out and shot that man again, and that, for me, was the last straw. I don’t think there was a single guy in my platoon who wasn’t shocked by that.

It’s not like we’re a bunch of leftists, but – why? Like, what the hell, why did you have to shoot him again?

One of the problems in this story is that there was no inquiry into it, at least none that I know of. Not a word was spoken to us about it later on – nobody told us how we were expected to behave. So we hashed out our own conclusions – that the first two bullets were justified because if he had an IED on him, then what?

What was it for, really?
Dead checking. I don’t buy it. You leave [the Gaza Strip] and the most obvious question is, ‘did you kill anybody?’ What can you do – even if you’ll meet the most left-wing girl in the world, eventually she’ll start thinking, “Did you ever kill somebody, or not?” And what can you do about it, most people in our society consider that to be a badge of honor. So everybody wants to come out of there with that feeling of satisfaction. That’s what shocked me the most. We have guys in our company walking around with X’s marked on their straps, it’s a sort of culture. Maybe it sounds to you like I’m exaggerating, but… I’d like for this whole thing of X marks – even if it’s somebody who just saved an entire Israeli family – to be forbidden. Because when it comes down to it, when we don’t need to use fire, then people – even if they are very good people – something in their mind just jerks
Did you get that mother-fuckers?

In case you didn't, here it is in Hebrew...

מספר קטלוגי
דרגה: סמ"ר
יחידה: חי"ר
אזור: צפון רצועת עזה
תקופה: 2014
היינו בתוך הבית עם מחס"ר (מחלקת סיור), והיה איזשהו חייל שהיה בש"ג. [בתדריכים] נתנו לנו הוראה שכל מי שנמצא באזור הוא מסוכן, הוא חשוד. אם זה רכב, בכלל כאילו לזמבר אותו בירי, כל מי שבעמדות. [היה מקרה ש]חייל שהיה באחת העמדות ראה מישהו זקן מתקרב, והוא צעק שמישהו זקן מתקרב. הוא לא ירה בו, הוא ירה לידו. מה שאני יודע כי בדקתי את זה, זה שאחד החיילים האחרים ירה בסבא הזה פעמיים. [התחיל] בלגן בבית, כולם עלו מהר על ציוד ורצו לצאת כי כמו שאומרים בצה"ל - לחתור למגע. אני עליתי למעלה לחלון כדי לראות מה קורה שם וראיתי שיש מישהו זקן ששוכב על הרצפה, ירו בו ברגל והוא פצוע. זה היה מחריד, הפציעה הייתה מחרידה, ובעיניי הוא היה נראה או מת או מחוסר הכרה. אז ירדנו למטה ואמרנו לכל הכוח הזה, שהם היו באמת לא נורמליים: "מספיק, אין מה לירות בו, תירגעו, הוא מת". והיה ויכוח [בין החיילים] "מאיפה אתה מבין בענייני מתים? מה, אתה דוקטור?" אחר כך יצא מישהו מהפלוגה שלי וירה בו עוד פעם, שזה כאילו מבחינתי הקש ששבר את גב הגמל. אני לא חושב שהיה מישהו במחלקה שלי שלא היה בהלם. אנחנו לא איזה חבורה של שמאלנים, פשוט למה? כאילו דחיל רבאק, למה היה צריך לירות בו עוד פעם? אחת הבעיות בסיפור הזה היא שלא היה על זה תחקיר שאני מכיר לפחות. לא דיברו איתנו על זה אחר כך שום מילה, לא אמרו לנו איך צריך לנהוג. אז אנחנו עשינו לעצמנו את המסקנות שלנו ששתי היריות הראשונות היו נכונות כי אם היה לו מטען מה היינו עושים?
למה זה היה בעצם?
וידוא הריגה. אני לא קונה את זה. יוצאים החוצה [מעזה] והשאלה הכי מתבקשת זה אם הרגת מישהו? אין מה לעשות, אפילו אם תפגוש את השמאלנית הכי גדולה, בסופו של דבר היא תחשוב, יצא לך להרוג או לא? ומה לעשות שברוב החברה שלנו אנשים כאילו לוקחים את זה ככבוד. אז כל אחד רוצה לצאת עם התחושה של הסיפוק הזה. זה הכי זעזע אותי. יש לנו למשל בפלוגה אנשים שמסתובבים עם איקסים על הרצועה, זאת תרבות כזאת. אולי זה נשמע לכם כאילו אני מגזים, אבל... אני הייתי רוצה שהעניין הזהשל האיקסים, אפילו אם מישהו הציל עכשיו משפחה שלמה מישראל, שזה יהיה אסור.

You fuckers are disgusting.
Everyone fired at is a terrorist.

They were fired at - so of course, they must have been terrorists
testimony catalog number: 402198
unit: Infantry
area: Southern Gaza strip
period: 2014

There was a force that identified two figures walking in an orchard, around 800 or 900 meters from the force’s zone perimeter. They were two young women walking in the orchard. The commander asked to confirm, “What do you see,” and whether they were incriminated or not. It was during daytime, around 11:00 AM, or noon. The lookouts couldn’t see well so the commander sent a drone up to look from above, and the drone implicated them. It saw them with phones, talking, walking. They directed fire there, on those girls, and they were killed. After they were implicated, I had a feeling it was bullshit.

On what was the incrimination based?
Scouts. “The [Palestinian girls] can surely see the tanks, and they can surely see the smoke rising from all the engineering work.” After that the commander told the tank commander to go scan that place, and three tanks went to check [the bodies]. They check the bodies, and it was two women, over age 30. The bodies of two women, and they were unarmed. He came back and we moved on, and they were listed as terrorists. They were fired at – so of course, they must have been terrorists
You people are a cancer to this planet.

Because we don't subscribe to your RACISM, JEW HATRED and ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA.

As I asked what is the policy in the US today regarding anyone the officer sees as suspicious ?

The cancer is left wing lunatics that appease islamonazi child rape to collect a few votes, as happened in the UK a scant 5 years ago.
ALLEGEDLY which means that some lunatic made it up and this left wing group has ran with it.

By the way what is the rule in American cities these days regarding suspicious individuals ?
No fuckhead, it's a testimony from an IDF soldier.

Prove it isn't asshole, or shut your mother-fucking, god-damn lying ass mouth!

Read the article again and you will see the word ALLEGEDLY, which in your circles means that it was made up fantasy.
That is all the proof any decent free thinking person needs
An Israeli activist group has accused the military of employing a "policy of indiscriminate fire" that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Palestinian civilians during last year's Gaza war.

Breaking the Silence said the rules of engagement during the 50-day conflict were "the most permissive" it had seen.

It published testimonies of soldiers, one of whom said they were ordered to shoot to kill any person they saw.

Israeli military fired indiscriminately in Gaza - BBC News

How moral is killing unarmed civilians?

I cant believe you're this ignorant.
Surely this is just a weak attempt at trolling.
You had us at "Israeli activist group". False accusations by a bunch of crazy radical leftists. Israel has them just like we have them here in the US.

baz ke goozidee?
No, they're testimonies from the boots-on-the-ground who were there, so go fuck yourself!

They told the force to shoot anyone in the street
testimony catalog number: 18558
rank: other
unit: Engineering Corps
area: Rafah area
period: 2000 - 2003

They actually shot at whoever was walking around in the street. It always ended with, “We killed six terrorists today.” Whoever you shot in the street is “a terrorist.”

That’s what they say at the briefings?
The goal is to kill terrorists.

No, what are the rules of engagement?
Whoever’s walking around at night, shoot to kill
Fuck you Israeli kiss-asses!

Au contrare..the Israelis kicked Hamas filth asses.

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LOL wow Jos, you really are desperate :lol: :lol: :lol:

Here's the actual truth. ISIS is an Islamist terrorist organization who slaughter anyone they feel like in the name of the Allah
Then tell us why they never attack Israel?

ISIS has quite a few countries/militias attacking them. Why on earth would they want Israel to be after them ?
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LOL wow Jos, you really are desperate :lol: :lol: :lol:

Here's the actual truth. ISIS is an Islamist terrorist organization who slaughter anyone they feel like in the name of the Allah
Then tell us why they never attack Israel?

ISIS has quite a few countries/militias attacking them. Why on earth would they want Israel to be after them ?

hoping everyone unite and focus on Israel as the 'demon' instead of ISIS

like a magic trick, you look in the wrong direction and don't notice what else is happening

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